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Posts posted by BadAimbot

  1. DE wants harder to get weapons to be better, so they removed some weapons that were too easy to get. It doesn't matter since those weapons were never going to be good. And it's not like they could just buff the weapons while making them more difficult to obtain, because then people would complain that their favorite weapons aren't good, and they'd have to make every weapon good. We can't have that, or else those hardcore players won't be satisfied they're better than everyone else because they have a stronger gun.

  2. I've quit for the time being. I keep getting a carrot dangled in my face, telling me "get me, and you'll be so much stronger!", except I have nothing to get strong for. Sure, I could chase after what's most OP right now, but that could change before we actually get some worthwhile content. I could just go after what weapons I like, but no, we gotta have weapon tiers, because we have to reward people who have worked so hard for those weapons. Because being able to use fun weapons isn't reward enough. Because Mods apparently aren't the same kind of reward. Because Warframes are somehow more special than weapons, and get to be balanced. I don't even care that those weapons are being removed. They were supposed to be crap. Fun? What is fun? All I know is grind. And those weapons didn't require enough grinding to deserve to be good.

  3. 1: The issue is that whenever your shields are gone you die way too quickly. This doesn't just apply to Nightmare Mode, either. Health is too valuable a resource, and that needs to change.


    2: Too much effort is put into trying to obtain one copy of a mod, instead of trying to level it up. This leads to massive power spikes whenever you obtain a new mod. This destroys any semblance of a power curve. Tying it to RNG is even worse.


    3: DE needs to do whatever they think is good for the game. Doing nothing just makes everyone antsy, and feel gipped when they spend so much time hoping that DE goes their way and then, when they do make the decision because they have to, it's not what they wanted.

  4. I don't give a crap about balance anymore. The reason to have balance is so everyone can use what weapon they like, instead of always hunting for what's most OP at the time. But DE intends for this to occur, so I no longer care.


    Note: Does not apply to Warframes. Take Nova to the ground.

  5. 1: Most likely a placeholder while they make Capture more interesting (hopefully after Deception gets done)

    2: Could have been captured already for whatever reason and you're stealing him, or the faction is already in progress of capturing/killing him and you're beating them to it

    3: DE just plain forgot he exists, like the Grineer Asteroid Base tileset

  6. They need to overhaul the drop rates, drop locations, and usage of every resource. Ideally we would not have massive excesses of any resource, and no resource would require a lot of farming. We would also ideally have multiple options to farm resources, with differences in the drop rates and locations affecting our decisions. We should not have redundancy in drop locations (Pluto and Phobos should not almost have the exact same resource drops), we should not have to grossly farm a certain resource (Orokin Cells), nor only have one adequate place to farm them (Ferrite, Neural Sensors), nor have ridiculous excesses of resources (Nano Spores, Alloy Plate, Control Modules). Resources should also be used in appropriate amounts to their availability (requiring 600 Plastids or Rubedo in a single blueprint is awful, as is 20 Gallium).


    Should. Ideally. A man can dream.

  7. You can use both so it's not that much of an issue. There are plenty of Primaries that compete with the gods (Acrid, Despair, Bronco Prime), such as the Flux Rifle, Soma, Synapse, Lanka, and of course the Ogris. Your best bet is to specialize your Primary and Secondary so they're used for different enemies. The differences in balance aren't skewed towards the secondaries; the differences are on both sides (look at the Embolist and the Supra).

  8. Playing as Rhino i got about 6-700 kills per 30 min run. 

    5 runs of t1

    assuming 600 each run, i killed about 3000 enemies.

    Now assume about 1/5 are ancients.

    thats 600 ancient kills.

    assuming 1/5 dropped a mod on death.

    thats 120 mod drops.

    now why in 120 mod drops can i not get 1 of the maybe 3-4 mods and ancient is able to drop -.- (i never want to see reflection again).


    The bolded assumptions are horribly wrong. I hate the RNG too, but you're severely overstating how many you've killed.

  9. A passive freeze for enemies around you, power throw is awesome on glaive.


    If you're looking for useless mods then you gonna look at the fire resist ones.



    Power Throw is already in the game.


    I'm talking about how Coolant Leak is the first mod with no levels available. Why did they pick a mod which could have a larger AoE on level up when a mod that shouldn't scale at all (Glaive Puncture) has 5 levels? What's it gonna do, penetrate harder?

  10. Kill boss, pray to Random Number God. Playing with randoms helps since you have no idea how often they've been Stalkered, but comes with the drawback of having to play with randoms.

  11. I expect the thread to devolve into 'I like this better'. EV is a very powerful ability since it can essentially give you infinite energy, but the way it distributes it makes it garbage for casual play. Energy isn't really a sparse resource for that though so meh. When you really need to use it EV is perfect, and basically makes your team invincible. Trinity may be the best Warframe in the game purely because of EV, and it will probably always be this way, but I suppose it makes up or her being crap in casual play.


    Edit: Cynicism is bad kids.

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