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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. On 2020-06-17 at 2:58 PM, Padre_Akais said:

    Yes, that's correct... You don't require an explanation insomuch as you need to stop inflecting what you think on what you see and simply see it for what it is instead.

    Ah so you're just not going to explain because you actually can't but you're going to pretend like the subject doesn't need an explanation. Right. A classically flawed stance to take. All it does is make it look like you don't have any real answer beyond your own personal opinion. Bear in mind you did try and say that Trinity and Mirage were lower than Hydroid, so its already known you're disingenuous in this argument.

    You're so stubborn that even in the face of data from DE themselves you'll just dismiss it.

    On 2020-06-17 at 2:58 PM, Padre_Akais said:

    Why? Because popularity is evidence of preference... Not performance.

    And preference is directly linked to performance. They go hand-in-hand. You're putting a lot of effort into pretending you don't understand how the charts data backs up my points and the basic concepts like how popularity is directly linked to preference.

    On 2020-06-17 at 2:58 PM, Padre_Akais said:

    Were that the case there'd be a thread a week complaining about how bad Hydroid is...There isn't.

    No specific frame has a rework thread once every week. Nyx, Banshee, Grendel, none of them have constant consistent threads every week despite being very nearly as bad as Hydroid in the eyes of the community.

    You see Hydroid mentioned ever single rework thread however, as he is always mentioned when discussing bad frames. Your very arbitrary qualifier for what makes a bad frame is completely untrue for the whole community and essentially means that unless a frame has a complaint thread once a week, then they are not bad, which is entirely false.

    On 2020-06-17 at 2:58 PM, Padre_Akais said:

    I wouldn't be so brazen as to assert that the majority of the playerbase supports my opinion though.

    For someone who's been around for so long, you apparently know very little. The general consensus of the community is that Hydroid sucks and that is a fact. Go around and look up any "worst frame ever" threads throughout the years both on here and on Reddit and you will see Hydroid mentioned without fail, all of the time. Like I said; I have the data to back up that argument as well as the common knowledge about the community feelings on the Puddle Pirate.

    And like I said before; I can be brazen when I know what I am saying is true.

    On 2020-06-17 at 2:58 PM, Padre_Akais said:

    definitely wouldn't hoist a usage graph as evidence of same either...Especially if that usage graph was essentially specious to the point I was trying to make.

    As such, You don't require explanations...

    The chart does not go against the point I'm making, it supports it. You can keep claiming that the data doesn't support my argument, but you have actually done nothing to show that. You've only made the completely untrue and disingenuous claim that certain frames are lower than Hydroid, even though you were deliberately looking at the vanilla stats for frames who already have Primes.

    So yes, we still require explanations from you, which you are completely unable to provide because you very clearly have none. Just wishy-washy attempts to turn the data to your argument and vague dismissals based on arbitrary definitions of what makes a bad frame in your eyes.

    On 2020-06-17 at 2:58 PM, Padre_Akais said:

    You simply need to stop:

    • Assuming Cause
    • Crafting a narrative to fit your assumption.
    • Selling it as fact.

    Again, you have done nothing that proves that Hydroid is actually viewed positively by the community whatsoever. All you have done is try to dismiss the notion based on absolutely nothing. I have provided evidence for my argument, you haven't. That's the situation. I never "crafted a narrative" nor am I selling a personal assumption as a fact. Hydroid is viewed negatively by the majority community, that is a fact. 

    What you need to do is actually bring up some evidence that proves what I'm saying is wrong. So far, all you have done is say "Oh you are wrong, just because I say you are".

    On 2020-06-17 at 4:05 PM, Padre_Akais said:
    • Re-work Zephyr :    Graph says No
    • Re-work Frost :       Graph says No
    • Re-work Inaros:      Graph says No
    • Banshee is Fine:     Graph says No
    • Chroma is Fine :      Graph not only says "This is true" but also that Chroma Prime doesn't exist.
    • Re-work Chroma:    Graph says NO
    • Re-work Revenant:  Graph says this almost 2yr old frame doesn't exist
    • Revenant is Fine:    What is this Revenant?
    • Re-work Nyx:          The Graph finally agrees.

    I did specifically say at the very beginning that the graph was made before the dual Nekros+Hydroid farming combo was removed, the Khora loot mod was introduced and when the damage was updated in order to show how bad Hydroids usage was even back when he had a tiny niche for himself. So yes, this chart is at least a year old, but sadly its the only chart DE made that is actually readable as @Aldain has shown with this horrific newer chart; 

    On 2020-06-17 at 4:12 PM, Aldain said:


    But again, how exactly does this prove me wrong? Like I said, Hydroid was in the poor usage stats before all of the things that made him have a very small niche in the farming enthusiast part of Warframe were made redundant. Are you saying you think Hydroid might have gone up in player usage since that other chart was made? Because if so then you really don't have a good grasp on following a trend.

    On 2020-06-17 at 4:05 PM, Padre_Akais said:

    That said, I do know that the argument you are using it to bolster is flawed regardless though.

    But hey...You wanted explanations so you got one.

    Again, you still have yet to explain how the argument of Hydroid being viewed as one of the worst frames in the game is flawed. You've done nothing but try and claim the chart is outdated as if that somehow means that Hydroid will suddenly be in the top ten most used frames bracket in the most recent chart and haven't actually provided any evidence to show that Hydroid is viewed positively by the majority of the community, which he isn't.

    Like I said, you have not provided an explanation at all, only presumptions that since the chart is a little old then that must mean the chart is wrong and the trends it was showing must be completely different to today. A very flawed and hollow argument.

    On 2020-06-17 at 4:05 PM, Padre_Akais said:

    Now, can you explain the absence of Chroma Prime and Revenant and the numerous other frames from your reliable graph?

    The reason why they are absent is because the chart is old. I already said the chart was old the very first time I posted it and the most up to date one we have after this one is practically impossible to read because of the awful colour matching system.

    Why do you act as if the chart being old is your smoking gun? It doesn't suddenly prove all of what I have been saying is incorrect, nor does it suddenly mean that Hydroid will have dominated the usage chart in more recent charts. If you actually paid attention to the trend indicated by the chart alongside community opinion on certain frames, you would know that Hydroid would never be rising in the usage chart in the state he is in, especially now that Khora has put him out of a job.

    Like I said; Put forward some real actual numbers/evidence to support your stubborn and immature dismissal of the facts, instead of just being stubborn for the sake of it and moving the goalposts around. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:

    That said, Don't come at me and say,"No, he definitely needs a re-work...Here's the proof" and expect me not to look at it or that I won't bother to call it crap if it's shaky. 

    I'll come at you with solid proof if I have it, which I do and have done.

    If you want to call DE's numbers "shaky" then more power to you. But all you're doing is showing you are perfectly willing to deny proof that's in front of you and that does not help your argument.

    Dismissing anyone who disagrees with you as "casual" really does not help either. Your dismissal is based on "oh its just your opinion"as well as disingenuous arguments like pretending that normal variants are played more than Primes, which is provably untrue therefore your dismissal/argument is invalid.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Fewer people play Hydroid—Therefore Hydroid must be in need of a rework... Is a causal argument. I'm not sure where maturity plays a role in that tbh.

    So you're saying that me pointing out that Hydroid isn't well liked and isn't played a lot due to his very outdated abilities and gameplay style, is somehow "a casual argument" somehow? Please explain, because what you are saying makes zero logical sense.

    23 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    While it can certainly be used as an indicative of a trend...It certainly isn't proof.

    So the numerical data that DE have provided backing up the general negative opinion of Hydroid throughout the community is not proof that he needs a rework. Again, can you please explain?

    24 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Do you know the majority of players?...I've been here 7 years and I, honestly, couldn't make that claim.

    ...Where did you meet them and why don't I know you?

    I've been here that long as well and the general opinion among the community is that Hydroid is rubbish. Any rework thread you will find Hydroid being mentioned frequently and also there is very clear numerical data to back that claim up, as I have posted already. 

    These are not good responses from you.

    26 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    More people have Normal frame variants than Prime variants merely owing to availability*even with twitch drops* so your first argument is inherently false.

    Wrong. Prime variants can be very easily found on the market place and the constant rotations ensure that there will never be a shortage of old Prime parts. So no, my argument is not false at all as it very clear demonstrated by the numbers DE have provided.

    Again, this is not a good response.

    27 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    People looking to play Hydroid for the loot would only ever have done so if they were teamed with a Nekros to begin with...Making your 2nd argument highly speculative.

    What are you talking about? I already said that Hydroid was frequently teamed with a Nekros and that was his only niche. You've basically just reaffirmed what I said.

    29 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Opinions are opinions.

    Not when they are backed up by very clear numerical data as well as common knowledge. It is not an opinion that Hydroid is unpopular, it is not an opinion he frequently comes up in "Worst Frame in the game" and "Frames that need a rework" threads, it is not an opinion that his player stats are below Banshee Prime. These are all facts backed up by data. Pretending anything otherwise is just being stubborn for the sake of it.

    31 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    It's when you attempt to empirically support one or refute another with junk that I feel a need to shoot holes in it....Because you are, then, being misleading.

    You do know that its DE's chart right? You want to call the data provided by the developers "junk?". 

    You have not provided any data to support your argument and instead have just dismissed based on nothing. Call the proof DE provided "junk" all you want, but that won't change the data. You haven't "shot holes" in anything, nor have you proven I've been misleading, as I've provided actual evidence that backs up what I'm saying, you have not.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Causal argument...

    That's a very immature response, as well as completely incorrect. 

    The majority of players, casual or not, agree that Hydroid sucks to put it plainly. He is one of the least used and one of the most unpopular frames in the game. 

    36 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    If I were to take your chart at face value then Trinity and Mirage are played less than even Hydroid

    Normal variants of frames do not count for stats if it has a Prime variant, as the Prime is always going to have more people playing it for obvious reasons. Trinity Prime is played far more than Hydroid Prime and that is very clear to see. Don't be disingenuous.

    Mirage Prime is basically on the same level as Hydroid and like I pointed out, this chart was made before Khora's loot augment was introduced and the Nekros+Hydroid farming combo was nerfed, so he is highly likely even further down on player stats. Although I agree Mirage could do with some tweaks, but she is definitely not in the same position as Hydroid, gameplay and reputation-wise.

    36 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    That's what your chart is asserting at any rate.

    No it isn't. You've just looked at the normal variants of Trinity and Mirage with player usage stats lower than Hydroid Prime and made a disingenuous argument by pretending that the reason why the former frames usage stats are lower than the latter, is because they're bad, when in fact it's because they have a Prime version which everyone uses over the normal variant.

    Trinity Prime towers over Hydroid Prime's usage stat and Mirage is basically on the same level.

    Also, this is not my chart, it's DE's.

  5. I'd say Hydroid needs a rework much more than Zephyr does. Unlike her, all of Hydroid's abilities suck. The only thing he was ever used for was loot farming with a Nekros, but since they nerfed that combo and brought other loot frames, he has been out of a job. Hopefully DE actually give people a decent rework with his deluxe skin and not another awful batch of tweaks that force us to use sit in that cursed puddle, or else no one is going to spend money on it.

    20 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Hydroid? Could probably use a small amount of attention. Vastly improved from launch though.

    Only a small amount of attention? Vastly improved from launch? What Hydroid have you been using Padre, as it sounds like a decent frame.

    Seriously though, Hydroid needs a full on rework not a small amount of attention and he most definitely has not improved from launch, due to the fact that he hasn't actually had any major changes since his launch. Only a horrible and cynically timed "QoL" patch when his Prime Access came out that did nothing but force synergy around the one ability everyone hates (Undertow), introduce completely unnecessary and horrible charge mechanics onto abilities that were pretty bad in the first place (Tempest Barrage, Tentacle Swarm) and just made Hydroid even more boring and useless than he already was. He has had zero major changes to his abilities whatsoever, only horrible tweaks.

    He is one of the worst frames in the game right now and his usage on the official Warframe chart show that he is even below Banshee Prime (yes he's that bad) in the MR20+ stats;


    This chart was made before Khora got her loot augment and even then he was below Banshee. I have no doubt Hydroid has sunk even lower in the usage stats due to that. DE have forgotten about Hydroid so hard, that they still have not fixed a bug on one of his augments that was introduced nearly six years ago, namely the Tidal Impunity bug where it doesn't stop status effects on your Warframe if you recast if before the timer runs down.

    Hydroid needs a lot of work.


  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario said:

    He says he been playing it since like 2015 or something like that, and he's still having trouble...I don't get how you can play a game for five years on and off and not know most, if not everything about the game. Thats what gets me, he's still having touble after 5 years. Thats nuts to me.

    I'm uncertain if he's trolling or not to be honest. His opening post was utterly bonkers but his subsequent replies in this thread have just made me question if he's just doing this for the lols.

  7. 16 hours ago, Jannanomana said:

    the guide showed me the map, where to fish, how to get fish bait and what harpoon i should use.. the guide didnt tell me with the Green Bait i never get a rare fish

    Rubbish. What kind of guide is that where it shows you all the basics of fishing, but doesn't tell you what baits you need to get certain fish? Either you're being hyperbolic again, or there is a YouTuber out there who apparently is missing a part of their brain.

    And you've also claimed you've spent "hours" on the wiki and still don't know what you are doing. Honestly, with the way you've structured your post and your subsequent replies, I'm really uncertain about whether or not you are just trolling.

    16 hours ago, Jannanomana said:

    for 50 waves defence or 90 min survival you dont need any guide... you know how those missions work cause of the story... This just takes time and a decent party that dont leave after 10 waves Saturn Helena...

    This is why it is hard to take you seriously. You complain about Nightwave being a chore and then you put forward these insane proposals of opening 50 relics, 50 waves of defence and 90 minute survivals as daily challenges. No one would enjoy that at all.

    16 hours ago, Jannanomana said:

    Meanwhile just to catch ANY fish. i need to first unlock the Open World Content. then figure out where to get fishing rod, then i need to make dailys to push faction just to get fish bait and then i still have to find the correct fish... And i am not even talking about the fact that i need like 3-5 tryes for each fish catch...

    Welcome to Warframe. This is a grindy game, where you need to grind to get things you want. Leaving aside the fact that you don't even have to do challenges you don't like, as previously stated, fishing is incredibly easy to understand and does not take hours of research to find out where you can get a damn fishing rod.

    You are really not making people want to help you when you post these highly exaggerated threads/replies. The new player experience is garbage, there is no doubt about that. Just ask for help on Players helping Players instead of posting hyperbole on General Discussion.

  8. 2 hours ago, Jannanomana said:

    Title. In over 20 years of video-games i never found a more frustrateing game experience then the experience warframe has.
    If you are not a hardcore dedicated Warframe Player who sleeps in the forums and on reddit this game is barely playable:

    I cant even imagine how "casual players" can finish anytthing in this game? I wouldnt call my self casual, since i study the wiki about mods, and searching "meta builds".... But I still cannot complete anything in this game without need to google video guides.... Everytime i want to play Warframe for some hours i have to prepare days of video guides to even get started....


    Current Examples:

    • Railjack missions (you need to know exactly what u are doing or you will fail)
    • Nightwave 3 - The Clue Search/Puzzle game. Even with watching a video guide took me like 10 hours to solve the puzzle
    • Nigthwave Any Weekly Mission.
      • Fish Rare fish... (I spend all my faction points to buy bait catched for 2 hours fish at the Lake every guide telling me... only to find out after 2 hours i still didnt got ONE single rare fish out of the 6)
      • Hydralist? Never seen one, Never fighted one, Dunno how to fight one.
    • Kuva Lich content.
      • still dunno how it works even after hours of video watching and wiki reading.

    It feels like DE just want to rush content to confuse players.... And specialy the nightwave... Why i am forced to play Warframe as my 2nd Job just to get an umbral forma... And why the Nightwave missions are extremely unclear on what to do? And How to do it? Why they dont design Nightwave arround Content that Everybody can clear and understand?


    Good Examples:

    • Elite Weeklys:
      • Survive 90 minutes in a survival mission
      • Open 50 Relicts
      • Finish a Defence Mission Wave 50
      • Kill 10.000 Corpus

    For the love of god, please stop us to force to play the game like you want to play it... I hate the complete open world content since its super confusing and random. Give me other Nightwave missions instead!!! Or give an alternative Way to Farm Umbra Forma or Buy/Trade them with Platin. I only want ONE single Umbra Forma... ONE just one... but i will never get it... Its impossible to archive with the current system. And i am not even a casual player as i explained in the beginning...



    This whole post is nothing but hyperbole. 

    You're clearly very new to the game and don't really understand whats going on, which is fine, but you really shouldn't be saying that you've watched "hours of video guides" and still can't understand the basics of things, or that it takes you "10 hours" to solve the incredibly simple Glassmaker puzzles. Stop exaggerating.

    1 hour ago, Jannanomana said:

    But for nightwave you almost have to do OpenWorld Content every single time. And i hate that.. I want to play Warframe as my Relaxing Shooter and not as an MMORPG.

    Mate, Warframe has always been a MMORPG since it's early days. Also, Nightwave is supposed to give players more variety in their challenges and to explore different parts of the game in order to get the rewards, which is perfectly fine. And you also don't even have to do the Open World missions for Nightwave if you do not want to. Nightwave sticks around for a long time and skipping a couple of challenges is not going to stop you from getting to rank 30.

    This is why it's clear you're very new to the game.

    1 hour ago, Jannanomana said:

    As said, i play Warframe as it was supposed to be in 2015 . just do some missions and have fun.

    Again; you can still just do missions and have fun. Nothing has changed in that regard.

    My advice; don't post hyperbolic things like this on the forums and just plainly ask for some help from other players and/or join a clan if you haven't already and ask them for advice.

    • Like 5
  9. 7 hours ago, Sahiratu said:

    At least they could let it get inside the water and you only pick it up once you leave.

    It's pretty much a waste of time to do that if DE are already planning on doing a rework for him and removing abilities like Undertow, which is what we all want.

  10. 7 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

    In Sandstorm and while channeling Thurible, pickup collection is disabled. Reasoning? Not sure, maybe they don't want near indefinite usage of the channeling ability. It's not consistent across all channeling powers, like Mend & Maim or Effigy you can still get orbs.

    I don’t why you talk about channeled abilities like they’re all the same. Difference between Mend/Maim, Effigy and powers like Thurible and Sandstorm is because they function differently. Sandstorm could potentially allow you to remain in that form and permanently CC enemies so they can never get close enough to get a decent shot.

    The reason Thurible doesn’t allow pickup collection I’d imagine is so that you can’t boost you energy recovery to ridiculous levels where like one shot nets you 1000 energy.

    Undertow being able to pick items up would allow players to go AFK and not worry about running out of energy because drowned enemies can simply give it to them, all while doing the absolute square-root of glorious nothing. It would be a horrible feature that only incentivises further AFK play.

    21 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

    As for Undertow belonging on Hydroid or not, that's another can of worms we can open for a Hydroid Re-revisited thread.

    Hopefully DE reveal they’re working on a decent rework to come with Hydroid’s deluxe. Not just a cynically timed tweak to his abilities like they did during the time his Prime Access came out, but a full on proper rework.

    If Vauban can get two reworks, Hydroid can definitely get one.

  11. Uh, no. Undertow should not allow you to hoover up resources. We do not need Hydroid to be even more of an AFK frame than he already is. That ability should not exist, let alone allow you to pick up resources while doing absolutely nothing.

    Undertow needs to be removed an replaced with something else. Hydroid as a whole needs to be reworked so he’s not such AFK-incentive/useless frame.

    • Like 1
  12. 39 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    It is just that WF is so far beyond power fantasy at the moment that it can be dialed back alot without having any impact on the current gameplay but opens up the opportunity for challenging content to be added. It would also help DE to create content that lasts a bit longer. That is why we need balance.

    The issue is that many people like the game for what it is now. An overblown extreme power fantasy.

    At the end of the day, players can blow through content pretty easily in a lot of games these days. Warframe just does it slightly faster. 

    The smart AI and clever tactics are literally not needed in this game. The thing that always baffles me is why DE kept introducing more and more stuff that made you more powerful if they knew it was going to make future content a cake-walk. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Aadi880 said:

    They have to force players to wait weeks for the next update. Players get bored, or find themselves nothing to do, and takes a break. Player retention has failed.

    Thats always been the case though? In-between updates, players have always gone to other games. But they always come back and thats a sign that DE is doing something right. I don’t know of any other live-service game has such dedicated returning players each and every time. If it didn’t work, Warframe would have died off long ago.

    Sustainability is something DE have been able to achieve in a very unique way IMO.

    3 hours ago, Aadi880 said:

    Failure of the Old Blood update caused another failure in the Rising Tide update, which carried on to the Empyrean update. Notice playtime on ALL of these was increased by giving extreme costs (Rising Tide), or giving bullet sponges (Empyrean), or by giving wait times (Rising Tide), or by using RNG (Kuva lich)

    But thats a fault of DE, not the playerbase. The playerbase has shown that they are willing to keep coming back over the years despite the content draughts. DE feel the need to push these things out early, but the issue is that players prefer well-cooked updates as opposed to rushed out ones. The fact the updates were broken were what caused a lot more players to loose interest in the game.

    We also do have evidence that management/communication at DE isn’t quite as top notch as most people would think, which is what can lead to slower/rushed updates.

    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    Bit of advice: Never say "So what you are saying". It makes it clear that you're not responding to a person, but to a strawman of your own making.

    No, its called summing up. And it is 100% what you are asking for. All you want is Warframe to be Old Warframe again. 

    There is something called The Fallacy Fallacy.

    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    My opinion, and that of most of the people asking for the game to be more balanced, is that it would be better somewhere between the two extremes.

    And the fact is, that will never happen, unless DE want to loose a sizeable chunk of the playerbase who like the game as it is.

    Warframe is at a state where it is near impossible to balance without majorly scaling back a lot of systems, effectively nerfing a lot of the game and that would annoy a lot of people. DE have so many frames and weapons in this game, its basically an overflow of OP. 

    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    Also, the game didn't have trouble staying afloat when it came out. It had less players, but that was largely due to a lack of exposure at the time, not problems with the gameplay.

    And you think the lack of exposure had absolutely nothing to do with the barely average gameplay and general state the game was in at the time?

    Also, yes they did struggle to stay afloat as that was the whole reason for the Founders programme. They outright admitted without those funds they likely would have had to turn the lights off on the game. 

    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    It's also not a very good "God simulator", given how inconsistent the experience is.

    How is this a rebuttal? The general gameplay of Warframe makes you feel like a God. Thats where the main fun is for playing this game and its not exactly inconsistent.

    • Like 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, Corvid said:

    As I've said before, we want Warframe to be Warframe, not "Mindless 1-button AOE Spam: The Game". Because believe it or not, Warframe wasn't always this unbalanced.

    So what you are saying is you basically want Warframe to be 2013 Warframe, back when it was a barely average third-person shooter that was struggling to find a decent playerbase, so much so that they had to promote an exclusive deal just to stay afloat.

    That time has long passed and the game has evolved into a lot more. So yes you are asking Warframe to be something its not and has not been for nearly a decade.

    Yes the game is unbalanced, but again; so what? If you want balance there are so many games out that can offer that to you. Warframe has found its niche in being a God simulator and that is how it is staying. Its never going to go back to how it was and that is perfectly fine. The whole reason the game is popular is because it has changed so much in such good ways.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with standing out for just being a truly completely overpowered God simulator in an industry that is so similar and always cares about balance.

    • Like 3
  15. 19 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Nothing wrong with adding challenging content aswell.

    Never said there was. The thing is that in Warframe there is very little that is an actual challenge. Its a game of extremes. You either have enemies who are easy to kill in droves or enemies that are slightly more annoying to kill.

    The only real thing that makes an enemy a challenge is whether or not they have an invulnerability stage and/or cancel out most of our abilities, because we simply do far too much damage for any sort of middle-ground to exist. As Pablo said; its pointless to try and follow other games in terms of challenging/smart AI for enemies and such, because at the end of the day we’re still going to blow them to bits with one shot.

    And you know what, thats great. No other kind of game offers that kind of power. Its what makes WF unique.

    19 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    You dont need to be able to Thanos snap everything in order for it to be a power fantasy

    I agree, but that doesn’t mean having that kind of power is bad either. Not every power fantasy needs to be the same.

    19 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Most superhero games are power fantasies since you beat up mucks and goons mostly, but most of them also have real nemesis encounters where you face other superpowered enemies that may even be stronger than you.

    Again, why does that mean Warframe needs to be the same as your average superhero game?

    This is the thing I just don’t understand. People seem to think that Warframe needs to be like every other power fantasy, where balance is considered. Why does it need to be that way when there are already so many other games out there like that already?

    I honestly do not understand why people are so down on Warframe being the way it is. Its supposed to be a chill out game you can play when you literally just want to play a game without caring too much. There is definitely room for that in an industry as homogeneous as this, where we get yearly churned out sequels of the same thing and where most game developers are trying to ape other popular games.

    • Like 3
  16. I’m sitting here looking at all these people who so desperately want to turn Warframe into something its not and I have two questions that continuously pop-up in my mind;

    1. If you guys like a challenge, why don’t you just remove all the mods from your builds and play that way?

    2. Why are you even bothering to play Warframe if you want a challenge? There are a lot of other games out there that give a good controller-smashing challenge experience. Yes I understand you like Warframe’s style, but you need to accept that you can’t have your cake and eat it. Accept the game for what it is.

    Warframe is a power fantasy game. Its purely meant to be played to relax and allow you to just feel like an overpowered God. I honestly do not understand the people who want to turn it into just another boring semi-challenging shooter experience. If you want challenge guys, go and get it somewhere else. Not everything needs to be the same and Warframe is a unique gem in the fact it allows you to experience a lot of power. Its a game meant to allow you to chill out.

    Also, to those who say that power becomes boring after a while; so what? When people get bored of the game, they leave and play another one for a bit. Once they’ve have had enough of that game, they come back to Warframe with renewed enthusiasm. This game has been around for seven years now. Its a formula that works. Any game, no matter what its difficulty level will eventually become boring if you play it often enough, so changing the difficulty and the fundamentals of what makes Warframe a literal blast, will not permanently relive the boredom/burnout. If anything, the majority will be highly annoyed that the game has just been turned into another somewhat above average third person shooter like so many other games of that type and simply abandon the game since it no longer has that unique escapist power fantasy.

    At the end of the day, it comes down to what you personally want from a game. If one game isn’t what you want it to be, then simply go and find one that is. And likewise if you get bored of the game, go and play something else until you get bored of that and come back to WF again.

    We do not need to keep turning games into other types of games. Its unnecessary and quite frankly detrimental practice to the diversity of gaming as whole.

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  17. Not going to lie, I do want to be able to decorate our RJ with all of our ship decorations we have collected over the years, making it feel more personalised and maybe even have it as our main ship replacing the Liset one day.

    But for now why don't we just let DE focus on ironing out the game mode itself, making it fun and then finally integrating it into the main game so its not a vestigial side salad like Archwing. Then we can focus on blinging the inside of our ships up.

  18. 8 minutes ago, Loza03 said:


    This doesn't necessarily mean what I said was incorrect. We're still going to have cinematic quests, those will never be going away, its just that they've now expanded their method of storytelling so instead of waiting a year a piece for a quest that can be completed in a hour, we're taking part in the story as it unfolds. But we still have the now traditional cinematic quests as well.

  19. 27 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    They've said that New War isn't a single event anymore. More than once. This is straight-up old news.

    In other words, if it's not a singular thing, then it can't really be put on the roadmap as a singular thing. Especially since it's already started - both Erra and Scarlet Spear were parts of it.

    New War is an upcoming quest though. They've clarified that as well. Scarlet Spear is just the lead up. I think when they say the New War is not a singular thing, I think its more in reference the games progression, like its not going to be a one-off quest where we kill the Sentients and Ballas and go back to our monotonous killing spree of Grineer and Corpus..

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