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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

    I'm still confused as to why "people with irl responsibilities" feel the need to max out a single focus school, not to mention all of them.

    Because you never know when DE will thrust the Operator into a situation in which focus abilities may be needed. Before you come back with "DE would never punish you for not concentrating on focus", you do not know what future activities/quests will involve. If it's in the game, it's going to be needed, especially if it involves the Operator seeing it's a living plot MacGuffin.

  2. 4 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Defense is not the way to farm focus efficiently.

    Then what is?

    4 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Why 600k in 15 waves? 

    Because I have 18,434,081 focus to go an I've got stuff to do.

    4 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Please stop trying to talk down to other people in regards to focus when you still farm it on Hydron.

    Me farming on Hydron doesn't have anything to do with the rubbish some others are talking. I talk down to people who play off others lives and act like they are the only ones who exist. 

    7 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    almost triple the daily cap.

    Exactly. Remove the daily cap DE. No one is going to farm 55 million focus points with this stupid limit in place. Or lower the focus requirement. I don't care either way. I only care that you guys do it.

    Overall it seems like all of you fighting for this ridiculous amount of Focus use a lot of "ifs". If you have this, if you have that.

  3. Just now, KiteoHatto said:

    This ludicrous grind, what is your reason to max it asap ? There very little reason to do it anyway other than self goal of "i want to".

    There it is. The inevitable "It's something to work towards"/"You don't HAVE to do it" post. 

    1. This is not a realistic "self-goal" in the same manner that a man wearing nothing but a towel trying to climb Mount Everest using only a pair of chopsticks is not a realistic "self-goal".

    2. There is quite a big reason to do it in fact. Since Focus now centres on the Operator and not your frame, plus the fact that DE are insistent on taking your frame away in recent activities/quests, that means more future and possibly harder quests will involve the Operator now that it has more combat abilities. So by not making your Operator better, you are risking not being able to do some future ridiculous quest that focuses entirely on the Operators ability to survive. 

    You scoff at people who say farming would take "9 years". The total focus required to max out everything is 55,800,000. To quote you;

    46 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    you get like 30k focus in 10-15 waves EASY.

    You say you can get 30k focus easily on Hydron in fifteen waves. Say each wave takes you three minutes to be generous. So that is 45 minutes to farm 30k focus. 45 minutes. For only 30k focus.  I can only play two hours a day at best. Say I spent that time focusing Hydron I'd get about 82k Focus. So for one year of grinding, every day on Hydron I would get 27,552,000. So it would take me two whole years to max out all the trees.

    I'm not going to be maxing all of them anytime soon. I'm focusing on Zenurik right now. It would take me approximately eight months of grinding to max out that tree. Is that an improvement from two years? Yes. Does that mean it's better? No.

    I do not and will not grind for eight months to max out a single tree.The very max you should be spending on these trees is maybe two weeks. That is reasonable. This is not a "self-goal". This is self-torture.

    23 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Hydron is only the most efficienct XP farm for weapons or pets. 

    Point me towards a node that gives you at least 600k focus per fifteen waves and I will shut up immediately.

  4. 19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    Im 27, I have a 8-5 full time job, which leaves me with like 3-4 hours of playtime in the evening maximum.

    You have a lot more time than me then. Assuming you're not straight up lying.

    19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    If you are going there with "real life responsibilities woe is me i have no time to nolife" then affinity boosters are for you.

    Got those. Doesn't really make a dent on ridiculously stupid amount needed.

    19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    I've been formaing weapons and kavats in the past 2 days on hydron, running with greater lenses and you get like 30k focus in 10-15 waves EASY.

    I use Hydron regularly when levelling frames. It's boring. Very, very boring and it still doesn't make a dent on the amount needed. Grinding for hours, 75 days in a row on Hydron is only enjoyed by the sort of people who's pet tortoises die of boredom. Please don't come back with a "Well deal with it" response, it'll only make you look silly.

    19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    Don't need to be a tryhard equinox with maiming strike to get anywhere.

    No you just need to be an incredibly boring person who's perfectly happy to farm the same area for weeks. I play games in the spare time that I have to relax and have a bit of fun. There is nothing fun about over the top grind. This ridiculous placeholder fetish DE have needs to be looked at.

  5. 1 minute ago, KiteoHatto said:

    Then you pretty much don't play the game if 10-30k is all you get. Why should no effort be rewarded?

    I.e; Why should the people who have real life responsibilities that might take them away from video games, be rewarded for the occasional amount of time they can spare to play Warframe? Only we jobless/childless/still-living-in-my-parents-house-and-can-play-Warframe-24-7 elitists deserve all the rewards.

  6. 10 hours ago, Orabell said:

    Many do. IgnusDeis Mag Pneuma skin made me play her seriously and will probably be my main frame for a long time. 

    Ditto. Never used to like Mag but that deluxe skin made me get into building her properly. Same with a few other frames he's done skins for like Ash and Rhino. Such a shame they had a falling out over something so utterly meaningless. Who knows, maybe one day DE might actually bury the hatchet and bring Ignus back in. Hope springs eternal.

  7. 17 hours ago, Xgomme said:

    If you want to do repetitive farming, it's your fault. Try to understand what I say.

    Are you going to actually answer sensibly or should we just stop talking?

    17 hours ago, Xgomme said:

    You're not forced to stay in the plains h24, but if you want, you can.

    My friend, DE made this open world area for us to explore. They want people to explore it. They want people to talk about it in a positive way in order to attract new players who might be interested in the new open-world Warframe. Stop trying to dismiss the problems by saying "Oh you don't have to stay in the plains" solves nothing. Why should anyone bother going to the plains at all in that case? If all open world maps are going to have this insane grind for very little reward, then whats the point at all?

    You very clearly just want to wave any criticism aimed at this update by saying it's other peoples fault for not liking the grind.

    17 hours ago, Xgomme said:

    But seems the only thing you want is complaining.

    No. I want to make sure the update is as good as it was advertised. In case you didn't know, a lot of people are unhappy with the state of the plains at the moment. PC Gamer, which normally heaps praise onto this game, is telling new players to not bother with the Plains of Eidolon. Trying to flimsily dismiss people who offer genuine criticism only makes you look stupid.

    17 hours ago, Xgomme said:

    Why do you want to "grind" then ? Just play, ffs

    Again you completely fail to understand. I like to grind if I know the rewards are worth it. That is what gives people a sense of accomplishment after investing time into the grind. But the rewards simply are not worth it at all in this instance. The grind is far too high for the mediocre rewards that are offered right now. So either lower the grind or make the rewards better. That is how you balance it out. The reward has to compensate the grind. PoE is supposed to be the next step for Warframe and yet you are suggesting that we go back and grind old content in order to bypass the problems in PoE, which defeats the whole purpose of this new place. 

    You really do remind of those people who just accept anything a developer throws at them, no matter what it is.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

    Well don't grind then ? Wtf

    If you clearly say it's optional and you don't want to grind, don't grind. Simple...

    "Well don't grind then" is not an answer. Also you clearly misunderstood my post. I said I don't mind grinding as long as the grind isn't excessive and the rewards are totally worth it. Right now they are not. I only want to grind for something if the rewards are obviously worth the time. Simply just dismissing the grind problems doesn't do anything and only makes sure this update remains a chore, when you are supposed to be having fun.

    17 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

    Also they tonned downed the grind.

    Not by much. They've still got a lot of things to do with this update. 

    17 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

    And if this grind is a problem but you don't mind grinding relics. Each shop have daily deals you can buy out of platinum. Farm platinum, buy those. Boom

    This is just shifting the problem, not addressing it. Even if I was farming relics outside of the Plains, which defeats the purpose of the place, it wouldn't change the fact that the area itself is a glorified mega-grinding arena, like Destiny. Simply saying "go grind somewhere else" does not fix any problems whatsoever. I want to be able to grind in the plains, but the rewards are just not worth it. Either make the rewards better, or tone down the grind to match the mediocrity of the rewards.

  9. 1 hour ago, Xgomme said:

    It's a freakin F2P kids...

    Being Free-To-Play is not a "get out of jail free" card and it does not excuse poor decisions/implementations. People do invest money in F2P games, that is how they stay afloat. Warframe doesn't run on fairy dust and goodwill.

    There is okay grind and then there is ludicrous grind. PoE currently sits in the latter category along with the Hema. I don't mind grinding if it is reasonable and the rewards behind them are worth it and it doesn't suck the fun out of the game. So far the cons far outweigh the pros in this update. 

  10. The quality of DE'S deluxe skins has been in a death dive ever since Nova IMO. The new Ember deluxe looks ridiculous, Nekros deluxe looks like something straight out of a Saturday morning cartoon show and this Volt one is just......urgh. Whoever is designing these new skins, be it multiple people or the same person, needs to find a middle ground because right now it seems they are going from making the blandest skin possible to completely outlandish skins. I'm just going to stick to TennoGen.

    I miss you IgnusDei.

  11. Just now, EndermanBeast said:

    What bugs did you have? I did it easily( mostly because i could one shot everything) and with no bugs

    The quest was fine. I should have said "game breaking" bugs. I'll correct that. As for the bugs; Bounty stages not starting. Frequent crashing. Squad mates not being able to join my session in the plains. Eidolon glitching out and not being able to die. The list goes on.

  12. On 15/10/2017 at 4:00 PM, JSharpie said:

    Welcome to life. Welcome to video games.

    This is one of the most "Deal with it" dismissals I've ever seen. That is not how you answer criticism Sharpie. A lot of people, including myself do not want to grind 100 Eidolons just so our crappy kid can kill level 30 enemies. It's a massive mistake. You might have the time to spend every hour of every day grinding the Plains, but most of us actually don't. The grind is okay if it's not so high or if the high grind is compensated with awesome rewards. This stupid placeholder is not rewarding. The Hema was not worth 150,000 Mutagen Samples and the Operator is definitely not worth investing all that time and effort into.

    On 15/10/2017 at 4:00 PM, JSharpie said:

    Reward vs Effort guys

    The reward is not worth the effort. You can't deny that. 100 Eidolons to allow your kid, a thing that has about as much survivability as a jock in a teen-slasher flick, to kill level 30 enemies. LEVEL 30 ENEMIES!! is the reward for endless repetitive battles.

    Also comparing Shadow of War to Warframe is stupid as they are completely different in scope, design and gameplay. 


  13. 5 minutes ago, paul5473 said:

    I guess we'll see when it comes out 

    Doubt we'll ever see it all. How did you manage to construct a theory that Hunhow will sacrifice himself for us, the very beings he's been trying to kill for most of his life. He even crippled his own reproduction system in order to get back to the Sol system to try and kill the Tenno/Orokin.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Pnoyleet said:

    Theres a solo play 😂

    So you're asking for a frame that functions only in solo mode? Definitely not going to happen.

    4 minutes ago, Pnoyleet said:

    Since only one team can occupy a node this is possible

    Possible, but never going to happen.

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