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Posts posted by BadAimbot

  1. Rhino is is the absolute best Warframe for brainlessly passing through missions, while also being very powerful in Nightmare mode and having a lot of utility for Survival and Defense. He has no weaknesses aside from being slow, and he's one of the few Warframes that has no useless abilities (although you shouldn't use all 4 at once since Roar requires a lot of mods to be used to its full potential).

  2. idk why people don't get it. It's not about how Alex is better than Lex. It's about how Alex got Lex's buff but Lex didn't. Oh wow.


    Because the Lex doesn't deserve to be good. Because a weapon needs to be hard to get to be good. Because a sidegrade system wouldn't satisfy the players who want to feel better than everyone else for getting lucky with the RNG.

  3. stil waiting for a real HANDCANNON


    like a massive recoil massive damage boom stick with innate puncture where accurate shots are rewarded with epic destruction and misses make u cry with painful reloads 


    I dreamed that the AkLex would have a reload time long enough to drive people mad. Unfortunately DE has mercy.

  4. @BadAimbot.. how does it make sense that the same gun has higher Crit stats just because you are holding two of it?

    Hopefully they'll buff the single Lex's Crit Chance to match the dual's.


    Because they want the AkLex to be stronger.


    Edit: That was a dumb response. There is no logical reason for the AkLex to be stronger in-universe. It's just DE intends for it to be stronger, so it is.

  5. 1: Power creep doesn't exist. DE intends on some weapons being stronger than others.


    2: Before Damage 2.0, the Bronco was the only weapon that was better than it's dual counterpart (an argument can be made for the Viper as well). Not sure how it is now, though.


    3: There is no good non-exclusive heavy pistols before the AkLex. Be happy we now have one.

  6. Now about the weapons:

    Everything you have realsed latley has been really cool. The weapons all seem to have a unique feel to them (taking in account animation, sound effects, the general concept). However I have always felt some of the older weapons seem too static and similar. For example, the dual zorens, ether blades, skana, heat swords all "feel" the same. I know you have updated some aspects of older weapons (like the sound of the snipertron =D) but will there ever be any reworks on some of the older gear? Another example is the Bo staff. The animations for it are no where near as cool as the Orthos. Not just the melee weapons either. I have a hard time getting friends into this game, mostly because the starting weapons feel unoriginal and static (definitely not up to the space ninja status feel).


    I feel that all weapons should be viable for late game play. Having a huge selection to create a personal game style, to me, makes a great game. For example, no one uses a braton on pluto missions, on a skana on eris. I would like weapons to be less of a Tier system, everything should be viable if you mod it right and every choice should feel unique in some way.


    You might find the older weapons boring, but other people will disagree. It's better to make new weapons that do the functions you want without spoiling things for the players who like the current weapons. Also, while I'd also like a sidegrade weapon system, it's not going to happen. DE wants players to feel 'rewarded' or some baloney. Of course, DE should demonstrate that fact better in-game, so people don't waste their potatoes and forma on weapons that aren't supposed to be good, and we can actually do our jobs as beta testers and tell DE what weapons are imbalanced.

  7. IV. The Illusion of Customization


    You can't actually customize your weapons in Warframe. I'm serious. Customization does not exist in this game. There's an illusion of customization, but in reality most weapons have only one valid build. Why? Because almost all mods are percentage-based, thus meaning that if a weapon has poor percentages in one thing, you can't make it stronger. I can't make a valid Crit-Braton, or a pure damage Soma, or a fast-reload Sobek.


    Things like Crit Chance/Elemental Effect Chance should be flat increases to the chance. This lets you make a crit-Braton/Gorgon or an elemental Soma or whatever. If Critical Chance was a flat +5% per level, maxing at 30%, you could balance it around the Soma crit build being your ideal (so Soma ends up with a base 40% crit chance or so). Do the exact same thing with the other crit mods (like Critical Delay). Now the Soma is just as good as it was... except you can also run other guns as Crit builds if you wanted to.


    This is the main thing keeping me from playing the game at the moment. While I could live with a 'best setup' existing, what I hate is that it's not made clear. There is indeed a correct way to mod each gun, but the only way to actually figure that out is to use math, when it should be something made obvious in game. Why? This game is a beta. We can figure out which mods are the best. But what if the mods aren't supposed to be the best? We can point out imbalances, but we don't know if they're imbalances or not? This applies to guns, Warframes, everything. The balance that DE wants in this game is completely unknown to us beta testers, and as players, it can make us run around heavily investing into something that'll turn around on us? (remember the Heavy Calibur change?)


    Also, on the topic of making an all-stats mod, the point of switching +Damage for it is to make it so there isn't such a big discrepancy between your power with +Damage and without it, because RNG is bad.

  8. The fix was to make damage types mean something. Under the old system weapons that dealt damage types that could be resisted as enemy levels increase would become worse as content becomes harder, meaning that either weapons all had to have those types of damage, or the resisted damage had to be massively overtuned to compete, falling off hard when new content comes out and decimating old content. Now, damage types affect enemies differently so there's a lot more purpose behind the damage types we choose.

  9. It's not about winning or losing. It's about standing up for what you believe in. I believe in the Detron. I will give up all my rewards for the Detron, for if I do not, who else will? The Detron is the real winning side, regardless of whether they're victorious or not. You have to be willing to do what's right, not what's going to win.

  10. On your most recent edit, I've always thought that the best way to balance mods would be to make all of them go to Rank 10 and balance them appropriately, then modify Fusion Core drop rates so that higher level enemies drop higher level Cores. This would create an actual power curve instead of obtain mod = congratulations you trivialize all current content. Of course, this was before weapons being upgrades and Corrupted Mods which power up weapons differently, and I've lost all hope to ever see this game be balanced.


    While future proofing is all well and good, I've become extremely apathetic to the whole balance situation until the future gets here. The mods as they are now are in shambles and I don't expect a proper balance to be reached. We will just have to do things the hard way; nerfing whatever's OP at the time.

  11. You are all ignoring the real reason why they're not buffing these weapons. It's because DE would rather have an upgrade system where people can feel good about having better weapons than everyone else rather than a sidegrade system where everyone can use the weapons they like instead of always chasing what's the bestest. Sure, they could buff the weapons they're removing, but then people will wonder why their weapon can't be buffed. And then we get sidegrades. We can't have that. Having a cool, unique weapon isn't a good enough reward. Everyone will just stick to the starting weapons. A rocket launcher? If it's not better nobody will get it.


    tl;dr upgrade weapon system sucks.

  12. The reason people find RNG broken is because it works very well right now (being fairly random), which means when hunting for BPs (before the recent change) from bosses you could get no BP, the wrong BP, or the right BP, and unless you got the third option there, the run was a 100% waste of time in regards to getting the new frame you wanted, and there was no backstop to this RNG (with some people having to farm 100+ times for the last BP they wanted)


    The other problem is that almost everything in this game only needs to be obtained once. You hope the Stalker comes in every mission so you can have a low chance of getting those precious BPs, but once you have what you want, you never want to see him again. New bosses are all well and good, but when you have the Frame or whatever, there's no reason to kill him/her anymore. I grinded Corpus Defense for hours and hours to get Master Thief. I finally got it. Now I don't do Corpus Defense anymore.

  13. New weapons should be cool and unique. Why force people to throw away weapons they love for weapons that alter your playstyle completely when you can get your power progression fix from mods, which apply to every weapon of its type?


    Oh wait. Corrupted mods. I guess every new weapon's gonna have to have no recoil, high enough crit chance to reach 100%, and negligible reload speeds. Otherwise, they won't be better than what we got.

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