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Posts posted by enizer

  1. This one is infuriating, most often happens to me after I finish a mission, and happens about every third mission at peak hours.

    Appears to be happening mostly if someone loads out of the mission faster than I do, and selects a new mission before I finish loading.

    If I don't quit fast, this always pulls me into some random other mission.

  2. 17 hours ago, (XB1)HUNTERHECTOR said:

    Me and some of other people I play with love the new Archwing gameplay, its easier to control, especially love the close up camara, I like to see the details of my equipment and environment. I say this is a good upgrade for archwing.

    hmm, I dont play with a controller, but on keyboard and mouse, I have definitely lost a lot of control, I feel like i'm piloting a blimp now compared to old arcwing.

    And, um, is that last bit sarcasm? I dont need to see my equipment at all, I remember what I brought, and if I forget, the UI text is all the reminder I need.

    The only positive I find with the close up camera, is that it makes playing as ember or valkyr show more eye candy on the screen.. dosn't really help with gameplay as much as just, seeing more of the enviroment would.

  3. That poll is a loaded question, I myself even had a hard time clicking the "have a clear up and down so we don't get confused." option, and I know quite well that space games and movies usually DO have a defined up and down, because when we try the "realistic" approach, the public gets VERY confused.

    It just feels right to click the "there is no up and down in space" option, regardless of how practical it is.


    Also, that poll linked is from 2014, not now, and has nothing to do with how well the current 2016 system is working, it was a "what do you want in the future" question.. from about 17 months BEFORE they changed the archwing system.


    On top of that, I notice how every "other" response to that poll is some variation of "make it optional", and so are a TON of comments in that thread.


    I was a big fan of the old archwing system, and played it a lot, my main complaint, it took a LOT of grinding to get even basic gear, and when you got the gear, the gear and modding options were very limited.

    The new system in contrast, makes me motion sick, and VERY confused, it's like my "primitive little monkey brain" was fully evolved to function in gravity at all times, and just dosnt know what to do when a base reference point like "down" gets changed.. and then when it starts to SLOWLY correct itself, I just feel like there's something very wrong and I have to stop whatever I'm doing.

    I DONT want to rotate now, i'm still trying to figure out where I ended up and where I'm going next(and trying to ignore the nagging "how did I end up sideways" question)


    This kind of confusions is simply NOT fun.

    .. and archwing still badly lacks gear and modding options, which was the actual problem.

  4. 2 hours ago, chuckdm said:

    Again, I really don't understand how that makes it harder.  Ok, so now SOME of the units in the endless survival mission are corrupted units.  Before, they were ALL corrupted units.  We're in agreement that plain old Grineer or Corpus are easier than Corrupted so...again, this seems easier, not harder.

    As for key efficiency, this is a red herring.  Yes, a Sabotage key COULD, in hypothetical theory, give 4 prime parts.  In over 200 runs of Void Sabotage it never gave me more than 2 per mission, and usually only 1.  (Only 1 at least 50% of the time.)  The other rewards were credit caches, cores, and of course, the dreaded key-for-a-key.  Speaking of that, nearly every single reward from almost every T1 mission I ever ran was another key.  T1 Defense yielding T1 Capture, T1 Capture yielding T2 Capture, etc.  So actually, the odds that you'd get even ONE prime part for your one void key were not 100%.  Now they are.  I'm not saying efficiency is up.  I'm saying that, in actual practice, it's about the same.  The difference is that, now, you get whatever you're going to get in about 5 minutes and can GTFO unless you simply WANT to stick around.

    As far as the rarity of relics (and previously keys) are concerned, this is something I never understood.  I was swimming in keys and now I'm swimming in relics.  Earth Excavation grants loads and loads of these, and if that's not your style, then just go run Syndicate missions.  The relic packs they sell are where about half my spent rep with them went because there's only so many times you actually need to buy a Vaykor Marelok.

    Finally, if corrupted units are spawning in the spy vault itself, it's either because A) Someone in your squad hasn't collected all 10 of their reactant yet or B) A bug.  Once everyone in the squad collects enough reactant, the map is supposed to quit spawning new fissures, as long as it's not an endless mission, which Spy and Rescue certainly aren't.  You can't blame the game for their inability to walk over and pick up reactant any more than you'd blame them for bringing a Rhino and trying to hallway hero the spy vault.  Stupid players happen.

    All that said, the system has its faults, but I just can't see how this isn't an improvement.  It's more complicated for sure.  But I do feel like it's still an improvement.

    If only I could say the same thing about Star Chart 3.0... (which is certainly more pretty but holy hell it's a nightmare to navigate for a pre-existing player.  I'm sure it's helpful to newbies but boy is it just bewildering to me...)

    I got two primes closer to 90% of the time from sabotage, at least T2sab+, T1sab was kind of meh, as were all of T1 maps really, low chance of actual primes in T1, never ever got more than two in sab though.

    Relics are clearly down, or being spent faster compared to keys, I used to be gathering keys rapidly, to the point that even baro grinding didnt knock me significantly, my friends, who dont do syndicate daily missions for key/relic packs, were usually very low on keys, though still gathering them, now they are all simply OUT of relics, and I myself, am not really gaining relics, I'm just kind of averaged in place, WITH regular grinding for relics, which I didnt do religiously before.

    Spy units spawning in vaults is usually because most of the time, teams do NOT finish grinding reactant and then do the vaults, I keep seeing people run to vaults, like the standard was in group spy missions before this.


    Overall, the new system has a TON of flaws, which for many overshadow the improvements, it's a perspective thing, glass half full/empty and all that.

    Flaws that quickly come to mind are:

    New map is somewhat confusing, almost everyone I know was very confused on day1(and progression bugs did NOT help)

    Silent credit nerfs, which are now slowly being reversed, I went flat broke in the first two weeks and was forced to buy a credit booster to be able to play normally.

    The very awesome looking void tileset now pretty much has no reason to exist, I go to the lowest level void defense for argon, and that's kind of it. Suggestion: how about adding relic drops here? that would make sense wouldnt it?

    Deception missions? especially since some kuria only spawn in deception, I still lack the ones that are only in the corpus gas city deception tileset.

    New arcwing? oh god, I had to end task the game and lie down for over an hour.. it's been somewhat fixed, but still very floaty and much LESS responsive than it was.

    And last but not least, the rift missions get really grindy VERY fast, I have been grinding void for 6 months, and mostly got sick of survival, I'm pretty much fed up with the rift missions, it's always the same.. over and over and over..


    And yeah, the whole day 1 thing being a complete mess, because, as they admitted, the expansion was NOT released because it was ready, they had promised someone important that it would be out before tennocon, and so, the day before tennocon, out it went, incomplete.

  5. Odd that I havent seen this mentioned, "prefer overlay map" is glitchy now, it's not on at start anymore, and it keeps turning itself off at random.


    Oh, and I tested pluto - hieracon, and very much dont like the reward change, getting fewer relics overall, at more random intervals, instead of predictable ones, less credits, definite stealth credit pack nerf there, I'm not getting Neo relics there either.. and the axi ones I got were ALL Axi V1?

    Perhaps that's bad luck, but these results make me want NOT try a few more times, I'm just going to grind somewhere else.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:


    "We did a drop audit of our endless tables and decided to reduce the repeat Mods in Rotation C and split what was 100% of Relics in B with C so that C isn't considered a 'wasted' rotation. "


    So instead of guaranteed relic at Rotation B, you split it. So now you have a 50/50 shot (or whatever the odds are) and you have to wait until rotation C for it to balance out. In addition you can go an entire excavation run to 2000 cryoitc and get no relics.


    I thought the same immediately.

    I didnt mind rotation C being a joke,  I loved that it was NOT based on luck, I could just do a certain amount of excavators, and get a set predictable number of relics

    Since the change from keys to relics I´m going through a LOT more of them, so I need to grind for them, and the grind being random does NOT help.

  7. 1 hour ago, Orthelius said:


    Evening region - once again my time to 'push my own agenda'!

    Once again, please remove or tune down the drift on Archwing, the manoeuvrability of the Archwings in missions has been crushed by the fact that quick turns around sharp corners are incredibly difficult to pull off at high speeds - making the Jordas Verdict tunnel sections very difficult (without the Ameesha or shield restores).

    Also, I bring this up due to the fixing of Valkyr - I am still in favour of knocking down her ult from invincibility to 95%/90% damage reduction whilst adding in a 30% loss of health every 10 seconds (to force Hysteria to be used in combat and not to sit around doing nothing), but also removing the scaling up energy cost. Currently at 100% it is at base of 15 energy per second, scaling up from 3 energy per second, which (with Valkyr's 150 energy pool) is horribly limiting to newer players, to the point where most lower level players are abandoning Hysteria completely. As the Berserker warframe, allowing Valkyr to maintain Hysteria for longer periods of time, but forcing it to be used in combat is what it should be about - rewarding aggressive melee play while punishing passive use of Hysteria as a cheese tactic. (As a note, if this were considered as the change it should work how it does currently - Status effects don't impact Valkyr, energy drain eximus do, leaving Hysteria can cause damage to reflect back on Valkyr, and rage won't work while Hysteria is active.)

    I strongly agree with both points here, I hate the drifting and the spinning of the new arcwing movement system, it's a little better than it used to be at U19 launch, it no longer makes me want to throw up in seconds, but it's still very much inferior to the movement system we used to have.

    More responsive control, less unpredicted movement, makes the player feel more in control, less confused, and more powerful.

    Now I feel like I'm flying a drunk pig around in missions.. that's not a feeling I ever desired.


    And perhaps Valkyr's #4 making her immortal forever was a problem, but, how about just not making her immortal then?

    Dont add a damage return debuff AND nerf it's energy so hard that it requires primed flow to even work, that completely ruins her for new players, and older players have access to warframes with non-ult abilities that do very similar things, but with much less pain.

    ... I dont see valkyr around anymore..

  8. 5 minutes ago, War-Zone said:

    Yes, Dev creep is a possibility, But I believe it's also a matter of a company trying to make a lot of money with the "free-to-play" model and how much of the game they are willing to give up to players that can get through their content quickly with powerful Warframes.

    The longer it takes to do a thing, the more likely a person is to spend money to get it. Most of us gamers suffer from instant gratification syndrome... that's why companies choose to use the "free-to-play" model. Our idea of balance is VERY different than their idea of balance.

    You've only been playing for 6 months and have a very good grasp on what this game is based on. I agree with you.


    My main grief with this game is weapons like the mutalist quanta, it's got so much potential, it's a very unique mechanic.. and, it's got just a small fraction of the DPS potential it needs to be actually functional.

    And the majority of the weapons are like this.. it's fun that it's not all perfectly balanced, and there is better gear to be found, but, I don't see a reason why any of it needs to be completely useless.

  9. 59 minutes ago, War-Zone said:

    Frost, Mag, Volt, Trinity, Vauban... the list goes on. Yes there are frames that still don't need anyone but like I said its the future of all warframes.

    I don't know how long you've been in the game, but i've been playing for three years and the "reworks" aren't just "reworks". I remember how it used to be.
    I understand what OP is but I can see where Warframes used to be as opposed to where they are now... and where it's headed.

    Warframes are getting weaker and mobs are getting stronger. We can barely if at all use our skills on bosses now... like what's the point of having a warframe if you're constantly being nullified?


    Is this an issue of Dev skill creep?

    Many of the devs have been playing for years now, and probably find all of the game too easy, thus nerfs, as everything is too easy to the people doing this for a living.


    In any case, balance is heading out the window it seems to me.

    Especially in the late game it's all becoming "find the overpowered weapon/skill/frame combo to counter the broken enemy scaling"

    Then the most popular one gets nerfed, and we are left with.. fewer options.

    I have only been here for about 6 months, but I'm getting bored of nerfs, and especially of 90% of the weapons in the game being just useless.


    Maybe some things are overpowered and need nerfing(like tonkor, simulor, enemy armor, and nullifiers), but it looks to me like a bigger problem is a MOUNTAIN of things that need buffing, I'm getting quite bored of "mastery fodder" gear that I know I'll never use again, regadless of mechanics, because it's just too weak.

  10. 12 hours ago, TheONLYHamster said:

    YOU STILL HAVE NOT FIXED ARCHWING you've made missions impossible to play T_T

    thanks to the "new" archwing i cannot get passed the pluto junction, I HIGHLY recommend you change it back to the playable format so that players can actually surpass the requirement to get 3 signals on uranus, because i never got to unlock pluto before the update, now i am basically banned from moving along the map :L

    literally now from archwing:

    1) i cannot get as much XP as needed to level my gear for archwing

    2) enemies are overpowered

    3) the auto-rotate is NAUSEATING 

    4) my weapons deal no damage compared to before, even in low level missions, 

    5) the physics are wrong, i liked it before where i could slow down in an instant, now in the new pursuit mode or any other mission i OVERSHOOT my targets, T_T 


    You have literally made archwing unplayable so please either REVERT your changes or make it possible to turn OFF all the changes you made.

    i am sorry for this rant but i love this game and i would HATE for it to go down the drain.


    Same here, though I cant even speak of balance issues, it's just too nauseating, and I can hardly even finish arcwing missions for motion sickness.

    For now, I just bail immediately if I enter one by accident, this does NOT work.

  11. Is anyone else having very regular disconnects since the patch?

    I have been disconnected at various times 6-7 times now since the hotfix, normally I don't get disconnected at all, for whole days.


    also  "could not update account information" after every single mission

    and, there is no lith fissure at all now, "lith fissure on early planets" fix appears to have backfired?

  12. 3 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:

    Telling us about Archwing Slots after the fact in these patch notes is not good enough.

    This does not remove the actual impact of having snuck in these restrictions. We needed advance warning that would allow us to have prepared (crafted and acquired the existing weapons) instead of being artificially charged for platinum we should not have needed to pay if acting in accordance with the available information.


    I will continue maintaining the thread until this is adequately addressed.

    Agreed, the Archwing slot charging, especially unlisted, is a major **** move.

    Archwing is already very unpopular, this will NOT help

  13. 28 minutes ago, Orthelius said:



    Evening! Ta for the newest update, but I would like to suggest a change to archwing - remove the automatic rotation that tries to rotate you to the 'normal' position (perhaps adding the auto orient to a button?) - and allow enemies to orient in any direction just like us. I imagine this will increase just how engaging it is and will alleviate the neck strain from rotating one's head to follow the archwing.

    Also, please have a look at 'Europa Tileset' excavations - as quite often enemies will refuse to spawn near the active excavators, and in very small amounts. It makes it quite tedious when one comes across that sort of mission.

    Finally, I am still of the opinion that a mod for kavats/ kubrows and sentinels to increase pickup range of items by 2-3 metres would allow all of them to see more play. Carrier is still the easiest to obtain and most convenient to use, which is still restrictive to variation in the same way the Tonkor is, or 99% Blessing used to be. 

    Seconded, my sense of balance is based on sight, due to some mess with my inner ear,

    The slow rotation makes my body think that *I* am in motion, and not just a character in a game.

    This messes me up very fast in a way I will never be able to adapt to, and I actually LIKE archwing.(well, before this mess)

    DE: please stop the rotation, that thing, no matter how "cool" it is, it's plain hell on people with motion sickness issues



    Also, the item pickup range would really help, almost everyone I know ingame uses, and dislikes carrier.

    They agree that the other sentinels and pets are way more fun... and use carrier anyway, because the loot assistance is just too convenient, and they would otherwise be spending time manually looting, which is quite boring.

  14. I have been wondering this myself, I still havent found 1-3 and 1-4

    did find 3-4 before U19 though, and again recently, in a syndicate deception mission.. apparently our only hope now is to wait and hope to get lucky, and a deception syndicate mission or alert on jupiter happens.. eventually?

    Also why was deception removed?

    I for one found nothing wrong with it.

  15. I checked my keys, and i dont think i lost the total amount, i mostly didnt get any of those categories

    I know i had 50-ish T1D and T1S, and around 35-45 of the others.

    I ended up with a 45-63 of the Lith relics, except for 0 of m1 and a1.

    This tells me they were just distributed wrong, and I dont have a smaller total.

    That said, this is VERY annoying, and 5 relics does NOT help much, mostly as it's the current vault event stuff, and vauban's gear, in the relic piles i now have only 5 of.


    When I think of this, you re-distributed the loot didnt you? wouldnt the best way to fix this to just.. even out all the relics too?

  16. Headache 3

    Nausea 4

    Inability to see a thing: 8


    I used to actually like arcwing, I even found the removed defense mission to be not that bad, but oh god, I did the niatin arcwing alert earlier, and I regret not bailing immediately, most of the time I didnt know what the hell was going on: I just spun the camera and mashed E to be honest.

    And damn I had to stop playing afterwards, I just felt BAD.


    I will not be doing any more arcwing untill this nonsense is reverted, I just cant play it like this.

  17. I just did the niatin alert, and am deeply regretting it, everything is sort of spinning, I'm dizzy as F***.

    Seriously, this needs to stop, I cant play this arcwing mode due to motion sickness with the new camera.


    DE: you HAVE to lock the Z axis, this endless rolling is a perfect simulation of motion sickness, and is at best, confusing as hell.

    Also, watch the extra credits simulation sickness video, this camera is a perfect example of realism gone wrong.

    thumbs up for Brasten for linking it.

  18. I just did the niatin alert, and am deeply regretting it, everything is sort of spinning, I'm dizzy as F***.

    Seriously, this needs to stop, I cant play this arcwing mode due to motion sickness with the new camera.


    also: posted in the other thread, DE, you need to watch this:

    4 hours ago, Brasten said:

    Zoom the camera out, focus is too tight. I'm getting simulation sickness.

      Hide contents


    Keys binds aren't split from the Warframe keybinds. There is no control in Achwing for Roll, as in actual aircraft roll, which is critical for a 6 degree freedom flight sim thing.



  19. The limbo theorem had Ordis comment on the arcwing part of it, and it was awesome!

    He had strong and confusing opinions on EVERYTHING.. made it really stand out how dry Lotus feels.

    Lotus: "the enemy have captured a tower"

    Ordis: "HEY!, the enemy took our tower! TAKE IT BACK!"


    I would love the option to have Ordis comment on everything in his insane way, and yes, I would pay for that :D

    Dismal Lotus mirrors how I think, especially about the damn alarms.. :)

  20. I had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago.

    I say in chat "WTB prisma vertirux 75P"

    Someone convos me, "i have one" and invites me to dojo.

    Immediately there, he trades me the vertirux, i give him 75p, accept, confirm..

    and then he goes "thanks for nothing" and blocks me.

    ... just.. um.. I made the offer in trade chat? if you didn't like it, then.. ignore me?

    what was that even about?

  21. 30 minutes ago, Oranji said:


    • All prime warframes and weapons should be available and farmable within the star chart.
    • Prime Accessories are to be unvaulted from time to time.
    • This lets new players enjoy all the prime content that they want without having to pay like 900p for an Ember Prime set that was vaulted.
    • It still is probably going to be bundled with boosters or whatever but at least people won't feel bad paying for something that they don't need just to get a prime accessory like a 2nd prime of an item you already have.

    This is pretty much what I feel as well, my friend bought vauban prime access, he didnt give a crap about vauban prime, or his weapons, for him, the highlights were discounted plat, and 90 day boosters, which you simply cant get normally

    For me, I would be strongly tempted by deals like this, but, again, NOT for the warframe itself, but for things like titan extractor prime, the boosters, discounted plat, and the extra extractor slot.(I say would be because so far, no deal I have been playing during has had titan extractor prime)

    So it looks to me like it's not a necessity to annoy players with gated content, to sell these packages.

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