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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. I think I was suspended from the trade channel because I said something like "WTS Homefront code :3" note I was being totally sarcastic. It's been more than two days, any help? DE support hasn't responded to my ticket

    Hello, please wait on support to respond to your ticket, for further assistance, there's sadly nothing no one can do here for you. Good luck with it.

  2. This is kind of copyright cause you took other sources which ruins the originalitybut even though you and a bunch of other people have had relay ideas not all of them would fit lore wise I say this because....

    (1. DE's engine probably wouldn't be able to handle it (for starters)

    2 how would we get there it's not like there is a high threat going on in the game

    3 explain to use how we would get it through quest or what what is this almighty lotus home just nothing or is it important that we get a quest about it.

    Love where your going but explain more tell us what's in your thoughts.


    Good Questions, but I believe these can be answered by DE as they can continue making the Lore. This idea is not to change the Lore, as all my ideas are like an add-on for Lore wise.. I also explained how to combat the Lag if any in this new Lotus home... It don't have to be a literal Lotus Home, but rather a figurative Home that she gives or hands over to the Tenno. Why? Because Counsilor Vay Hek still succeeded in his try to destroy the Relays. ;)


    She's still a mistery and can remain such for the time being....

  3. Regarding the Emergency Exit rewards:


    When Emergency Exit was originally released, it was one of the first tests in creating repeatable Tac Alert runs. Since Emergency Exit released, the Tactical Alert rewards have gotten significantly better, and will continue to be better. What does that mean for previous Tactical Alerts? Not a whole lot except that they show their age now. Ideally, we could update the rewards and make necessary tweaks, but part of the logic in bringing back Emergency Exit is that it allows us to do something fun with console players without much additional work while we prepare for the next console update (which has a new Event and a new Tactical Alert). In short, we know the rewards suck, and we hope you can appreciate Emergency Exit for what it is... a revisit of an old Alert. 


    I hope that clears things up and everyone can have fun otherwise (for the record, I've gotten 3x 3k Credits so far).

    Thanks for this info, One Punch Crewman.. We couldn't possibly ask for more.


  4. Hello there. Thanks for helping out the most in need of our community ^.^

    Keep in mind that not a single person knows everything about this game (not even the computer, for it bugs sometimes :P) so if you don't know something, don't worry. Keep up the good work! :)

  5. I think what he is referring to is that during the mission, when you complete the 3rd extractor in the sequence you will see a key reward, lets say T4C.


    However during the end of mission rewards screen the key that appears there can be different, say T4S in this case.


    I'v also had this happen to me, I've also see other posts ont he forum mentioning this as well, not sure if it's been fixed in a recent PC update that we've yet to get.

    Ah, after this and reading it over again, I believe this is indeed the issue. Thanks for explaining, having said that, this indeed needs to be looked at. :)

  6. Yes we eventually will.

    ETA is still uncertain tho, because the plat turnover should be devided fairly between DE and the designer, at this moment they get their cut thru their Steam account. So I guess this is being figured out. Keep an eye open on the forums.

    Happy Hunting, Tenno! :)

    well my question is obvious . are we(the consul players) getting the approved helmets and skins ?

    Oh think he's just being sarcastic, but I can see that sarcasm is an Alien to him/her :P

    Btw it's Console.

  7. Hi,

    First of all, a warm welcome on our forums. The key rewards are based on RNG sadly, this explains the Fact that sometimes you'll have to run like 20+ missions to receive the reward. It all depends on the reward pool that is being picked from.

    Happy hunting fellow Tenno! ;)

  8. Hey Tenno, sorry to hear that you experience this. Have you walked towards the segment locations, to see if it shows a toggle menu. So you must manually install the segments by going to the places were they need to be installed on.

    Please let me know if it worked.

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