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  1. I thought this was fixed? still happening, also happens in the sanctum simulacrum, super annoying, please DE i want to walk! :D
  2. This only covers the host concerns poeple have brought up, it still doesnt address those of us that just simply dont want to play with mobile users, simply saying "just turn off crossplay" is not the solution, that cuts off the entire console community which in general are fine to play with, sure alot of them have their mic on nonstop but just communicating with them and they fix it. Yes i get that some people use a controller on their mobile but that is the very low minority, and yes i know other games have cross play like genshin impact etc but those you can literally play half asleep. And the host priority only effects when all are loading in at the same time, if a mobile user loads into a mission on their own they they are the host, ive joined thousands of games where there was already a person in there solo so its not a super low chance a mobile user could be the host.
  3. Actually on the launch livestream that was done earlier i asked reb this exact question and she replaied saying that they didnt have a seperate option for only disabling mobile crossplay and the only way would be to disable cross play completely.
  4. As someone who has used glaive prime pretty much solely since it launched i get what you mean, for example if you use the glaive throw while using your primary weapon without swapping to the mele you can detonate it instantly, but when you swap to mele and throw it you cant detonate it as early consistently as you can with the other method
  5. I dont mind playing with console player and i really dont want to stop playing with them if if i have turn off crossplay to not want to play with mobile users, while i do appreciate having a mobile option to play and when it comes out on android i will be getting it, however honestly the only time i will really be playing it on mobile is sitting on the toilet or laying in bed etc, it wont be something i will be playing seriously like i do on PC. Would be interesting to hear how the console players would feel about this one :) What do you guys think? should there be a seperate option for mobile crossplay so it doesnt affect consoles?
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