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Posts posted by Morgana_Arcana

  1. 2 minutes ago, Magicfingers said:


    so, what? you want endless missions that last only a couple minutes??? not very endless if you ask me.

    I'd rather at least be able to get credit by going 6 or 9 waves, to get more challenging enemies, instead of short ones three times. I think that's part of the reason they're dull.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    @Demonetteif you did your research on this topic you should know all arguments for and against it

    each of these arguments has been repeated a few hundred times by now
    there is nothing new that can be said

    just accept it

    Thing is, those arguments are bad and I'm calling them bad. It's like, people put up a bad argument and then just expect it to end because they got the last word?

  3. 1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Fact is DE stated they wont bring it back. So opening threads about the "issue" is more or less against the rules. So the threads get locked.

    And just a question from me the other way around:
    Why can't you accept the exclusivity of things and let the founders enjoy the stuff they bought knowing once it's gone it'll be gone forever?
    You think you are the only one butthurt right here. You think nobody understands you. At the same time it seems you don't want to understand others...

    I can consider the other viewpoint and still disagree. I know why people buy time limited things, it's because they're afraid they can't get it after. But it's irrational if other people getting it prevents you from enjoying it. Nothing I'm advocating for would prevent them from having it and enjoying it, it's really that simple.

    Look, I will have to accept this outcome yes. But I also want to discuss it. Those aren't mutually exclusive.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    I'm basically saying that despite what we want or not, DE simply CAN'T re-relase it.

    Accept it

    I thought I'd have a discussion only because it also affects how they structure other things in the game.

    If we recognize that exclusivity is a fallacy, why can't we progress and say, that's irrational, let's make this game better and stop doing that, and top enabling that way of thinking.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    1) It is not a relevant issue: it has been discussed 100500 times already, and the answer is NO.
    2) The answer is NO not because the playerbase is so toxic and a certain share of it wants to increase one's e-peen by having exclusive items but because DE cant re-release the mentioned content because of the both LAW and REPUTATION reasons.
    3) I'd like to lay my hands on excalibur prime myself, but the difference between us is that I accept the impossibility of such scenario while you are fruitlessly trying to argue with it.


    Well, maybe we should stop letting people be toxic. You're basically saying, we can't do the logical thing and open up content to people, because others are too immature and can't handle it.

  6. Just now, Kuestenjung said:

    Actually founders are special, without them being here at the beginning this game wouldn´t exist.

    And now I am asking you OP, why do you feel the need to prevent them of having their reward ( that is what founder items are, rewards )? 

    They still have the reward regardless of who else has it. If you're reward is preventing other people from having it, you need to recheck why exactly you care so much about what other people are doing instead of just playing with your toys.

    This isn't a zero sum, everyone can win.

    And if I was around sure I would have bought it. But I didn't know. I don't have a time machine. Why take that randomness and turn it into blaming people. It would be different if I was around and just decided no F*** that. But that's not what happened.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    Another thread revolving around phantom pains for excalibur prime.

    Ibn4 lock

    Well, I didn't get to discuss it before. And I think I'm bringing up a relevant issue regarding "exclusivity" and why it's dumb. You have a thing, it's fun and cool. Someone else wants that thing, you say no it's only cool because you can't have it? What kind of childish outlook is that?

  8. I see this come up with time exclusive rewards, but especially when I saw the founder's pack mentioned. I don't know why the community has to have such a kneejerk reaction when this is discussed (and even closing threads that weren't even heated nor problematic), but I don't think this line of reasoning has been brought up: why do you have to prevent others from having something, for you to enjoy having it? I guess everyone feels the need to be "special", but this is frankly an ineffective way of looking at it. if it'something you can trade, it's understandable, because that's a lot of plat/trade value for something exclusive. But if you simply didn't know about an opportunity, why should you be barred from buying it? The community blames us, but I and plenty others simply, for one reason or another, didn't know and coudn't have made a deliberate decision one way or another, even if we would have certainly decided to.

    So why is it a "breach of trust" to let others enjoy things you like?

    Why is it "others' fault" that they weren't at the right place at the right time?

    It would be different if it were some cosmetic or trophy, but there are actual items in question that is essentially content (and don't forget mastery) that most people won't get to experience. You're not special, other people are just as passionate about the game, why not give us the benefit of the doubt and let everyone win?

  9. This is actually confusing, because if you go look at the starmap, it shows our landing craft constantly orbiting the planet/system we're on, nothing else attached. Also, if you join a squad, you look out the window and see just the landing craft. For all intents and purposes it might as well be the same. (Also, I don't know that I would want this to change, considering the investment I've put into making my landing craft look a certain way - wouldn't want it to be docked most of the time.)

  10. 1 hour ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    I can understand why DE made it that high but it still seems a bit much but the fallacy i see ppp argue from is them in an inactive/solo clan and whining its too high.


    Granted 1 person being able to solo CLAN research in a matter of hours or instantly is utterly absurd in its own right.


    Maybe scale it off 50% clan participation.

    Soloers/inactive clan ppl you know full well the negative effects it could have, in fact being able to solo it in 3 hours is unfathomable in any other mmo.


    Ff14 FC airship / project management took at minimum 4 ppl and on average half your fc to get it done in a reasonable amount of time.


    This is literally the first mmo where 1 person can SOLO CLAN/GUILD PROJECTS.


    I think DE finally saw how nuts this was as well and stopped letting it slide.


    But i want to be in a clan by myself!

    -Thats fine be prepared to do the work ment for 5-10 players (scaling).


    But i dont want to kick my innactive friends/join a more active clan!

    -Ok but you know that by having low clan participation youll carry the brunt of the work ment as a GROUP accomplishment.

    But new players!

    -Help/guide them get to that point or just passively do it while you help them. Your guild has a low possibility of being completely full of 100% newbs. And if it is your clan shouldnt be past base level anyway.

    I get everyones problem with it but at the same time its ment for a guild.


    If its a market blueprint then yes it should be heavily scaled down for 1 person to complete, 7k oxium is nuts for example, 2-5 argon crystals not so much for 1 person.


    But Clan/Guild projects should have moderate to high requirements (not absurd ones but high) to encourage clan participation and bonding.



    Not everyone is trying to run a solo clan. It's just that my clan is half: friends who haven't played long enough to accumulate that many samples, OR vets who play off and on who I can't just force out of the blue to farm. Either way it's not enough active farmers to support the cost.

  11. 1 hour ago, Sirfol said:

    This game is a grind, that's the point, that's the game, that's how they can stay truly F2P.

    Accept it.

    I'm with DE on their decision, and my clan need 97.250 mutagen sample to finish the research, why?

    because finally in a clan with 300+ people all can help to a common objective. and not a color or a decoration but something all could use.

    for once they didn't do a research who require 3 hour to gather all resources.

    for once we can organize partyes and go togheter to some place for a activity of the clan, and the alliance (yes because u can be helped by the alliance)

    This game stay afloat with the Pay2Skip model, u need to have something to skip, and this time is not blocked by a measly 2 hour of farming.


    I love the grind, and i'm a filthy casual.


    That's nice that you have a clan that can do that. In general most people don't and that's the problem.

  12. 6 hours ago, KIREEK said:

    Damage mods such as serration are considered progression mods, that's why they have 10 ranks like redirection or vitality, the idea is to make you stronger so you can advance (on your own accord mind you) to the next difficulty levels (also categorized as planets), this way the only way to take considerable more damage and the only way to deal an ammount of damage that feels fair is by raising and grinding for credits and endo that you obtain naturally by playing the game, the idea is the more you play the game the more choices you have because you raise the difficulty and new ways, materials and tactics become available.

    So removing serration never made much sense to begin with, you have to make things mandatory so that a rank 1 serration player can't destroy enemies at lvl 30

    First, pure damage mods are ALWAYS used, whereas vitality/redirection are still choices that are often omitted.

    Also, you can keep them as progression mods, but just give them their own separate slot that only takes the main damage mod.

  13. 2 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    The next step in stopping an arms race should be to talk sensibly about multilateral disarmament.

    If you want the insane grinds to stop then the stockpiles have to go, or at the very least be rendered ineffective by some mechanism.

    We're already pulling straws for who has to go Nekros for farming. Everyone wants to have fun on their favorite frames, not be farm slave.

  14. If 2 weeks of precedent is enough to hold back on a positive change to the game, just because it invalidates a prior difficulty, then that brings up a lot of questions regarding other things they've made significantly easier after release:

    -two years of archwing/archweapon parts only dropping from missions with bad drop rates, before adding them to syndicates and Tenno Lab - that's a lot of farming time that was trivialized over night!

    -essential warframe mods that used to be more limited in drops when drops were also instanced per player

    -Kubrow Eggs getting significantly improved drop rates and also added to alerts (this change took a while - remember it wasn't until a dev played the game and experienced the drop rate himself)

    -certain stances - remember when Vulpine Mask came out and dropped from Manic Bombards only, and due to the outcry of the difficulty in attaining it, added it to the drop tables of numerous other more common enemies

    -several resources that have bottlenecked production in the past - neurodes before there were sentient enemies, neural sensors before Kuva Fortress, etc.

    I'm sure there are many more I'm not remembering. Point is, the history of this game is made of changing acquisition systems, and many things that are edge cases of taking extraordinarily long are made easier eventually. This game has come such a long way; if everyone who had it harder complained about every positive change, it wouldn't have gone anywhere. I don't think it's a good idea to limit the state of the game based on a past mistake - a positive change is not negated by prior investment, that would be a sunken cost fallacy. Neither is it fair to focus on the achievement aspect of the research, at the expense of the majority not being able to experience the content at all (it would be different if it were just a cosmetic or trophy, but it is altogether a new weapon=content).




  15. I was huge into archwing, had all the weapons and mods collected. Now I try to give it a spin from time to time, but navigating has become tedious, and the new roll controls are floaty and have become a hindrance.

    The issue is the map and tile layouts are still based on a plane. If you get disoriented and roll too much, the map suddenly becomes useless to you as it shows you things based on the original orientation, not the current one.

    Also I think humans just naturally navigate a space when you have a horizon to orient yourself with, even if that horizon is otherwise arbitrary (Ender's Game anyone?).

  16. Thread merging and less clutter promotes more useful discussion since you don't have to constantly check many threads at once, and doesn't drown out other issues. Also, if you're looking at whether a lot of players care about the issue, well you can see the number of replies. Checking the Hema cost thread as of now, it is 140 pages long:surprised:. I don't know how many exact replies or unique users that is, but that's sure to gain some attention.

  17. I'm not really happy with the reasoning given. I would say most reasonable people would have waited to see if anything changes, before attempting the hema research. Considering the scale of that amount of farming, that just seems like the wise thing to do, since a lot of time might be potentially saved, and there's nothing lost with waiting anyway even if nothing changes. So really, grats if you somehow managed to farm it in this small period of time, however I feel it's a kneejerk reaction, and the overwhelming majority of the playerbase will still benefit from reducing the cost. This is just a matter of looking out for the many, since you can't make everyone happy.

  18. I tried to get a good angle to demonstrate this. Basically, when using any kubrow armor, the head portion just awkwardly floats in front of the charger like a phantom head. Upon noticing I just put her back into stasis cause I just couldn't make it look good. I was hoping the armor could help with the issues of the base model, buut looks like I'll just wait for it to be updated before I level it.


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