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Posts posted by PopGligor

  1. People who choose to be elitist are willingly shutting themselves off from a huge part of the community, so it's on them. If someone doesn't want me because of my MR, who cares. That's on them. Don't let that meaningless rejection get to you. For every ingame elitist 12 year old making a group there are 10 who are perfectly reasonable adults.

  2. Tessellation - it's a process that "creates" more polygons on a mesh. It's akin to how LOD works in games, but tessellation can be used to render *more* detail through shaders, as opposed to LOD, which can only subtract detail. Every good looking game today uses lower poly models, then it "tessellates" them with a shader which adds more detail. It's much heavier than the previously popular bump mapping, but the advantage tessellation has is that it can change the silhouette, the geometry of a mesh which bump mapping can't do. It's not that heavy a process and if you can, enable it.

    Anisotropic and trilinear filtering are methods to make textures look smoother. Anisotropic is better for filtering textures at an angle and in the distance. Trilinear filtering tends to lose level of detail in the distance, resulting in blurry distant textures. Crank that anisotropic filtering up if possible.

    Anti-aliasing smooths the edges of objects to avoid them being jagged. FXAA and SMAA use different means to reach a similar goal and you should test which looks best for you. If I remember correctly, FXAA tends to be sharper than SMAA. Also, if you're playing on a monitor with high pixel density, you may not need any anti-aliasing at all. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

    Well, "suggested" does not equal "established". I saw that devstream as well, they did not talk about it as if it was something they settled on.

    Is this why primed pressure point was a problem for damage 3.0? That they were toying with the idea of totally removing pressure point and now there's a primed mod, kind of solidifying the idea that damage mods will stay? 

  4. 6 minutes ago, bejuizb said:

    Considering they've gotten phenomenally better as a sound team, I don't think it's too outlandish an idea to re-impliment such a grounding aspect of the game. I'd also like to point out something about the value of the sound clips the video mentions (I miss them too, oh so dearly). After playing the game for hundreds of hours back then, especially since content wasn't very available (talking about pre-phobos, just introduced void and dojos phase), everything became muscle memory to players, and we ended up using audio cues and sfx to guide our way across. It's sort of similar to how veteran fighting game players don't pay attention to their characters but rather the space between them and their enemies. 

    Like it or not, sound plays a very core part of immersion and enjoyment. 

    Making tilesets feel more alive would be amazing, and that's what the announcer lady seems to have done for the corpus. I think an equivalent of her will eventually make it into the game, just with a different voice and maybe character. Feeling the map reacting to your actions, the announcer scrambling its AI, trying to calculate a way to stop you would be great. 

    For the rest of the sound - I still use it a lot for situational awareness. I can't play this game with the sound off. Some enemies (khum bombers khum) need better sound cues, but overall I think current sound works great in letting players know what is around them. In some instances particularly against the infested it is such a lovely particle fest (no sarcasm) that sound is all you're really left with. I personally love that there's a slight, but unique kill confirm sound.

  5. I think the video is terribly petty. Take the level up sound - that's what defined the game? One sound file? Imagine trying to level up 4 things at once somewhere where you level up fast - that 10 second soundbite is all you'll be hearing. Current sound is much better.

    Corpus announcer - that's still Rebecca's voice. Why would Lotus be the Corpus announcer? At some point in its life cycle, Warframe became much more lore aware than it originally was and I think this is why the Corpus announcer was removed - because voices play huge role in this game and that's how players get to know characters. As the game focuses more on smaller, personal stories, voices become very important. They'll get to know Lotus by her voice. What message does it send when Lotus is also the one telling your enemies she cares about them? 


  6. I don't think it is unfair at all. Many of the attendees won't be from Canada, they'll have to travel to London, Ontario. I think getting a small exclusive gift for their effort to make TeonnoCon work is fair. For some it won't be a small commitment. 

    The fact that people have to show up to get their things is very clever as well. Space in real life is finite, tickets are used to gauge how many people will show up. There's limits. They can't have endless tickets and the whole idea of the thing is to get people to show up. Afaik, all profit will be donated to charity, so it's not about selling the digital swag.


  7. It's not the devaluation of platinum as much as it is the devaluation of prime items. You're not the only one farming, many are. This inflates the amount of primes, driving down their value. It's basic supply and demand. Trinity prime is an old frame, many have farmed it by now. It's value is bound to drop. The amount of new platinum introduced in the economy isn't enough to offset the supply of prime items, hence platinum remaining more valuable compared to them.

  8. Just now, jjpdn said:

    Remember that we had to grind for the Void Keys... that's was the first wall, so 2 walls is nothing new. 

    This is what people seem to forget. Yes, many have hundreds of void keys, but each of these keys has "a chance to drop from various missions", so it's basically the same thing. Then you have so much redundant garbage in void keys, like upgrade cores, forma blueprints, orokin cells, etc. Some of the rarest keys, like captures and exterminates, actually drop only one item per key, making them essentially the same thing. People complaining about this system should really try farming mag prime. Those T2 captures are quite rare. ;)

  9. There is a double grind wall behind the current system. Unless of course you're a leech who is always leeching off of other people's keys. Which I don't pass judgment, I mean I need those T4 Def rewards. Afaik, the only place to get T4 def keys is Draco and seriously... screw that.

    The current system will put a more consistent double grind wall, where everyone will have to grind their parts. No more leeching. Which I cannot object to. From the looks of it, prime farming will be pure prime farming. No forma, no orokin cells or mods. Or at least I hope it is that way. So if you want primes, you'll be able to get primes reliably, as opposed to the current system. 

    Overall, I really like this change. Even if, judging by the first paragraph, it'll kinda harm me.

  10. Hm, I never thought he was immune to those. Then again, like almost everything in the game, he's very weak against Valkyr's hysteria slide attack. The way I defeat him usually is by doing that, which takes a lot of his health, then finish him off with the Tonkor.

    Valkyr's hysteria slide attack is broken, it hits way too many times. One time, I oneshotted both of the hyenas in the hyena pack with it. :D 

  11. 40 minutes ago, Njuskac said:

    again not the point, i want all the mods to be maxed, i'm just autistic like that, my complaint here is that they made that impossible

    Swap out the 7 and 8 polarity ones for some lower ones then. /shrug

  12. I would love to see more cultures get the Warframe treatment and I think it's bound to happen. They're branching out from Japanese-inspired things, particularly with Inaros and his quest line. There's a lot of western culture as well. 

    I particularly would love Arab and Slavic cultures represented. To the best of my knowledge, there has never been Arab-inspired sci-fi ever. 

    But soon? Nah, it ain't gonna happen soon. Content takes time, nothing can be made frivolously. Look at the infested door on your ship - devs have planned what is behind it but it'll take them a full year to realize their vision. 

    So I would love more cultures - just not soon. Don't rush it and make it good.

  13. I greatly disagree with the OP. His intention is in the right place - design a fun game, don't care so much about people breaking it...
    But when the tools to break the game are so easily available, when everyone can get a nova or mirage fairly easily and deck her out to shut down rooms easily, it will become the dominant strategy. It'll become the meta. It'll become the advice everyone is giving to others "Eh, just build a mirage and roflstomp this otherwise interesting mission". 

    So in order for the game to be even remotely interesting, it has to be designed with the worst possible scenario in mind. For no other reason than the fact that the worst possible scenario is easily achievable.

    I do think this game is all over the place. Enemies are designed with movement 1.0 in mind and haven't caught up to current movement, some interactions (mirage+simulor) are completely broken. The fact that banshee can kill everything in T4 def before it can even step in the main room is laughable. 

    However, this is my question towards the OP - this game can be interesting. You don't have to lock down the rooms, you don't have to play a facerolling frame to enjoy it. Why aren't you? The game gives options to be challenging and fun. You can reliably claim it is not designed around the worst possible scenario... otherwise, mirage+simulor wouldn't be so gamebreaking. Banshee wouldn't work the way she does when combined with a good EV. 

    There's definitely things I dislike about the game... like bursas and bombards, but it seems to me it is designed exactly like the OP suggests, which is what makes the game lack challenge in general. Because once players have these facerolling tactics available to them, they won't hold back on using them. Some may, but most won't. Hell, I play valkyr *only* because of the way she deals with bursas. :D

  14. I'm from Bulgaria, mate. I have the same feelings towards that empire. Although, I'm leaning towards hating the USSR a lot more. Joining the USSR was a cultural suicide for my country, where under the Ottoman empire a lot of our culture survived. As I value culture more than people, you can imagine how I feel about the USSR. Fun fact is that before our liberation, Russian serfs were *jealous* of how we have it in the Empire. When we were freed and joined the USSR, Russia took over our culture. The fact that the USSR was destroyed by the ineptitude of its leaders only makes me happy. I was born the year the USSR fell, and 15 years later, in school, I was still taught Russian propaganda about the Ottoman empire.

    I don't know how and why churches were destroyed in Kosovo. I know that we have churches in Bulgaria that predate the Empire conquering us, and that while people were encouraged to switch religions, and their lives were harder if they didn't, they didn't have to actually do it. But maybe in Kosovo it was different. From what I can find, Kosovo is 90% Muslims, where Bulgaria is 60% Christians and only 8% Muslims despite us having been conquered for about the same 5 centuries. It may just be my perspective on this one but it seems to me Turks let us keep our Christianity. 

  15. 19 hours ago, Saint_Tan said:

    1. A new, fully realized, enemy faction/race the Tenno will be able to battle against.


    2. Void Key exchange system (because I have a surplus on so many keys that I could never possibly deplete.)  Like having an option in the market that would take 10 T1 keys in exchange for 1 Bronze Core, 10 T4 keys in exchange for 1 Gold Core, etc.


    And you…?



    My speculation is that The War Within will develop the sentient more and give us the tools to battle them. Also in U19 are the void projections, which I think will make keys more useful as there won't be T1 defense and Survival keys anymore. 

  16. ODD is good for farming things to sell for plat, especially now with the mag part on it, but I do think that a reward for T2 Capture (forma) doesn't have a place there. However, I can solo ODD until wave 20 and it drops the trinity prime bp. The only other place where it drops is T4 Def, which I can't solo to wave 20 :D

  17. For me, it was when I saw TB play it on stream. I actually really liked Trinity Prime, Sonicor and Tonkor combo he was using. So I downloaded the game, having a clear goal in my head - to get those three. Not sure if it would've grabbed me without that. I got them and had to take a break from the severe burnout from the farming forgetting trinity prime. But then I began to miss the game and came back and now I play daily. 

    The only place I think the game fails is telling players about the options they have and how to pursue them. I think this game is in a severe need of an indepth market and blueprint tutorial.

  18. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    very interesting. regarding Janissaries, they were more than just elite soldiers and Royal Guards for the Sultan, they were also politicians and had a say in how the empire was run, and they were one of the few people who were allowed to openly say they disliked the Sultan if that was the case. it's also assumed that they knew how to make Greek Fire.

    That kind of speaks to sultans' greatness. They did conquer us, but I have to lie to myself to say it wasn't a great empire that Suleiman built. Few rulers would allow any of their people to openly say they dislike them. Also, all the more reason to think Umbras may have been the Warframe equivalent of Janissaries. Unless DE opts for making "umbra" a technology that Orokin developed and we get to discover or something similar.


    It occurred to me that the Orokin have a lot in common with the Ottoman Empire. Initially it feels Orokin were just obsessed with gold, but as I started doing quests with lore, I noticed they feel exactly like the Ottoman Empire at its peak around the 14th century. 

    Characterized as a gunpowder empire, the Ottoman Empire conquered huge chunks of Europe, Asia and Africa using very advanced weapons. Their military power was unmatched. 

    In terms of wealth - undoubdedly the Orokin were the wealthiest the Solar system has ever seen. Just like Suleiman was the wealthiest ruler ever when he became the sultan of that empire. His rule is the golden age of that empire - not only in terms of wealth and prosperity, but also in terms of pure gold. Just like void towers are laced with gold, Ottoman palaces and mosques were too. 

    That's all too much reaching. Now this is the interesting part.

    Ottomans realized how valuable it is to let the peoples they conquered keep their culture. As we saw in the Inaros quest, the Orokin did not interfere in the beliefs of the people they conquered. Ottomans had imposed a tax on those who followed Christianity, but they let them practice the religion. In Bulgaria, we have churches that predate Ottomans conquering us, which speaks to how much they valued culture. 



    Ottomans had what's known as Umbra... I mean Jannissaries. But this is my speculation about Umbras. Jannissaries were Turkish soldiers, whose job was to collect blood tax - take little children from the people they had conquered to turn them into soldiers for the Empire. These kids would never know their origin, and instead would completely serve the Empire. Killing their own people if they had to. 

    Just like the Orokin, the Ottoman Empire was magnificent on the outside, and rotten on the inside. Ruled by some of the brightest minds of its time, driven by desire for more wealth and power. They are one and the same. Or at least I like thinking that they are.

  20. 10 hours ago, Vesiga said:

    Vampire frame is Trinity, BUUUT wouldnt hurt to have a male Vampire themed too with offensive abilities instead of support

    Trinity is a bee. Her prime even has a bee butt. Through EV she's giving honey to her allies. As we all know, honey is high in sugar and as such it restores energy.

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