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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. They all drop from different level on spy missions. Have a look at Heshan's link and make sure you keep on trying all the respective level spy missions. It took me about a month and what-not to get her Chassis so they might not drop easily for you.... 

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  2. Welcome to the forums, Snakeboy.

    If there's anything you would like me to help you out with please let me know!

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  3. 40 minutes ago, (PS4)sig-man9 said:

    i am very dissapointed that I cant use ciphers on sorties...im not a fast solver so this ruins the fun for me. DE  please fix it now!

    Please use the Intruder Mod maxed. This will give an addition of 6 seconds if I'm not mistaken.

    This advice also stands for others.

    The sorties is meant to challenge you, it's not an other easy mission or QTE.  

    Please enjoy the game. ?

  4. 2 hours ago, FlameMaker said:

    This is a troubleshooting sort of thing that id like to report.

    So the Sands of Inaros update came along and when i went to any planet, any mission, the game slows down to a crawl of 4 FPS, though inside the Liset it is well above 60, would the visual, Lighting update have been just a little broken, as i would not preferably like to stop playing (Also because iv'e sunk 100 Euros on the game, which would annoy me immensely). Because i genuinely like the game, the P2W aspect is near non-existent, and the game's devs are, im sure of it, very nice people.

    Thank you for your time, love. Flamemaker

    These threads might have some relevant information or you can simply post the problems that you're experiencing at the moment in there:

    Fps & Lag Issues



  5. Hey welcome back buddy!

    It is always adviced to take breaks when something is getting the hold of you for the worst. But Lone Ranger or not, this game will keep pulling you back like magnet! 

    See you around ?

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