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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)Redemption_015 said:

    Actually they did. Rebecca practically screamed it at us when she said "If we had told you what the Tenno were before the Second Dream, you'd have been disappointed."

    Obviously that's not an outright yes, but it's pretty heavy in implications. Please don't start acting all high and mighty when you know just about as much as the next person.

    I'm not trying to be high and  mighty i just down wanna have my hopes up and get sad  , let's all just hope that it is indeed U19

  2. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)Redemption_015 said:

    They hinted heavily that Umbra is coming quite soon. Also considering the fact that they keep saying U19 is huge in terms of content, I'd say it's a good bet Umbra will be in there somewhere.

    i have no problem with that but he said it like it was a fact and confirmed or something

  3. 36 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

    I guess DE said that the umbra is the big thing in the main quest in update19... so if he does not come out then, then he never will! -_-

    they never said anything about umbra being in update 19 nor it being the major thing , please get your information correct

  4. 47 minutes ago, Martin_Widow_Maker said:

    at least we have a date 2016-09-16 ( last lunar eclipse of 2016 ) :P

    That actually sound like a good date , for me at least cuz like , PC getting u 19 soon maybe June? and yeah i don't think Umbra will come with U19 cuz it has a  lot of stuff and i don't think DE would've just put it like a surprise since they also said they have no eta , anyway. also TennoCon in July and I've always thought they'd say something about him in TennoCon  so 2016-9-16 is a reasonable date. 

    Not like it's gonna affect us console players , we're always gonna be late and left behind * sad cry *

  5. No gold balls ? 

    anyway , Can you put the prime cinematics in the codex with their profiles , like how you can see the second dream cinematic ?

    i have no idea how to link the thread >_>

    i mean it's not cool to go to youtube  to get lore .

  6. 17 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

    Missing from the OP:

    "The 8-fold Path" - Survive 8 waves of Defense using only melee attacks!
    "KABOOM!" - Kill 10 or more enemies with a single explosion (Tonkor, etc)



    i got the KABOOM! one and i was like wuuuut.

    really happy seeing new trophies being added into the game

  7. 33 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

    Actually, there is one video. I can't find it but it has something to do with a milestone of players. At some point in the video a crewman opens a door and Excal with a Nikana (plus MANY other frames) stand on the other side.

    the archwing trailer has excalibre(don't ask ) having it also at the end of the second dream extended music vid on u toob

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