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Posts posted by enizer

  1. 55 minutes ago, CarrotSalad said:

    Would anyone be so kind as to provide screenshots of the earth tile set before and after the gfx update?

    [DE]Steve has been posting them on his twitter mostly:


    BTW that before and after shot looks insane, It took me a while to realize it was actually the same location from the same angle, epic job :D
    --Edit to fix twitter link, embed thingy dosn't display right in my browser at least
  2. 8 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    The dishonesty to which I referred was the refusal to change the research cost on the grounds that it would somehow demean those few who did the grinding for it. In the past, DE have never once shrunk away from nerfing things which people paid for, or changing the drop rates of items and resources which used to be scarce. For them to refuse to do so now, and to claim that they're doing it to protect player investment, rings profoundly hollow.


    Also, the Helminth thing is kind of annoying for what it is, and really disappointing for what it represents. My point in including it there and wording it the way I did was that DE dropped an unannounced Event in the game when they had no real plan for how to conclude it. It doesn't matter what the actual event was, it's the part where it was put in the game without a solid plan for how it was supposed to be wrapped up. That is just really bad game development, and I would even call it unprofessional.



    Do you get my two points here? Can you see how in light of this, plus everything else I cited, a player might look at DE and simply say "I don't trust you anymore."?

    Yeah, this content patch is a mess, in the exact same way as the Tennocon patch was.

    It's almost as if deadline patches are a bad idea or something(DE: *hint hint*)

  3. 37 minutes ago, Demonette said:

    We're already pulling straws for who has to go Nekros for farming. Everyone wants to have fun on their favorite frames, not be farm slave.

    Heh, I was reading the forums while playing nekros in a farming group earlyer.. :P

    EDIT: I was asked to not DPS for some meta plan, I wasn't being lazy.

  4. 2 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

    What about a resource transmutation system?

    Mod transmutation seems to have been at least modestly successful as a sink for credits. If they were really interested in "controlling massive resource stockpiles," I think their approach would be different.

    Yeah, obviously making items just cost absurd amounts to research isn't a good idea.. personally I have  just over 4.5m nano spores now.. so, is the next research to cost 5m nano spores?

    Yeah.. DE please don't, that's VERY unfair to everyone that plays less than me.

    They need some other way to remove those resources.

  5. 5 minutes ago, M4T2E said:

    [DE]Steve's arguments sounds a little bit lame to me.

    In my opinion DE lost the control of the resource balance long ago.

    Why use the last rare resource and not Alloy Plates or Plastids to get ride of some huge amounts in stockpile?
    It makes no sense to use the only resource that is currently really rare and let the players rise the stockpile of many other resources by farming Mutagen Samples.

    I think the best way out of this problem could be a Resource-Exchange-System!

    Example related to the current Mutagen Sample problems:
    1 Fieldron Sample + 1 Detonite Ampule = 1 Mutagen Sample

    This way players could also get some Mutagen Samples by reducing stockpiles of Fieldron Samples and Detonite Ampules.

    This system could also help to balance all other resources.

    I think we also need a passive resource sink,

    Let us rebuild the relays, make it take MASSIVE resource numbers, and... give a chance of unique mods and perhaps weapon parts for contributions.

    Veterans should gamble most of their completely useless resources, into something rare, and potentially worth plat in trade chat.

  6. 30 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

    I just read the overview for Devstream #85.


    ...Warframe, it was nice knowing you.


    15 days until I take my indefinite leave, it seems.


    EDITED: They changed A LOT OF THINGS, if not EVERYTHING even when it affected players who "sucked it up" yet they refuse to do so for Hema.


    What happened to "Anything can change?"


    This game's fundamental philosophy is changing.


    I refuse to see Warframe become such a game.


    I would rather leave than force myself to see such things happen.

    You know what I think.

    Keep this thread alive.

    Lets see their fix, and if it's minimal and ineffective, then we just keep up the pressure.

  7. As someone that has every "mandatory" mod, every primed weapon dmg mod, and spare copies for sentinels, and has spent tons of effort and resources maxing out every single one...Drop it like it's hot!
    This stuff is making half the mods identical on every single weapon.
    That's just.. boring.

    People may need something in return, something equally hard to get, but less.. "required" for fits.
    perhaps even NOT mods

  8. 4 minutes ago, The_Doc said:

    Buffing the drop rate is not the appropriate fix. Now every other item that requires samples is gonna be excessively cheap, and players who had lots of samples through playing lots of derelicts will have even larger stockpiles in the future.

    Unless of course they buff the droprates by some insignificant amount, like double or triple, which would barely do anything and still require people to farm their brains out.
    Or they can buff it like oxium, by x10, and make every other sample item dirt cheap, letting one single item dictate the value of a resource.

    It looks like they kind of should balance it out by massively increasing drop rate, AND the research req for all mutagen weapon, to bring the hema into line.

    If they can't lower the hema to reasonable levels, they need to increase everything else, or something will remain unreasonable.

  9. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

    Wow, so many people still complaining over what will be MR fodder for 90-95% of ppl. Is there even a legit reason for most of the ppl here complaining to get this weapon right away vs waiting and getting it over time? I know I have tons of other things that need doing than worrying about a single weapon. 

    Not saying the cost isn't high, but maybe kick ppl and downsize.. There really is no reason to have a clan of over 100 anymore. There's no benefits to it now that rails are gone. 

    If some are really that ready to quit, maybe you should take a break from the game if a high research cost is pushing you over the edge. The game will be here when you come back. I've seen ppl say DE are greedy, that WF is p2w which is absurd, and they went too far.. DE was bought out last year. I'm sure the investors want some of their 80-90 million back, money for the new 4k equipment, etc. How do you make money in a ftp game? By charging for riven slots, AW slots, stuff like Hema, etc.

    Point is, we don't NEED the Hema right now, it's ok to wait and work on it for a few months. 

    Most people's point is, one weapon does NOT matter.

    The problem is the trend, this everything-is-hard-to-get game design is very popular in asian MMO's, it's been creeping into warframe lately(not just with hema), and I for one, HATE those games.

    So I don't want to see a game I love turn into one of those.. things.

  10. 15 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

    If I had to give a snap response, I would say that this is a very disappointing way to see DE suddenly reverse course on all their precedent of balancing even if it means devaluing player investment. Why they picked this moment to suddenly start caring so much about that, I can't say.

    One thing I'm going to start advocating for is that all clans above Ghost tier begin building an "alt Dojo" to take advantage of the lowest possible research cost scaling available.

    For solo clans, or clans that simply prefer to remain small and casual, I'd recommend partnering with a larger clan and establishing a symbiotic relationship. Both clans can take advantage of this partnership to get their research completed quickly, with as little farming pain as possible.



    Increasing the drop rate, lets them pass it off as "perhaps it needs some adjustment"
    Actually FIXING the cost, that's directly admitting they *beep*'ed up.

    Us humans just aren't good at truly admitting it when we make mistakes.

  11. 50 minutes ago, gizol333 said:

    Amen to that.





      Reveal hidden contents


    Off-topic in next spoiler



      Reveal hidden contents

     I hope I am not breaking any rules.

    I made this after reading every single page of this megathread (146 pages at the moment).






    This spoilered pic makes me think, yeah, it's kind of more than just THIS mess, the first few times DE did something I found unfair or stupid, I just ignored it and kept playing, this just, yet again...


    I'm not staying silent this time.

    Enough is enough.

  12. 1 hour ago, Kastorius said:

    Where to start?

    Before I even began playing the game, there was Vivergate. In short, players found a loot cave for massive rep farming just as the weekend began. When DE got back from their weekend off, they realized what was happening and panic-nerfed Mag, Trinity, and Excalibur. Ultimately they apologized and reversed the nerfs, but the lesson remains: Our bottom line is more important than a balanced, fun game.

    About a week after I started playing, DE "buffed" Pilfering Swarm. It was actually a huge nerf, because prior to this "buff" Pilfering Swarm's bonus loot drop chance had been affected by Power Strength. They eliminated the Power Strength loot drop bonus, but called it a "buff" because you'd now still get loot even if another player killed an enemy while it was grabbed by a Hydroid tentacle (previously, Pilfering Swarm had to deal the killing blow). Thing is, Hydroid can be built with more than enough Power Strength to one-hit almost every enemy in almost every resource farming location; and besides, 3 people could all play Hydroid at once alongside a Nekros.

    Starmap 3.0 was itself a Trojan horse full of nerfs. It added nothing of real value for players, while removing Draco, nerfing Oxium farming, adding lots of annoying explosive barrels to every map (?), drastically reducing the number of high-Affinity enemies on normal Star Map nodes (meaning: hidden nerf to stealth chain XP), and of course then we have the Relic system, which appears to reduce grind (and does, in very specific contexts) while at the same time increasing overall grind, forcing veterans to grind for keys after every new Prime release, and making it difficult to focus-farm specific sets long after their initial release (it's quite difficult to get a full group to focus-farm just one piece of one weapon a month or two after the weapon drops).

    Then there was the recent uncalled-for attempt to nerf Vacuum. DE has hated Vacuum for years (I suspect Steve and/or Glen would like to see slightly higher newbie purchases of uncommon and rare resources from the Market), and I imagine the temptation to push the nerf through despite the immense protests was very strong, but they finally abandoned it because every Warframe YouTube celebrity was ripping on them and the entire forums were a dumpster fire of angst. That's what it takes to keep DE from screwing you over, apparently.

    Then there were Riven mods. I'm not going to get too deeply into these except to say that they don't actually exist to "fix underpowered weapons." They exist so that DE can sell more platinum. I'm not going to explain the economics behind this because I just can't be bothered. I haven't even been playing this game for three months and am only here because DE's finally gone so far that even the immensely patient SaurusRex is seriously thinking of quitting.

    Now, onto the Hema costs. DE has been doing this a lot for the past 1-2 years: They add up all the resources every player owns, divide by the same number of players, and then make the resulting figure the per-player resource cost for whatever new weapon or Warframe they're releasing (x10 for Ghost, etc.). A lot of veterans have absolutely massive stockpiles of resources, so what you end up with are massive resource requirements heavily weighted toward emptying endgame players' hoards and that don't take into account the inefficiencies of scale and diminishing returns of very large clans.

    This is really just the tip of the iceberg, what I can think of off the top of my head. There's much, much more.

    Awesome post, and I hope DE notice it and take it to heart, just wanted to add a couple of things:
    There have been a lot of nerfs to warframe ultimates, most of them have glaring problems as the recent ash one has, the ability takes too long to use, and thus, less efficient than even weapons.
    In the time it takes me to SELECT targets for ash's new #4, I could just as well..  shoot them?
    AND of course it's way less energy efficient than the old one.

    And then there's adding plat cost to arcwing slots, when they used to be free, and the new riven mod SLOTS, which cost 20p EACH.
    The more stuff in this game I'm being forced to pay for, the LESS I end up paying and playing, as I dont enjoy my purchases anymore.
    And adding grind like THIS?
    Yeah NO, this is not my idea of FUN, which is the reason I log in.

  13. 1 hour ago, Opacor79 said:

    Did you check the ports in your firewall and router? A few updates ago just out of nowhere that was a problem for me, also without changing settings beforehand. Opening up to ports in the router and in the software firewall for warframe did the trick.

    Yep, just checked, uPNP router, NAT rules appear automatically, deleted them, and they re-appeared on the client login stage.
    Still hanging on checking for updates regularly.

    Annoying thing is, it's not consistent, it just happens randomly.. are we under DDOS?

    Edit: oh, and the game works fine, when I get past the launcher, it's just the launcher being glitchy.

  14. I'm getting a lot of connection issues from the launcher since the last hotfix.
    About 3/4 of startup attempts hang on checking for updates, and then.

    I didn't change my connection or network settings at all, it started the instant hotfix was deployed.
    Verifying cache found no issues.


    EDIT: after some testing, it does work fine every time, IF i run it as admin?

    Running as normal user account does not reliably work..

  15. 3 hours ago, Midrib said:

    My stance on this matter remains unchanged, The requirements is nothing short of ridiculous and DE is handling it like trash.

    And again its just disappointing to see this happening, We didn't see DE flinch when they nerfed Riven mods that people payed a huge amount of plat for, nor when weapons that people forma'd got nerfed, And I was fine with some of my Rivens and weapons being nerfed because they were ridiculous and needed changing, just like this resource cost.

    Either way the Hema remains un-researched for my clan and I'm fine with that, hours and hours of farming on the same tileset against the same enemies with the same meta team is the reason why I got burned out of the void and ended up with me quitting this game, and I don't feel like doing that again.

    its basically a part time job for 1 weapon, when I can just put the same amount of hours into an actual part time job and I would get enough money to buy a AAA game that would interest me and be more entertaining to me for a far longer time than the Hema.

    I'm getting that feeling from this game lately as well, there are too many things that need paying for now, and too many new things are just, grindy.
    Like suddenly archwing slots cost plat, and then riven mod slots on 60p/3.
    And now a weapon that just isn't quite feasibly farmed without using boosters(which cost plat)

    My purchases don't feel optional anymore, so I'm not enjoying them anymore.

  16. 5 minutes ago, EgAlia said:

    The thing that irriates me is that, like someone said it will take 83 hours running meta farming groups. Playing without nekros, hydroid etc, would make it take to long. I really like the Eris tileset, but that will take far to long. For me it's not about the time, it's that the plat cost is so miniscule considering the time to get this weapon. Which is why it feels like a plat grab. You either have a 100% active clan, you farmed the derelict before for some reason or suck up and spend plat for it. Which you get kinda discouraged to do in this case.

    I remember the lenses were the same way, first like rivens you had a chance with getting a lens everyday if you were doing the sorties, then they changed it so you could buy it on the market and while doing that they made lenses harder to get, like 1 lens per month. That was a bit ridiculous, some us actually like to play and farm for the stuff. But well I'm not going to wait a month for it.

    For me when they put stuff like this into the game, they start splitting the community apart, when the time to play and farm for something get so silly it's almost impossible to do it and the price to buy it get's so small. If we will buy every new single weapon etc, what will be left to do in the game really.

    It's 83 hours BEFORE the meta play, but yeah, that's kind of the problem, it's not even hours of Eris in general or something, which would be manageable, eventually, but no, it's forced grinding of ODD and ODS, and pretty much nothing else.

    That gets so insanely boring so fast, that it looks like there's no way to avoid burnout except just, pay up, one way or another.

    Some of the ways this game is monetized has made several of my friends quit, things like 1 lens per month were annoying, but the biggest culprit is the vault program, not everyone coughs up the plat for trade chat when they are told they have flat out NO way of getting something themselves.. MOST of my friends opted to stop playing instead.

  17. 1 hour ago, ManniManniManni said:

    So, instead of keeping the cool effects resulting from immensely low stats, you've decided to make them utterly useless.

    Nice going.

    I could have sold my game-crashing Riven for 200 platinum to potential griefers, but I didn't. Instead, I reported it and held onto it, and then Cystbot called me a bad person for complaining when it was converted from a game breaking curiosity to something that removes ALL damage.

    Ah, yeah, it's almost like "silly things happening" are worse than mod rolls that directly make the item just, not work.
    Ok, perhaps that messes with gamebalance, like -100% reload speed resulting in no reloading pauses ever, but, still, the real issue is the fact that the roll can reach -100%, NOT that something silly happens IF it does?
    Now you can still end up with -100% rolls, just, if you do you fully wasted the kuva, and need to roll again...

    Yeah.. the dilbert "fixing the wrong problem" joke fits here I think :)

  18. It still looks to me like not everyone fully understands the problem.
    It's not grinding 5000 of something that's the big problem, though the amount is insane for a thing that drops in single units in very few locations.

    The problem is twofold, #1 their estimation of  how much each member needs to contribute, estimated 100% participation of 100% useful members, and #2, drop locations(adressed lower down).
    Most clans are NOT at their member cap.
    Most clans do also not have purely useful members.
    Even members that play quite well for endgame content, may still give you the finger for extended resource farming.
    ..We are already approaching only 1/4th of most clans might be useful for farming, making their initial estimate WAY off.

    So, we need to grind 5000 of a thingy that drops at a rate of 1/minute outside meta farming groups and boosters.
    Ok, that's been doable so far, I didn't complain of the other silly high requirement ones, that required oxium, cryotic, or such resources, I just moved to their respective planet, it got done eventually.
    So, what is it this time, mutagen sample.. ok, that's.. Eris and the derelict.. so, I'll play on Eris for a few days.. oh wait, Eris drops the samples at 1/hour..and, I need 5k?
    Eris is right out, that will take YEARS.
    Ok, onto the derelict then, no matchmaking, no alerts, no void missions, no kuva, need to build keys per mission.. so, that makes this a pure farming trip then.
    The drop rate(as quoted from the megathread) is 1/minute. so, that's looking at a base time of.. 



    83 MANHOURS?


    Even if we get a very favorable ratio of 40% (WELL above the average useful ratio of clans in my experience), and double the drop rate by meta play, including atlas, nekros, hyrdos, and those frames, that's still over 8 hours(per person) of monotonous derelict runs, with NO OTHER WAY TO GET IT.
    You just need to dedicate those hours grinding a mission noone actually likes, no non-boring way possible.


    And then there's the trend some people are seeing appear: "*cough* boosters for sale if you want to get to some of that fabled FUN you came here for."


    This needs to be handled carefully.
    And at the very least, DE, please avoid deadline patches, they cause some serious issues, and unlike the one last summer, this one had over a week for tempers to reach the boiling point, with no useful answers or comments.


    -- If this sounds aggressive that's unintended, I'm just getting a strong feeling that many people, perhaps even DE themselves, aren't quite clear on exactly what the problem is.

  19. 6 minutes ago, SonicSonedit said:

    When? On next christmas? They really shouldn't do something that affects players in the first place. Features in game should be enjoyed, not tolerated.

    Wish i could upvote this more than once.

    For now I will be playing exclusively the frames that got infected before I knew of this space herpes mess, with my mag being a hot pink abuse of the valentines day color set.


    .. More hot pink frames may follow, only way I see to cover up that thing, it's quite painful to look at.

  20. 1 hour ago, Insizer said:

    You mean that other sentinels still don't have enough health, shields, and armor as they should to be more practical.

    Sentinels listed by survival potential:
    #1 Carrier Prime
    #2 Wyrm Prime
    #3 Prisma Shade
    #4 Shade/Diriga
    Others are just not tanky at all..

    For some reason I'm really not surprised at the top three there.
    I agree with you though(and the guy you quoted), it's very annoying to lose your sentinel in missions, I'm just pointing out that the top 3 most survivable sentinels are that for obvious reasons.

  21. 17 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

    I don't think we should randomly assume someone's lying based off eye movements. That is not a direct science and any judge will laugh you right out of a courtroom if you brought "eye movements" up as evidence.

    That all said, whether Steve was "lying" or not, the assumption has been proven time and time again. Their best bet is to just raise the droprate on muta samples. Besides, the Hema is a pretty damn powerful weapon capable of healing even Inaros full within a few shots while at the same time giving pretty substantial damage output. This weapon SHOULD be hard to get.

    Yeah, that technique also requires you to know the subject to be any kind of reliable, as there are a ton of factors, like, MOST(but not all) left handed people have this in reverse, also, for example, I take my eyes out of focus when i'm being introspective, both when remembering and lying, so for me, you would probably need other clues than my eyes.

    But the biggest clue there, that he's focusing on the future, like how people would react to the price drop, not the past, and for that, the eye movement related to imagining is the expected norm, I feel.

    .. if he could remember the future DE would never have any serious problems or setbacks, ever.. :P 


    And yeah, perhaps the weapon should be hard to get.. or not, I haven't tried it.. but at the moment it's just incredibly BORING to get.. which in itself, is a problem.

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