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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. hmmm. i been seeing numchucks alot though and getting rekt with them so... maybe not?


    EDIT: We currently have no nunchucks yet.... ok in a couple of minutes then...... going to download the U17.4 now....Done, now we can talk.... but the Arsenal was expanded! Give me a couple more weeks to come back to yu :-D

  2. @ cah55555

    Well you have valid points about player pvp incentives but I still don't think it should be credit based rewards that are dished out. As for what the developers have planned, I have no idea. But when you think about it, should the majority of dark sector conflicts be fought by random players who simply do it for the battle pay? Should that be the reason a clan or alliance wins the rail? Or should winning a dark sector be more about dedication, loyalty & the representation of ones clan or alliance? Well these are all just opinions of course, you have yours and I have mine.


    In the history of Dark Sectors, alliances, clans, and communities have fallen off nodes usually because the other side had more battle pay (Credits). If an active clan or alliance had no credits or battle pay to fight against they would have more of a chance to defeat a less active clan or alliance on the node, and this could be a weekly thing.


    What I simply suggest is 1) Lowering the time it takes to defend / attack a rail because 12 hours is quite insane. 2) Remove the ability for people to be taxed on dark sectors, 3) Removing battle pay from the equation of winning a rail conflict. 


    Maybe I see things too ideologically in that people will still play to rep their clans / alliances but from my experiences, taxes and battle pay has usually led to exploitation (either in the form of high taxes or glitching credits).


    It could be alliance vs alliance, clan vs alliance, ect. I think the Warframe clan / alliance system involves a large amount of the community and is also one of the nicest things about Warframe. 




    I find it to be a humble proposition from your stand point... I agree with it as well...


    But then my counter proposition is this:

    Make it a Clan vs Clan/Alliance vs Alliance with no tax and battle pay, but then the Lower planets like Earth, Mercury for lower Clan Tier and Higher planets for Higher Tier (you fall in Eris/Pluto Catigory) :-) ... Because If I have to fight your clan today for a rail....that would be instant suicide...seeing your clan size.


    And also make it a 'clean' Clan vs Clan and not that clans (clan A and B) from the same Alliance can fight eachother (it can be tricky because you can first fight and then become Ally). Seeing what already happened in the past, Alliance sharing their dominion!


    I hope DE reads these final posts!

  3. Had to post this thread in the Fan concept buddy....


    ...... the Liset Docking spot sounds cool, just like the Relay already has! (Great, Open)


    - The VOID might in time go... so that is being worked on. (Check)


    -  Kicking from squad is also something I believe they are looking into! (Open)


    - Rhino, you can build Strenght on it instead of duration and it won't stop/slow time but instant kill the affected... The Iron Skin is NOT affected by duration but strenght and Steel Fiber.


    .... explain more about the dojo skin?

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