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Posts posted by EscortAlpha

  1. 2 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

    The armored figure didn't even hesitate, beginning to crawl over to the new location of the sword.

    Bang. The blade was sent spinning again, away from the figure. The Frost shuffled around the edge, lining up the next shot.

    2 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

    Slowly, the Constable began to move again. His eyes were wide with surprise, and his hands immediately went for his revolvers, only to find that they weren't there. He rose to his feet, eyeing Acambria with suspicion.

    "Kuva?" he began, before the act of speaking brought about a serious of heavy coughs.

    Acambria was idling twirling one of the constables handguns now, the syringe gun laying next to him. "Kuva, some artificial blood cells, saline to keep everything moving..." He stop twirling the revolver. "Always worked for me when I was supposed to be bleeding out. So, who put you down? The Mag? the Clone? The neonate Mesa?" Acambria asked, slowly passing back the revolvers. "I mean, you obviously got some good shots in on me. but... look where we are now."

  2. On 12/17/2017 at 11:22 PM, Daakjenaar said:

    "Power loss imminent!" A crewman yelled. "Get a camera on the horde while you can!"

    "Checking... uh... I can see a few dozen, but they fill the entire field of vision. I would guess at least a hundred." He said with a combination of dread and dismay. "And there is a confirmed sighting of that... Thing... with them."

    Clogori merely stared at the Bridge doors, completely still. The sounds of the horde running were now audible. The sounds of a few hundred feet hitting the ground repeatedly. They were extremely close. Several operatives got set up around the door, ready to fire in case they broke through. Leveret, Celeste, and maybe Ebony would recognize Efahz hiding behind an abandoned console, holding his Lato (He had never elaborated on how he had found the predominately Tenno pistol) and shaking, probably out of fear at this point.

    18 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    "Wish we had an ember with us," Ebony muttered, standing up and readying her glaive.

    12 hours ago, rabbitsandroses said:

    "I'd say 'maybe next time', but I like to think this won't happen again." Leveret said, adjusting his position so his shield could extend the protective yellow-orange energy to as many operatives as possible.

    "Well make do." Chegar said sternly, Sobek in his right hand, Bastille in his left. "Those things are still just infested. Just Keep your eye's out for the Loki; He'll be our main issue." Chegar eyes the shred pads he had placed around the doors just before the survey team's returned; The first wave would be in for a rough surprise.

  3. 10 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    The creature within struggled weakly against Svytoj, but eventually let itself by pulled out by him. Its limbs were covered in some kind of carapace, but it was surprisingly soft - as if it hadn't finished developing yet.

    When Svytoj reached the creature within the slug, the infested monstrosity gave one final wail, and fell still.

    The void blasts 'cauterized' the slug's wounds - at least as much as it could be. This did cause the wounds to ooze slightly less of the strange, slightly venomous liquid.

    4 hours ago, rabbitsandroses said:

    The tenno stared at the creature. "What...the....hellllllll......" they said. "Is it...what is it? It looks like the bug version of a preemie grineer."

    1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

    As Svytoj pulled it out of the slug, it became fully visible.

    It was a truly disturbing sight, an infested entity that hadn't fully developed. Pale slime dripped from its soft carapace as it twitched and fell to the ground, unable to support its own weight. Its hands and feet were long claws made of a similar carapace, yet seemed surprisingly brittle. Its head was mostly comprised of a massive mouth containing row upon row of jagged teeth, with three luminous orange eyes on either side of its head. Two fleshy cords trailed from its back, connecting it to the slug like some kind of twisted umbilical cord.

    But for all of its features, it still exuded weakness. This... thing.... born, for lack of a better word, too early. Its muscles were weak and underdeveloped, unable to even bear its own weight. Its carapace was soft and squishy, its claws equally unsuited for their task. To dash its head against the ground and end its life would be a trivial affair.

    Across the room, the armored figure had dragged himself over to his where his sword had landed, and was removing his helmet as fast as his broken limbs would allow, desperate to take his own life before the tenno could begin prying secrets from him.

    A soma rattled off several rounds, Sending the Blade spinning away from the figure. Smoke billowed from the barrel, the Frost wielding it still perched above the opening.
    "You're not getting off that easy..." Svytoj stated bluntly, the slug's acrid blood dripping off his 'skin'. He looked over at Leveret. "I need a moment. Can you secure that blade for me?" He asked, still holding onto the creature.

    On 12/16/2017 at 7:37 PM, souldrive11 said:


    Do you think you can get though to this... Thing, Mia? Svytoj Thought, Still looking over the creature he was cradling in his arms.
    "...What are you...?" He said quietly to himself.

    10 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    The Constable's body was still there, with several void keys visible under his shirt. He had two revolvers on his person that looked to be very high-quality, but other than that he had carried nothing with him.

    "Okay. Let's see if I can do anything with this..." Acambria said, Void energy sparking across his fingertips. He quickly began to seal as many of the wounds as he could. When the wounds were sealed, He quickly retrieved what looked like a syringe gun; a large glass bulb gorged with red liquid. Acambria pressed the needle into the Constable's abdomen, the oxygen rich synthetic blood flooding into his aorta with one smooth trigger pull. Acambria removed the now empty syringe gun, along with the Constables firearms; if this worked, no point in getting shot right off the bat. Acambria placed his hand over the Constables keys, and discharged some of his key's void energy into them.
    "Alright, bud. Now it's up to you." He said, flushing the Keys with void little by little.

  4. On 12/18/2017 at 6:35 PM, bowiespoon said:

    Although it was grisly, disturbing work, the soft flesh parted easily to his blade. The pale liquid poured all over him, burning slightly but doing little else. In fact, the amounts it was being released from wounds was swiftly decreasing. As Svytoj hacked his way closer to the writing shape, more details could be made out. It was a vaguely humanoid shape, writhing in a small pool of its own blood. It was roughly the size of an average human, though its arms and legs were much longer, and had an extra joint. Its face was still indistinct, but it did appear to be trying to claw its way out of the slug.

    Svytoj fought through the burning sensation, delivering one final slash to the pale tissue, and cutting through to the being inside the slug. he reached inside, grabbing onto the being's wrist, and beginning to slowly pull.

    On 12/18/2017 at 6:28 PM, bowiespoon said:

    Sarah gave no reaction to his statement, but J'Taav just nodded.

    "Our organization shares similar views about the Orokin. The last thing we want is for the Hierarchy to establish a new caste of the bastards. I think we will get along just fine."

    He began to walk towards the exit, Sarah tailing behind him.

    "Good day Bojaun. We will contact you once things are set into motion." J'Taav said as they stepped through the doorway.

    The damaged door closed shut, sparks flying from the frame, leaving Bojaun alone in the room.

    The intruder, Acambria, returned to where the Body of the Constable was (Or would have been), Still trying to glean any details from him.
    Alright, Time to think this all out. That Mesa, with all those voices comin' our of her, She took that ice box and nearly killed everyone in this room. The Mag and That Clone that just left made it a point to say 'Hierarchy'. HI...HI... I still don't know what that means, but they're obviously directly opposed to those two; the mag obviously thinks HI is controlling the Mesa. Acambria looked up from the body for a moment, realizing what exactly he had done. Which means whoever just asked me to work with them is directly opposed to the SAME people I just commissioned to scoop TIN-MAN. He thought, returning this gaze back to the body (or the spot it had been).
    "Now this...This is gonna be Very Interesting." He said to himself, smirking slight with intrigue and discomfort.
    ((So, about The constable's Body.what are we dealing with here?))

  5. 10 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    Sarah looked at him with something approaching suspicion, but J'Taav just grinned under his helmet and extended his own hand. For a grineer who resembled the average lancer, there was a surprising amount of strength in his grip.

    "Splendid, you'll make a fine addition to our little team!" he said, his voice unfalteringly cheerful. "Now, Sarah, would you please explain to our new compatriot how we operate?"

    Sarah sighed, and began to speak in a voice that indicated she has said the same words countless times.

    "While you work for us, you are allowed to pursue your own agendas without any oversight until you are called upon, thereafter you will be expected to comply with whatever directive you have been assigned. Payment will come at regular intervals, with more specialized nodes of payment - that'll be your void array upgrades - will come after you have completed specific assignments. We operate on a need-to-know basis, for your safety and ours. When you are released from service, payments will continue to be given for a period of time, to ensure your silence until it is no longer needed."

    She turned to J'Taav. "That about cover it."

    "More or less," he replied, looking back over to the Intruder, "I've just got to questions for you. First, I'd like to know you name, and secondly, what is your opinion of the late Orokin empire?"

    "Oh ho!" The Intruder said, perking up as soon as he heard J'Taav's question. "The Orokin; usin' people like me for sport, makin' em fight each other, grabbin' kids just to use 'em as new skins, yeah, real great people. would love to've had tea with them." He said, sarcasm bleeding into his speech. "The only thing they were good for was squeezing them for new tech, and even that went south on me." He continued, shaking his head.
    "As for my name..." He said, looking J'Taav dead in the eyes.
    "My name is Acambria. Bojaun Acambria."

    10 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    ((So just to clarify, he's trying to carve his way to the writhing shape?))


  6. On 12/16/2017 at 3:55 AM, bowiespoon said:

    "Keeps life from getting dull." Sarah said casually. J'Taav let out a bark of laughter and put away his tablet.

    "Speaking of odd friends, we could always do with another." J'Taav said, "I pay well, and don't ask questions, provided you do your job."

    He grinned under his helmet, "And if that's a void array you're sporting, then we have some facilities that you might be very interested in."

    Sarah stared at J'Taav, seeming surprised by his offer.

    "Hmmm...." THe intruder stroked his helmet covered chin, trying to get a read on the Grineer. He looked over his shoulder at Sarah, then back to J'Taav.
    "Y'Know... I think I like th' sound o' that..." He said.
    He extended his hand, ready to shake the mans hand. Waiting to see their reaction.

  7. On 12/16/2017 at 4:02 AM, bowiespoon said:


    On 12/16/2017 at 6:47 PM, rabbitsandroses said:


    On 12/16/2017 at 7:37 PM, souldrive11 said:


    3 hours ago, bowiespoon said:


    Svytoj took a breath, unfazed by the smell of the beast. He charged forward, parrying any blows the beast leveled at him. Once in range, he delivered several quick, moderated slashed the pale flesh, hurriedly trying to claw his way towards the wriggling mass. Over head, the drained Frost remained prone. Finger hovering over the trigger of it's Soma, waiting for Svytoj's command.

  8. 5 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:


    Chegar stood up again, quickly surveying the again for anything they could use to fortify the area. he looked over the crew, the other Tenno, the Lady in grey.

    1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

    Ebony's infested glaive began to squirm as the mood in the room grew decidedly more tense. Ebony smacked it in irritation.

    "I hate this damn thing. I had finally gotten a scythe that could compare to my old one, and that infested sack of sh*t went and made it grow appendages." she complained.

    Even as she spoke though, she began subtly getting ready for a fight. Her legs uncrossed, her arms unfolded, and stray bits of metal around the room began sticking to things.

    "Okay... Ebony, If you can help get this place fortified, a bit of magnetism would go a long way." he said quickly, before turning his attention to Leveret.

    On 12/13/2017 at 12:39 PM, rabbitsandroses said:

    "Sounds like Big Ugly is headed towards us," Leveret said. "We could try shutting everything off and hoping he doesn't find us, but my guess is it's too late for that. We should come up with a strategy while we still have some time."
    "I can focus on trying to keep him in place, freezing him and hopefully getting a chance to sap his energy. After that, we keep him frozen for as long as we can while we figure out what to do with him."

    "IF he does get in here, yours is our first order strategy, but he's not gonna be easy to pin down. If you put everything you've got into one strike, you'd better pray it isn't a decoy."

    On 12/13/2017 at 8:23 AM, souldrive11 said:

    "Skipping the melting and going straight to the heating?" The girl replies matter of factly to the Vauban. "I still want a shower and I'm not waiting an hour just for it to finish liquefying."

    "Ideal? Infested? Nothing about the space horde is ever ideal." The girl continues, cricking her neck as she walks back over to the front of the bridge, her arms crossing themselves behind her back, 

    He then turned to the lady in grey. "I need two thing from you; Your name, and a possible way to keep track of the things outside those door; infra-sound, sonar, whatever you think you can muster."

    5 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

    "SON OF A-" A crewman yelled, slapping his console. "Infested tore a conduit somewhere!" Several other consoles blinked shut. The lights flickered again.

    "We don't have much time before we lose power to the Bridge, and not much longer before Tarnas does something to the reactor." Clogori said, leaning on a railing. He was sounding exasperated. "Door locks are mechanical, they won't break it. But we're blind without cameras." He still didn't sound fazed. He sounded tired and annoyed, but not really scared. Like he somehow had it under control.

    Another screech from the horde. They were closer. Several operatives shivered upon hearing it. To many, it could mean their deaths. And the temperature dropped by a few degrees, which might have something to do with it, but whatever. Those who hadn't already grabbed guns did so now. A couple of them had scrap metal and welding equipment, and had started further reinforcing the door.

    "Clogori, if you have anything to add, now's the time to say it." Chegar finally said, still looking over the scene.

  9. On 12/12/2017 at 5:03 PM, souldrive11 said:


    1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:


    1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:


    Svytoj zeroed in on the writhing...something...that was inside the infested slug. He began his approach, parrying the slashes with his redeemer as he moved towards the slug.
    Mia, are you seeing that thing? Svytoj thought.

    1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:


    The intruder looked over his shoulder at J'taav. "Oh... now that's interesting..." The intruder mused aloud. he turned around, looking to face the Grineer new comer. He looked the man up and down, trying to gauge what he could be up against. "So...decoy, booby trap, ambush, completely F#cked, or other?" He muttered to himself, resting his hand on his helmeted chin. "You Tenno keep some odd friends." The intruder said coolly to Sarah.

  10. On 12/11/2017 at 11:08 PM, bowiespoon said:

    ((If you're gonna make infested, why not make them absolutely disgusting?))

    Several of the eye stalks blinked, and stared at Svytoj. For a giant, disgusting, infested slug monster, there seemed to be a surprising amount of intelligence behind those eyes.

    Several of the mouths stopped their incessant biting and began to simultaneously whisper in disturbingly human voices.

    "You are not kin. I can change that. Change you."

    "Hungry, so hungry."

    "Where is the ancestor?"

    "Danger. So much danger."

    "Green. Look for green."

    "I will improve you."

    "Why are they so empty? I must fill them. Fix them."

    "Improve you, this is the father's will. Perfect you."

    "Starving... Must eat. Must improve."

    Even as the creature spoke, its arms grasped out towards Svytoj, and its massive arm slashed wildly at him, only coming close to hitting him once from the awkward angle it had grown at. Like most aspects of the creature, this arm seemed to have been simply been grown at random, rather than designed with any purpose in mind.

    More of the fluid oozed out of the soft flesh, the putrid smell growing ever stronger. When the steaming fluid left the warmth of the creatures body, it began to harden and expand, slowly forming a barrier around the area under attack. For now, the operator's attacks went unanswered, as most of its bladed arms.

    6 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

    Aria puts the handle of her greatsword horizontally biting down on it with the blade to the left like a Chesa fetching a stick. With her now free right hand, a tendril of pale white bursts out and snakes after the flesh below the two scythe arms, strangling them together with wild abandon. With instinctive speed and a touch of insanity, she reels herself towards the biological horrors, using the not-slowness to squeak by the incoming pointed edges and yanking them after her like swinging from a fleshy tree in the middle of a fleshy jungle.

    Mia grits her teeth as her head throbs in mental pain, the sudden influx of voices feeling like dunking her head into a scalding ocean of water. Forcing her glowing pure white eye past the pain, she raises her Latron and takes aim. The tired girl can't sort out the cacophony of wails and screeches, but there are more immediate and life threatening concerns right now.

    Just as Aria is about to make contact with the infested creature proper, she dashes backwards into incorporeality once again, ripline dropping out of existence with her. Simultaneously Mia fires a staccato of rounds where the ripline used to be, hoping to sever the limbs and let inertia do the rest. A short moment later, Aria flashes back into existence, sliding back into being just meters in front of Mia on her the of her four limbs, boots and right arm leaving visible drag marks through the metal floor despite her average stature.

    Despite the cacophony of gunfire and void blasts, Svytoj was now compelled: What was this thing? Why would the Hierarchy create such a creature? Still, the Blue figure kept his distance.
    "You have my interest. What are these improvements? This 'green' you keep mentioning? And This 'father'; who are they? What do they have to do with this?"
    Svytoj also looked to see where the armored man's body had landed; assuming the beast hadn't consumed it first.
    Come on... Give me something I can work with....He thought, unscrambled and easily readable.

    20 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    "It might quite literally be one of the most important things you've ever laid eyes on," Sarah replied, idly rubbing the freshly-sealed glass dome with a partially-mended hand. She could still feel the mandibles beneath it, and it was quite.... disconcerting. Even as she spoke, the mag's anatomy was changing and adapting, using the information gleaned from the previous fight to improve itself. 

    "The only good thing is that that cryopod's got some serious security systems in place. If they want to extract the Heir alive, we've got plenty of time to grab it back." She wasn't speaking to the intruder anymore, but rather muttering to herself as she hunted for her glaive amidst the rubble.

    "I'll need to grab Abigail back, of course. Clever of the HI to use her as a weapon, but I can't leave her in his hands." she murmured as she spotted her squirming weapon, magnetically pulling it out of the debris and attaching it to her wrist.

    The intruder simply meandered over to where he had last seen the Constables body. he knelt down, looking over the body and the area around it, hoping to find something of use.
    That Mesa certainly did a number on everyone here. Still wonder why that Excalibur was so spooked. And now this Mag: what's an 'HI'? The intruder thought to himself. Either way, better let her sputter a bit. Maybe she'll say something of value.
    The faint outline of a void key could be seen pressing into the mans cloak from the inside; the golden artifact clamped into the back of the mans armor.

  11. On 12/10/2017 at 3:10 AM, bowiespoon said:

    "Might sound strange, but its probably for the best you got shot down." Ebony said idly, staring at the limbo in charge of the operation.

    "You're tellin' me..." Chegar mused, Watching Clogori pace back and forth.

    8 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

    The girl conveys to Chegar the foulest look ever in the history of the downed ship's bridge to date, an amazing feet in itself considering that the top half of her grey face is still covered in a furred hood.

    "...I am *so* disappointed right now." she quietly mutters at the Vauban despite the size difference. Grabbing the scrub brush and putty from his hands, she intensely scours herself down from head to toe. Despite the undertone of muttering and grumbling the girl moves with a practiced hand, not bothering to care whether the grunts and frames look or not as she vigorously rubs the putty and brush into every nook and cranny on both her and her kavat. In a record time she easily catches up to the first Perrin operative and peevishly hands the brush back to Chegar.

    As she walks past the Vauban and over to the bucket, she takes off her glove, revealing a grey tinged hand. Jamming it inside the bucket gives off a sudden but short lived THRUM as the snow inexplicably turns to water as if a large chunk of energy was just poured into it.

    "Sweet Lot---ng brass monkey balls, that's cold!!" she yelps, jerking her hand back out and shaking it dry before shoving it back into her glove.

    Chegar quickly places the brush and putty into an air tight polymer bag, and placed that back into the medical bag he had brought with him.
    He watched the woman's short lived assault on the ice block. The ice being vibrated apart, the woman flail, her attempts to warm her hand. And he laughed, thoroughly caught off guard by her actions. He worked to catch his breath.
    "Wh- What did you think was gonna happen?" He said, still trying to stifle the laugh.

    17 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

    "Run anotuer check on the stranded teams." Clogori ordered the induviduals sitting at the security station. "And try and get a camera on the hallways."

    The moment he said that, another screech could be heard across the ship. The horde was almost upon the bridge. The operatives shivered in fear, while Clogori waited for a response from security.

    "They're... all gone. They're gone. The teams are gone... " One of them managed to say. "Recordings all show the same... that thing shows up, camera cuts out... and they're gone."

    Instead of responding, Clogori started pacing back and forth again. The lights on the bridge flickered once, and the bridge lost power for a split second. Long enough for all of the consoles to need a restart.

    "Checking hallways..." One of the security personnel said as his monitor came back on. "Horde ETA... Ten minutes. No corrosive weaponry detected. Ideally, all the infested can do is punch the door..."

    As the crew member spoke, Chegar's laughing abruptly stopped. His head swiveled as the lights went out, and he shot up right out of his seat. He unslung his sobek, and looked over at 'Ebony'.
    "You may wanna get that glaive of yours ready... Cameras going out: bad. Our lights going out:..." He trailed off. It wouldn't take much to figure out what the Vauban was thinking.

  12. On 12/10/2017 at 10:37 PM, rabbitsandroses said:

    "Oh, don't call me kiddo. It gets boring real fast." the tenno replied, a shimmer and a low 'shwoop' sound as they followed the figure with a series of void-jumps, aiming a blast of raw orange void energy towards one of the reaching arms as soon as they landed.

    On 12/11/2017 at 5:39 PM, souldrive11 said:

    A gold and white glove fades out of the Valkyr P's arm. Like a cat jumping out of a box the rest of the figure flows out of the frame, hands grabbing the dropped weapons before rolling into a somersault. Forcibly dragging the greatsword through the tower's floor, Aria sprints a few meters before blinking straight up into the air like a rocket; waist length black hair flowing after her as only a beast can as it chases down it's prey as she hefts her golden Soma P up and unloads a barrage of fire at the nearest eyestalk, eyes glowing a vicious white.

    Down on the ground, the downed Nyx P's weapons disappear from sight one by one, as if by magic.

    On 12/11/2017 at 9:03 PM, bowiespoon said:

    'Behind' was a term that should only be used loosely, as various sensory organs covered its entire body, eliminating any blindspots. Eyestalks focused in on Svytoj, and the all-to-human mouths began to gnash frantically in his direction. The large arm on the slug's back twisted into a defensive posture, albeit awkwardly. From his current position, there wasn't much the creature could do to Svy, at least so long as it was focused on Mia and Aria.

    The human-sized arm melts into a pool of translucent sludge with some more solid-looking parts, and a rancid odor begins to permeate the air. Some of the mouths let out angry howls, but most just continue chomping at anything nearby.

    A few of the mouths nearest to Aria shriek in defiance as she attacks, snapping at anything that got close. The bullets of her soma make quick work of the eyestalk and the surrounding flesh, causing a viscous pale sludge to ooze out. The sludge steams as it makes contact with the air, and emit a truly vile odor - like a rotting corpse on a hot summer day, only several times more intense. The two scythe-like arms stabbed out with surprising speed at Aria, strange fluids dripping from the blades. Where the liquid fell and touched the ground, the floor sizzled and melted. Needless to say, getting skewered by the colossal blades was a decisively bad idea.

    As Mia steps out of her warframe, the infested slug's thoughts become readable, hitting her all at once. They are a jumbled mess of images, senses, and abstract concepts all floating around in the creatures mind at once. To Mia, it would be as if several people were all screaming out seemingly unrelated things all at once.
















    On 12/11/2017 at 9:14 PM, rabbitsandroses said:

    "Aw, gross!" the tenno yelled, yanking the cord to close their hood, continuing to launch blasts of void energy at anything getting too close. "No way I'm letting you near me, ya big squelchy mess!"

    A couple shots at the eyes. A couple towards the mouths. Two more at a pair of reaching arms...

    Svytoj Winced at the smell, twirling the blade in his hand. Above the pit, His Frost had shakily laid down prone, Its soma now pointed at the monstrosity from on high. Svtyoj slowly approached, being wary not to stray into Aria's barrage.
    "You've... gotta be... one of the most Ugly F#king things I have ever seen." He hissed, the junctions in his arms surging with void energy. "and I don't appreciate having the power sapped from my 'frame. So if you've, somehow, got something to say, you'd better do it quick.
    The blade of Svytoj's redeemer began to glow; the old proxy channeling the void in his body through the weapon.

    On 12/11/2017 at 2:17 PM, bowiespoon said:

    The mouth unlatched and retracted back into the mag as it is sent sprawling. It hit the ground hard, tumbling backwards into Sarah. The operator grabbed the mag by the waist and held on with all her might as the mag came to a skidded to a stop.

    With the last of her strength, Sarah initiated transference.

    Slowly, the mag rose shakily to its feet. Its blades retracted into its arms, and its mandibles folded up as the glass visor slowly regrew. Its hands were still pulverized and useless, but the were slowly reknitting themselves.

    "The mesa with the cryopod," Sarah said to the intruder, her voice now coming from the mag, "Which way did she go? It's vital that we stop her from leaving the planet!"

    "Ah... Not sure you'll be able to get to 'er now..." the Intruder said, running his hand over his stomach. Void energy arced over the stab wounds as he haphazardly cauterizes the bleeds. "Las time I saw her, she was jumpin' into a ship..." He continued, walking over to his Sarpas, and strapping them to his waist.
    "What's so important about that Ice box anyway, Kiddo?"
    His voice was oddly familiar; It was rougher, older even, but it sounded remarkably like Svytoj.

  13. 2 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    "My liset got damaged while I was exploring an orokin tower. Crash-landed nearby." Ebony replied, "How'd you wind up here?"

    Chegar pointed around what was left of the bridge.”All this, the debris field out there, that was our ship. I was commissioned for security and repair work when a Fomorian showed up.” He put his hand back down. “So... that’s what happened with us.” 

  14. On 12/1/2017 at 9:44 PM, souldrive11 said:

    A pair of green and white arms fade into view as the Nyx P dives off the floor above, and shields the Valkyr P with the rest of her appearing frame. The barest traces of an absorb glows into being just as the limb comes into contact, whacking the now fully visible pair straight into the opposite wall and ricocheting to the ground with a sickening CRUNCH, the poor excuse for an absorb cracking into pieces and dropping immediately after impact.

    On 12/9/2017 at 6:09 PM, bowiespoon said:

    The massive form shambled closer, more of it becoming visible. It consisted mainly of pale-white, almost translucent flesh with occasional pockets of opaque assimilated flesh. Multiple luminescent eye-stalks of varying sized cover its body, staring ravenously at the two tenno. It had no visible legs, instead moving like a giant slug, occasionally using one of three massive bladed arms to move faster. Two of these arms were located in a crude approximation of where a humans would be, whilst the third arm was located on the infested slug's back, clawing at the air. Dozens of smaller, human sized hands and mouths were also growing all over the creature, chomping and grasping at whatever came near it. In short, the creature looked like a hideous conglomeration of sensory organs. Even for an infested organism, this creature was grotesque.

    ....Where the hell had the Hierarchy found this creature?

    On 12/9/2017 at 7:28 PM, rabbitsandroses said:

    Leveret soon slumped to the floor, and a grumpy-looking figure seemed to climb out of his chest. They patted the warframe on the shoulder absently and made their way over to the edge near the blue figure.

    "What the actual f-ck is that thing?" they exclaimed, staring with horrified curiosity, "and how do we kill it?"

    Svytoj's Frost lumbered next to the Blue figure, Shakily passing the redeemer on it's back to him. He gave the newly exposed Tenno a sideways glance, His Iris glowing bright orange against the black metallic sclera. 
    "Don't know, Kiddo. As for killin' it..." The figure took the Redeemer from his Frost."Trial and Error."

    The Figure jumped into the pit, gunblade gleaming as he descended behind the beast.

    On 12/9/2017 at 6:21 PM, bowiespoon said:

    The mag's head twitched, and from its mouth erupted a set of teeth that extended well beyond its head. They shot out towards the intruders face, alien muscles pulsing as it clamped down on the helmet and began to apply pressure. The kicks made the mag stumble slightly, but kept its footing. The creature sensed victory in its grasp, and it endured the kicking as it prepared to finish off the intruder.


    Sarah was now just a few meters away, and her face was twisted into an expression of pain and resolve. She had the mag's back turned to her, and the creature was so focused on the intruder that it didn't even notice her presence.

    "Get that thing over to me." Sarah growled through clenched teeth.

    The Intruder quickly redirected the Creatures hand's towards his Abdomen: For him, guts were cheep. He swung one of his leg's behind one of the Mag's. Applying as much of his weight as he could, The Intruder slammed into the Mag's Chest, hoping to send it tumbling.
    With the beast mouth latched onto His helmet, the Intruder blinked, Dragging the Mag towards Sarah in a blur of Red and Blue.

  15. 1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

    Ebony leaned back, tossing her glaive up into the air in its folded form and catching in.

    "Can't say that I've any idea what you're talking about," she said casually, her voice low enough that the others wouldn't be able to hear. "But if you were, hypothetically, to run into someone you knew trying to keep their identity to themselves, I'd wager they'd be rather... irritated... by you walking over and calling them out."

    “I don’t know what you mean, Eb.” Chegar said, again coyly. “I’m just checking in; makin’ sure our little  motley crew is holding up.” He continued, still watching the others. “Though, I have to ask. How exactly did you end up here?”

  16. On 12/4/2017 at 12:00 AM, EscortAlpha said:


    On 12/6/2017 at 5:54 PM, bowiespoon said:

    Ebony remained where she was, sitting in an unoccupied corner of the control room, growing steadily more antsy as time crawled on.

    Chegar gave the crew one last, brief once over, and then wandered over to the Magnetic New comer. He took a seat next to her.
    "I though I recognized that voice... Now why is it that where ever I go, I always run into the same trouble makers?" Chegar asked coyly; Svytoj's mannerisms had apparently rubbed off on him. for now.

  17. On 12/6/2017 at 9:49 AM, bowiespoon said:

    ((Oh, sorry for the confusion, the energy has currently only returned to Svytoj. Everyone else is still suffering the draining effect.))

    On 12/1/2017 at 12:23 AM, bowiespoon said:

    In an instant, the draining effect was gone, strength returning to Svytoj as quickly as it had gone. However the infested monstrosity was doing this, it was tied to the frames themselves - or more likely, the inert technocyte that they were composed of. The warrior, off-guard and off-balance, tumbled into the hole, landing with a sickening crack.

    The blue figure peered over the edge, looking to see what had happened to the armored man.
    "Damn it... That better not have killed him..." He said, not quite soft enough to be a mutter.
    His Frost slowly moved back to it's feet, sluggishly meandering over to the opening. the figure briefly glanced at the warframe.
    "Don't you dare fall in..." he said, returning his attention to the infestation, Aria, and the man there in.

    On 12/1/2017 at 9:44 PM, souldrive11 said:


    "How are you holdin' up down there?" Svytoj's voice bellowed from the blue figure.

    On 12/1/2017 at 12:23 AM, bowiespoon said:

    The Intruder's sarpas are magnetically yanked out of his hands as the mag is thrown. It twists in the air before it lands so that it is crouched on all fours when it makes contact with the metal floor. As soon as its feet touch the ground, it lunges at him again, trying to stick its dagger-like limbs into anything important. The mags outer mandibles quest outward as well, trying to slash at any part of his body that get within range. A thick trickle of blood pours from one of its mandibles where a bullet had grazed it, but it seemed otherwise unharmed by his earlier blind-fire.

    Sarah continues to crawl over to the two as the fight, even as the Intruder blindly discharges ammunition.

    Mandible scrapped against the Intruders helmet, managing to scratch the metal and leave behind small traces of dripping blood from the the gunshot wound. His hands quickly latched onto the creatures wrists, clenched down tight as he tried to figure out exactly what he was dealing with. The junctions across the mans body sparked, and in a blur, One of the intruders metal boots slammed into the Mags knee. And he just kept kicking.
    "IF YOU GOTTA PLAN HEAR, KIDDO, NOW'S PROBABLY THE TIME TA USE IT!"  He barked, finally noticing Sarah crawling towards the brawlers.

  18. On 12/1/2017 at 11:18 PM, Daakjenaar said:

    Over the next hour or two, things stayed the same. Some worked on the consoles, some fortifying and welding, and some huddled in corners trying not to have mental breakdowns as they realized how completely and utterly screwed they were. Everyone felt tense, and many expected to die. The screeches of Infested could be heard every once in a while, always getting closer. Security hadn't detected

    Tarnas yet, but every once in a while one of the salvage teams hiding in other parts of the ship would drop out of contact. Cameras would always fail moments beforehand, and some would catch a few distorted frames of a humanoid figure (I'm sorry. I watched Marble Hornets again), a few distorted frames of the operatives in the room turning to look, and nothing. It would always cut out.

    The Infested hadn't reached the bridge, but they wouldn't take long. They were fast. They mad maybe an hour left before Infested started trying to break in. Of course, all entrances were welded shut, but that might not hold forever. The survivors of the crash(es) are cornered here now. Nowhere else to go. All they can really do for the next while is wait.

    Chegar began work on decontamination, passing scrub brushed and detergent laced putties to the various red ribboned crew members.
    "Okay, guys. No one said this would be fun, so... do whathca gotta do: Scrub yourself down, don't miss anything." Chegar said, giving the last of Clogori's crew a scrub and a block of putty.

    On 11/29/2017 at 11:04 PM, souldrive11 said:


    Chegar then walked over to the woman in grey, handing her a scrub and putty block as well. He simply shook his head.
    "Unless you wanna wash of with one of the bags of saline you took, we aren't getting water any time soon."
    Behind Chegar, a large block of snow hanging over a make-shift bucket could be seen slowly melting; the heat-lamp next to it wasn't making things go any faster.

    On 12/2/2017 at 9:18 PM, bowiespoon said:

    ((Unless approached by another character, Ebony is just gonna keep to herself.))

    ((I'll get to her soon.))

  19. On 12/1/2017 at 8:50 PM, souldrive11 said:

    The Stanchion class freighter comes to a stop as sudden as it's start. Amidst the flashing red lights and floating weapons, a gloved hand strains up into the air before pressing down on a hard light screen. Simultaneously, all the airlocks and hanger doors power up and begin the process of clamping shut. atmospheric shields coming back online. 

    As a set of blast doors further down from the reactor room clasp shut, the artificial gravity comes back online, sending Svytoj racing towards the metal floor.

    Svytoj slammed down onto the floor. After several seconds, he slowly sat up, and began to rise to his feet. He looked around the reactor room, trying to get a grasp on what was going on around him.
    "{Hey, kid, How are things on the bridge?}" Svytoj asked over the COMMs.

    On 12/1/2017 at 9:00 PM, ArchwingPrime said:

    Altair flew quickly at the cannon while engaging evasive maneuvers and aimed the Velocitus straight at the cannon before firing. “COME ON!” (Yes, it is an Elytron I am using.) He continued to blast at the cannon from its blind spot and smirked. “You want more, Hek? I can do this all day!”

    On 12/1/2017 at 8:50 PM, souldrive11 said:

    Entire squadrons are enveloped in fire and brimstone, the missiles and warheads (it *is* an Elytron, right?) ripping large holes into their lines as the crafts are quickly reduced to molten slag. Still, more are coming out from the galleons hanger to replace them and then some. With the Corpus broken and all fighter resistence mopped up, the entirety of the fleet is now focusing on the two Tenno and their crippled craft still floating in the middle of the asteroid space.

    The barrage from the last remaining freighter before it jumped hits the cannon square on, the glow fading ever so slightly. Despite the damage though, the cannon continues to prime, it`s target now shifting to the only remaing targets left. With precision aim, the antiship laser fires straight on at the two archwings and the crafts behind them. On the outer edges of the fleet, wreckage from the asteroid field is closing in fast, shrapnel of all sorts already raining down on their hulls. Despite the closing curtain, the galleons continue their barrage, more than one just a few kilometers away from scoring a direct hit on the crafts with accuracy closing with every successive shot.

    Fight or flight, whatever the Tenno choose needs to be done and quick before they are drowned in a sea of slugs and cloned flesh.

    The elytron swiftly rolled away from the incoming cannon fire, the vibrant red light of the fomorian's lazer sizzling over part of the shields, barely kept from punching through. Chegar sent another volley of missiles into the swarm, the vents on his archwing pluming with exhaust; with any luck, most of the missiles aimed at him would be thrown off course.
    "{Come on... Almost there...}" Chegar muttered to himself, his words bleeding over the COMMs.
    He leveled his grattler at the fomorians main gun, unloading several rounds at the massive warship.

  20. 21 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

    "A shower? With hot water?" The girl asks, hooded face jerking up and her tone rising several tones. "Sign me up yesterday!"

    In a burst of motion not seen earlier, she grabs the ribbon out of Chegar's hand and hops, skips, and jumps over to the grunts like a kid heading to a candy store, her armored kavat nipping at her boots.

    "Hot water... What are-..." She was out of range of his muttering before Chegar could even process what she said.
    "Great... Something else to figure out..." Chegar wandered around the area, looking for a piece of scrap that could be used as a bucket to melt snow in.

    10 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

    "If you think it's my fault a Formorian of all things shot this ship down, you're clearly delusional." He was sounding frustrated again. "You act like you have some idea of how this situation could have been avoided."

    A couple crewmen had begun welding the doors to the bridge shut. Nothing short of (another) attempt at blowing up the door would have any effect now.

    "Now I'm not even sure if we have enough food to survive. We are screwed in so many ways, but at least I'm making an effort to fix that." He turned away from the Mag again, facing the massive window thing (Official name) again, staring at the snowstorm outside. It was looking darker again, likely signalling the start of a night cycle.

    10 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    "I wasn't talking about the ship getting shot down." the mag said in a dry voice. Ultimately though, she decided that continuing the conversation further would be a waste of time. So she walked over to a corner and sat down, lost in thought.

    3 hours ago, rabbitsandroses said:

    "Hey, you two," Leveret said in frustration as he approached, "As much as I love a good fight, can we maybe not argue with each other at the moment? We all know Clogori pulled some stupid moves that ended us up here. Let's beat up on him about it later, yeah?"

    The sound of a metal glove hitting a metal helmet could be heard; Chegar's hand slapping into his face as he over heard the three bickering. "..." Chegar incoherently grumbled.

  21. On 11/27/2017 at 8:32 PM, souldrive11 said:

    Aria flies through backwards through the air, the results on the offending fist like a boulder smashing into a mountain. Flipping into a somersault, the Valkyr fires out the thinnest of riplines, drilling the faintest of footholds through the cracked floor instead of tearing through like the norm. The line quickly snapping tight, Aria flings herself violently back onto the floor sword end first for a mighty shockwave slam.

    Another burst of fire flies this time from the opposite direction. The sounds emanating from the fired gun is a different tone this time, yet again they are relentlessly targeting the armored man's joints. Not giving time to wait, the first gun goes off again, this time beside Leveret`s knee and targeting the armored man`s sword hand.

    On 11/27/2017 at 8:08 PM, rabbitsandroses said:

    Leveret saw the frozen patch of ground and added to it, drawing from his own depleted energy stores as best he could.

    Already slightly off balance from hunching over to freeze the ground, the second floor shudder put Leveret off balance and stumbled towards the wall, catching himself and leaning his shoulder against it while he regained balance, leaving another handprint of half-frozen moisture on the wall.

    On 11/29/2017 at 7:12 PM, bowiespoon said:


    The floor shuddered again, this time bringing clouds of dust and rubble falling from the ceiling. The armored warrior stumbled again, stabbing his sword into the ground to steady himself.

    As Aria slams against the ground, a large swath of the floor around her crumbles, revealing a massive room beneath them (Think Lephantis stage 2). Grey flesh coats the once-pristine walls, with swollen orange nodes glowing faintly along the warped meat. The lights in the room are either dead or broken, but large luminescent eyes glare out from the darkness. Something writhed down there, waiting hungrily for its prey to fall into its clutches.

    Aria is sent falling to the room below, whilst the others are left fighting on the upper floor. Chunks of the crumbling floor land with a loud thud beside her, made just visible by the shaft of light from where the floor - or rather, the ceiling - had caved in. The creature Aria is now trapped with lets out a deafening roar, and stabs a massive bladed limb at her. The draining effect has now reached its zenith - this creature is unmistakable the source of it.

    The armored warrior stumbles as the floor shakes, causing many of the bullets to miss their mark. He raises his left arm to protect his face, whilst his sword is sent flying from his grip as a bullet knocks it loose.

    Svytoj looked over at the staggered warrior. This was his chance. The white and Green frost collapsed, a pail blue smear erupting from it before it made full contact with the floor.
    In one fluid motion, a pail blue figure flung himself into the air, planting both feet against the warriors ((Side, Back, Chest, GM's Choice)), sending them tumbling into the pit along side Aria.

    On 11/27/2017 at 7:54 PM, bowiespoon said:

    The mag let out an inhuman wail, and its body began to convulsed unnaturally. The glass dome that formed its face shattered, four large infested mandibles spilling out, snapping hungrily at the Intruder. Viscous black sludge leaked out of the shattered helmet, spilling onto its chest and the floor. A bulge grew in each of the mag's hands, which then erupted in two bony, blade-like protrusions emerging. The blades split the mag's hands in half down the middle as they came out, leaving the ruined remains twitching uselessly. The glaive clattered the ground, shuddering happily as it absorbed the small amount of blood it had drawn from the Intruder.

    With a second ear-shattering shriek, the mag lunged at the Intruder, slashing at his throat and chest.


    Sarah slurred something incoherent, still trying to apply pressure to her gut wound. She began to crawl somewhere with her other hand, leaving a trail of blood behind her as she went.

    23 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    ((Reposting, just in case it got buried))

    It was at this point in Intruder Realized... he F@cked up.
    As one of the bony spikes entered the man's abdomen, he pulled a sarpa, aiming haphazardly at the creatures face and pulling the trigger. He quickly raised his free arm, preventing the creature from getting a clean strike at his throat.

    On 11/27/2017 at 7:54 PM, bowiespoon said:

    "Marcus," Rose said, her voice crackling through his link, "What the hell is that thing?"

    "Damned if I know," Marcus replied, his voice inaudible to everyone else, "But its not our fight. We've gotten sidetracked here. As much as I hate to let these people run off with the cryopod, I'm here to find Claire. The grineer could be arriving here any day now, and I can't be wasting any more time."

    "Marcus... the grineer are already here..." Rose said after a pause of hesitation.

    "WHAT!?" Marcus exclaimed, bursting past the mag and the Intruder towards the exit. 

    "WHAT THE F@CK?! GET BACK HERE!" He yelled as Marcus took off. "God dammit..." He latched onto the mag, looping his arm under theirs, and flinging it over his head and on to the floor. He quickly drew his second sarpa, aiming both a the creature. He squeezed the triggers.

  22. On 11/29/2017 at 9:19 AM, souldrive11 said:

    The warhead hits it's mark straight on, sending the generator exploding into a grand display of fireworks. 

    [A Tenno?! HERE! THEY WILL NOT STOP THIS! The filthy maggot will be crushed beneath our feet like the rest of these INSIGNIFICANT profiteers!]


    The Fomorian continues it's descent towards the freighter, though now slowing down due to the sudden decrease in it's ability to push away wreckage due to the lack of a shield generator. Every single free fighter, numbering into the hundreds now descends upon the Elytron, the starry black rapidly being blocked out by the washed orange and green of Elite variant Ogmas and shield-hellion dargyns, engines flaring in the abyss. In the background, galleons being opening fire on Chegar despite the small size of the target, hoping to drown the Archwing in a hail of fire. The Fomorian's main gun's glow is now like a star going nova, it's target clear as day.

    "{OH SHUT THE F@CK UP! YOU SPINELESS, GUTLESS,D!CKLESS, WITLESS EXCUSE OF A COUNSELOR!}" Chegars voice blared of over the Grineers COMMs as yet another warhead screeched towards the fomorian, set on a collision course with the ships main gun. The mounted guns on the side of the corpus ship were now squarely pointed at the fomorian's Main cannon. In a wave of blue plasma, every turret along the side of the corpus ship opened fire.
    Chegar continued on his course, weaving around the gun fire, and unleashing a torrent of rockets and missiles into the squadron.

    On 11/29/2017 at 9:19 AM, souldrive11 said:

    The first Bursa is frozen in it's tracks, but the remaining members continue their push, lasers and anti-personnel missiles raining down upon the globe, feet magnetized to the ground. The floating Techs are disoriented, but swiftly twist themselves to take aim at the Frost.

    Svytoj quickly honed in on the floating techs, zeroing in on them with his stolen scisco, and squeezing the trigger as the

    cross-hairs hovered over their heads.

    On 11/29/2017 at 9:19 AM, souldrive11 said:


    The ceiling turret is finally destroyed by the incoming Corpus, and the members rush in, guns raised at the woman still stuck in the helm sphere.

    [Ok, we can't wait...] The woman mutters into the radio. Flight plan's in, hope 80% power will do. Grab onto something. please don't blow up..]

    With that, she smashes her palm onto the replica, sending the order to open all doors and decompress the entire ship, fast. Every single remaining Corpus gets violently sucked out and through the nearest hanger or open airlock, the crunching of metal and flesh reverberating through the hallways. The remaining Bursas resist for a bit, but eventually they too get ripped out into space, the still magnetized floor going with them. The countdown display jumps down by several seconds.

    "What?! Sh!t..." Svytoj sputter, quickly Hailing Chegar. "{Yo, CHEG! the ships gonna make a jump!}"
    "{What! NOW?!}"

    On 11/29/2017 at 9:19 AM, souldrive11 said:


    The engines roar to life, the massive craft rumbling as it begins it's course change.


    "{yeah! COMMS may go down for a while, I'll try to keep you in the loop over the somati-}"

    On 11/29/2017 at 9:19 AM, souldrive11 said:

    With one flash the freighter disappears off into the unknown, leaving the Grineer to whatever they wish in the field. Without the main gravity field diverting the debris, large sections of the Asteroid begin closing in upon the convoy, blocking pursuit and making the next moments absolute misery.

    "{ .̀..͏.͜ -̡-- .͘-́.. ̷.-̶..̕ ̴-.̛-̨-̀ ̸/ ̧.̴.. .̶.̶.. ͟..͘ ͜- / ͞- ...͘.͘ .͞- -̢ ͏/ .̛--̀ .- ..́.̴ /͡ ͢-́-.-̕ ͢..- ҉.. -.-. -̷.- }" Static filled Chegars COMM system as the ship made the jump.
    "Dammit, Svy. Leaving the kid to deal with the mess again..."

    On 11/24/2017 at 5:38 AM, ArchwingPrime said:

    (Sorry about messing everyone up. I better stay on the ship waiting for it to get close enough and I’m sorry if I’m rusty on some weapon names. Haven’t played Warframe in a few months or so. I will make a remastered post soon on my next post to set things right correctly)

    "{Altair, The Corpus ship just took off. Your call: Fall back or knock Hek down a peg?}" Chegar said, Still fighting the vast quantities of grineer that had just been thrown at him.

  23. 17 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

    The mag fell silent, looking rather frustrated. A faint clicking sound could be heard coming from the helmet, but it stopped as quickly as it started.

    She gave a shrug.

    "Nope, looks like you've done a fine job of digging our graves."

    1 hour ago, rabbitsandroses said:

    [CLOGORI HAS HIS OWN PLANS. TARNAS = BIG UGLY = HIS FAULT. DON'T TRUST HIM.] came a scrawl of orange text across Ebony's HUD.


    2 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

    "Go ahead, but only the first ogle's free. Hands on sampling costs extra." The girl says towards the Vauban with a clicking of her tongue at the end, only giving Chegar a passing tilt with her head down on her little corner.

    (no traces of serious infestation. depending on cheg's sherlock scan levels he might pickup Tarnas's earlier attempts to throttle her though.)

    Chegar looked back at the girl. "Okay, no sign of infestation taking hold, but we should get you decontaminated; best not to have traces floating around in here" Chegar said, Handing her a Red triage ribbon. "Go stand with the other red's by the door. We'll begin Decon shortly."

  24. 59 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

    "Thank you..." Efahz said as he took the heat lamp and walked over to a wall, sitting down against it. His shivering stopped quickly, and he stopped breathing as hard.

    (Crew is mostly clean. The scavenge party has a bit of residual material on them that might need removal, leftover from the Infested encounter.)

    Chegar retrieved a small set of red and green ribbons from his medical supplies, and began passing them to the crew. "Okay, Listen up. If I hand you a red ribbon you need to go stand near the door and wait for decon. If I hand you a green one, you need to go ask Clogori for new orders.

  25. 1 minute ago, bowiespoon said:

    As if it understood what was being said, the glaive began a new burst of movement. The mag looked down at it in irritation.

    "I'll do that," she said with a grimace, "Any idea who is in charge around here?"

    Chegar pointed, his thumb directed over his shoulder at the Limbo pacing around and giving orders.
    "That would be Clogori: Tall, Dark, and In Over His Head..." Chegar sounded grumpy to even be talking about him. "Leveret here will help you get acquainted." He said, still looking over his scans.

    1 hour ago, souldrive11 said:

    Sliding in through the hustle, the bundled up girl walks over to the other side of the bridge, near the windows; giving a few a quick tap before settling down into a corner unless somone specifically calls for her.

    "Oi! You! I still need to check you out!" Chegar said, marching over the girl in monochrome. "... Not to mention some serious explaining to do..."

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