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  1. Agreed, this would do so much for the frame it feels like it should've worked like this from the beginning.
  2. Like other people i also believe Loyal Merulina is a straight up downgrade. The stuff you lose from using it is too big (the cc immunity, increased mobility, merulina guardian, dismount gate) while the stuff you gain don't feel impactful enough. It's also very clunky as loyal merulina will only shoot sea snares if it's not moving, will often have trouble keeping up with yareli, the sea snares spam only feels decent at max efficiency but stacking efficiency on yareli feels quite bad and finally (while this might just be my imagination) it feels like loyal merulina dies so much faster than kdrive meru. I really like the mod overall though, have found myself using it when i wanna play with certain weapons, on bad tilesets for kmeru or if i don't wanna deal with any gamebreaking bugs. Overall i wish it was included as a tap/hold functionality for merulina, it would do so much for the frame in general.
  3. I personally think this augment either needs a buff, needs to be an exilus mod or needs to be added as a baseline tap/hold functionality for merulina. You lose access to your increased mobility, immunity to enemy CC, Merulina Guardian augment (200% fire rate and reload speed is too insane to give up in my opinion), invincibility on merulina dying and an entire mod slot. And you gain access to your primary and melee, easier access to helminth abilities, not having to deal with the most bugged ability in the game and a SINGLE sea snare projectile every 2 seconds that doesn't get shot if you are moving. Like to me that's just not a fair trade-off, why do we have to give up so much to be able to do something every other frame can do baseline? Even Titania can use helminth abilities while on archwing. Not having to deal with so many game breaking bugs and a very awkward movement ability (specially in some tilesets) is nice, but then again i have to use a mod for that? Why not fix her bugs instead? I love driving merulina but sometimes it's frustrating. And please, a SINGLE sea snare every 2 seconds? Let's not pretend that's not the most pathetic upside ever, specially on such a buggy ability like sea snares (it loves to float around happily doing nothing most of the time instead of chasing enemies, even with a high amount of range and the enemies being directly on top of it), and yeah, you can scale it down to 0.5 seconds with max efficiency, at which point it finally feels decent but then again you are stacking efficiency on yareli which feels horrible, like what else is that gonna be good for? Spamming your 4? The ability that will suck in a single enemy at most in a room with 20 enemies even with max range because it just doesn't work? Like don't get me wrong i love this frame and love to be able to go on foot every now and then to use certain more precise weapons, play on trash tilesets or if i dont feel like dealing with the gamebreaking bugs that day, but it just feels like yareli players are getting the short end of the stick as usual, and it's frustrating. I wish they would make meru shoot more sea snares, shoot while moving or decrease shot CD, and fix the insane bugginess of sea snares, i wish her 4 would work and i wish her 3 was more interesting, but maybe that's asking too much. Sorry for the huge rant, just a passionate yareli player.
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