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Posts posted by PopGligor

  1. With steel fiber and armored agility, Valkyr can get up to 1530 armor. Wukong can get up to ~570 using the same mods. That is Valkyr having three times more armor than Wukong. Even without her hysteria, she's already "almost invulnerable". Hysteria is there to give you a damage burst and let you get your health back. With good power efficiency and duration, you can keep hysteria up for quite a long time. When you're in groups, more enemies spawn, meaning more energy drops, meaning hysteria's even easier to maintain. 

    We should also mention hysteria's insane damage output. I don't see many people do it, but that skill's slide attack hits like 5 or 6 times and takes out almost anything. I've oneshotted the Hyena Pack (killing both of them at once) with just one slide attack in hysteria.

    All that the nerf did is force you out of hysteria on occasion, even if it is just to reset the energy drain. It's still one of the most overwpowered and broken ultimates in the game, at least in my opinion. And valkyr is my favorite frame, so don't nerf her plz xD

  2. 4 hours ago, BlazerEraser said:

    Lore reasons, the old void is going to explode.

    In other words, Warframe is moving forward for the first time in a few years.

    They didn't get rid of the old Void, they just took away their prime rewards and replaced them with relics.

    Also, fragmenting the population is not a good idea. In the old void, you had the population split by tiers and keys. The new system splits only by tiers. Now imagine splitting the population by tiers twice (lith, meso, neo, axi, t1, t2, t3, t4 keys) and then splitting it once again for extermination, survival, defense, capture, sabotage, interception keys. It'll result in a too fragmented playerbase that is just a mess. 

    The goal of the current system is to keep everything alive. In the old one, there were keys that nobody did. T1 def comes to mind. The relic/fissure system's goal was to alleviate that problem by letting the player do whatever "key" they wished, without having to find other players doing the exact same thing. They only need players in the same tier.


  3. 40 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    Because otherwise you could be earning affinity efficiently, which isn't what DE wants.

    Well, today I leveled up a primary and a secondary farming axi fissures mobile defense. I was getting an average of 80k affinity per weapon, including bonus. It was going up fairly quickly. It's not as good as draco, but with the way fissures currently work, affinity is plentiful.

  4. Not a good idea to give one specific, contextual attack exclusive to only one enemy. Why not give us contextual attacks that make any enemy trivial. Nah, I don't like it. Damaging bursas is a bit tricky, especially with impact/blast weapons. They need to be improved a bit, to make it a bit easier to stay behind them. Right now some of them are too quick. Nothing that madurai focus or valkyr hysteria slide attack can't handle, but it's annoying. Although I have to mention that for the most part, you can prevent bursas from appearing by turning off alarms before bursas show up. 

  5. 1 minute ago, TARINunit9 said:

    Um, Simaris Targets, last I checked, have no power immunity whatsoever. Cast Well of Life on them once, and they're stuck there more than long enough to scan them

    Well of life is an odd power, it seems to overwrite some immunities. I used it and will continue to use it to scan kavats. I found them to be ignoring many of my CCs. Even EV wouldn't put them in place. But Well of Life puts them to sleep, which is odd. They get suspended in the air for a sec, then glitch out and fall sleeping on the floor for the skill's duration.

  6. 1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    The point is they are unfun, and lead to extremely repetitive missions full of situations where we find ourselves doing the same thing every mission, every time. They are boring, repetitive and unfun. 

    How is removing their power immunity going to make them more interesting when the only interesting thing about them is their power immunity? Without it, they become generic enemies with slightly more HP. This power immunity forces you to engage the enemy in a *different* way than other enemies. That's all it is. I think Warframe has a huge issue with enemies - all of them require similar approach, and enemies themselves are not designed around current warframes' mobility. They can't keep up.

    Compare Warframe's enemy design to a shooter like Serious Sam. Or even an action RPG like Diablo II - in Diablo, you had to prioritize. The game taught you this early on, introducing the shamans that would resurrect the demons you kill... Warframe doesn't really have this. The only exception is when a nullifier steps on the field and becomes immediate priority. Enemy design needs a serious rework.

  7. Mastery rank means not only that you got the mastery points, but you also passed the test. But I don't think that works. 

    I think the need for skill is very contextual - you don't need skilled players for closing lith fissures, but you need intelligent players for LoR - not only players with good aim, who know how to play their frame, but ones who know how to synergize. I think a solution would be to heavily restrict LoR access - make it so that earning the right to enter LoR poses a challenge on its own. 

    In my mind ability to overcome challenge is what demonstrates skill. If in order to enter LoR, someone had to first survive 20-30 minutes in a level 50-60 survival, you'd know they're fairly skilled.

    Same thing with other skill-requiring areas - seal them off by areas requiring slightly less skill. Overcoming the previous challenge shows you have the minimum needed to engage with the new one. Example - have LoR keys as D rotation in ODS or Void survival and require everyone in the group to have a key to enter. No key - no entrance.

    There can be a whole skill hierarchy in the game, where to access areas you have to prove yourself first. I don't think it's possible to get a stat that is indicative of skill. Stats can be manipulated. 

  8. There's already a cover-based Warframe-but-worse and it's called The Division. 

    However, I think enemy movement needs to be redone. I'm noticing enemies often "snap" to a new location, instead of moving there. When enemies jump to new places, they often teleport up and it just doesn't look good. Same when I'm solo, so it's not lag. Their movement doesn't look organic, as opposed to how warframes move, which looks and feels right.

  9. 3 hours ago, Calwon5 said:

    The game will hopefully come out of beta once we reach 'Mr 30. 

    I view every major update as the game itself reaching a new mastery rank. It's currently almost at MR 19. It just needs to level up a new quest, The War Within, to reach it. It'll release with update 30.

    Also, I'm kinda worried and excited because Titania is the 30th warframe and the game so far has treated the number 30 with some reverence.

  10. 55 minutes ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

    Eastern influence ... Americas are the western.

    Knights were quite fluid in armor: they began official training around 13 so they were quite used to average armor.

    Ninjas didnt prefer combat and usually were sent on stealth missions. Where as a well trained knight come take on multiple targets with ease

    Armor weighs. Quite a lot. A full plate armor is roughly 70pounds. As that weight is spread around, it doesn't feel like carrying 70 pounds and knights could run in it, but it still heavily inhibited movement. One of the reasons for the development of full plates is the way the west waged war. It wasn't about fighting technique, it was about one army ramming another and crushing it through brute force alone. The need for plate was then to withstand weapon blows. It's also why full plate fell out of fashion in the 1650s when guns entered the battlefield, as they could penetrate it easily. This resulted in people going into battle with lighter armor than before with cuirassiers still wearing breastplate. 

    Ninjas are assassins and you'd prefer a sneaky approach when trying to assassinate someone. Where a ninja can infiltrate a guarded home and kill its owner without raising the alarm, a lone knight would fail, especially without his armor. They're very different type of fighter for very different purpose. A ninja on a European battlefield is dead, just like a knight trying to infiltrate a well guarded Japanese home. 

    Everything to the left of Austria on the map is considered the proverbial "west". Nobody says "the east" imagining knights, churches and crusades.


  11. It's important to note that status chance doesn't have anything to do with elemental damage. If you have a hypothetical weapon that does 1000 corrosive damage, and only 5% status chance, it will still always do the corrosive damage, just won't proc the extra status (in this case, -25% armor permanent)

  12. Despite the "ninjas play free" tagline, I'm noticing much more western inspiration in Warframe's designs. You have Excalibur as the poster child of Warframe. There's weapons like the galatine and the sword and shield one. Hydroid is obviously inspired from British pirate myths. Mirage references greek mythology. Inaros is obviously inspired by Egyptian mythology.

    There's more ninja things in the design of things - katanas, glaives, shurikens, claws. The movement system obviously reminds of ninjas. But only because they were unrestricted by armor. Knights could barely get on their horse by themselves, let alone parkour on rooftops.

    I'll keep yapping that I want arabic-inspired warframes and lore. It's what I *WANT*. Probably not going to get it.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Master-Nachash said:

    I just feel as though my idea is a more simplified and solidified problem solver. I mean, adding them to more rotations and enemy units just sounds messy when they could just up the amount you get from the drops in rotations as they already are. Having different tiers for how many you can get in a rotation dependent on RNG.

    I feel having more chances to get 1 relic is better than having fewer chances to get 3-5 relics. Imagine trying to farm a particular relic, and getting 3-5 of some other ones that you don't need. If they implement eximus drops right, players will gain relics more often, giving them more chances of getting useful relics.

  14. Yesterday's dev stream said they'll boost relic acquisition by adding them to more rotations (like the As) and also mentioned having relics drop by eximuses. They also said that having relics drop by eximuses would also mean you'll be getting relics as you're burning them. The fact that people are burning relics at an amazing pace is noticed.

  15. Splitting every era into 3 separate missions splits the population way too much and may result in long queue times - that's 12 fissures active at all times. Probably won't happen. 


  16. I've had fissure runs where I got over 30 (i've no idea how, nekros magic) traces. My biggest issue with the current trace system is the limit. It badly deserves an increase. Either make it 100+(MRx100) or just increase it to 1000 or something like that. I always feel bad when I have something like 95 traces, queue and see a nekros has found his way in my group. I know I'll have 20 traces lost as a result of it.

  17. Since U19, I've been running lots of grineer missions. Lots of missions on Earth. Wiki says Kubrows and drahks should be dropping kubrow mods.
    Yet I don't think I've received one kubrow mod since this patch landed.

    I do receive lots of kavat mods, and that's good, though.

  18. I'll be the devil's advocate on this one and argue that the predictability in missions supplements the core of the game, which is farming. Farming in itself is all about the game being predictable and letting you equip yourself accordingly. If you're trying to farm affinity, the least thing you need is unpredictability.

    There is already a random mechanic in terms of zanuka, conclave and Stalker coming after you. The juggernaut mechanic in some infested missions is also interesting and the latter is actually I think the best implementation of such a thing - it is predictable and the player has control over it. The juggernaut can be a bit stronger, though. And bigger.

    That said, invasions need a rework. Currently, they don't feel like an invasion. It feels like having 2 sets of enemies on one tileset. It doesn't feel like one is actually coming and invading the other. I would love to have invasions be more dynamic, them being their own mission type, that changes depending on how the invasion is going.

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