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Posts posted by Morgana_Arcana

  1. So, maybe I would care a lot less about the dev talk about the Itzal, if only the other archwings were at all useful in open world Plains/Orb.

    The way it is now, the moment you are in an archwing within a certain range of enemies, you get magically shot out of the sky, regardless of defensive abilities (like Amesha) or maneuvering. The ONLY exception to this is the Itzal, which can go invisible, as well as teleport.

    That makes me incredibly surprised that the proposed change is to basically just make Itzal less useful.

    When will we get to use archwings for anything again? I finished leveling archguns/melee years ago, so there's no incentive to play any of the space tiles.

    Where is archwing's place in the plains style? Why are you trying to make me not care about archwings or their abilities? What is the point of this?

  2. So I still haven't seen this topic addressed by staff so I just really want to underscore this issue.

    When in melee mode, right click forces you into gun mode. There are multiple negative consequences.

    While gliding, I can't block with my melee.

    If I am carrying a datamask without a secondary equipped, gliding drops the datamask because it forces me to use primary gun.

    When doing block combos, it pulls my gun out after the combo is complete.

    Please. Pleeease acknowledge this! There are multiple fixes I can think of, but it's really disruptive to the flow of the basic gameplay.

  3. In missions, over the ability icons there's normally a duration timer, for certain abilities. For example, Garuda's Blood Mirror. However recently, this timer stops working mid mission. In one case, the timer appeared the first time I used the ability, but the duration was off - I don't think it was counting my mods. After that, the timer didn't appear at all when I used the ability.

  4. 9 hours ago, KokoroWish said:

    Are you kidding? Exploiter is their best designed boss, because she's all about the mechanical execution, and less about gaming the numbers. They need to redesign most of the game around this kind of play, squashing down the numbers, while upping the mechanical execution and utilization of the frame skills/systems. So much more satisfying.

    Have the numbers there by all means, but reduce their importance to tweaking or honing playtyles rather than having them decide what is viable.

    But abilities don't do anything useful in the Exploiter fight, so you're contradicting yourself.

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  5. Issue occurs when:

    I have melee out. I begin a combo that uses "block"/aim button (default: right click). I finish the combo.

    What should happen: leave me in melee mode.

    What actually happens: it takes my gun out, even though I haven't pressed 'fire'.


    This ruins the new auto-block functionality because it constantly sheathes my melee when I do these combos, preventing the auto block from working.

  6. It's frustrating that high level enemies are so limited. Arbitration missions are supposed to be more difficult, yet you have to wait half an hour or more as the enemy levels ramp up. If only arbitration/fissure/starmap enemies were higher level, or had a high level option.

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