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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 25 minutes ago, (PS4)skydrive said:

    I'm just going to ask this question... throwing it out there... but umm, how many of you would be pleased or upset if it turned out to be one of the exclusives for Tennocon?

    Also, I'm really hoping I can apply my Obsidian Skin, Obsidian Helmet, and Obsidian Syadana on it with the scarf... well could lose the Syadana for the scarf... but then would probably need to get 10 more Arcane Trickeries.

    the scarf isn't a syandana , it's a part of the frame and u can put syandanas while the scarf is there

  2. 12 minutes ago, Aura said:

    I'm a patient player, at first, I didn't care because we were told we would receive Umbra Excalibur in time.

    However, for the first time I've ever asked, I have to ask: What is taking so damn long?

    It has been over a year since Warframe China came out. This is becoming very lame, DE.

    actually no , we discovered umbra in july , not over a year .>-> , kill me

  3. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    which discussion? 

    im not a index but i generally remember were things are.... 

    as for umbra/u19 .... if you knew it would spoil it right? so when it drops ... 



    wait whuts with the illuminati and spoil and whut lol , im talkin bout what will happen to dark primes


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