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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. But dont you think it is a little unfair that if 1 guy melee's whole other team that constantly shoot him and he does not give a fudge about it. And personally i find other melee weapons pretty balanced only kogake is op imo

    I dont think so, i see unfair how underpowered are currently most of the melee weapons.

    No spin damage bonus (coz coptering i think)

    No headshot damage (cuz press E to win is easy)

    when doing combos you are open to damage and stuck in mid of animations...

    If 1 guy can play like you say, jisus, i see a skilled melee boy...

  2. Because no one can evade a kogake user, and MM just work when in melee mode actually.
    Because "infinite stamina" is fine while coptering or flying around, but no while blocking with the low dps on melee weapons, or "press E to win"

    Because if DE remove or reduce the kogake utility when people starts with other melee weapons, more threads like this is going to start.

  3. Boltor P feels like Soma P with more DPS... I feel that weapon OP...
    Valkyr Popolation its increased every day... and the same melee weapons everywhere, boltonfas and Bo/P
    Its the most common thing we can see actually.

  4. I already played against you. Despite you spamming 4 with black energy I still managed to make it draw.






    Here is usual kill with Daiky:




    I still support making bows deal more damage with distance. That is a skill shot:



    Dont worry about posting gifs etc, they are going to say you are against noobs because they are not fast and they dont have a bo to move and if you want to prob something play againts them and that dont prove nothing (it happends to me).


  5. Lol wut mate? 


    1.0 Players aren't getting rekt, they're just killing everyone and making their KD better much faster than before. I could mention a few names but I'm pretty sure you know who they are..

    It looks like they are getting rek, i could mention a few names, but well u know, i cant. (Forums Rules)

    @jonbenj, maybe we say the same on all the topics, because all the topics come from the same people with the same purpose.

    same people over and over, like kogake threads from... yes same people... and i can say most of the threads complaint about 2.0 gameplay are 1.0 players, lets check the feedback...

    Im still dont see the point of this Thread, comparison, why? We all know how bad was (not for all obviously) 1.0 for player base for new comers and general.

  6. So baiscally because you are getting kills the newer pvp 2.0 is better?

    So basically because all you 1.0 players are getting rek the old conclave is better?

    Here you dont need imaginare rules to make a "fair play" everithing is balance, or in constant balance, but not something forget like old...

    Where i cant press E and win, because is not a long range thing like guns, where parkour is under coptering and air melee like before with a little combination with parkour...

    Where if someone take his time to collect energy win like before... where the only things "fair" are that who dont rek me...

    Old node is gone, i dont believe(and i hope) DE dont put it back, eventually, if 1.0 comes back just for that tiny portion of players who like just shoot things, its going to come on 2.0 "P4TW" because lack of people on 1.0 like before.

    Where you cant choose your own way to play or have fun, because some people think it is unfair...

    This topic/ discussion its making a confirmation on why DE already have make the awesome decition of reworking all the pvp system, there are 2 type of people who actually play pvp:

    Old pvpers - Guns and little parkour in combination coptering, same weapons over and over, no? Zephyrs/Typedos/Vlakyrs/Mareloks/Vectis like semi automatic weapons/. and i forget ash or lokis.

    New pvpers - Warframe pvp, Swords pvp, Warframe abilities pvp, excaliburs, mags, volts, and other type of warframes and a tons of diversity.

    What is the point of making this type of threads? Divition between community because differents choice of game, and more confirmation on how elitist the people is.

  7. Fast speed on warframe let you dodge everithing, i dont know why people complain, one more thread for kogake and my pc its gonna explode.
    You may learn some dodge mechanics that in game exist, yes i play pvp, and i know how to counter kogake and never had problems with that, you just need to adap about all variants of choice in the pvp.

  8. you are also seeing more noobgake since the strun wraith nerf since it has now become harder to deal with noobgake with anything but a strong automatic, a lex prime or an OP skill (or the daikyu if the person is using a light or really armored frame)...

    noobgake? Whats next? Gelatinoobs? Dont start with that.


  9. The Throw animation is less than a second including the action of holding the E key. Its like throwing a throwing knife in blackops.


    Yes, for throwing weapons the projectile speed is potent. But we are talking about the glaive prime in this discussion, as it has a very fast travel time.


    Once again as i addressed this before, you can still wall run and fly off of walls, which is almost just as viable as coptering.


    Dodge-able, i disagree, especially with the movement nerf of conclave 2.0. Jumping, rolling do not avoid glaive throws that efficiently. You can run away which helps 60% of the time but that means that the only viable method of avoiding a glaive shot is to run away. And that does not make sense especially for only a melee weapon.


    And I actually did make a video.


    Here were the prerequisites

    I used an mk1-braton as it has a decent TTK, this is to represent how much the glaive prime can take out leaving little for my primary to finish off. If you watch the video and see how much damage the glaive prime takes of, you can follow with any latron shot and you can easily kill the enemy. Delivering that insanely low TTK i was talking about before.


    I never used the glaive prime outside of play testing. So the footage you are seeing is from my very first time using the weapon. recorded at around 1AM. I have 0 experience with this weapon and was able to produce good game results.


    I was hitting both running targets and stand stil targets. But lets be honest here, most 2.0 conclavers act like sentry turrets.



    The Result:


    I played just as good if not better than as if i was using my mk1-paris (my most proficient weapon)

    That is the skill required to use the Glaive, you have nice aim to use the glaive, your problem dont come from the damage that glaive does, yor problem come from skilled people who know how to use the Glaive i think.


     is very simple it is very easy to use and not risky at all


    I dont know what to say about it anymore.

    Is one of the most "skill" melee weapon actually in pvp... I think you are looking for what you have say on match, melees need to be just for copter.

    We are in the wrong way.

    Glaive/p is high risk and not guaranted reward.


  11. I was thinking on say something constructive, but i cant do it anymore, doesn't matter what I have to say about powers people its gona start complain about it, untill warframe become like 1.0 was, just a "Quake Version".
    Sorry about dont say something constructive, all i have to say is, DE, if you make more limits on warframe powers, you are going to make a limitation on "Why I have to choose Nyx, Excalibur? If i cant use RJ or RB", any other Energy limitation takes away the point of usage differents warframe because his utility.
    Im sorry for contribute with nothing, but i feel i have say all as i can about powers, i give people solution on how to counter, how to learn about 4th skill usage, but this is going to happend like melee weapons, nerfed it to the ground, and now only 3 are viables for usage, its funny, now are coming Glaive Threads.
    All we can do about people who want "diversity" with all the words, wait about official answer from DE about warframes powers.
    Nice Job PvP Team (no sarcasm) you have already done a excellent job about the current diversity on weapons and warframes, where i can use my excalibur and my nix prime, because it works on pvp and its balance about differents ways to play.


    Yeah, maybe the powers annoy a little but people evade the way to learn, and focus on what he likes, without having completely learned the system.

    On last Point, yes Excalibur RJ was reworked when 2.0 comes out, on how LoS works, you can evade it between obstacles, or just jumping away fast like 4th Skill from Volt/P.

    Sorry if what i say is out of context, they can delete it if they want.

  12. I meant to write this post earlier. But here it is


    To start off, Im not the overconfident loser that most people think I am. I do call out on people, but I respect those who are of higher skill than me. I know my place and my skill level in the game.


    To be fair there are three things that can beat me in this game, and alot of people can relate.


    1) Someone of equal or higher skill (which is normal)


    2) Power Spamers


    The third one, which I have been seeing alot recently is the glaive combo. If you dont know exactly what the Glaive combo is like, think of the Plasma Pistol combo in halo. A easily charged, easy to hit plasma bolt hits the player removing his sheilds. In this case the glaive prime seemed to have hit all of my Sheilds and a chunk of health in 1 hit, and the thing hit my sides.


    I would always lose to this, and by an overwhelming amount, so to investigate, I decided to playtest it with a friend. I used a frost. Only to find out that the glaive shot took out over 150 sheilds and roughly 15 health. Followed up by a latron shot, it would pretty much drop me dead.


    Considering the buffs and nerfs that DE is implementing, it seems that they are striving for high ttk kills. The Glaive + weapon combo currently has the lowest time to kill in the game, from observation, with the charge time and shot following, almost as fast to perform as the Daikyu, but without much pre meditation and skill.


    I think that this needs to be looked at, it decimates others players, and it seems that players who used this got better overnight? I think not..


    I feel that the glaive should have more consequence, for it to do such damage. Example, the glaive bears not consequence upon missing  as you can litterally shoot the second you fire your glaive. Perhaps having a delay of fire between throws, or even to decrease the hitbox would be great. I tried it for a couple of games and especially in CQC situations I found myself hitting my targets very often.

    Actually the Glaive / P is one of the "skillfull" melee to use, you have to aim the player, and try to hit at high speed movement, so when is it.

    Seriously just Dodge more, If u miss with the glaive in mid of animation you are taking damage, and if you miss, you are already dead.

    That combo you mean, is not easy to, its one melee what need accuracy, what need a "skill" way to use, no just copter. I see the damage pretty Fair.

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