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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. First: The Ember last night should be tonight.... she will exit tomorrow :-)


    Second: It's honest on your part to say post this bug.... seeing you got an upgrade in credits ;-) keep up with your honesty Tenno.


    contact Support and explain them what has happened, if you have screen shots would be even better for them to see before and after!

  2. the items would still be exclusive, but only for a time.

    Ps. Can you not make posts like this that sound like a cryptic mess of redundancy and childish "but its MINE" attitude?

    It would make it easier for us all.


    Don't feel offended buddy...It's called reasoning! I don't see nowhere I'm saying it's mine..I'm saying it's ours..(depending on which side you fall)


    p.s not everything have to be in your favor.. the real world!

  3. My man,


    You NEED RNGESUS on your side.....He's your savior! I believe that there are players like me that kill this punk for more than 1000x and still got Dread!


    He just Dread us? Some say he Hates the Tenno, but I believe he makes the Tenno Dispair! 







    May DE odds ever be on your side :-)


    No. Money was put down in exchange for a service, it doesn't matter when, that should be enough to redeem prime accessories.

    They paid, I paid, that should be enough.

    They paid early, so they got to be the trendy runway models for months and months.

    But after all that time I should be able to buy the old styles from thrift shops of something. That's real world economy.



     But... I don't think it should be something a person can F2P at any time. They're just cosmetics, As fun as it is to work on styles, it doesn't effect mastery rank, it's not an important enough aspect to the game where it needs to be open to a grinding system.


    Grand Master, Thank you! But in the real world, exclusive is exclusive and remains exclusive untill the exclusive item is exclusively done! Say that the exclusive item is sold from its exclusive owners to another exclusive owner I would reason with my reasonableness and say hmmmmm, yeah that can do! Like that you can also keep the economy rolling..... Like you said in the last part, it's just cosmetics and wanna haves so it works on the impulsive or just collecting buyers... in the same way it will make others that only want to get and not give the insentive to give more for more...


    Me mum always taught me that Beggers are not Choosers: So when you beg (or get something for free), you cannot choose! 

    (no insult to anyone intended in this post, it's just a saying)



  5. Hi,


    It's me again. :-D 


    I was just trying out the Mastery Rank tests at the Relay in the Simaris room and I thought of this.....

    .... the load up to do the test is similar to the real test that can be done once a day.... but since you can just try them out, why not make the load up a tad different?


    You see, when the test is done (if it's failed or not), it should have the option to retry the test just like we currently have for normal missions but then with a timer (5 seconds maybe) which allows you to choose retry or quit without it automatically return to the Relay. 


    Current situation: Test is done, you get an automatic kick out of there, that will take you some time to load out and then if you want to retry, it will take you like forever to load back into the test.


    I hope you understand what I'm explaining. If you have any questions feel free to ask them.


    Thank You,



  6. China already got another exclusive...why is china getting treated better? is it because he's the child that gets Straight A's? 


    Cant we just be told new information regarding him already?



    -puts a heavy bookshelf in front of his door-


    oh dear god the founder salt army should be arriving soon...



    These kinds of threads are just unnecessary: They are to start unkind and pointless discussions 


    We will get Umbra, it's just a Promotional/Marketing Gear, please read the following thread:



  7. So i''ve told him on multiple occasions to stop and he never replied to any of those and just kept inviting me.


    I suppose the only thing i can do then is write a support ticket i assume?


    Don't need to write a support ticket.... See the above!

  8. Nope.  I've had the same problem.  All you can do is set mode to solo or invite only.


    Not there is not. : There is... Option -- Invites set to friends only ore None


    Doesn't do anythign but ignore the person.  They can still send invites even when ignored. 



    Nope.  I've had the same problem.  All you can do is set mode to solo or invite only: Yes there is.. below


    Not there is not. : There is... Option -- Gameplay -- Allow Invites set to Friends only or None


    Doesn't do anythign but ignore the person.  They can still send invites even when ignored: Correct. The ignore option is just for when the person writes to you it won't show up, it will be ignored.       Incoerrect


    EDIT: just tried it out and yes you can ignore someone and that person can't send you an inv!


    Good Game Tenno!

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