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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. 12 hours ago, jopos15 said:

    you can but you can also edit the ranks so your friends can host

    Welcome aboard the game and forums, Tenno! 

    Goid to be to the point! You see the quote I have above..? That's all you need to know.. Only thing is that the lowest rank cannot be altered so as to gain extra ranks. ?

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  2. Hello there,

    almost same situation as you here.. Wifi, kiddos, work and after that other priorities it's Warframe ? 

    I recommend you either start your own clan or join a close friend with one, like that you can keep account of your busy schedule and or your friend will understand that you are busy... Good luck in finding a clan and remember to mostly have fun! ?

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  3. Welcome online, Tenno! I hope you had a decent cryo-sleep. Also, "light story" you say huh... Well, there's plenty that still don't get the story right and they've been playing over the past 2 almost 3 years! ? 

    But besides that, DE adds lore every possible time... So stay close and you'll enjoy it even more! 

    Happy Hunting, Tenno! 

  4. On 23-2-2016 at 2:45 PM, NovusNova said:

    There are issues with group permissions at this time, meaning people can't see/post in areas that they should be able to.

    DE is currently working on a fix.

    What Novus said above here is your answer... Also I think that they'll must be added/given the DC permissions manually. 1000+ members last I remember... not counting those who migrated and also visit the forums with their migrated accounts.

  5. Sadly because of  certification requirements for PS4 the updates for PS4 are ALWAYS behind PC.


    this is because DE has to submit it to (don't quote me on this) sony or some affiliate before they can update the game which can take a while.

    True, but, going back to the OP's Q, it's the PA release he's referring to sadly. We already received it but only Japan and some other Asian region will receive it by the end of this month.

  6. Hello there,


    a CET here also, welcome aboard the most awesome game! :D 


    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

    p.s. the older you get, the more fun it gets (at least in my case)... :P 

  7. Who's Rev and what happened now?

    Some kid climbed a Pineapple tree and fell, so now everyone is angry and stuff but no one knows what really has happened.

    Was the tree slippery, was the kid cocky in thinking that he won't fall, or was it a mango tree instead? Who knows, no one knows!

    To OP, sad to hear that you're leaving this game because of someone else's issue.... :(

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