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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. So , I had another dream  ( im hyped for umbra ) and in it i was watching the next stream ( the one next Friday ) and in the dream Steve said that umbra is going along (? forgot the word lol ) and that they would show him the next one , I mean the one after the next , I mean ... forget it , one could dream 

    Also i got a new theory : Whut if stalker-chan ( i've read most of the thread ) and hunhow wanted to get revenge from the tenno and they made umbra ? just a thought 

  2. 2 hours ago, Charko said:

    Since Lunaro will be presented at the Tennocon i don't think we'll see it in the next update. But still i can't wait to play it.

    Actually , no . There will be lunaro competitions , that means that the Lunaro game mode would have been already in the game and people have the time to test and play with .

  3. I got some more things to add onto my theory ( well it's not mine only but i think it's viable ) 

    The lotus is the one who made us kill the orokin , maybe she's the one who gave us the Umbra frames to slaughter the orokin , this also may prove that the umbras are sentient made frames . After we kiled the orokin , she took em and hid em and put us to sleep 

  4. 45 minutes ago, (XB1)MK Ultra K11 said:

    It's fine, though I'm guessing you were dreaming of lore due to you thinking of the rhino infested skin which relates to rhinos codex. So it fine, I'm just happy to talk about umbra until his release.

    ACTUALLY The Rhino Infested skin made him look like infested , you know the red infested blob near the the door in the orbiter ? yh .Rhino looked EXACTLY like that , change the red to yellow and in thee dream he was at a grineer door , also there was a nova skin , it wasn't bad

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