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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. so on meeting the ocyulist that triggers the natah quest most of us tried to kill he ocyulist but it was immune to everything

    but what will  kill it ?


    as we know in the upcoming u18 quest well go to the moon maybe there we will get what kills them



    Void energy

    void energy is poison for the sentients right ? maybe we'll get a fragment of that power to kill it

  2. Reposting from another thread.


    You can see the grid of the Warframe menu in the background, and behind that a part of a wall, which is either of Corpus or Tenno design. The phrase "Escape is the biggest spoiler in the game." was uttered multiple times during livestreams. I think it's pretty safe to assume that the symbols will appear in our menus at some point, giving the Focus system theory a bit more weight. Maybe it's specialization paths. Nothing's certain, so it might as well be something completely different that is represented in the menu.



    that actually makes a lot of sense

  3. what if the stalker is the first excaliber ( excalibro , excalibre , whatever name you give him )

    you know excalibur was the first and the stalker is  was an orokin that serves justice and can't betray his kind so...

    can the FIRST excalibur  really betray his kind that formed him ?


















                                                                                                                                         just a speculation(don't qoute me)

  4. Excal's already been killed. Haven't you seen the Profit trailer?

    wat ? lel


    EDIT : oh the trailer where they saved mag from salad v ? i remember that but nearly everyone forgot about THAT excal


    *High five*

    *High five*

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