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Posts posted by NecromancerX69

  1. 1.- You need to press 5 without releasing the button to activate your Tenno powers. Regular press of 5 will allow your operator to walk around.

    (To be honest I wish it was the other way around, quick press 5 for power and hold button for walking around).


    2.- The abilities of the Tenno (zenurik, madurai, whatever) are shared on every one of your warframes as long you chose it as your current power in the tenno focus menu.

    The lenses only work to give you xp to level your school of choice, so if you are not using a warframe or a weapon with lense on it, you won't get any xp for the school.

    But the power can still be use on a warframe with no lense requirement.

  2. 1 hour ago, FLEXXIMUS said:

    It's a sad fact that people have to make comments like this in this fashion before they get LYNCHED by the "HOW DARE YOU CRITICISE" crowd that germinates in this forum.

    Archwing is absolutely (insert word to describe intercourse) TERRIBLE! There. I said it. And WHAT????

    Fix archwing first then we can all play Captain Kirk later.


    cough, I love archwing, cough.



  3. First fix archwing, then we can share all the ideas we want or even add more space game modes...

    cough, archwing spys, cough, sharkwing doesn't count, cough.

    cough, archwing rewards doesn't work, cough.

    God I think, I am catching a cold. What? I didn't say anything.

  4. 13 minutes ago, ---RV---Maniac said:



    Congratulations, you are one of the many reasons now the market prices are all messed up, hope you are proud of yourself.

    After all, everyone deserves stuff for free right? Next thing you will be asking for Rare Prime Parts to be sold for 1 platinum or full warframe prime sets for 10 platinum.

    [I won't answer you back, but just to be clear, the only scumbag in this community is people like you]


    With the basics out of the way.... What changed...

    1) Strength is not necessary at all (unless you want a spam cataclysm build, something I never recommend).

    2) 100 range it's always recommended now thanks to the stasis (that it's your second ability that stops time) + Duration to keep the stasis going for a long time, same as your rift walk.

    3) Dodge the enemy rockets, bullets, flames by entering and exiting the rift every time you want with the dodge button.

    4) If you go for a max range build you can lock down an entire map with stasis + cataclysm.

    5) You can still use rift torrent mod to get insane amounts of damage to your weapons.

    6) As the video shows a naramon build, you can ignore it since you can just keep the enemies frozen in time with stasis and go to town with melee weapons.

    7) The key way of playing Limbo it's always positioning in good spots where you can finish the enemy with your guns and entering the rift to make a tactical retreat to get again in an advantageous positions (higher ground, behind enemy lines, far away if you are going for the sniper approach, behind your tanks or companions, etc).

    8) Limbo it's still a very fragile warframe so always remember to take cover or be ready to pop your cataclysm with stasis. You can also just send a couple of enemies into the rift with your first, freeze them and life leech them with Life Strike.

    9) The combo of powers are as follows for any mission: "Your second + your fourth."   or  "Your First spam it + your second + entering the rift + third to keep bringing enemies inside".  or "Run & gun + entering the rift + second + fourth."

    10) Your third skill will keep the enemy inside the rift once you cancel a cataclysm and will bring all enemies near them inside the rift with them. Keep that in mind.

    [Never go with your fourth and second last. Cause on spy missions you can stop the robots from triggering the alarms if you have your stasis activated first before casting your cataclysm or your first if you don't want to use cataclysm on spy missions.]

  6. 9 minutes ago, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

    I'm sure most of you know that, when you are in a clan, after a research is completed and you wish to take the blueprint to build it the item for yourself, the cost of this blueprint is usually 15 000  credits aleast it is in most cases. The point is that this is a low price to pay for the clan effort and again in most cases is ok, because this is a benefit for every clannie, but when we have researchs like ignis wraith things are different.

    For starters, people can purchase this blueprint and then trade for platinum or other. behind this ignis wraight there was an effort from many clanmates that grinded the event until they got the sweet 10% so it doesn't seem fair to me that a newcomer, purchase the ignis wraith bp and then giving it away for free in the trade chat or worse some, clan leechers that now think is funny to give away something unique in their clans.

    So my suggestion is to make people pay more than 15 000 credits, that way they can not just make blueprints back and forward all day. something reasonable for ignis wrait would be 1 000 000 million credits aleast, in this case if people still wants to give them away they still can. If DE still wants to make event rewards, like ignis wraith they should work this out.

    While I do agree clans should have NEVER EVER (screw those people) give away the ignis wraith for free. DE should at least not allowed the bp to be traded. That way the extra bp you got from the event (only these can be traded) can get a good value down the line.

    But I don't agree with your idea to ask for a lot of credits just to get a crit version of the same weapon.


    -Yours truly... A fellow Trader.

  7. I would kill for syndicates that are not affiliated to the tenno at all.

    A pure Grineer and Corpus Syndicate (Meridians are just deserters. Perrin are just some corpus merchants. SO they don't count).

    These pure syndicates don't Like the tenno that much (or at all), but they also are not that related to high command but they still follow some (not all) orders from high command.


    The Grineer could be a band of mercenaries that just need extra muscle to deal with the infested or to bully the corpus. As you level with them the opposite faction the corpus syndicate hates you more. If you piss the Grineer mercenaries you get attacked by Bombards and Napalms.


    While the Corpus could be the pure definition of fancy Hitman's for hire who also need some muscle to deal with stuff out of their control like the infested or some really nasty Grineer enemies. As you level with them the opposite faction the Grineer syndicate hates you more. If you piss the Corpus hitmans you will get attacked by Bursas or Combas.


    And maybe, just maybe. A very rare syndicate that is in some way related to the corrupted or one of the orokin towers.

    This rare syndicate will give you really special missions where you have to do 3 missions like a sortie but without downsides or high enemy levels.

    First Mission: Spy mission to find the missing key.

    Second Mission: Capture mission to interrogate the one that stole it.

    Final Mission: Retrieve mission to recover the key.

    Now before all go down on me hating this idea.... I will say why I even suggested it... Void Fissures.... There is still no lore related to the Void Fissure missions or as to why enemies from the void keep appearing all over the place.

    This syndicate of the corrupted is trying to fix the mess of the people that stole the void keys. Of course the mess will never be repaired (we need the relics for the void fisures, for our prime parts, yada yada). But at least it's some lore that could help explain the fissures.

    (I honestly expected the enemy within to explain of the void fissure situation, but in the end they gave us no answers).

  8. 1 minute ago, Vilmera said:

    i wish buff even more for dual daggers and throwing melee

    True, dual daggers need some love 2. They should also have access to covert lethality....

  9. 1 hour ago, Drasiel said:

    That's not always an option due to disability, internet providers, or location. Certainly it's easier to accomplish things when you group up but it's not mandatory and treating low level play like grouping up should be mandatory will end up souring the opinions of those stuck solo. Taxon only buffs your shields it can't heal you unless you get a mod that is normally gained from kela de thaym on sedna, one of the very last planets. If a player is following normal progression then they won't get that mod until long after it stops being useful.

    The best a new player can hope for in terms of healing is: lucking out and getting a rejuvenation mod, Being carried to the 20 minute mark in darksector survival and lucking out with a life strike (also from drova bursa which is it's own frustration), Ignoring normal progression and trading for medi ray, fighting infested for days to get healing return which they won't be able to take full advantage of because the base status mods are garbage, or building one of two restores. The restores are interesting because one is easy to get and build but only offers a total of 120 healing over 7.5 seconds which isn't even enough to heal an unmodded rank 30 excalibur up to half health and the other that heals you completely but requires you to scan plants. Plants you don't learn about scanning until the jupiter europa junction where the new strange is introduced or if you fail to put two and two together and look for things to scan, you instead have to wait for the silver grove quest that unlocks after the second dream (neptune) and mastery rank 7. On top of requiring you to scan plants you also have to get both day and night plants which means guess what that's at least a 2 hour wait between collecting and at 20 credits per scan (25 scanners for 500 credits) with you needing to scan 32 plants (total of  640 credits)+ 1000 credits per building the restore new players simply can't utilise those items well. The amount of credit sinks for early game coupled with the very few credit wells makes craftable restores extremely unappealing for new players and in many cases unsustainable.

    1.- Fair point on the first part. But the point of Taxon is not to heal you, just to keep your shields up + the weapon it comes with doesn't require damage mods and can help keep the enemy at bay.


    2.- The problem here, which I already commented it's the day DE changed the planets positioning on Specters of the Rail.


    As you can see here on the old planet positions, Saturn used to be an early stage map (kind of), the one that gave us Nano Spores, Plastids & Orokin cells.

    These items are essential for building Kubrows & Sentinels that can help new players to survive. The reason I was complaining with the post from the start was that I alone learn to survive during the early stages of the game, but that was before the change so I was lucky to build my own kubrow early game (also thanks to the help of some taxies).

    I also got the chance to get good early warframes: Ember (Saturn), Rhino (Venus), Valkyr (Jupiter). In other words I was hard to kill or get hurt by the enemy.

    The best sentinels: Diriga (my favorite till this day) & Shade.

    Not to mention my first Kubrow was: Huras (Darkness, I still own her) <3


    At least now with the new Specters of the Rail, the warframes you can get early on are Rhino (Venus) and Frost (Mars).

    But the problem remains with not being able to build new sentinels till you reach Saturn or even the Kubrows since the part requires Nano spores.

    Now I can see the struggle of newer players. And the only solution to this problem is building Rhino early on for survival till they can get Frost or a better warframe like Trinity on Ceres, Nova on Europa, Equinox on Uranus (will take a while). Taxon so far can try and keep you safe if you ran out of Iron Skin. But you will need to take cover every now and then if you are a new player.

    That is all...

    (I admit my mistakes, but we can also discuss the bigger picture. Resource limitation for newer players that can't have a taxi)

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