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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. You're right, I see no one doing these calculations, either. Instead people create threads here saying how OP she is. Sorry, but if you're unwilling to figure out how I/P/S damage actually works against shields, health and armour, then I simply can't take your opinion seriously. Actually, you don't even have to figure it out yourself, but you should listen to advice where it is given.


    I didn't make these rules, and I'm not saying they're good or they're bad. They're a fact of Warframe PvP you just have to deal with right now, and if you don't want to do that, you shouldn't be surprised that an enemy Valkyr has the upper hand over you.


    Always bring a Puncture-heavy weapon to deal with Chroma and Valkyr. You have 3 slots for that. If you don't, it's entirely your own fault.

    How I say, it was not necesary to make this type of calculations before valkyr was on game, and if we are going to talk about the threads, remember about that threads complaining about melee be too OP? We dont have Spin damage multiplier so...

    No one can take seriously a thread when someone have a different opinion, and I dont know "why" you make that calculations, but here we are.


    We already know, all who come here on forums, valkyrs its destroying the "balance" meta that warframe pvp need, like daikyu... One shoot things and valkyr with his 600 armor, its not balance, or is it?


    So, because 600 armor on warframe, we are forced to choose puncture weapons, because all players are starting to play with valkyr, because all the people who play pvp, know how op she is...


  2. I will resume that all you have say on this:

    Try to kill a Valkyr with your Dex Furis while she are flying out there... or with your Soma prime...

    That calculations are Unnecesary with my point, i dont see no one on current gamemplay doing that calculations while playing, there is no "why" i have to that with other warframes, why a OP warframe make this problem if we are asking for balance?

    And still dont understand why you make that calculations to make a valid point on "valkyr is fine" while you need to equip a Latron/P and Lex/P just for Valk... if this is balanced, its not supposed to ALL weapons work the same against all warframes?

    I remember this was not a problem before valkyr was on game

  3. Damage numbers alone mean nothing if you don't include the firerate as well. DPS is what counts.


    Valkyr is fine - and I don't even play her all that much. You should do some calculations with Puncture damage to see what I mean.




    So doing that damage I say its okay in valkyr because dps? Because valkyr its not going to move when someone its shooting at she...

    20 damage weapon-8damage on valk

    9 damage weapon-3damage on valk...

    And if we going to start about IPS, that its not a problem with other warframes like Frost and Rhino... I dont know why this have to be the exception with valkyr...


  4. 5 Damage on some primary weapons...
    3 Damage on some secondary weapons...
    "Valkyr is Fine" <- Players who like Valkyr
    Excuse? Use Lex/P and Latron/P its nice against Valks... (..?)
    I dont know why De put 600 armor on warframe with current weapon damage... If Rhino feels like a tank with 190 armor...
    600 armor+fast speed+high stamina+Melee Skills+Hysteria 1 shot... O i forgot she have 50 shields so his excesive armor its balanced (..?)

    Im still waiting for something that dont force the player to use 1 loadout for 1 warframe...

  5. What's wrong with one shot weapons, in your opinion?

    Also, keep in mind that there are powers that mitigate its damage so it's not always one-shot, and that melee blocks entirely mitigate its damage.

    Easy to do actually, the range its not a problem with fast mobility, I dont see people blocking and shooting at the same time, I cant go agains a bow user with my melee, and stay close to he, i dont want to be a "easy target" vs bow user, so melee its irrelevant, lets be serious, no one its going to change to melee, block the arrow, and shoot...

    About powers, no opinion, its something unique on warframe that makes difference between a normal game shooter with swords, and warframe.

  6. You see? when someone say something about Op things, the people start to say "o diud you cant fight, o diud git gud"...
    I think most of the people dont want that weapon balanced because, balance = o men, i cant kill fast anymore...
    1 shot weapons, is not okay, DE need to understand it from 1.0 experience, Strun/W/Valkyr/Daikyu its destroying the "balance" ... 
    O you cant fight a valkyr... yes diud... only you can fight them

  7. >_> don't make me pull out my ghetto side and be all "you don't know me" lol


    And truthfully, no, I don't know, because I haven't gotten the chance to use it, yet :-P


    Perhaps that would be a suggestion for the devs: make hosts able to choose modifiers for the match, such as melee only, and/or no energy for abilities.

    I hope they dont do it... if now exist limited on choice will playing, imagine when players put their own "rules"...


  8. Ugh...what's wrong with gathering energy and using your abilities to the greatest extent? That's part of the strategy of Conclave, and adds that dimension of powers that sets it apart from typical shooter games.

    If the devs didn't mean for players to keep on top of energy, they wouldn't have spawns; they'd have another system, like enemies always drop one energy orb on KO, or simply universal energy siphon.

    If anyone doesn't like me hogging energy, then they should adjust their strategy. There is a Conclave mod that also allows players to see who has full energy and is ready to use their ult.

    I Think after see a lot of post about complaining on energy and warframe skills they want a normal shooter resumed in: 

    Pium pium... fly pium pium.... Just want a normal shooter, using guns to kill... no another way to play it... 

  9. Soma Prime vs Valkyr = 6 damage, he copters away...
    Braton Series = 5-8 damage, he copters away...
    Karak series = 5 damage ...
    3-4 shots from shotguns (dont ask for boar prime jisus)
    And the secondarys...
    2-3 damage... yes its really balanced, with actually mobility easy to dodge bullets, high ttk makes she too powerfull only you need a bo/p a weapon on choice and get ready to tank all the match without die....

  10. The reason on why its op, its because its really hard to dodge some one with strun whraith if you dont choose a bo/p for mobility.
    While to reach some one to close range its so easy, its like old channeling complaining while bo/p was op and killing all dudes in no more than 2 shots/hits.
    Right now Strun whraith its like Pre Nerf of Hek (PvE) jisus, it is like a Sniper Shotgun, his spread its not really high so it leaves the weapon viable on medium-long range, if we have the excuse on "its a shotgun" i dont see the boar prime working like that.

  11. Yep some weapons need a little buff, like Soma dealing 5 - 8 damage *sighvalkyrsigh* or Karak Whraith...
    A damage reduction on Strun Whraith, looks like a Sniper Shotgun (pre nerf hek, hi how are you?)
    Some secondarys need some love...

  12. Snip-er-

    So your point is, go play 1000 matches and come to forums?

    Well the old node its gone so...

    It was not necessary play more than 10 matches to see how unbalanced it was, some people enjoy it, a little portion of people... and we dont "hate it" because we cant win, we cant git gud... we dont hate it, we  are here on this sub forum, we are not the same people who asked for balance when 1.0 comes to warframes, we are not the same people asking for support on a game mode, asking for rewards, for attention, we just wait... and wait... and wait...

    Now, you have your own syndicate, more people to enjoy a game mode balanced, now exist balance and support from DE, now you have rewards...

    Now, as you can see, more people enjoy this new mode, more than the old mode, why? different tastes, We dont say to people, "hey you dont enjoy loki because you dont know how it works"... maybe he dont enjoy it, because is not his personal style... and that is what you are doing.

    And on my personal experiences I can say, maybe more people was enjoying the old mode, if they can play as they liked, without being called "noobs", for use something different to what you used...


  13. No, I'm saying that from what I've seen the majority of 1.0 players are way more respect full than the new players screaming "noob stop using a bow!!!11!!!!11!!"

    I dont think so, i have seen comments from 1.0 players in old and new pvp screaming "the melee 2.0 blow your mind" "this is for noobs"

    "only noobs use that kind of weapons"  "hey you, stop using your melee to kill and make it a mobility tool like me"... just saying...

  14. I wonder what this thread is about. What's to take away from this? What would you change about the weapon? Is it strictly a bad weapon because it's bad against Valkyr? What about being able to remove a Mag overshield in ~1.07s? Is that good? Good but not good enough?


    Where's the feedback?

    I dont know about the weapon, but something about the armor on valkyr, yes definitely.

    Maybe yes, because its only bad vs valkyrs, Like 9 damage on Dex Furis, or another secondarys and some primarys, jisus focus your build because one warframe, is not entirely fair. It was not happening before introducing valkyr, If a Rhino with his armor, feels like a tank with his 190 on armor...


  15. And the regular Karak deals 9 damage against Valkyr because both of them deal about half of their damage as Impact. Shield damage values are 26 (regular) and 24 (Wraith), meaning Valkyr's shield is gone in ~0.17 seconds.


    I've listed some stats now as well, care to start with the feedback?

    What is your point?

  16. -snipx2-

    That honor code you say, was followed for maybe all of the current players, because they were always the same people.

    I know what you say about parkour, I did it with my clan friends, I know, but in more specific terms: 90% coptering/aerial melee, 10% parkour.

    If fun its all who 1.0 was looking for, we have it now.

    Here, now is where the diversity on choices need skill to learn, how to avoid, how to adapt, how to play, the map rotation let you enjoy something missed in old conclave, the map diversity.

    No just focus on the same weapons and hoping for all people who join in the match, doing the same, for the god sake of balance.


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