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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Hi fresh blood *licks lips* 

    Welcome aboard this great game and community. The Best MMO if you will, and trust me, I'm being humble :D

    See you around tenno. Happy Hunting!

  2. Howdy new fresh blood *licks lips* 

    Welcome to this great game, Tenno! If there's anything I can help you with, please do not hesitate and let me know! :D

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  3. Welcome to the forums, Tenno!

    Here are some links where you can drop your YT videos:

    •  Fan Zone        -     for some Fan videos related to Warframe.


    • Off Topic         -     for any video that is non-Warframe related.   


    Good Luck and Happy Hunting, Tenno!








  4. Well I can see a reason tho. The most famous mummy god-names are either not encouraged to use (especially for a video game) because of their fame and there's protectors of names out there :3 or simply because the names are already taken :P     (Sobek, Shu)

    Take my name i.e. AngelShu(r) relates to the Egyptian god of the air. Angel God of the Air! 

    Ok, enough history lessons now >.>

    imo, a rather less known name always welcomes the use without people having to constantly compare... (this also explains why I generally agree and am happy Ivara won the DC name and not Arthemis)


  5. 2 hours ago, CrypticZKS said:

    I am unsure where this should be but meh i have a problem with my game is there a place where i can ask questions?

    You can start a new thread outside of this thread, same player helping players sub-forum. 

    Happy Hunting!

  6. For dealing with stalker (I'm guessing the regular one) you'll only need enough puncture, preferably burst dps, with enough Corrosive dmg, Dadiation dmg and or also Viral dmg

    These are surely going to help you succesfully take down the misery stalker :P 

    remember that burst dps is essential because he likes fleeing when his health reaches 10% or less... also a next keen tip: stay at a safe distance while shooting at him and be always moving around, the distance is to avoid his dispel and slash dash.. 

    Happy Hunting and good luck on your next battle, Tenno!


  7. Welcome aboard our forum Community, please remember to take a look at the Xbox One recruitment sub-forum, you'll surely get new players on there!

    Happy Hunting, Tenno! ;)

  8. 43 minutes ago, (PS4)MakoPriest said:

    *looks at 32 sets*


    My war came from the market i have not heard of anyone i know getting the war drop, I imagine its fairly low to make the hunhows gift look good. 

    I agree and am on the same line with Mako.

    having months upon months upon months (sounds really long like that lol) of farming, I'm still missing the hate.. So I also suggest not to go crazy in farming it but rather let it come to you, besides you must offer or give up your Broken War to make it. They are only "easier" to farm if you have dozens upon dozens of the beacons bought by Baro. Don't give up and Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  9. Well at first, a warm welcome to the game and forums!

    well because I understand and catch on things fast it only took me like 200 hours (played, not logged on steam or whatsoever) to reach max rank at that time and completed all the planet nodes and also making the Dark Sectors conflict my main thing! After that I got kind off bored that I started helping out new and other veterans in making our game more effective... Then I started to search for in-game ways for improvement and bugs.. Because of my love for the game I refused to stop so yeah I'm also here to help out. ?

  10. Welcome aboard our forums, Tenno! 

    Zuckerberg or not, it's nice to have you aboard >.> 

    Thanks for your help and contributions in helping out other fellow Tenno! This is indeed the hallmark of this community and we want to keep it this way.. ?

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  11. Hello there, Tenno!

    Welcome aboard our awesome game and forum community! If you need any help or advice, please hit me a pm in-game (or any other Guides of The Lotus like the well known Sreza....) also check my profile for the FAQ about GoTL's. 

    Because we also have code of conduct for our game and forums, please feel free to also hit that link on my profile ?

    Happy Hunting and see you online, Tenno!

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