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Posts posted by enizer

  1. On 12/22/2017 at 6:50 PM, ExpGui said:

    @[DE]Aidan could you perhaps look at @TGDM reddit post please?


    Oh god, is THAT what the empty reward popups are?
    I got the log parts at semi reasonable speed, for the first day, then it slowed down..
    Now that I have nearly half of them, it's slowed down to almost nothing.

    I was wondering what this could be, and thought, of course they wouldn't require individual part drops with duplicates not counting, that would be INSANE, at that slowly decreasing drop chance I would NOT even manage to finish it in a year...
    Now it's looking like the worst case scenario is actually true.

  2. Initially I was looking forward to fishing, but this implementation with several tiers of bait, all of which are problematic and unreliable, is just too much.

    Having to reserve 3/12 gear wheel slots just for fishing spears, is also too much.


    I'm increasingly approaching a point where all my progress in PoE is locked behind needing a stack or seven of murkray livers, and I'm just thinking.. no, no, I REALLY don't want to spend a real life day or more spearfishing in warframe.

  3. Just minutes ago I joined a mission to see the mission had failed long ago, and host was fishing, with people joining and abandoning in lines, as host would not leave the map.
    And this is the third time today.

    I don't think that's working as intended.

    Edit: specifically, I suspect bugged out uncompletable missions, still let people join, and then if host goes exploring for resources instead of leaving, he just magnets in other people.
    I'm not quite sure how to fix that, but it's a definite problem.

  4. 37 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Ahh yes. "Bethesda Barks." Immersive, perfectly reasonable in universe commentary...repeated so often by so many characters that it makes a normal town feel like some heinous Love craft village full of psycho horror monsters patiently waiting for their cue to snap...

    Yeah, PoE is suffering from that, one of my must have mods while I was playing Skyrim, was a mod that reduced the comment frequency by about 80%, PoE spams comments so much, that in just days I have gone from liking them, to dreading them, to finally not really hearing them anymore, as I'm ignoring them like background noise.

    Even ordis didnt manage to annoy me in under one week..

  5. If the thingy with the beam is actually NOT the core, then.. um.. why is the energy restoring pickup we could easily do without, marked, while the core we are all hunting them for, is not?

    It's a little counter intuitive don't you think?

    The beam tells me that that thingy is important the moment I see it(like with rare mods and their beams), and it's kind of confusing when it's actually not in this instance.

  6. I have noticed this potential problem, and am glad it hasn't happened to me yet.

    But yeah, there does appear for no way for individuals, or the majority, to extract, like the rest of the game does.

    If some one player dosn't want to extract, after mission completion, the rest of the group is just stuck.

    Also you may want to edit that name out, naming and shaming is probably against forum rules.. it is for most games.. :)

  7. I would like changes like this, I'm quite fond of mindless fishing, I spent probably over 100 hours in WoW just, shutting my brain off, and poking at fishing while listening to random podcasts and such.

    I was really excited for fishing in warframe, untill I noticed that it had sevral tiers of bait, with fish that only spawn when that bait is present, and.. three different spears for not different tiers, but different fish types?


    I'm not sure fishing benefits at all from being so complicated, I'm much more fond of mining simply because there's no fuss to it, I don't need to plan stuff, I just head out and pick at rocks, and I'm not wasting my time by ignoring some complicated tiered temporary boost mechanic or anything like that.


  8. This seems like a very obvious thing to do, we have a dedicated fishing gear wheel, and three spears for different fish types, but, the spears are not in the fishing wheel, requiring three slots in the already busy main wheel, and making swapping spears very clunky.

    Surely it's possible to simplify this quite a lot, by simply including the three spears in the fishing gear wheel.

    Or by simply making them tiered, so the top one can catch any fish, I'd prefer that really, but any way where I wont need to occupy three gear wheel slots with just different types of fishing spears would be gold :)

  9. Ah, that's handy. I thought the spears just disabled the gear wheel, as it was always fully empty.
    I still think fishing should be WAY simpler, in the way mining is, with no need to use lower tiers, no single use blueprints, and preferably the bait not being a 100% requirement for high tier fish to exist.

    But that makes this spear question kind of obvious, why are the spears NOT in the fishing gear wheel?

  10. 19 minutes ago, Mewvg2 said:

    No no, it's intended. DE has stated this in the patch notes.

    After re-reading the patch notes, I found the mention of the three spears.. I still don't think they realized how annoying it is to need to spend three inventory slots on spears, and that's before the baits, dyes, mining beam, and other stuff this patch added.

    Having to upgrade your spear for having a chance with rarer fish makes sense.

    Requiring you to carry all three spears any time you feel like fishing, and swapping between them constantly, that's just annoying.


    Think of it this way, if this took fewer inventory slots, I could randomly go fishing any time I felt like it, like was possible before patch 22.0.3(or 22.0.4, not sure which of them changed it)

    With this requiring this many inventory slots for being effective, I need to re-arrange my inventory and plan for dedicated fishing trips, and as obsessive as I am, I still get bored of fishing in minutes, so I strongly prefer doing so at random, when I run into interesting pools.

  11. I really hope that the top spears ONLY effectively catching the rare fish, and require multiple hits on the low tier ones, is a bug, and not intended.
    As it is right now, you need all three spears on you, if you want to reliably fish every type, and swapping between them is very clunky.
    This effectively means that the expansion giving us four extra gear wheel slots, is pointless, as it also gave us FIVE new items to equip.

    And don't get me started on the other fishing issues. I have strong opinions there that are off topic for this thread :)

  12. I love how the Sari Syndana looks when combined with the titania noble stance... when it's open!
    The closed Sari Syndana looks MUCH less impressive.
    I recently attempted to make a Valkyr prime look that included the impressive wings valkyries sometimes have, and it does kind of work.

    ..In the orbiter and trade relay only,
    very pointless in missions, the folded wings just don't complete the look :(

  13. On 4/24/2017 at 0:01 PM, Tsukinoki said:

    Sorry but I have to disagree.
    Too many times have I started a sortie without realizing that I had a dragon key equipped, and your idea would just punish me for wanting to remove it from my gear wheel so that I could actually be useful and helpful to the team instead of moving only at a quarter speed or deal next to no damage.

    Second, what happens if I join a match with say 500 ping or greater?  I'm just supposed to suffer through it and sit through a horribly laggy mess knowing that if I quit to find a better host I'll be heavily punished for it?  How is that good for anyone?

    Third, what if I join a mission with a squad that legitimately won't be good for the mission and I don't want to carry the entire team?  I've joined sortie defense and mdef missions where everyone in the squad had only R0 weapons and less than decent frame choices.  I'm not going to carry an entire squad like that, and yet with your idea in place I would be harshly punished for not wanting to carry people.

    Pretty much all your idea does is punish people for not wanting to carry leechers (after all, if you leave you wont do the sortie so you had best just carry the AFK leecher to victory), or punish people who join a sortie with a dragon key or something equipped and who want to change it so that they can participate.

    I left a group because of mastery fodder in the super armor defense as recently as this week.
    I joined, took a quick look at who I was playing with.. no CC frame, noone had a single weapon at max rank, AND noone had any weapon I know to be good, it was stuff like akmagnus(11)  as the only weapon for one of them, and a second had strun(17) and lex(0), I forget what the third had, but it was also not one max rank weapon.
    I just facepalmed, and wished them the best of luck levelling mastery fodder in the super armor defense sortie..
    Should I really be punished for not carrying that team?
    Perhaps I just strongly prefer to play with other people who are also... actually trying to win.


    As for frames, well, very few frames are actually fully broken, sure, some are better than others, but in general, I'm far more prone to look down on people with 300/300(or less) health/shield numbers than people playing frames I know to have no useful abilities.
    Any frame can pull a namaron shadow step combo and run around as an invisible storm of corpses.. that's not frame specific.
    On the other hand, people with no extra health mods in the sortie have a very annoying tendency to get single shot downed.

    In the end, the potential benefit to getting rid of quitters, is not worth the problems that would arrive with that "fix"


    Yeah, I know how it feels to run into people that just don't give you a chance, like people going: "Hydroid? nope, you are useless, bye"
    That just sucks.
    But on the other end, certain frames like Limbo, Volt, Nova, and especially Loki, can be VERY annoying to play with, and some people just cant host, for various complex reasons often out of their control, and people just have to be able to reform the group in case of constant high ping, or a teleport swap abusing loki, without the fear of a penalty  for it.

    Seriously, trolls happen, don't make people chose between suffering a troll's abuse, or not being able to finish that day's sortie, that's just evil.

  14. LOVE the expanded map changing with the interface.

    Thank you!

    Finally a reasonably sized map... my choice of size!


    Also thanks again for the recent tickbox to let us choose old archwing movement.

    I really never adapted to having no fixed down, now I can actually play archwing again without getting confused all the time :)

  15. 1 hour ago, residente said:


    Totally agree. I'm sitting here with thousands of platinum and I can't buy Tennogen stuff, meanwhile our console brothers can. Why? I would literally buy every single Graxx skin (I love them) if they were available for platinum, but I refuse to pay 10 dollars for them when I've spent more than I'm capable of saying on platinum packs.

    And I keep waiting and waiting and we barely get new cosmetic stuff, and when we do it's totally overshadoed by the beauty and talent of Tennogen artists. Seriously with no offense intended to the artistic team of Digital Extremes, your skins and syandanas are incredibly poor compared to those of Tennogen artists (only the deluxe ones are worth saving).

    Yes, tennogen is a rather specific thorn in my side, I'm also sitting on thousands of plat, and having already bought all the plat priced cosmetic stuff I'm interested in.

    It feels like tennogen is a method of milking more money out of us by making the extra plat useless, instead of giving us something to spend it on.

    (and no I dont mean give us more things we HAVE to spend plat on, like riven mod slots, that's the exact opposite of fun spending)

  16. 1 hour ago, K0bra said:

    Its getting annoying....

    There is so much stuff you have to buy outside the game or with real money ...

    Why i buy platinum bundles when i cant even buy nice skins for it?Just for the other things?

    Seriously the Tennogen stuff is on the edge for being *** but ok people can live with that but this?

    We have an ingame currency and get very rarely new well made skins or nice cosmetics to use it for that....

    You exclude all the cool stuff from the platinum and i follow that with concerns since a longer time.

    I want the stuff ingame for plat and not be forced to buy stuff on twitch to get the skins i want.Im not even like twitch or using it outside of watching rarely devstreams ... but hey you will ignore it.

    What about you support >>YOUR OWN<< ingame currency more with nice stuff?(Alone that people have to ask for that is ......)

    Great job.You guys were diffrent in the past.

    Very much this, I'm not really interested in twitch, I'm not interested in the tennogen steam skins for real money instead of plat.. just..

    Please focus on actual ingame stuff, for ingame currency, I'm not interested at all in this mess.

  17. Is there any chance you can include the expanded map in this scaling?

    A few months ago you changed the expanded map to make that HUGE, and I really never used it because things were too small to make out, I expand the map to see more area, the minimap is simply too.. tiny.

    Ever since the expanded map.. zoom in, my game map options have been:

    #1, minimap, seeing perhaps 20m away from you at most, I cant find a thing here and just get lost.

    #2, expanded map, more area, though still not far enough, and now takes up most of the screen when it's open, when there's no reason to, this way the useful range map is in the way of the game.

    We really need a middle road here.

    Or just the old map back.. The current one may look better if I were playing from a couch.. but I'm not.. I'm sitting in a desk chair, at a regular PC, and for PC it's just too much.

    So yeah, please include the map in that scale slider :)

  18. Just posting some positivity here to give credit where it's due:




    Thank you thank you THANK YOU!

    My primitive little monkey brain once again has a fixed "down" for reference, so I can actually play archwing again without being constantly confused, and slightly motion sick.


  19. 1 hour ago, franky702 said:

    Has the HUD element always been tilted like that? Is the new FOV warping things towards the center causing nausea and headache? I've added straight line to see how tilted it is.XhMA4Ur.jpg



    I was thinking this as well, i really dont remember the ui being tilted towards the center, but looking at my old screenshots, this isn't new with this patch at least

  20. 1 minute ago, BladeRambler said:

    UI is still low-res on a 1080p setting...also, noticed that snow on corpus interception (planets) have a checkered, splotchy appearance (maybe looks low-res too).

    A lot of things look low res now, all over the game

    And it feels like AA is just broken..

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