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Posts posted by BadAimbot

  1. I remember when they upped the drop numbers of rare resources, and they felt Gallium was a better choice to increase than Orokin Cells. But hey, it's not like they've kept on introducing weapons that use Orokin Cells and hardly any that use Gallium, right?

  2. I just use whatever I like. If I'm doing something that's actually hard, sure I'll use my good weapons, but most of the stuff I do I could do with anything.


    Edit: Not that that's a substitute for actually making those weapons good. I've just given up on them ever getting buffed.

  3. ^ This idea is really good, it goes along the lines of modern RPG's like Final Fantasy XIII where every battle is like a puzzle each having different combinations of enemies but not being random.

    If you know what you are gonna be fighting in advance you can be better prepared for it and even enjoy it more.

    That would require a major rework of the game's code and spawn mechanics though...



    I don't think so. On old Eris there was a mission that spawned every type of Crawler except Toxic ones, but it didn't have Runners. They just haven't expanded on the idea very much.

  4. I'm all for more enemy types, especially for the Infested. However, I don't think that the current enemy types need to disappear on higher level areas. Instead, they should concentrate on each node having different combinations of enemies. For example, throw Anti-MOAs on a couple of nodes for the higher level planets like Pluto, but not all of them. Do that for every enemy, and each mission will feel different, each having their own combinations of enemies to fight. Defense in particular desperately needs this.

  5. I think the problem is that everyone has a differing opinion about how everything in the game should be balanced. Yeah, some people just like using overpowered S#&$, but some people want everything to be usable everywhere, some people want harder to get stuff to be noticeably better, and some people are happy with Frost being mandatory in difficult Defense as long as every other Warframe is just as powerful. People will always disagree with individual balance, but when we don't even have a clear indication of what 'balance' is supposed to be... it just becomes a completely unhelpful cluster**** (apparently this isn't censored).

  6. Damage 2.0 is a mess. DE needs to figure out what exactly their goal is, and then make changes towards it. They just seem to be throwing stuff in randomly at this point. Changing the enemies visually to suit the current defense types makes sense, unless they're gonna change them again. In that case, it would be a waste of time. It would be like asking DE to lower the required scans for Crawlers since they're hard to find now, except they're planning on making them more common, so changing the scan amount wouldn't be necessary.

  7. EDIT:  I would like more than 2 slots to play with per weapon.  6 are needed for the 4 elements and serration and multishot.  On melee multi-shot = swing speed (or charge speed for those that still do that.)


    The problem with this is that they can't make weaknesses/resists relevant AND make using more than 2 elements a bad idea, because then we will need to choose one defense we want to kill and have everything else bullet sponge. Also, there are a lot of cases were 3 elements are better than 4 right now.

  8. Well, once upon a time DE decided that void should drop stupid amount of credits (70k+) for a single mission.

    Thus they then decided that the next feature shall be the mother of credit eaters. This has become the Transmute system.


    It was mostly useless as you got S#&$loads of ability cards and the only time when someone actually wanted to use it was when it has the non-released drops in it.


    I've blown like a few million credits on it -- waste -- now that credits are hard to come by, I'm starving.


    Void keys were originally pretty rare though, and it was the hardest content in the game for some time. Once the new Void mission types rolled in though, and especially Survival, that ended.

  9. In answer to the actual question, when the drop tables were dataminable the common drops had a combined total of 70%, uncommon 28% and rare 2%. I might not be remembering that correctly though, and it may have been changed since then. That's just when you actually get a drop though; not sure of the chance of getting a mod in the first place.


    Also DE is definitely trolling with Contagious Spread. There are enemies who only drop one uncommon mod in the game, and they gave it to one of the rarest enemies in the game. Also, Fever Strike is but one of the SIX uncommon mods Arid/Frontier Butchers drop (at least they're not that rare, and there's 2 of them now).

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