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  1. its meant to only give 90% Ability Strength to the 4th ability of the warframe, not every 4th ability used like how protea works.
  2. Yeah, and I tested it. It now works as intended. I still need to do a math test on it to check that the increase is correct but its atleast buffing melee for a change, making naramon finally fully viable for melee mains.
  3. Hit negative damage cap with the falcor. As for how.. a lot of testing
  4. So I posted this bug some time ago, but it still hasn't been addressed and is still an issue as Naramon is very clearly meant to be the MELEE SCHOOL... So I'm reposting it outside of the Dante bug reports where I first uploaded this, in hopes that it gets picked up and fixed. Note that after some testing, this is still an issue as of this post even though Eclipse which had the same issue have had it fixed for melee already.. Video to showcase this: Description: So as seen in the video, it starts with me using a Paris Prime with no mods, shooting an enemy, and doing 710 damage on a crit. Then I activate lethal levitation and get a 50% increase in damage. The math I used for myself to see that it actually does what it's supposed to do is this: 710*(1+(0.5)) = 1065 which rounds up to 1100 or 1.1k as seen in the video. I then do the same test with melee and it does not add any extra damage, granted I write in the game chat in frustration in the middle of it and afterwards. But I made sure that there were no extra ways to add any damage any other way. As Naramon is meant to be the MELEE school... it's frustrating that the one ability that should let you up your damage a bit as a melee player, does not even work for melee. DE... Please fix...
  5. You know what.. thats actually fair. Who would want to mess with the loot.
  6. As the title says; What is the one single ability you would never subsume over ever? I'm curious.
  7. This is most likely not a bug. As this is not limited to breach surge as far as I know. This is because breach surge does most likely not adapt stats from the frame its being cast by for the sparks but just a base proc. But if I remember correctly ut does however scale its damage done on a sparks hit based on any damage buffs you might have as well as viral stacks on the enemy hit.
  8. If you have any overguard or are using any warframe with any form of extended guards youll have issues with it. I've noticed this too as this combo does not work that well with frames like Dante or Frost.
  9. Lethal levitation should only be able to buff the melee damage of the ghost but as Ive also posted, it does not buff melee damage at all.
  10. It's not a client/host issue its purely a code issue as its consistent regardless of conditions. It and numerous other similar damage buffs directed at weapons have had this issue for a long time now. But recently Eclipse (that was one of the offenders) was "fixed" and does buff melee damage right now.
  11. So I posted this bug some time ago, but it still hasn't been addressed and is still an issue as Naramon is very clearly meant to be the MELEE SCHOOL... So I'm reposting it outside of the Dante bug reports where I first uploaded this, in hopes that it gets picked up and fixed. Note that after some testing, this is still an issue as of this post even though Eclipse which had the same issue have had it fixed for melee already... Video to showcase this: Description: So as seen in the video, it starts with me using a Paris Prime with no mods, shooting an enemy, and doing 710 damage on a crit. Then I activate lethal levitation and get a 50% increase in damage. The math I used for myself to see that it actually does what it's supposed to do is this: 710*(1+(0.5)) = 1065 which rounds up to 1100 or 1.1k as seen in the video. I then do the same test with melee and it does not add any extra damage, granted I write in the game chat in frustration in the middle of it and afterwards. But I made sure that there were no extra ways to add any damage any other way. As Naramon is meant to be the MELEE school... it's frustrating that the one ability that should let you up your damage a bit as a melee player, does not even work for melee. DE... Please fix...
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