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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. People are already complaining about how slow Parkour 2.slow is now.

    Parkour 2.0 looks slow, but i think that its how to be, not like what we have now.

    A melee movement system, no parkour.

    Speed ever was a problem in warframe, based on what we have now.

    And about that, you can cover the same distance in parkour 2.0 but without E.


    I remember what Steve say:

    We want people use the loadout they want, not force people to use something they dont like to move.

    And, the current mobility system its melee dependent, never was the META from DE, and they let coptering stay, untill they add a new mobility system, like what we have see.

    Actually we have a system, when i have to choose, in a few melee weapons to move liek Lotus want.

    That let a couple of choices about melee, people dont choose warframe to move, like ever have to be, Volt say hi ( ._.)/

    We dont have a weight system where warframe moves slow, based on their loadout, so there is no point on why someone do better parkour because he/she/that have a different melee weapon equipped.

    There are 2 different things, parkour, and coptering, actually, we dont have a parkour system, like what its coming, right now, its a melee dominant system, where who have the highter atack speed melee, won on mobility.

    About what the other dude say, i dont see the good on the current one.

    Where we have only wall run, limited because stamina, wall jump with low range, and wall climb, limited for reasons, where everything, its overshadow with E.

    In combinations between E and current parkour, its 10000x better the new system than this.

  2. You shouldn't have to play as Volt to go fast in a Ninja game.  Fast should be the default speed.  Volt is just for kicking it up to ludicrous speed.

    Yes you have, if you want to go more fast than other, thats why warframe have different movement skills CC etc.

    About a Ninja, the next mobility system its more like a balanced ninja way to play.

    Not like the current Melee dominant system we have now. If DE increase the Running Speed, or speed on everything, people its going to complain again, for reasons...


    wow ... like dude posts no freakin videos to show the viability and creative opportunity with 1.0 and doesnt at least provide a timestamp link to 2.0's showing within the devstream






    I dont understand what do you say.

  3. that new WIP shows how chainning a few maneuvers is fluid and usable not just to trivialize the environment and rush across the room, but more for actually experiencing the map, im not surprised to see a bunch of dislikes there, those guys should consider that the demo is not speed oriented, but versatility focused, theres no point in calling it slow, or raising the no momentum flag, basically we still dont know how fast it can be

    I think this new system give us more "in depth"... if we can call like it.

    A fluid system, where you can do everything in balanced ways, where everyone have to learn how to do and no press E.

    That Wip show us a new way to play the game, no a GG FAST like everyone wants, if that the case, there is Volt still for example.

    The game never was speed orientend or "fast paced" like everyone think, Steve say : Rush and fast paced, its a player desition, as i say, id ont think DE maked huge maps just for rush.

    About the speed, what can i say?

    I enjoy the game in a different way, the speed ever was a unbalanced system in warframe, and now they are fixing it.

  4. First,coptering is not dead, Steve specially said it on Twitter that coptering will finally be use for melee not movement.

    Second, up to this point DE only show us bits of Pakour 2.0, there is yet to be actual gameplay to show me how will it be integrated to our regular gameplay. So I can't really comment on it.

    Coptering is dead, no Slide atacks.

  5. They could actually make this new wall-hopping work alongside actual wall-running



    You could hold down the spacebar to wallrun and letting go would make you do the wall-hop, This could be great for jumping to adjacent walls and skipping corners.


    Green = Wall-run space.


    Yellow = Wall-hop/jump.




    Even better you could use the previewed directional horizontal wall-running with wall-hopping to get higher up on walls.




    I really hope they combine the two, It would atleast be a bit easier then having to wall-hop every time we hit a wall.

    If you let me put this on the First page :v

    she covered like 30 meters in a jump by accident indeed

    That was awesome (for me), what do you think?

  6. I think the problem people are having is that it isn't slower or less controllable. it is poorly polished and the animations are something in alpha. It has a lot of potential and right now looks like a huge improvement. People are focusing way to much on crappy animations and to little on the improvements.


    It adds much more control, it makes it much easier for newbies, it has a lot of tactical purposes, it serves as a way to attack our enemies and stun them, and it is decently fast. 


    Rebecca isn't good at the system but even then you can see she is able to go as fast as the current system now with a pro player. This system will be faster than parkour 1.0 but not as immediately fast as coptering. The animations will be remade to look slicker and faster. I don't think we need wall running I think we need better looking wall hopping. 


    Like I said in my other post the Tenno just needs to change from hopping to striding, all the DE needs to do is polish the animations before releasing it.

    I think the problem come from melee dependent...

    This new system offert alot of more fun, and enviroment control.

    They are worried about the speed, but they forget Volt, Zephyr... Warframe with mobility skills, This new animations, if we compare with wallrunning and wall-hop, is not slower, have the same speed, and Rebecca was using unmodded speed excalibur to do that, and if they at least pay attention on the devstream, we have saw that distance covered with a little of combo between movements.

  7. Parkour 2.0 is not Slow.
    You can be fast we constant movement, did you see the devstream? Did you see the distance and speed what rebbeca cover with his constant moves?
    I think you dont.

    Wall hop FEELS slow, is not, because it have alot of animations, compare the wallrun time with wall hop time.

    About coptering, its a gamebreak unbalanced that needs, and its going to be fixed.

    About speed, rebecca was unmodded exca without mods.
    About animations, maybe a little more of "fluid"...
    The double jumping mechanic its awesome... You can not touch the ground with constant jumps hops and that, preventing the player for running if doing well...
    What more people need?
    This new system is what i waiting for, a balanced movement system not dependend of your melee weapon.

    Wall hop works on all tilesets and prevent for stuck in Doors holes...
    Wall Climb do the same... 

  8. On Devstream 53 they also showed quick slides on walls followed by huge and quick jumps, but other than the stamina removal there was none of those thing in today's build, which was a rough version of what we're going to get in-game.

    That quick slides was the change between walls (imaginare hole while hop).


    Let me ask you, how do you build momentnum in Earth tileset where large river flows through the cave? There isnt anything there to bounce off from.

    We still dont know, i really dont know.

    But that is an excuse of let the actual unbalanced melee movement system in the game because speed and distance?


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