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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. Dont care for coptering either.

    So yeah, kill coptering but keep stamina.




    Dont know how long you are been playing shooters but limited sprint is not new.

    There is no slope here that i am slipping.




    That's the point. The game gives you options to continue moving while the stamina returns. 

    So why take away stamina because some folks are not learning? Why not teach the system that exists?


    From how Geoff was acting about it, it seem like they made a decision that they know is bad but they are not backing from it because they said they were doing it something.




    Dont really copter. If you party with me i will always be at the back because im in no rush.

    Wut? You still want stamina on game?

    I will like to know, how many players, on all the matchs, on all the maps, put stamina mods and speed mods on their warframe, and sacrifice damage, Hp or Shield, or other mods with better utility just for running a little more, when no one run, just copter, and coptering ignore a big amount of stamina, making it like "so what is that green bar?".

  2. We might also be getting the new Ying Yang frame.

    Yes Thank You.


    that's gonna be lame since its titles tombs of the ancients. It doesn't seem like there is enough done to warrant a full update. With parkour 2.0 getting redone I don't k ow what else.

    I dont know if they are going to change the title, but maybe i wrong they say Sentients are not ready for u17 i think.

  3. Sharkwing will not be U17 probably 17.5

    Parkour 2.0 probably won't make it.

    Tyl Regor boss fight, maybe.

    A new Trial

    Solar map 2.0?


    Kubrow armor

    Sentients should be in 17

    Really it seems like a lot of things in U17 are getting delayed so it could just be the whole update may be pushed back.

    Existing archwing and weapons will be used with sharkwing

    They say about Sentients is not finished, I remember they say something about 17 but no 17.5 about sharkwing


  4. I don't think there has been anything on a foundry rework, as you claim here. You might be thinking of the Genetic Foundry that DE mentioned, which fits under Kubrow System Rework.

    Anyways, don't get your hopes up that everything you listed will be in U17, Parkour 2, for example, will probably be coming sometime later.

    Edit: Also the orbiter compartment is already in the game, it's the part of the ship that's down the ramp. Maybe there was some discussion about expanding it, I can't remember exactly.

    I remember when Sheldon say something about foundry and genetic foundry, but i cant remember when...

    I think parkour 2.0 its coming in (dont destroy my hopes, just dont)


  5. In the  Last Devstream They have shown great content and we have been blessed with great changes coming.

    Maybe I forget many things, but the purpose of this place is to make a collection of information that we currently have for Up17.

    Excalibur Skills Rework. (With New Alt Helmet).
    Parkour 2.0.
    Orbiter - (Maybe? )
    New Under Water Tile Set (We got a Preview on Tubemen of Regor Event).
    Tyll Regor  Rework.
    SharkWing (Under Water Archwing)
    Foundry 2.0
    Kubrow armors and Kubrow System Rework.
    New Star Chart (On discussion)
    New Trial (8 Players Raid) With J3 Golem Rework (Archwing related).
    Catbrows (Maybe? - Official Name on discussion).
    New Warframe (Ying Yang Theme).

    I will edit this Topic once I get more information.


  6. but coptering might be also only bright side of a weapon say daggers, if u remove coptering from it why even ever use it?


    btw im kinda in the team remove coptering.


    but i would like to see some intresting buffs on light weapons tho(daggers),not necessarily dmg . Maybe say if u use daggers u run a little faster?


    PS : make a rambo knife skin for dark daggers please :)


    EDIT: seems booben 2nd ability becomes even more useless with parkour 2.0

    There is no why buff the dagger if they take out coptering, because coptering its still a bug, movement depends of the melee weapons never was intended, there is no why my dark dagger is not anymore for mobility, if that is the purpose of parkour 2.0 take out that lack of balance, if u want mobility use parkour, no melee weapons, if they do that with daggers what is the purpose of making park 2.0 if the people continue xploiting that glitch?

  7. SO what... Everyone in Halo had access to power ups and power weapons when the match started, but 90% of the time, the people that got to them first dictated how the match went because they knew spawn timers and such... This meant that matches were always one sided when there was just one power weapon or power up in the game. Now I'm not saying Halo was unbalanced, because it was among the most balanced games you could ever play, but Warframe abilities being accessible at all times as long as you have a pool of energy, and having zero cooldown means you can just for the most part spam certain abilities to win (now I'm not saying there aren't strategies to deal with spam, but it severely limits your options and it becomes more annoying than fun dealing with so much spam)... I for one am 100% in on some stronger abilities having higher cooldowns to prevent all the spam so that you use an ult as a strategic tide turner rather than an instant win button... like adding a 60 second cooldown to one shot ults, and 30 second cooldowns to highly damaging 1 abilities, this would at least make people think twice before using them...

    We cant compare any game with warframe. Warframe its special and unique how is it.

    About the "spamm" I cant spamm every 10 seconds, or every 1 minute, there are 8 players on the match, i am not the only one looking for energy.

    If you know, there is people collecting energy around the map, you can prevent that, there is not 500 energy to spamm 5 times in a row, there is not 100 energy on all the maps, to cast it the complete match, there is 2 orbs, 3 or 4 depends of the map, and there is 8 players looking for energy, if you  are not, 7, the cooldown in abilities are the cooldown on energy, i dont see players casting abilities all the time as i say, i am not the only one who want RJ, there are 7 players more, with differents warframes.

    People need time about how to counter energy collectors, no just come here and say "people press 4 spamming" it looks like in the map are x1000 energy to everyone and is not.

    Take some time to practice on map control, and learn about the differents ways to play warframe, here is not only about shooting and press e...



    On maps there is (on FFA for example im not going to talk on CtC because it looks like with the current speed, skills are the only way to stop a carrier) 75 energy for 8 players, every 45 seconds, energy surge start every 3 minutes if im not wrong, that is 150 energy between 8 players, if the player, manage that amount of energy and can spamm the times he want, men he is a great player if we have the consideration on everyone its looking for energy.

  8. Map control is something you can only do easily with Bo Prime. The current energy system is way to abundant, especially on maps like Freight Line, and rewards passive play rather than actually going out and killing things yourself. Ultimate powers should only be seen a few times a game, I shouldn't see ultimate powers casted every minute to 3 minutes.

    First one, no, i use skana and glaive p, and i can be more fast picking energy.

    Second one, maybe, but already its limited about how many people are looking for energy, rarely i see the same player using his powers, if they take energy and make the 4th skill few times, slash dash and other warframes skills need 1 shot kill 100%.

  9. About OP.
    You are looking for a normal shooter, where energy need to have a BIG LIMIT, and skill without 1 shoot?
    My question is, why you say "P4TW? If you can do that, but you dont want, there is a lot of thing to prevent a player to take energy orbs, map control its something that most of the player are missing.
    Because you dont like the idea of players using their skills, it dont prevent you to counter that collecting the orbs and killing that people, but if you just kill, waiting for other players to dont use a mechanic , there is something wrong.
    About energy, is not really abundant, how elele say, there is 8 players, if 7 are looking for energy and you dont prevent for it, and still you have problem with that, from that 7 people, maybe one with luck can press 4 to win.
    Maybe need more practice on this new 2.0...
    Doing a big limit on energy, takes away warframes in choice about differents ways to play.


  10. It exists to 1) limit blocking 2) add more resource management (difficulty, which is sorely lacking in Warframe) 3) introduce more variety (via modding).


    So far the arguments against stamina have been "I don't like it" or "We're space ninjas" which aren't really valid arguments compared to what I've forwarded.


    Stamina does need changes, but that doesn't mean it should be removed.  It should be improved.  Without it the game will just get that much more boring.

    How the game its going to become boring for taking out something that people never manage or never care?

  11. Every longer trade needs to be worth it, that's why I say that they shouldn't change the current ttk, but decrease the shield ttk and increase the health ttk. Something like +50% health for all frames and +25% dmg for all weapons. DE reduced the fun factor of Warframe pvp (the speed) instead of dealing with the real problem (the shields), when it came to conclave 2.0.

    Yes, the old conclave felt more like Warframe in my opinion, but that means that we should try to improve the current conclave to make it more like it. The pvp team made a lot good improvements (nearly every frame is viable, 80% of the Warframe abilities are balanced, well balanced high tier weapons), but this is, besides the monotony of weapons and missing matchmaking, one of my major criticism points.

    If you let me, im going to make some points of view on this with old and new, in my own experience.

    You say the real problem its the Shields, hm maybe i dont know.

    Fun factor speed... Uhm nope, as you can see now, that fun you say, is not working, if they make more speed on melee weapons, this feedback section its going to start in rage about people with melee weapons, that "fun factor about speed" its bad, and you have see that, it make a lot of people rage because E=easy win (...???).

    That fun factor , is not fun for everyone, and DE is not making a Focus on what few people want, or think on "what is fun", when 2.0 comes, we have see, that fun factor, is not fun, it takes away the "skill" in mobility, and takes away the usage on most of melee weapons.

    About old conclave "felt more warframe",  why you say that? Because speed on melee weapons doing ping pong everywhere? Or maybe because all the players choose Zephyr/Valkyr/Ash maybe loki with the same weapons over and over and over...

    Or the point on old conclave ever was just shoot and fly? If we are going to talk about "fun", chisus, we are having more fun here than before, big variation on players choice, less focus on the same weapons and warframes/builds, different modes to play with warframes players with melee weapons killing and not only flying (for me, i ever loved the sword alone, and with coptering ever was hard try to catch a dude with typedo)

    I dont think the ttk in warframe need to be more low in shields, squisky warframes are going to be more squishy including damage hp (if they increase the ttk how u say).


  12. energy orbs spawn points should be locked accordingly with the number of players in game in order to keep the relative energy per player, other wise instead of investing time or fighting for energy a single player can have his ultimate without any direct confrontation, consequence, or chance for the other player to stop him from getting 100 energy


    if the match is 1v1, there should be only 1 orb in the center of the map, or 2 orbs, one per side both in a time consuming spot



     Even on the Europa map where there are the most energy spawns (5 in total), 45 sec to spawn 25 energy, that's 25X5 divided by 8 players, so 16 energy per player, every 45 seconds. 


    How much time on average does it take for the Excal to gather 100 energy 


    Here is the answer: 280 seconds. That's over 4 minutes! 


    He can only "P4" every FOUR MINUTES! 



  13. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/464950-is-valk-too-tanky/page-4


    Read joebuck explanation on RTK, actually Frost has similar (or superior in some cases) "tanky" stats but his whole abilities are way more useful than Valkyr abilities, then you have Chroma with higher stats than Frost, that argument about how Valkyr is balanced by her armor because her abilities are mediocre is pretty old.

    I have tested that RTK and it was not working, valkyr its still very powerfull, people like how valkyr is because they choose that warframe "for no powers usage"  (...?) So i dont think a change on she or his abilities its going to be fair.

  14. No noobs, just people who choose a different way to play and a different way to have fun.

    The honor code "worked well" because a small community was playing that mode.

    I think most of the "veterans" dont like this new pvp, because they are not "special" anymore, where everyone can kill, and get health.

    There are few points that people cant remember, all the people with the same warframe, was not balance, all the people with the same weapons, was not balance, all the people flying around like superman was not fun, because not everyone liks valkyr or zephyr, not everyone wanted to play with mareloks or snipers, or another weapons that was not adjusted to "honor code", not everyone wanted to do coptering, there was people who loved the melee alone, and they cant, just a few, and that was not in the "honor code"...

    I dont know, just saying.

    If we compare the meta on "have fun", here we have fun, more people, more variation, not a simple ghost town. People who come from 1.0 was who come here asking for reward in pvp, there is no problem if people enter in this new pvp just for the mods, it dont make you worse playing.

    About "noobs" no, there was not noobs, there was lack of balance, where just 1 ogris, or penta/Acrid, can ruin the complete match.

    I remember enter in matchs, and all the people with the same warframe and weapons ever and ever and ever, it was like the only warframe and weapons available was snipers and mareloks/typedo/zephyr, valkyr.

    I dont know, here we have more variation, people playing with melee and not only for mobility, people who choose differents warframe because different ways to play etc etc...


  15. Could anyone please explain this honor code?  I've heard about it, and stayed away from Conclave 1.0 because I didn't know what it was...and it seemed kinda weird to me to keep yourself from using equipment and mods that were deemed "dishonorable" or something.

    You have to play with X loadout and not use energy. Dont use melee to kill, just for move.


  16. Old conclave was fun for a tiny portion of players.
    Lack of balance,
    Where if you dont use something like "fair rules" you cant choose your own way to play.
    Nah this is x100000 better for more people.

  17. Actually pvp its beautiful and amazing.
    Well nothing to do, Quake games its what people wants, i never have problems with kogakes and 4th abilities spammers, but i looks like i am a lucky boy.
    Actually there is a Mod: When killing one enemie you gain X amount of energie, i dont understand or maybe i cant see the point on limiting more and more and more the warframe energy, at this point, we are going to see just valkyr because his armor flying around and shooting like before...
    Fast mobility is fun... Maybe you have to wait until parkour 2.0 comes and wait, and see how fast a player can get the energy first.
    There is no problem with energy system, there are people who like to play with that function and others not, everyone have the same chances to counter, but it looks like, its more easy to come here to forums and complaing about that, and not learn on how to play and counter that, Just saying.

  18. S



    So, the problem is that you copter and don't kill an enemy at the end?  I don't think that they're going to change that.


    They have stated many times that melee jump was an unintended bug, but they left it in the game because they saw the merits in it.


    They may be able to make Warframe more parkour-like.   They may not.  Time will tell.  The fact is that there is mobility in the game without coptering.  You can jump and move better than most games that I have played.  If they limit the distance of melee jumping, it may limit the ability to get to places on the map that they want you to go. Personally, I don't want to have to use a double jump to get there.


    The question is whether you like the ability to get to places using the current game mechanics, or whether you hate people who copter in pvp.


    Personally, I hate PVP.  I like to be able to get to high places.  I never use the glaive or glaive prime.  It's just a personal preference.

    And that is what i was talking, people just dont understand about problems with game mechanics and bugs.

    They left in the game this bugs because people like it, not because "it feels like the game need to be like that"

    Pssst! We are not talking about pvp, but if you want here i have some questions that is going to help you understand whats happening with coptering and the current melee system.


    Another Psst, Parkour 2.0 its going to be implemented first in pc, and later in PS4 etc, so they still have time to do something about controls


  19. I could hardly understand what you wrote.  It's not a flame, just a fact.


    I watched the devstream.  I didn't understand why they are limiting the distance of "coptering".  I understand that they do not like it.  I understand that it was never intended to be included.  So, the mechanics of aerial melee are dependant on which weapon you use.  They can fix that.  


    I honestly do not believe that they can create a parkour-like movement system with the limitations of the xbone controller.


    The movement works now.  We do not need double jump.


    Movement has always been a problem in multiplayer games like MMOs.  If you give the players the ability to jump, they end up jumping all over the place, even if their movement really isn't enhanced.


    Unfortunately, trying to convince anyone of an opinion opposing the view that they already have is near impossible.


    We will see what happens, but I, for one, like Warframe as it is now.

    Coptering speed and distance will change, for the problem that is happening.

    The point is not to convince someone to think what you want, the point is not everyone see the problem with mechanics in game.

    The movement dont work now, because you are not moving, you are doing slide in the air, and air atacks, and that is what let you move, the weapon, no the warframe, that is not parkour, and talking about parkour, why i have to parkour when i have coptering/directional melee, the problem comes for that people who choose different melee weapons that dont let you move, and the point is not "make a different tier of weapons because mobility".

    The point is in general about mobility and melee weapons, just the people dont understand when we talk about "parkour, and coptering".

    Mobility depends on how fast your melee can swing, and not in how fast you can move... (?)

    We need doble jumps, not aerial atacks that let you cover a big distance, and let the enemie alive.


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