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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. It's the same for all platforms:


    T4 Defence rotation C & ODD rotation C ==> Trinity Prime BP

    T2 Sabotage                                            ==> Trinity Prime Helmet BP

    T2 Survival                                               ==> Trinity Prime Chassis BP

    T3 Mobile Defence                                   ==> Trinity Prime Systems BP

  2. Yeah but spamming Snow Globe can be very annoying when you're against Infested. Snow Globe in a defence where bullets fly through the air I would say ok.... but not in ODD or DS's. that's annoying...




    With Snow Globe spamming DS's or ODD is like






    Don't forget that.... I know in time you'll understand the game better and you'll agree. :)


    GG Tenno!

  3. First of all, the trick is to never get angry.



    Try Options --> Gameplay :


    Allow Invites                                                    <All>              Th rest is a bit irrelevant.

    Region                                                              <As required>

    Matchmaking Ping...                                         <325>

    Global Chat                                                       <ON>

    Profanity Filter                                                   <As required>

    Chat Message Time...                                       <As required>

    Large chat text....                                              <As required>

    Legacy Color P...                                               <As required>

    Network Ports....                                                4950 &4955

    Gore Enabled                                                    <As required>



    Or you can change the matchmaking in Lobby to Public. Top right next to your Icon.


    EDIT: if after this it still won't work then you'll have to wait on reply from the support team that takes approximately 7 days.

  4. I never thought this would get so many replies...



    So anyway, how do i get this RNGesus fellow on my side? Does it involve goats? Because I'm fresh out of them.


    Well he does require a sacrifice but it's not goat.... it's your patience and time! But if you haven't got either of those and you've got plats... you can buy the "what's stalker" bundle in market. 

  5. I concur. If a post is removed or merged there should at least be an automatic message that says "Removed due to violation of the Code of Conduct" or "Merged with another Thread".

    These can be simple automated messages that at least gives the player a general direction as to what happened to their post. And then if they want to further inquire about it they can reach out to a community moderator or DE staff.

    It is frustrating for players to find their post gone with no general explanation at all.


    I agree in a sense. But then The frustrating players see their post or thread being removed/hidden and think they have the right to be bashing the ComMod for answers if they find that they've done nothing wrong!


    I like what Noamuth posted because alot of people feel they can say whatever they want and hide behind the freedom of speech and they don't care if you are a random player or ComMod.... had a guy the other day on Region Chat saying not nice things about other ethnic groups. When I, being mature, pulled his attention in a desent way he start bashing at me, that it's freedom of speech! So I just ignored him.... I bet if a ComMod pulled his attention about it he would've reacted the same way.. I happened to see threads just before it being deleted that people in a disrepectful manner posting things that [DE] this and [DE] that and whatever... I often call it childish but actualy it's mannerless and direspectful.


    So I find it to be good the way the ComMods handle stuff out here!


    They are [DE] Ambassadors, keeping an eye out here where we are invited to be on... not the other way around.

  6. Awhile back, DE announced they had hit 1 million registered forum users.  I know there aren't nearly that many active users here, but even at half (500,000) that's a lot for 20 some Com Mods and one dedicated DE to handle. 





    Thank you buddy! +1


    But you can't teach ignorancy! :-/

  7. So maybe to hide the load-out tab in the same manner the Archwing and Conlcave is hidden.... Or maybe to put the load-out tab below the 'Gear' - 'Emotes' - 'Revive' tabs?


    ....but then you still be shifting the problem somewhere else.... ok it will look more organized then! :)

  8. Hey everyone, new to Warframe, playing mostly as Saryn cause she's awesome. But she's also so frigging SLOW. Why is it everyone just zooms through levels anyhow?


    Yep as the title says, I'm a girl. :) My boyfriend turned me on to this game since I'm stuck at home for a few months recuperating from a back injury.


    Let me know if you're also a girl playing this game regularly, I'd love to squad up with you!


    Hi Meow and Welcome!


    Is it fair to say that what your boyfriend've done is one of his best decisions? :-P


    Have a good recovery!

  9. EDIT: just tried it out and yes you can ignore someone and that person can't send you an inv!


    well i don't really wanna exclude everyone as i often play with recruit chat ._.
    i just want this one dude to not invite me


    Yes you should be able to do this!

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