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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 13 minutes ago, (XB1)MK Ultra K11 said:

    What was it?

    Oh god you're making me remember lol

    Anyways , So Excal Umbra had less gold bits , BUT HIS HELM LOOKED SO TERRIBLE . I don't remember there being a quest in the dream . I also remember seeing a skin for rhino that made him look like a weird infested thing , it was a thing  A THING (lol) Excal's helm was carved weirdly it was so bad ,  Community wasnt pleased with him 

    I don't remember much tbh im sorry 

  2. hmmm (*Dark thought are entering joe's mind and is corrupting him*) nope nothing 

    Anyway when i go and check the china vids for umbra it say  " it's gonna be a bloodbath " and i keep linking it with the death of the orokin 

    hmmm (*Dark thought are leaving joe's mind and is being cleansed*) still nothing 

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