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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. I am now imagining Caliban being able to Hold each cast of his 1-3, and when he does, the ability changes to the 1-3 of any squadmates,  rotating through. Like if he had a Rhino in the squad, he could change his 1 to the Rhino Charge, or his 2 to Iron Skin, etc and when Caliban is mimicking your ability, you get a benefit - like more power strength on that ability, or something.

    Too fiddly and too much of a headache to code, probably, but that'd actually be kind of wicked as an idea for a mimic.

  2. On 2024-02-26 at 6:39 AM, Marvelous_A said:

    He was ignored by the augment and cosmetic department (and I don't know why). While obviously he can receive a lot of QoL buff, he's mechanically a very viable warframe since he does pretty much everything to an ok extent. Maybe people just think he's a very boring warframe without a real niche, and he looks kinda ugly.

    A few bug things:

    - Caliban's ultimate Fallout Zone effect does not render if you are a client. That's been a problem literally since his release and has never been fixed, which is an awful issue for what is clearly his best ability.

    - Caliban's ultimate is supposed to have a vacuum effect. It used to just have the knockback on his release, but when everyone pointed out that that was stupid for what it was, DE made the knockback the Hold effect and added a vacuum effect for the default activation. However, they seem to have missed a zero... or two... on the strength of the effect, because instead of being vacuumed, enemies hit just sort of awkwardly shift a foot and fall over.

    - Sentient Wrath suffers from the same bug that Valkyr's Prolonged Paralysis does, where it seems to have one of the lowest animation priorities in the game. This means that any proc or effect that triggers an animation overwrites it, and causes the effect to end prematurely. I do not understand why these effects don't work like Rhino's Stomp, where enemies can be shot with heat or electricity without causing them to pop onto their feet a frame later and keep shooting you.

    QOL things/Suggestions:

    - Fusion Strike DESPERATELY needs a base casting speed increase. It's, so, slow.

    - Even after fixing the bug where it doesn't render, Fusion Strike's Fallout Zone should have its visibility increased, because it can be difficult to see the edges even when you're allowed to see it by being a Host.

    - His summon ability should summon all three at once, or the duration on the summons should be increased. Bump up the energy cost if necessary. It's frustrating to have to recast it so much.

    - Caliban's passive should stack multiplicatively with Adaptation. There's no reason for it to not.

    - Whatever the replacement for his 1 could be - because good lord there is no saving that ability - it should have some form of built-in shield restore to help kickstart the regeneration you get from his 3.

    Right now Caliban has one half decent ability (his 4), it's bugged and not as effective as it should be, and there are a dozen other ways to do what it does in the game that doesn't require you to play Caliban. In a somewhat amusing twist appropriate to his lore and appearance, his kit is a mishmash of uncomplimentary abilities. 

    So ,if you don't know why he's ignored, those are just a few reasons.

    • Like 1
  3. Should be 100% multiplicative, helminth 75%. 

    Additive damage sucks. It gets worse every year as we get more sources of it from inevitable power creep. Go ask Chroma how he's doing with 1000% additive damage on vex armor, how he went from THE damage dealer to where he is now. 

    Like we are genuinely at a point where, in a year or two, Mirage will be subsuming over Eclipse for Roar. That's how bad this is. 

    • Like 9
  4. I am, frankly, bemused by the popularity of Dreamer's Wrath over Opportunity's Reach. The critical damage is not that big a deal, and the increased chance isn't either, especially compared to being able to hit, like, potentially twice as many mobs with your heavy. 

  5. As much as I agree, there is no way that they can walk the game back to 2016. The fundamental changes and MASSIVE nerf across the board to players would be enough to reduce the playing population by, like, 75%, if not more. And DE needs that money to keep the lights on.

    Do I wish someone slapped the dev's hands away from the keyboard when they even thought about giving people triple digit crit increases, or when they even considered adding 90% DR to abilities? Absolutely. But this is the world we live in.

    • Like 13
  6. On 2024-02-05 at 1:41 AM, Garorara said:

    Leave it as it is, it is fine imo or add an option to hold key to lock the effect

    DO NOT NERF IT for the helminth, if anything we need buffs for the 90% weak frames and useless weapons!


    • Like 3
  7. Revenant's Mesmer Skin changes were an obvious case of 'not thinking through enough.' Or, maybe they did realize what it would lead to, but since an offer for $$$ for him was coming up, maybe it was decided that making him OP for a while was fine if it meant more sales.

    Either way, an ability where you can just be immortal is generally pretty powerful even when channeled; the fact that Revenant just gets to no-thought it and now also slap Nexus onto himself to go completely non-interactive and can literally just set a macro to push one button every ~20-30 seconds and be immmortal to the Steel Path is just dumb on top of it. 

    Like, I know Warframe is a power fantasy game, and I, too, like my survivability. But even when I'm playing something absurdly tanky like Gara, I still want to at least THEORETICALLY have a possibility of losing, you know?

    • Like 2
  8. 20 hours ago, -Ilyina- said:

    Do not change the skill itself plz, unless you would like to kill Eidolon hunting

    People hunted Eidolons before exploiting Eclipse, they'll do just fine after. Honestly, damage is not even an issue with Eidolons in 2024. 

    • Like 7
  9. 1 hour ago, [DE]Sam said:

    Howdy, Tenno!

    We’re temporarily pausing Hotfixes while we prep for Whispers in the Walls: Update 35.1.0, a February interim Cert update (learn about what Cert means in the Warframe Lexicon for Updates)! To avoid any confusion, Update 35.1.0 is completely separate and unrelated to the Dante Unbound Update slated for release in March.

    This update serves to address issues that require code fixes and changes. Some heavy hitters from our “Known Issues” list that will be fixed in this February Cert update include (but are not limited to):

    • Fixing Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance ability not benefitting from Tennokai. 
    • Fixing Steel Path Alchemy missions having a limit of three Acolyte spawns. 
    • Fixing the Grimoire’s alt-fire not benefitting from Multishot Mods. 
    • Fixing alt-fire/Incarnon Mode not activating when dual wielding with Glaive. 
    • Fixing certain Arcanes having “0” in their Buff icons. 
    • And much more!

    But this doesn’t mean we’re not active elsewhere!

    Whispers in the Walls: Update 35.1.0 will ease over some welcomed code changes and fixes for February. Thank you for your patience!

    Please tell me slide melees being worked into tennokai (an acknowledged issue) is also being fixed this patch.

    • Like 1
  10. A (big) issue with Banshee is that the incredible, enormous multiplicative damage increase she offers is usually wholly unnecessary in the content where her abilities actually work, and all the enemies you'd want it to work on are immune to abilities.

    Armor strip is on an augment that ragdolls enemies away, so that's not great.

    Silence has a niche but not one I find interesting. 

    Sound Quake is poop from a butt that is only useful for trolls deliberately slowing down defense waves.

  11. Tap/hold is the go-to but also I would like it if it was thematically and mechanically tied into Mirage's abilities in some way. Like Light and Shadow each gives different buffs to Mirage's other abilities.

    Also the damage bonus obviously needs to be toned down, especially in Helminth, but I pray you don't touch the damage resistance cap. 90% would be too high, 50% would be too low. Keep it where it is. 

    • Like 1
  12. 47 minutes ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

    2 to 1 is the only fair ratio.  Anything beyond that Is just pointless grind for the sake of grind.  

    Why should you, on average, obtain tauforged shards faster from getting two basic ones and making use of the new pity system than from earning it natty? 

    • Like 2
  13. 28 minutes ago, reaper_of_memes said:

    make it a tap/hold but there shouldn't be much of a nerf or people will just switch to roar 

    Current helminth Eclipse is 150% damage bonus. And Eclipse, like Roar, is multiplicative - it just doesn't apply to ability damage or cause a bane effect.

    There is PLENTY of reason to use Eclipse, even with a greatly reduced initial value. If you didn't nerf it, Helminth Roar would only becomes equal to Helminth Eclipse WHEN COUNTING ROAR DOUBLE DIPPING at, like, 1000% power strength.

    Eclipse: 150 + 900% = 1500.  100 damage + 1500% = 1600

    Roar: 30 + 900% = 300. (100 damage + 300%) + 300%) = 1600

    Any lower power strength and Eclipse does better. 

    I think any reasonable person can see that that's silly and Eclipse should be nerfed. Let's see what happens when we lower Eclipse to 75% and assume 300% power strength.

    Eclipse: 75 + 200% = 225. 100 damage + 225% = 325

    Roar: 30 + 200% = 90. (100 damage + 90%) + 90% = 361

    So Roar would remain less beneficial for raw weapon upfront damage, but become better than Eclipse due to double dipping at much lower, more reasonable power strength values. 

    You can quibble about whether Eclipse might need to be a little higher because of our increasing access to power strength, but we're not gonna be at 1000 without a Nidusbro for a while yet, and leaving Eclipse unnerfed is just not a serious option. 

    • Like 2
  14. 31 minutes ago, MekaDovah said:

    Just do what Brozime says. A tap/hold system is simple and resolves all current issues with it. The end. Why make it more complicated than it needs to be?

    Brozime also said some insane sh*t like making the DR cap for the Helminth 95%.

    But also also he said some sensible stuff like the damage buff for the Helminth should be 60-75%.

    The duality of man. 

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