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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. This basicly says that the connection to the void was broken due to the presence of a foreign signal.

    It'll just be foreshadowing for that Sentients cutting off our usual mode of access to the Void.

    "Lunar lensing" will be referring to using the gravititation force of the moon to focus a signal. Probably while reestablishing the network's access to the Void.

    No reason that assume anything relating to the neural sentry. It's just the output from a generic Orokin system.

    The "Goodnight sweet angel" is most likely a little bit of desperation due to the realisation that the Sentients are coming.



    The Game is just gettin STARTED!!! ;-)

  2. Akushin Arc Walker


    HEALTH: Machinery

    DESCRIPTION: Small ground drone that opens its tube container firing an arc of ELECTRIC attacks to deal chain damage to unwary foes. HEED WARNING: when they travel in a swarm of 4, within range they create Telsa Links that will deal Slash damage to anyone that touches them. Deal with them swiftly before they swarm among you.

    This is good! This is something we are missing in game! The infested has their little swarms but not corpus nor Grineer! :-D

  3. Adding new additional artwork possibilities for the Akushin Armada:


    Foot Soldier


    Combat Drone


    Ground Infantry  Drone 2


    Heavy Unit 4


    I am in the process of doing some possible sketches on the actual Akushin Armada and Tengus. Don't feel confident in my art ability, but I will try my best to bring this idea to light.


    The Foot Soldier looks good.... good idea for soldier fighting on a node taken from the Corpus on Europa.... Research facility on Gamygyn or Kokabiel..... White armored is harder to spot on the Icy Europa... This may be the reason they won the Invasion Battle there! ;-)

  4. No not really... just thinking that if you get some detailed art/design you can open the hearts of many! Since video games tend to have a Succes in the video or image aspect...


    If I understand it correctly... they need the Grustrag Bolt in order that they won't attack their own... this also a "trademark" of Dr.Tengus mutated or mentally affected Grineer. You may also need to think where would it be suitable for them to fight... or are we gonna get a Dr.Tengus Boss? He  handed the G3 over to Vay Hek as he saw their fighting abilities and saw potential in them. For this reason we can see Vay Hek summon the G3 in Raids (LOR). Seeing that the Akushin has their minds transplanted, it should have some deffect to it in some kind..... 


    It's a great idea and I think DE should collaborate and make this happen....by the way Dr.Tengus is the facility director, which means he is still working on more Hybrid or improving the Grineer technology!


    Thumbs UP!

  5. Ordis' vocabulary was just expanded the other day :-p... It knows more words than before....


    ...didn't use to say these before LOL it can joke now to....!!


    ..."Ordis...All mods are counted for"....


    ...."Everything in Ordis, Operator....Is that a PUN....?


    ...."Do not lift the Veil. Do not show the Door. Do not split the Dream".....


    ...."Now Please Return covered in BLOOOOOODDD!!! Safe and Sound"......


    I love it better..... makes my Liset lifely! :-D

  6. I think your best spot is at Draco on Ceres....


    .....Bring your 'lvl-up Excalibur' (max range, 0% duration, max flow and strenght and try squeeze in some efficiency) and bring some energy, capture 3 locations and climb the 'steam reactor pipes' to hide and kill.... RADIAL JAVELIN...until you reach 100% and try 3-4 waves.


    That's all!




    (p.s. On Draco you have more chance to encounter Pro/Veteran players)

  7. FAQ:

    Q: Will my inventory blueprints be removed too?!

    A: Nope. Anything in your Inventory/Foundry after being put into the Prime Vault will stay.

    Q: Are these parts gone forever?!

    A: Nope. Items in the Prime Vault have the chance to come back at a later date.

    Q: Can I still trade Ember/Sicarus/Glaive Prime parts after the removal??

    A: Yes you can!

    This is from the FAQ on ember prime being vaulted.


    Actually for all the Vaulted Prime Warframes and Their respected weapons.... but when?? 


    When the time is right! 

  8. I think in order to achieve this DE needs to set up their own payment system... and no longer use the Steam, Microsoft and PSN system for payment. 


    That's a complicated financial access they won't get that easily granted to, atleast not without the right licenses on the global scale because they have international players. 


    For this reason many F2P games or Purchase use in game currency that you use your credit card to buy externally! :-)


    Nice idea..... but sadly won't happen unless they get a Western Union or MoneyGram kind of licence.... 


    Ask your friend his account info for once, try convince him that you need to check out something in game for him and then buy him the PA.


    Or buy him a gift card as said before.



    (p.s. I hope he's not already reading your thread :-P)

  9. You should farm them yes, eventhough they will come back eventually there are new players being added daily and players realizing that to lvl-up mastery rank to the max requires all warframes and their weapons! So they will be money makers....


    check:  TennoDrops and try to beat the clock! 


    Happy farming!

  10. How do u restart ur profile over


    This is not possible, every progress will have an instant save en DE servers! We are playing and saving every data on the DE servers, not like a regular game (....) that you buy and the progress will be saved on your console... So if you want to start over you can ask DE to delete your account and then you make a new one!

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