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Posts posted by KnightCole

  1. On 4/17/2018 at 12:18 AM, (XB1)Erudite God said:

    Because CC is basically the only thing that matters in high level missions. Also, Rhino is totally a damage frame, what are you on about?

    No, no, Rhino is not a damage frame, when 254 pwr str stomp cant even kill lvl 15 Grineer....thats not damage.  Roar? +75%?  Thats not that great. Not when we have mods that add hundreds of % of dmg, along with status, crit and other things.  

    Either way, CC, CC, CC, CC, CC, CC, its like there is no other frame class type options.  Id love more frames like Oberon, a mix and match of abilities that all compliment or amplify one another, have some utility, some CC, some damage, debuffs and all do a wide variety of different things.  Oberon is the kind of frame that isnt strictly 'stand in a corner and press these 2 buttons all game".  Makes for a very fun frame.  The only Oberon ability I find myself not using that often is his #1, but the rest, he has radiation procs, DoT dmg, AoE, some CC, healing, group buffing, group healing.....yeah, I wish they would make more frames following the same vein as Oberon.  He makes Warframe fun. 

    Not CC frames, where its low, or no dmg, and all it does is stun enemies and make them stand there, or like some of hte crazy damage frames, where its press 2 buttons for a cleared 500m area, like some kind of zone wide nuclear detonation....

    Gara?  Her CC is a huge circular wall of 'you shall not pass'.  Frost, he's 'stand inside your safe bubble'.  Vauban, basically the same premise as Gara, put up a huge 'you shall not pass' area.  Rhino ive heard is actually CC, with his stomp, which is actually annoying to play with since I commonly was encountering, what im guessing is a bug that make the enemies in stasis invulnerable...plus throwing the enemies all around the room makes it hard to kill them, since you cant always find their heads.  Trinity, she to is a CC frame, but she throws in heals as well.  

    Then the high damage frames like Nidus, Equinox, Ember(or she used to be), Saryn, and them, where a few button presses and the whole zone is clear, so the group just huddles in a corner and sits there for 3 1/2 hours, or 40 minutes, or w/e, while the "DPS" frames clear the zone....../Yaaaaawwwwnnnnnn 

  2. 6 hours ago, Doomsknight said:

    Glad that you are having fun with Broberon, all his abilities work except when... A Nekros summons his Shadows of the dead :-(  which means Oberon will run out of energy in a few secs... This anti-synergy really needs to be removed...

    I agree, and ive made many posts about it, as well as my own thread.  I absolutely loathe that Nekros energy drain on Oberon.  Its got all the same logic and reasoning as 'Ember's abilities should melt Frost's snowglobe', because fire melts ice.

  3. 4 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

    This is actually better than most of the feedback I see.  Too much durability is equally bad as one-shotting or permastunning enemies.  It seems like a limited grasp of game mechanics doesn't allow you to propose sensible changes in terms of numbers, but your ideas about the draconian difficulty that can be encountered when you don't cheese the game is on-point.

    I agree that Sorties and T4 can be too overwhelming in terms of incoming damage, and that some enemies are just silly strong compared to others (Napalms and Corrupted Crewmen come to mind.)  DE dropped the ball with scaling enemies up along with weapon and meta powercreep.  Damage 2.0 has failed the test of time, and the result is an unfun game.

    My knowledge of the game mechanics?  More like the description given to Uniaru was something along the lines of 'the defensive focus tree', which is why I took it initially.  I was looking for a focus tree that gave me various defensive buffs, dmg reduction, passive healing maybe, regen, health siphon, and other various things like that.  Not 'Petrify tree'. 

    Yeah, making your character invulnerable or to strong, yeah, thats bad to, which is not what my aim would be.  Any numbers I post in these idea threads are just to try and get the idea across, not that 'these are the numbers id put in', they are very arbitrary just to make the idea.  On that flip side, I also cant stand making abilities with numbers so low that you basically dont notice it.

    Also, yeah, the high tier stuff is boring or frustrating, its why when I do play, I stick to the mid lvl stuff, where its actually a game.  Enemies arent 3 1/2 mags per guy, and arent endlessly 1 shotting me.  As for Sorties, yeah they arent worth the 'risk vs reward' thing.  THey are supposed to be harder for phat riven lewts, but all im getting are Exilus, Ayatan, ayatan, ayatan, credit booster, ayatan, endo, ayatan, potato, ayatan.......ugh..

  4. 18 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

    Your obsession with the Armor stat and face-tanking in general is still fascinating to me after 2+ years of reading these.

    Im fascinated why people are so obsessed with straight up damage and 'CC'.  I find it insanely boring to play 'the meta' in this game.  Its basically stand in a corner and find a frame that can one shot nuke the entire room, or can CC kill the entire room, or some boring ass off shoot of that.   Like the Berenyhia XP Farm, its stand up on a pillar spamming Trinity EVs.  Or survivals, where you get a Hydroid and he spams tentacles all day.  Where the whole idea is to never even get hit.  Basically, the idea is to play the game by not playing the game, just using abilities to completely and utterly trivialize and invalidate the entire game.  Played Law of Retribution, that was an absolute and utter joke of a mission.  The most boring ass waste of time ive ever had the displeasure of going through.  Its not even a 'raid', more like a 'stand on this circle, stand on that circle, stand on that circle' and move to the next room to do it all again, do that 10x, you win......../yaaaawwwnnnnn....

    Yeah, I prefer to face tank, get into the mix, fight and play the game.  To hell with the meta and all the boring ass zone clearing CC abilities.  I prefer to use the parkour to move around, shoot the enemies, get hit, get shot, shoot back, use abilities to aid me in killing, not using abilities to completely clear the zone and then just sit there doing the same 2-3 button presses for 70 hours....

    Plus, yeah, I like my armor and damage reductions to actually do something.  I actually think armor and defenses should matter ALOT more then they do in games anymore.

    Also, im not a fan of the random 1 shot we get in this game.  Just about the only thing I ever die to is the random 1 shot from completely out of the blue. Its like enemies have a % chance to deal 500,000% more dmg with a 150x crit dmg multiplier.  Enemies deal 6 dmg a pop, melee deal maybe 50, bombards maybe 100, fire is a good amount per second, but I have a 102/s heal which more then counter acts almost all of it, along with Oberons dance floor, to counter act any status effects, there is no reason or logic behind why im suddenly dying in 1 hit, or like it has been, out of the blue....

  5. Fix Unairu, actually make it the defensive tree.  And put Focus back to the Warframes, not the kids...

    Passive: +10% armor per rank, to max +60% armor, not +60 armor.....lol....

    Passive: Increases Warframe health(based off the max amount you have after mods) by 25, 30, 35, 40, 45%.  So my Oberon's 1075 would be : 1558

    10% chance on crit to heal 3% of dmg dealt.

    10, 15, 20, 25, 30% chance to ignore 50% of damage taken

    Upon taking lethal damage, there is a 30, 35, 40, 45% chance to instead be healed to 75% health.  Gain 3s of immortality. 

    Passive: Reduce any negative status effects duration by 20, 25, 30, 35%

  6. Because his void crap is annoying as S#&$? 

    I absolutely cannot stand the warframe abilities that give the ENEMY god mode.  Talk about nerfing teamwork.  Disrupting the fluidity of combat with that stupid void mode BS is so beyond infuriating.  There are a couple other warframe abilities that turn the enemies invulnerable.  Whose they are or what they are called, IDK, but ive encountered a couple different instances where im surrounded by baddies, but for some reason, cant seem to damage them, then see some goofy warframe's effect on them and just instantly want to punch both DE for making such an ability and the player for casting it...


  7. 19 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

    Yeah...I don't typically bring this gun to fight infested. However, the real threats are the ancients and their head is pretty easily targetting. The yardtrash dies to about anything, so their heads don't matter. The problem is boilers and brood mothers. You get an eximus version of one of those and you can dump an entire magazine on it. 

    Corpus aren't too bad, but MOAs and Ospreys can be tricky, since their head is about the size of a soupcan not readily apparent. I believe DE was thinking about adding the laser emitter as a weakspot on MOAs, so there's that.

    Grineer aren't an issue, aside from Nox. There the head is obvious enough, but you can't really hit it from behind and if he's constantly turning to new objectives (i.e. some yutz is trying to melee him and he's whirling like a dervish) it can be extremely difficult to put this guy down quickly.  

    You use then gun enough, you get used to looking for this sort of thing. Also, having a high rare of fire helps, since you'll typically fire a burst where you think the head is and often can land a hit or three.  

    I bring Soma to infested fights cuz its like fighting off swarms of locusts, and I find even hitting Infested sometimes a little annoying.  Between their tiny sizes, and how enemies teleport and jump around, rather then smoothly running, a bullet hose is best.  Soma also has slash as it's highest dmg, which iirc does + dmg to infested.

    Yeah, Ancients are easy meat, no issue with them.   I have issues with the lobbers and the quads, its like where is the head?  I have landed head shots completely on accident before. 

    As for Brood mothers and boilers, I jsut slide slice them, its hard to stay alive vs 4000+ slide slice dmg.

  8. On 4/9/2018 at 9:25 AM, Sloan441 said:

    75% crit rate and high RoF ensures that HM procs quickly and stacks very rapidly indeed. Also keep in mind the gun is slightly slash biased to begin with and can achieve around a 50% status chance without too much trouble (25-35% is more practical and really has nothing to do with HM procs). 

    Combined with the very high crit damage modifier, you can proc some pretty heavy slash DoTs--and a lot of them. If you're not aiming for the head, you're using the gun wrong. 

    The base Soma is fine as is. I'd like to see the SomaP buffed up to around 14-16 base damage, but it's still laboring under MR7. It really needs its MR buffed up a few points, with this supplying the concomitant stats. 

    Yeah, I aim for the head, or try to at all times, my aim point is the neck and I work my way up to the head.  Enemies like the Infested though, I cant even see the heads much less hit them.  Corpus are a little harder to hit in the head, its smaller or something.. 

  9. 20 hours ago, TheBlueJelly said:

    Coro procs relies too heavily on proc rate; SomaP is a 10% base, so even with both of those you're only getting to 22%. Since you're at 120% coro you're looking at only a 23% chance ish that any proc you do get is Corrosive, netting a ~5.08% (~1 in 20) coro proc per bullet. That rate is far, far too low even for a bullet hose like the Grakatta to be really worth while. Instead you should run Rime Rounds and Malignant Force (The hybrid 60/60 Cold/Status and Toxin/Status mods, respectively) for Viral. 1-in-20 for coro is too low since you need multiple procs, but 1 in 20 for Viral is just fine in a slash proc build, as most of your damage is backloaded, and is a workable choice for any weapon needing increased damage without having a way to really build more, as the health compression lasts 6s.

    Coro for damage however is a much better choice for vs Heavy Gunners and other Ferrite-armored foes, as it bypasses 75% of their armor and gets a 75% amp as well. It's a good choice for a universal non-HM build (though I'd suggest Stormbringer + Infected Clip instead in that situation for the 50% (+60%) more coro damage in that usage) due to Coro's matchups being stellar. However, Radiation would serve a lot better if you were targetting Alloy'd foes (like Bombards)- same 75% bypass/amp on Alloy is Radiation damage.

    Slash proc damage is based on the base damage of the weapon (enhanced by crit, base damage mods, and part multipliers). Natural slash proc *chance* is affected by the amount of slash damage the weapon has relative to the rest of the weapon's damage. Note that IPS has an internal x4 when calculating proc weights. Hunter Munitions adds an additional roll on-crit of 30% to inflict a slash proc, and is capable of getting "double procs" due to HM being a "forced" proc (kinda like a melee combo one) that is separate from the normal proc roll.

    Slash procs stack and tick concurrently, yes. They also completely bypass the damage matchup system and armor (and shield) as they are "finisher" damage that is applied directly to health. This combines very well with a Viral proc, as the compression effectively halves how much damage your procs have to deal.


    Argon Scope only takes the HM rate from 22.5% to 30% per bullet. It's a significant increase, but really it's more there to prevent the RNG from completely screwing you. Slapping in Hammer Shot is actually semi-viable in this specific instance as it would amplify your HM proc damage, and given the SomaP's really good full-spool fire rate, Critical Delay might also be viable (bringing you up to a 26.82% HM rate per bullet). I'd have to run statistical sims to determine which is actually better in lieu of Hammer Shot.


    Regardless, your build is very sub-optimal for sortie 3, and that's why you're struggling with Sortie 3 levels. Just bringing a couple of CPs would likely make your build work fine; I know Ash with his 1's aug can make the Mk1 Braton Sortie-3 Viable. What needs to happen is not the SomaP getting a buff (it's a perfectly serviceable MR7 weapon). It's that the Damage 2.0 system needs some form of fix to the infinitely-scaling armor.

    Well, I run Oberon, which I view as the 'Anti-Grineer Frame".  I have a CP on him, as well as a 76% armor strip on my 4? Ability.  I carpet, 4, then watch as the armor goes away completely.

    I would agree enemy armor shouldnt scale endlessly, they to, should stop at the 97% that we get.  Soma P getting a slight status buff would be nice though, I mean, S#&$, they went and turned many other weapons into simply far superior Soma Primes, so why not buff the Soma and let it stay good?

  10. On 4/7/2018 at 5:00 PM, TheBlueJelly said:

    If your build doesn't look like this, I know what your problem is and it's not your choice in gun:
    Serration Split HuntMun ArgonS
    Point Vital Rime Malig

    TTK should be well under one mag in that build given it's generally under 1 mag on the Baza at 34m, and that's at -50% falloff, meaning the SomaP in that build has a higher damage rate (being only -25% compared to 22m on the Baza). That was also with it being a fairly difficult shot due to the lack of zoom on the gun making 30m+ actually fairly hard to land strictly headshots..... so the SomaP would also have that benefit going for it.

    Nope, my build atm, is Serration, Splitchamber, Point Strike, Vital Sense, the 2 gold 60% status/dmg mods to make Corrosive and Vigilante something +60% Multi shot, the 5% chance to enhance crits is nice.

    I dont have an Argon or Rime.  Hunter Munitions, how does it work well on the soma, when its dmg is so low?  Isnt the slash proc based off the Soma's own slash dmg?  Does the slash proc fromhunter munitions stack endlessly or something?

    I still think a base dmg buff for the Soma, from 12 to like 18 or 20 should be in order. 

  11. Man the Soma Prime is pretty trash against high lvl mobs.  Entire mags against lvl 100 bombards, landing nearly all head shots.  Gorgon does better, Tiberon melts, Supra Vandal rapes.

    Its time to buff the Soma Prime out of it's tickle me elmo state and make it a respectable weapon.  The 12 dmg, high crit worked with the old versions of guns, but now, wow.....the contrast is quite different.  Soma is bad.  It cant even make use of things like Hunter Munition, since its dmg is so low, it doesnt even matter.   

  12. 13 hours ago, TheBlueJelly said:

    Firstly, it doesn't "stop working" at lv70. It's just harder to make good at lv70. This is theoretically where the Riven system is supposed to step in, but it needs an update to be a sort of inverse-MR tool where the lower the MR of the weapon, the more power the riven(s) for it can have. Instead of a subjective thing that's supposed to be based on

    Yes 3s is a looooong reload. This isn't Borderlands or Battlefield or any other game, this is Warframe. and in Warframe, a 3s reload is absurdly long for the pace. Additionally, 500 round mag with a 10s reload is not the same as a 50 round mag with a 1s reload. You have to remember that, unless you have a continuous reload (like the Corinth), your reload delay must be unbroken. That means you need 10s straight in the former to reload, even if you don't need to do it often. In a horde shooter (which Warframe is and none of your examples of longer reloads are), ten continuous seconds is an eternity.



    Rivens would need to be more prevalent first.......

    Running Sorties only to get useless endo or boosters, risk vs reward is broke there.  Sorties should be 1 riven every time.  Rivens are RNG with RNG on top of RNG, you gotta not only get one, then you gotta do w/e challenge RNG gives you, then you gotta hope RNG give  you a riven for a gun you use and then you gotta RNG some more to get good stats. 

    Just ugh.  So, yeah, lets make rivens drop more often, or more events for them or something.  They are hilariously over priced to boot.  I guess unless you intend to go to lvl 300 you dont really need one anyway, which really kinda makes it worse with how rare and pricy they are....not worth the effort to go after really.....to much RNG.

    3s isnt that long of a reload for the Soma lol.  Even in a horde shooter, there are plenty of times where 3s is next to nothing and your done and back rockin n rollin real quick.  I find it almost hilarious that you think 3s is a long time, kinda like in the FPS games where people complain that weapons with 1.5s reloads is 'a very long time'.  I think players have become so obscenely spoiled with near instant reload times.  Its sad honestly.  3s for a 200 round gun?  Soma P will mow down 2-3-4 rooms of guys and not need to reload.  You'll be fine when you need to pause for the 3s to reload.  Its never been an issue for me and I cant really recall a time I died cuz my super long 3s reload was just so encumbering. 

    For a gun like the Sobek, the 4s was worse only because it couldnt clear the room before initiating its 4s reload.  Though this game does have fancy melee and real smooth parkour to make use of evasion and melee to help clear out what the Sobek missed. 

  13. Yeah, seriously, if your going to take an insanely squishy frame and absolutely MURDER their chief, primary ability, which is large area, CC/AoE killing power, then really, they need to massively buff her durability to offset that.  You nerf the S#&$ out of her offense, but keep her defense trash, yeah shes just gunna be a total junker. 

    It'd be like nerfing all of a wizards nukes and keeping him a robe wearing dagger using joke.....

    Buff Ember's health, armor, shields...and let her World on Fire restore her shields when she kills something.

  14. 2 hours ago, Grimmstyler said:

    And i agree with that.. Headshots should be one and done.. Unless they got some kind of regeneration power for Infested, or protective helmet like Corpus or NOX..



    Well, Grineer have heavy armor face plates, but the softies like the chicks and snipers should be wrecked by a trio of tibby rounds to the face. 

  15. 12 hours ago, TKDancer said:

    going by order only, its limbo, then chroma, then limbo, then mesa, equinox and so on


    but dont be surprised if DE decides to do chroma 1st and hes in a big need for rework while limbo only needs changes to become more team friendly

    Yeah, like putting him in another world, where his phase shift crap doesnt make enemies god mode.  More like Titanfall 2's phase shifting mission would be amusing.

  16. On 4/3/2018 at 6:50 AM, Rabbid- said:

    I really don't know what you talking about, My Oberon rarely runs out of energy with the exception of getting proced by magnetic, other than that I can run a good defection mission easily with oberon
    What kind of logic do you even have with that Ember melting  Frost's globe, that's not even what you call synergy 

    Maybe you're the one that needs to GTFO

    Because, you say it makes perfect sense that one warframe's ability draining is able to drain another frame's energy.

    So, I simply gave you another example where the same logic could be easily, and far more sensibly put to use. 

    Fire melts ice, Ember is a fire frame, therefore, should melt Frost's snowglobe, however, I clearly see you did not agree with that.....

    I just dont get how you see synergy or how its actually good for the game or the frames, for Nekros to drain Oberon's energy.

    Oh, and I dont have any problem sustaining energy either, right up until a Nekros comes along and pops his' pets......ive never seen 744 energy go so quickly

  17. On 4/3/2018 at 7:04 AM, Grimmstyler said:

    Higher? i got a 25,000 and some change Red Crit Headshot with Tiberon Prime on Semi fire mode in a Lith Fissure Grineer.. But that was also thru successful consecutive shots..

    Yeah?  And my bro has gotten into the hundreds of thousands with his Amprex....

  18. 22 hours ago, NezuHimeSama said:

    75% isn't enough. From experience, you go down super fast even with 75% dr from armor. Hell, when playing for melee, you go down super fast even with 90+% armor dr.

    There's a lot that really needs to be reworked in terms of damage and armor scaling.


    I think maybe an idea would be to cap enemy scaling to be more in line with what warframes can achieve with mods, and balance weapons around that. IE, when an enemy reaches lv30, it has the equivalent of vitality, vigor, steel fiber, and redirection maxed out. At lv40, it has augur accord. At lv60, vigor has been primed and maxed. This could also include mods for sprint speed, and wouldn't exceed a total maximum of 8 slots of mod-equivalent stat boosts.

    Eximus would get things like boosts to aura range and strength as well, but wouldn't be able to have as many health boosters stacked on. Weapons would scale similarly, and status effects and damage would need to be rebalanced.

    Yup, like I also said, dmg needs to be toned back....it makes for a very unfun experience when every engagement you get 1 shot...

  19. Unairu is just as useless as ever.

    Still say Uniaru should have built in shield and health regen, as well as alot more armor, +50 armor?  LOL....ill try not to spend that all in 1 place. +50% armor passive, sure...I can work with that, but +50?  ha....the rest of it is a joke.

    Focus, like Rivens is a system I dont bother with, as its to useless to pursue.  Since the reset, I havent even put my lens back on my equipment.

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  20. Yeah, I absolutely fking hate sorties cuz its ayatan, endo, ayatan, ayatan, ayatan, wtf is the point of doing a harder mission if the rewards suck?  Risk vs reward?  Yeah, its higher risk, as you run around being 1 shot from everywhere, but the rewards?  Yeah they arent there.

    Sorties should be Guarenteed Riven+1 other item.  RIvens are already RNG with a large RNG and a side order of RNG with a 32 oz RNG, so to also making getting a fking riven RNG out the ass is just excessive and stupid.  I honestly dont even bother trying to get rivens, its not worth the effort.  I have 5 and all 5 came from the few times the game more or less gave them to me free....

    Its not worth the effort trying to get rivens.....they are way the hell to expensive to, lets get more rivens in the world so the price stops being so stupid high....no, 1 card should not cost 50 bucks...ffs...

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