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Posts posted by PopGligor

  1. The lore is that the Corpus built their bases there because the planet is still being kept frozen by Orokin technology. We know the Orokin loved freezing temperatures. From the availability of argon crystals in the void, we can infer it is a very cold place as well. Orokin probably had argon crystals on Venus as well, but those melted long time ago, as the planet got warmer and is in its current too warm but still frozen state.

  2. You can think of the Corpus and Grineer as Christians and Muslims - both locked in an endless war with no neutral parties involved. Which kind of ended in the 19th century. There doesn't have to be a third party. Both the Corpus and the Grineer want to mine the whole Solar System, just like both Christians and Muslims wanted Jerusalem. They just want it.

    It's not really explained why they want to mine resources. I don't understand the desire to have everything spelled out. If there's a conflict I find myself in, I won't immediately find someone to explain me the backstory. I don't know if the Corpus or the Grineer can leave the Solar System. So it could be that both factions want resources so they can destroy the other. 

    We visit civilian places - the relays. We, the Tenno, have no business fraternizing with civilians. We follow our own path. We only go where there is conflict.  

  3. Fragmenting the population too much is not a good idea. If you'll have 2 activities that give the same reward, you'll have split population.

    You'll have void keys and relics dropping from normal missions. Those who want to burn void keys will be getting tons of useless loot in the form of the relics, and those who hate the old void will be getting useless keys. 

    Basically what I'm saying is that it is not a good idea to have 2 separate activities that give the same reward.

    If you want the old void - you can still do it, and it is actually a great place to farm high level relics now. It still has its place, just the jpeg of the rewards is different. Then you take those rewards and turn them into the old jpeg.

  4. I always thought Warframe is much like Diablo II and this is why like the game. I still play D2, that's how much I love it. Warframe is much like it, but with a huge buffer (crafting) between getting something and being able to use it.

    Diablo 2 had large, open maps and I would really love Warframe to get something similar. Open world, again instanced, without other players running around so people can explore in peace. Maybe still procedurally generated. Something that I can take my time with, and not just bullet jump to objective and then extraction.

  5. To be honest, I think Trinity needs a huge rework. Yes, she is an amazing frame...

    However, I think that by virtue of existing, she makes the game trivial, forcing DE to have to resort to cheesy tactics to make the game challenging, like adding enemies that can oneshot most warframes, enemies that can withstand a litany of ultimates thrown at them, simply because of unlimited energy. She removes energy management from the game, period. Where all classes are designed with energy economy in mind, with weaker/spammy skills costing little energy, and powerful ones costing more, with Trinity every skill might as well cost 1 energy. 

    I think health pinata needs to go and be replaced with energy pinata so players have to interact with something to gain their energy. Energy pinata augment will allow players to overcharge their energy, allowing them to stock double their normal capacity at max rank. Overall energy restore gets drastically reduced. 

    Link and blessing remain unchanged. With energy changes, she won't be able to spam blessing anyway, so there's no need to change it.

    She gets an armor buff that she can cast, giving 200 armor (amplified with power strength, ofc) to everyone around her for like 30 seconds.

    After this is done, DE will be able to design challenging content at peace. This won't be a popular opinion and I really like Trinity the way she is, but I can't help but notice she is the source of many issues in the game and a huge spanner in the works for DE.

  6. Saying it is a good mod if you don't have bladed rounds is an answer to your question. However, when you get bladed rounds, argon scope becomes much less useful. The simplest answer can give is

    No, argon scope is not worth it. It is way too expensive, bladed rounds is much cheaper and except very few situations (like facing a lone lvl 100 bombard, like does that even happen) it is objectively better than argon scope.

  7. I sincerely doubt we'll ever see current tilesets thrown out and replaced. We'll see them expanded, new ones added and Scott said recently he really wants someday to unveil how we'll be leaving the Solar system.

    With a different solar system, I guess we'll be seeing new, very different tilesets.

  8. The game crashes reliably for me when I'm doing an infestation MD fissure on the Corpus Ice planet tileset. The game runs at a 40-50 fps otherwise and I don't have other stability issues. This is a new thing, I don't remember it happening ever before.

    Specs are ancient:
    CPU Intel i3-2100 @3.1GHz
    4GB ram
    Sapphire Radeon 5670 with last drivers
    Win7 64bit

    But I run the game in 32 bit mode, as when SoTR hit, it became incredibly unstable for me in 64bit. Dx10 and 11 are enabled.

  9. 8 hours ago, Kialandi said:

    And it's definitely not problem of leechers alone. What if I want to help my friend? I want to boost him a little. Too bad.

    It's not sensationalist tripe and it is not dishonest. It's truth. Or do you disagree with how i counted it?

    You kind of contradict yourself with first and third paragraph. Because it used to be "1 key for 4 items" and now it is "4 keys for 4 items" (looking at squads). That is why we could have many keys. Because we didn't have to use them.

    You are probably a person with hours of free time. But I and a lot of other players can't farm Prime Junk all day every day.

    I understand why you might disagree. But I'm looking at this problem in long term. I used about 500 Relics since the Update. That's 500% increase of what I used to use (I used about 100 Void Keys per month). And my Ducat income didn't increase by 500%. It's about the same as it used to be. 

    I think that is significant change enough.

    It used to be 1 key for many items, especially in endless missions, but the gain was 1 item per 3-4 minutes. I know sabotage was an exception, but its keys were also rare. Now the gain is similar. I personally prefer mobile defense fissures even if they're slower than other missions, but they allow me to passively level up some mastery fodder. You just need more keys, as a sheer number.

    The old system had a huge imbalance between key gain and key spending, resulting in people stockpiling hundreds of keys. There were trash keys that nobody did and at best were used for crafting dragon keys. I'm talking about things like T1 defense. Now, all relics are useful. If you get a relic, even if it is not the one you want, you'll get some use out of it. The old system wasn't like that and trash keys were very common.

    Relic drop rate was boosted once already (especially in the derelict), and I think it needs another boost. Doing certain fissure missions like spy have a huge chance of rewarding a relic, making it basically a free item. The old system didn't allow for that and on top of it, there's a chance you can get 2 relics even. But I do think relic gain still needs a boost. 

    With the old system, the majority of keys at least for me, remained unused. Now I keep healthy low amounts of relics, because I find all of them useful at least to a degree.

  10. I'm not sure yet whether obtaining prime junk has been drastically reduced, especially after this week's fixes, which boosted relic drop rates. Before we could have many keys and *nobody* burned all of their keys. Prime junk gain was 1 part per ~3-4 minutes on average. Right now it is the same.

    The only people hurt by the current system as far as junk goes are the ones who never farmed void keys in the first place and only leeched off of other people's farm, as the current system forces everyone to farm. I still think that relic drop rate needs to be greater, because with the old system you needed 1 key to get upwards of 8 items, but even as it is, it's fine. 

    Also, I would wish for people to stop saying the "4 keys for 1 item" thing, because it's this type of sensationalist tripe that people love now, but it is dishonest. 1 key 1 item. If you want a prime, you need to have a key of your own. It didn't use to be that way, but now it is.

    I don't think there's problems with Baro's prices. From my perspective as someone who plays for free and sells prime junk for plat, rarely farms and treats fun as paramount, I haven't had trouble getting what I want from Baro. I rarely get all his mods (mostly because credits are the problem), and I don't buy beacons and boosters but what I want I can get, usually by stopping my prime junk sale 2-3 days before he shows up. Then, after he's gone, do it all over again for 10 days. 

  11. I swear to god the "muh lore" people are getting annoying. Everything doesn't have to be justified in "the lore".

    Warframes are bits of technology. You're not getting Valkyr's parts and putting her back together like some Frankenstein. You're getting the blueprints, which can be copied and replicated. This is how you can have Trinity and Trinity Prime. Normal frames are degraded versions of Prime frames, because the knowledge of how to make a prime has been lost and (if I know my lore), infestation is used to supplement the missing part of how to make a warframe work.

    Baro will compliment you, Tenno, on wearing a "costume" representing his people. Meaning Inaros.

    As such, pretty much any drop of a warframe blueprint can be justified. It's knowledge, instructions on how to make the frame, not actual parts of it. This is most exemplified in quests for getting warframes.

    So there it is - justification on any warframe drop which should work in the lore. What is annoying to me is that people aren't even trying to put pieces together and figure something out. How what is already there can make sense and work in the world. If it's not spelled out for them, then it simply doesn't work.

  12. 23 hours ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

    Why do the tenno need to find fissures to then use space eggs on to turn them into parts when you can just fly there, break in and steal some prime parts like what used to happen when void keys were a thing.


    Because the corpus and grineer looted the orokin towers and all we have to recover orokin technology is ancient cabbages buried in the ground. :^)

  13. 5 hours ago, Cbastitan said:

    No, if you start as a team you end as a team

    Dont join survivals or other long missions if you dont have time, and if you are just looking to clear the node do it in solo otherwise deal with the team you have.

    Why is it then that interception and defense allow for individual extraction? Before with the void and derelict sure, you start as a premade party, you end as a premade party. But now the vast majority of endless missions are open to public matchmaking with derelict being the exception. Most people won't play with a premade party, they'll rely on matchmaking to match them with randoms even for void farming. 

    Seems to me you're trying to impose your subjective "code", which already isn't enforced by the game. Don't be elitist, mate.

  14. This is a simple suggestion that I feel is very much needed to be implemented, especially for survival and excavation. Defense and interception already allow for this and I think I figured out how to do it in survival and excavation.

    Except for void fissures, there can be a system where a player just goes to extraction, waits 20-30 seconds and gets extracted. That will work. It'll also alert other players in the squad to the fact that one is leaving and they'll be able to readjust accordingly. 

    The problem is with the void, because of relic sharing. So here's my suggestion for that:
    When someone decides its time to extract, they go to extraction. Once they reach it, a timer starts counting down, to which all players will be alerted. Something like "XPlayer is extracting" and that will be about a minute. Other players can join him in extraction, which will not reset the countdown. When the countdown ends, those who are at extraction get to normally select rewards from their relics, and those remaining get to go on uninterrupted. They will not be able to join the reward selection in the 15 seconds after the extraction countdown ends. Only players who are at extraction when the timer reaches 0 select rewards. If the player who started the timer leaves the extraction point, and someone else kept the timer ticking, that first player does not get to select a reward if he or she doesn't come back before it reaches 0. They'll have to go to extraction and wait the timer.

    That way people who want to just get the void reward can do it, and those who want to farm fissures for the *amazing* affinity and valkyrs can do that as well.

  15. Digital Extremes is not a small studio. It's nearing 200 employees and thanks to Warframe's success, it's growing. Cinematic quests are a small bit of content that's incredibly important, at least to me. Instead of going the generic way of making many quests that nobody would remember, they've opted for making very few but memorable ones. As the game is not centered around questing, it works well. Quests aren't really conducive to repetitive gameplay like Warframe's. Any other MMO is like this - you do the questing and then, once you hit repetitive endgame, you don't have anymore quests. Well, Warframe is only endgame in this aspect, with story coming out every so often.

  16. I have to agree - sometimes I see reactant and I can't pick it up. 

    Exterminates don't have enough enemies to pass the mission comfortably. In public, usually someone will rush ahead. The split squad results in fissures spawning all over the map - near the ones who pulled ahead or the ones who are still behind, making it even harder to collect reactant. I think currently, exterminate is the worst type of mission to do a fissure on. Even capture is better, because you can just stay and farm reactant. Mobile defense I think is the best type by far. The terminals act as central points for the squad to gather, resulting in many fissures spawning near  you. It's really great. Do that. Reactant is plentiful. Also, mobile defense tends to spawn more enemies than normal. More enemies=more corrupted=more reactant=more void traces and much more affinity.

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