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  1. Okay but when can we get some merch with Lavos on it? I want me some lavos shirts
  2. Okay I figured it out. Valence Formation is COMBINING a primary element with the electricity element given by the violet shard. Didn't think it was supposed to work like that. Well S#&$ now I feel like an idiot.
  3. So it appears as though the profit takers shields can't be damaged by Cold, Toxin, and Heat damage DESPITE the icons being shown on her forehead. Doesn't matter what weapon I use. The same 3 elemental types just come up with 0's and I'm absolutely BAFFLED how no one has brought this up. DE please fix this
  4. what post did I ignore? Pretty sure I've addressed every argument brought forth to me. I call them irrelevant and then explain WHY it's irrelevant. the ducat argument is irrelevant because, if you had actually read my post, everything you think would be an argument to keep lith relics as a new player area item only gets debunked pretty damn quickly. So go back and actually read it if you want to know why the ducat argument is niche Seriously I'm at a loss for words because of how much push back there is for suggesting a lith relic farm that isn't hepit and would ensure this node is still relevant 5 months down the line. I think I've actually lost brain cells because of how adamant you guys are on making sure this node doesn't change. Venus, earth? Seriously? You'd rather push for an entirely new node than work on ensuring the longevity of the one that just came out that will be left to collect dust like the one on sedna. Ok. as it stands I have no reason to return to the node so I guess the node will remain a waste of a star chart slot. Don't know why any veteran would come back to this node after getting dante and the weapons since it offers nothing but relics that already have better farms but I guess that's just a niche thing too. While we're at it we should remove lith SP fissures since new players can't access them either. I can't be bothered with this anymore. I put forth a logical suggestion and y'all just can't stand the idea that a peasant lith farm be put in your royal high level area becuase it would taint the pure blood veterans. I'm unfollowing this topic because I expected a better conversation and got nothing but push back for no reason other than "the status quo". So when Protea Prime comes out, keep running that boring ass hepit. surely it's more engaging to you than it is to me.
  5. Wow tell me you didn't actually read what the post was actually about without telling me.
  6. We currently do not have an endless lith farm. I already stated why Hepit shouldn't be the only farm available. Requiem relics aren't like the other relics and you should know that.
  7. If it's ducats that are more important then tell me EXACTLY why new players would need a lith farm specifically when olympus exists for them. The tier of relic for new players becomes pretty irrelevant when ducats are involved. especially when the current most expensive common drop (Braton Prime Receiver) is available in all 4 tiers of relic. As is all of Fang prime, Burston prime, paris prime.....wow relic tiers as a whole are pretty redundant since "new players" can still find new player primes in "late game" relic tiers. Yeah no, there truly is no proper argument that could possibly be made as to why this new node can't be all lith relics. Especially when there is a genuine argument to be made that new players shouldn't really have access to them until at least MR 10.
  8. Riddle me this. What non vaulted prime sets can be completed using ONLY lith relics?
  9. Disruption will remain the top game mode for me because it rewards skill by not being time gated and casual players can remain confident in pressing on as they only need to complete 1 conduit to win the round. The better you are, the faster you will get the rewards.
  10. Explain why you think it makes no sense to have lith relics in the sanctum. I've already covered my bases on why gatekeeping relics based on enemy level is just a stupid mindset to have.
  11. The only benefit I could see to making an enitrely new node for lith relics on venus is the fact that as it stands we have 3 Grineer Disruption nodes, 1 infested, and 2 corpus. Making it on venus would give us a balance of 3 grineer and 3 corpus but, lets be honest here, that's such a minor nitpick that it's not worth humoring. We sure as S#&$ didn't need another dead node. Once people get Dante and his weapons this node becomes useless unless you are going for riven transmuters which is also such a small niche thing that it isn't worth humoring. The node is fresh, there's still time to change it for the ultimate better by making a farm for something worth rerunning for years to come. The current table isn't it in the slightest. There is no reason to gatekeep liths to lower level missions as I have stated multiple times and your lack of evidence to prove me otherwise means that there is NO reason why this node can't be the lith farm.
  12. So then you agree that because Apollo already exists, this new node doesn't need axi relics on the drop table?
  13. Again. Treating relics like each type of relic should be gatekept by enemy level makes NO sense as you are going to need lith relics just as much as the other 3 when new primes come out. It's such an ignorant stance and it needs to stop. new players still need axi relics for primes. Veteran players still need lith for primes. They are NOT a measurement of skill or value. If you are THAT dead set on making this Axi, then rework EVERY relic disruption mission like so: Olympus, Mars: Lith relics at Rot C Ur, Uranus: Meso Relics at Rot C Apollo, Lua: Neo Relics at Rot C Armatus, Deimos: Axi Relics at Rot C But the idea of shifting reward tables just because something new came out is such a waste of time and resources that it's just better and easier to make this a Lith farm.
  14. Wait it was taking you over 5min per round????? Ouch. I'm able to maintain 2-3min per round solo. Waiting for the demolists takes too long for my speed. Between 40sec-1min is just too long to wait. I already have to wait between 8-15seconds inbetween rounds.
  15. I did specifically say "a farm that WASN'T rerunning capture". It's not about speed per se. My best time on hepit is 19 seconds. But the constant load in/load out gets boring very fast. it doesn't actually encourage group play nor does it provide anything "fun". Making this a lith farm would make farming liths actually engaging and worth it. You and I both know that there's more content coming. There will ALWAYS be more content. Don't try to pull that "endgame" card crap because the only real endgame is fashion frame. I don't want a pity system for it. I want them to pick one. You already have your "pity system" in the form of plat. Since meso, Neo, and axi already have their own endless farming missions, I see absolutely no reason as to why the only proper way to farm lith should be a capture mission. Disruption encourages skill and efficiency in a way that actually makes me want to be faster and better with each run. I don't necessarily need it to be the "fastest". I just need it to be engaging and actually rewarding for efficiency. Unlike Defense, Excavation, defection, and god awful survival. It's open and ISN'T time gated per reward. Granted neither is defense but holy hell spamming the same 2 abilities gets too boring and braindead for my playstyle.
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