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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 2 hours ago, Imniscor said:

    3 days ago Path of Exile, the online ARPG, implemented the Royale game mode with 100 players in an island in Wraeclast.

    I think would be cool  if we had a separate instance of the Plains of Eidolon map for a Royale match.

    It won't need a lot of development :
    - map is there
    - players will join as an option (separate instance)
    - all the equipment and pvp balance is ready from conclave
    - a "dome" that decreases in size (we already have limbo cataclysm)

    What needs development :
    - server side be able to host more players in a map

    Or you could just go play PUBG if you want to play PUBG.

  2. Would be a lot of work, but nothing's saying that it would have to all be at once. Offer it as a platinum purchase, and release two flips every few months.

    Or: tap TennoGen. I have no doubt that there would be plenty of skilled creators out there willing to do the work if it meant getting their personal Warframe Waifu.

    That said, as neat as it would be to play a cool looking female Ash, I'm over it.

  3. Honestly, his core mechanic is flawed by default. His whole gimmick is removing things from the field of play and only able to be interacted with via his own personal buff. It adds an annoying layer to combat that no-one on your pick-up squad asked for or desired. Unless that is addressed, no amount of 'tweaks' are going to make him welcome. 


    Like, so what that he can Stasis a group of enemies? There's tons of hard CC in the game that is as good and doesn't make your group hate your very existence. 

  4. Hysteria ain't meant to be an ultimate tank ability like it was in the past. It's meant to be a way for you to temporarily make yourself invulnerable while topping off your health before popping back out and basking in the massive passive soak that Valkyr enjoys from her ridiculously high base armor - with the bonus of being able to quickly clear out groups. And if you have some form of self-healing, you rarely even have to use it for survivability.

    Valk has been one of my standbys ever since she was released, and apart from some Sortie 3s, I've never really found myself needing more 'Tank.'

  5. If I could have had my ideal...

    Zephyr's passive: as current, except she also gains an increasing damage buff while she is in the air.

    Tail Wind still gets dive bomb, context sensitive as a click when looking down. That's fine. Tail Wind itself is now primarily a toggled mode with an energy drain - while activated, Zephyr launches forward in whatever direction you're looking, and carries the momentum of the movement over when the ability is deactivated. Moving through enemies still causes damage. While flying, Zephyr can hold down crouch to cause herself to hover, though this significantly increases the drain rate on the ability. Good use of this ability would resemble a swooping bird - soaring up, deactivating the ability, popping off a couple shots to make use of her passive, and then reactivating as she starts to arc down, reorienting for another pass. Mechanical nuances: This ability has greater speed on outdoor map tiles than indoor ones, and there is a brief period after deactivation where Zephyr does not land, even if she is at ground height, allowing a Zephyr that is indoors to dash back and forth and still accumulate bonus damage, even in cramped corridors.

    New second ability is Hunter's Sight. On activation, enemies are highlighted in red from a great distance and through walls in a cone, for a short duration. While marked, Zephyr's warframe abilities will cause critical damage to the enemy, the amount of critical damage scaling with power strength. The augment, Flock Sight (or Murder Sight, if crows are your thing), allows allies to benefit from this ability as well. Intended use: while soaring, invoke the appearance of a raptor descending on its prey. Dive bomb onto an enemy marked with Hunter's Sight to cause incredible damage.

    Her 4 is the same as this patch. However, on performing a dive bomb into a tornado, Zephyr becomes it. The tornado becomes much larger, and pulls in enemies from a larger distance. Enemies marked by Hunter's Sight take critical slashing damage, and are in some cases torn to pieces. On the end of the ability's duration, with a satisfying crash like thunder, any enemy not defeated by the tornado suffers a minor ragdoll, leaving them nearby for a follow up assault, while enemies that were defeated suffer a much larger ragdoll, sending grineer, corpus, and infested corpses alike flying against walls.

    That's how I would have enjoyed it, anyway.

  6. I was extremely cynical of the proposed changes. And yet, even going in with very little expectations, I still managed to be disappointed.

    Hovering is a gimmick. 100%. It's not even recastable from the air to change location, and its duration is silly-short.

    Melding dive bomb into the ability was common sense, leaving room for a new ability - one which they squandered instantly by making an extremely generic projectile, whose only purpose appears to be making Tornado a little less sucky. And when you're having to design abilities whose only use is to make another ability not suck as much, you have a problem with your design philosophy.

  7. I expected you to be able to just hover in place (which I thought was total trash but whatever) but I thought you would at least be able to repeat the charged action to change your location in the air.

    Somehow even those abysmally low expectations were not fulfilled.

    See you again in three years, Zephyr. 

  8. I think the Switch would probably melt under some of the action. Like, running around a Solo Grineer Exterminate it could probably be a solid 30, but there are parts of the game where mob density and particle effects are so high that they can tax a PC. 

    I would prefer Warframe not shackle its potential to the Switch's hardware. 

  9. It is kind of a nose-wrinkling 'really?' if those cosmetics aren't farm-able with the new temporary relics. At the very least, there should be an optional pack that only includes the cosmetics; they're already offering Ember, Frost, Loki, and a Dual pack, no reason why a Cosmetic Pack couldn't be a thing.

    That said, it's hard for me to get angry because.. well, Warframe is free, and these are cosmetics, and Jim Sterling has himself stated on many occasions that this kind of economy is fine in free-to-play games.

  10. So the answer for "how do we improve petrify? No one likes it" was "make everything reliant on it."

    Not that it was obnoxiously bright, irritating to use, and slows you down, oh no! The problem was you didn't tie enough garbage into it.

    Want to make Petrify good? It's real easy - in fact, you already did it, on another framein this very preview! Make it work like Chroma's new, free movement Spectral Scream! And make it so the effect isn't an ungodly huge whirlwind that obscures everything, but a horizontal glow extending a few inches to either side of the character's head at eye level.

    Tying everything into Petrify when Petrify itself is genuinely unpleasant to use doesn't solve anything.

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  11. No, it's not the goal, but it's also true that those mods are available if you personally are having a problem with the bounty. I complete the bounty fine with just Animal Instinct, other players can do it without any loot radars at all.

    It's you that has an issue with them. These mods ARE an option for you. If you have trouble completing the bounty, perhaps try using them before demanding that the bounty needs to be changed?

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