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Posts posted by BadAimbot

  1. I think that Armor should reduce damage dealt to Flesh only by a non-scaling amount, and should not reduce damage done to Armor at all. That way, it functions like Shields, except it does not block 100% of damage.


    Example: say Armor reduces damage by 75%. A damage type that is neutral to both Armor and Flesh (let's say... Cold) has 100 damage. Each hit deals 100 damage to the Armor and 25 damage to the Flesh.

  2. Stupid line, competing for 1st place of stupidity with "Something wrong".


    It is indeed stupid, but it's also quite iconic at this point. I'm glad it's still in the game, albeit somewhat rare. I'm much happier seeing "Taking longer than I calculated" gone.

  3. I see, thanks! I really like Wyrm's crowd dispersion, what do you guys think about replacing Wyrm's laser gun with the stinger? I guess I could put Djinn on the bottom of my list, that way I'd still have a long term goal to work towards in the game. I wasn't aware the stinger is a long range weapon, it seems cliché since one of Djinn's default abilities is to lure enemies in closer. 0.0


    None of the Sentinel weapons are good at long range; the Sentinels themselves have different attack ranges, Djinn having the longest by a fair amount. Carrier has a very low range but is very useful at sucking, and I use him most of the time. If I'm doing difficult content though I switch to Djinn (unless it's Infested).

  4. It's a points situation. Some people may not have the slot points to do everything so you should try to determine what is ideal for each amount of elements. Though I preferred the last damage 2.0 where every dual element was always better than or equal to a singular element in every scenario.


    Fair enough. For the most part Toxin is best vs Grineer, Cold against Corpus (ignoring the fact that Toxin is bypassing Shields) and Fire against Infested.

  5. Discussing which single element is the best is kinda pointless. From my theorycrafting the you want to always use dual elements except using Puncture weapons against Corpus, where you want to use Magnetic + Toxin and not combine to Gas since Flesh resists it.

  6. By far the longest attack range makes it the best combat Sentinel against Grineer and Corpus without question. Sentinel weapons can be somewhat inaccurate though so it might not matter in the long run, but it's still the best.


    Edit: emphasized the combat part.

  7. As this game is in beta, this sort of thing is expected. However, most betas give some sort of direction in their changes. The Damage changes have basically been dice rolls the past few days. What are they trying to accomplish exactly? If they told us their goal with how they want weaknesses and resistances to work, we could actually give some feedback as to where things need fixing. But how are we supposed to know that, say, the Synapse isn't supposed to be the best weapon in the game? Or maybe the Infested have an overhaul around the corner that works perfectly with Invasions? Right now we're just headless chickens who have to choose between making our own theories and hoping we don't get blindsided or wait for the changes to settle (which we don't really know when they will be settled).

  8. Another problem is the new damage mods are given to enemies that are rare in the first place so it's not helping us customize our weapons either.


    What mods would be removed if we needed to clean up the table though? Besides the one in the original post listed.


    Basically if it isn't a damage mod, good Warframe mod, or Fusion Core, it should only appear once total. Damage mods are ones that boost Damage, Multishot, and every element. Warframe mods that are essential are ones such as Redirection, Vitality, Flow, Stretch, Focus, etc. Deciding which mods are good enough is somewhat arbitrary, but things such as Ability mods and Precepts that aren't Coolant Leak or Sanctuary should definitely be limited to one.

  9. the thing is: why would you build a titan extractor in the first place?


    it gets 54 polymer bundle. to build it you need 500 polymer bundle. 


    let's assume it's "fair" and brings back polymer bundles evertime: that means the titan extractor has to be deployed: 10 times just for the polymer bundle. but a titan extractor does not live that long.... + the 300 ferrite and 10k credit.


    the idea is to help farming (for less grind) which is the opposite...


    this def. needs some rework


    Polymer Bundle isn't that great a resource. I don't mind giving it up for other resources. Now, Ferrite, on the other hand...

  10. Invasion should not change the mission type. That way we can have Defense, Mobile Defense and Survival back with a nice twist of having allies. (Defense already doesn't change but it doesn't indicate it on the star chart, not sure about the other mission types)

  11. Still wish the shot was hitscan or it dealt Magnetic damage but hey, can't get everything perfect. I've found that the best combos are Corrosive + Blast for Grineer, Blast + Toxin for Corpus, and Radiation + Cold for Infested.

  12. There's nothing more I'd want out of invasions if they differed in some way. Lot's of invasion spots open: great! They're all the same mission: eh...


    Cambria is Defense. I assure you that the awesomeness of having a Bombard blow up waves of Infested is entirely worth it.

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