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Posts posted by PopGligor

  1. I do think that the sortie reward system sucks and that the implementation of kavats is too much. It's not as bad as Ivara... but that's not an excuse. 

    I think every kavat scan should bring a DNA sample. Unless they did that in a hotfix and I missed it. In which case, let's farm kavats! They're already hard to find enemies and once you find them, they're hard to scan as well. Getting 20 scans, let alone 20 DNAs, is hard enough.

    Bring Nekros on fissures. 15-20 void traces per fissure. 

  2. 47 minutes ago, Soldatto said:

    And yes, you could use a gun, but here's where my biggest problem is: ... what if you don't have a gun?

    What if you want to play these missions with melee and powers only? What if you are trying to be a TRUE TENNO MASTER and cut down your foes with nothing but the righteous fury of your blades?

    That's a self-imposed handicap and you should deal with the consequences. Warframe is primarily a shooter, why wouldn't you have a gun? 

    @OP - that suggestion is literally worse than nullifiers. Sure, they fulfill multiple tasks, but it is *one enemy* to kill. Now imagine getting the same amount of things to deal with - shield, area-denial, skill denial, etc. and having *four enemies* to kill to clear the area. Not only that, but with the current design, the nullifier is an immediate priority. He's like the headless kamikaze in Serious Sam. Out of your four, which one is the immediate priority? The shield? The ability denial? Which one?

    High level defense - ability denier and an area denier come at the same time. One denies all players' abilities, the other will clear frost's snowglobe. Which one is the immediate priority that the squad just knows to take down quickly? Now split that not in two, but in 4.

    Nullifiers are visible from very far, they make their presence known and are objective highest priority enemy. This is much better design than what the OP proposes.

    I'm not a fan of this game design where enemies are one trivial trick ponies. If it were me, grineer scorpions would also have a shield and be able to smack the player with it. The shield grineer goes away. Toxic and healer ancients would be one enemy, inflicting healing on allies and toxin on enemies in the same attack. And so on. I think warframe has too many redundant enemies already. Splitting one into four, making it obnoxious is a really bad idea.

    What I'm noticing is that way too many players on forums are complaining about them and I have yet to see anyone have problem with them in game. Even on the hardest fissures they die in one hit.

  3. 29 minutes ago, SuperGameJunky said:


    The Old System

    So in the old void system you had keys and one key meant at the very least 1 prime item, key or forma.

    Now its 4 keys or fissures w.e. ever you want to call it for one item one item (sorry bit of a rant)

    now lets get down to math 

    So for a good example lets take the old T4Sab key it gave out the an average amount of rewards per key around 2 items of any value in the game.

    It would take about 20 minutes to farm the key with a team and the team would get 4 keys. Each key would then take about 10 minutes with a good team, to run maybe more maybe less depending how good the cashes were hidden. So 10 minutes 4 keys is 40 min plus 20 to farm the keys and at an average of 2 items per run you would get  8 prime parts/BP keys or forma in 60 min that a prime part for about 7.5 minutes of work which was about average, with exterminate and capture being faster but less parts per key and survival and def being longer but giving more stuff per key so sab was the average and that is why I chose it.

    that is 7.5 min per part and 2 items per key


    Wrong. For many... nay - most, the old system was this. Camp in recruitment chat until someone is hosting the void mission you want, get invited and get primes. No key farming necessary. Farming Draco for T4 def keys? Screw that. Three minutes in recruitment chat *tops* will give me an invite.

    This is why they changed the system.

    Also your saying "4 keys for one item" is patently false, if this analysis is true. 4 keys in the new system certainly result in 4 items. In the old system, one sabotage key resulted in 1-3 primes multiplied by the number of players. Now it is *one random item per key* multiplied by the number of players. It's basically like the old captures and exterminates.

    I really can't take you seriously when you're saying you need 4 keys for one item. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

    If no host migrations happen.

    First fissure (the easy one) all went well untill we reached extraction. 2/4 players waiting. Host migration. Gets sent back to the ship.

    And it keeps happening too, only workaround I found was setting my matchmaking ping to 100 so that I usually end up hosting.

    Yes. This is the one flaw with the current system - public games and not having the option to reconnect. More people should talk about this so DE notices. Old void was exclusively private games where reconnecting was always possible.

  5. 5HV3N is talking about unvaulting everything and removing the concept of the vault altogether. Having all prime items available at any time. 

    I think the reason for the vault to exist is finite void missions, having too many items in them would dilute drop tables with useless clutter. Not so in the current system. They can just add more relics.

    This can dilute relics, true. But we can get some system where we can take 2-3 of the same relic and morph them into another relic in the same era to give players even more control over what relics they have and can use. So no matter how many relics there are, how diluted void becomes, players will still be able to make the relics they want and have a chance at getting the items inside them.

  6. I think they wanted to make prime farming work with public matchmaking, which is why the system is designed exactly the way it is. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet but for public matchmaking, you absolutely need this rule. People who don't have enough time to play can just buy relic packs from syndicates and the shop. I think the leeching in the previous version was a huge problem - people could play *only* the void aspect of the game, leeching off of other people's keys and the effort they put into obtaining them. This balances things out a bit and I like it.

  7. I think in order to bring archwing into the spotlight as an integral part of the game, archwing void fissures should be implemented in the game. They can of course come with their own tweaks to make them more appropriate for the archwing control scheme and the fact that it takes place in space. To be honest, I'm rather sad DE didn't do this, as it would've brought the archwing and void rework together.

  8. 12 minutes ago, pagepro said:

    As opposed to what we have now? 


    Now you have to get in close range to kill them easily. It seems almost everything people use nowadays oneshots all nullifiers. Most good endgame melee wapons finish them off in a second. Which I think is a good system - either stay back and shoot them down slowly, or get in there and finish them off in a second.

  9. Tbh, all I was waiting for was the new star chart and the end of terribly boring void farming. Set my expectations that low, got them pretty covered.

    And kavats. Their implementation is just... I don't have a nice thing to say about it. Have to find rare, invisible, weak enemies, that are quick and very hard to scan, that are chaotic and always in a melee with the infested... have to find those for a *low* chance of getting an imprint. And then, I need 20 of these imprints. That's too much. It's not Ivara level of too much, but it is too much.

    But the patch covered 2/3 for me. ;)


  10. 1 minute ago, KuraioNokami said:

    Great. I have no friends and my clan is in the wrong timezone, so I can't Void anymore! Yay!

    To be honest, I'm finding public matchmaking to be yielding surprising results even on the highest tiers. I just need to bring my valkyr to be able to throw lemons in the fissure while taking damage. So far I haven't failed one fissure and I've been relying only on public matchmaking. Yesterday it was a bit tough as people didn't know about them, but today it is much better.

  11. Holding sprint/roll while shooting in archwing mode bugs it out. On the screenshot, I'm facing the camera, my gun pointed at it, while shooting at the enemy behind me.


    Also, it seems that while holding sprint and jump for that extra boost, the archwing will slowly rotate itself to be standing "up". I noticed this only once, so I don't know about that. While standing still it will also try to "fix" its orientation. Both of those should be optional.

  12. 23 minutes ago, Pratigious said:

    So since draco is gone,could we get MR to scale with your weapon's rank and NOT the capacity of the weapon?Since draco is gone and with the way the star-chart is set up,i see the progression A LOT MORE.

    Eventually, people will reach MR30. Making rank instead of mod capacity scale with MR, it would mean everything MR30 players get will be max ranked right off the bat. They won't have to rank up anything ever. While MR 30 is a long way away, that's no excuse to design a system we know will have to inevitably be changed. I think the current system is alright, *because* weapon damage doesn't increase with its rank. Only mod capacity does. So new weapons in the hands of high MR players have the power of a high rank weapon, but the experience of a low rank one. Which is a great system in the long term.

  13. Take nullifiers into account when planning your loadout. Don't complain about them. Think about them. Okay, shotguns and snipers are bad against them. Take a fast pistol *for them* specifically. Okay, you want a slow primary and secondary weapon. Then take a melee that can oneshot them. They are very, very squishy. Get in that bubble, press E once and they're dead. Okay, you don't want that. Well - get in that bubble and shoot them *once* with one of your two low fire rate weapons. Again - dead in a second.

    The game gives you options. It is your *choice* not to use them.

  14. I played around the new void system and it is interesting but it has one huge flaw for me and everyone else with bad connection - it takes place in public games.

    In the old void and derelict, when I inevitably disconnect at some point, I could just reconnect in 15 seconds, keeping all my rewards except affinity. That was alright. Now I go, do the fissure, spend my relic, then get disconnected... and that's it. My relic is lost. Even if it is a premade party, I think I won't be able to reconnect because it is a public map. I'm not losing all of my relics, actually the ones I'll lose due to connection will be very few, but it is still very annoying.

    Is it possible to implement reconnecting to public games? 

  15. Specters of the rail didn't reset my star chart. I can't do the junctions it seems. When I click on them, it takes me to the next planet, I have everything unlocked.

    EDIT: I can do the junctions. I was clicking the wrong thing -_-. Still the chart didn't reset.

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