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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 31 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    One of the issues I have with him is remembering to apply Thrall on enemies effected by Mesmer Skin so I dont waste energy.

    Would be better if we were to merge those two powers and make a new 1st?

    You mean enemies who shoot you automatically become Enthralled? Good idea, but DE might think it a little too overpowered.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, nslay said:

    Anyway... while it's impossible to argue with him. You shouldn't necessarily dismiss everything he says. Revenant is not perfect after all!

    No one said Revenant is perfect. I doubt you’ll find anyone saying any particular frame is 100% perfect. However, Revenant is far better than that guy purposely makes him out to be.

    People dismiss him because he’s unreasonable, immature and brushes off any opposing views and facts put in front of him. In short, he just wants to fight. He’s ruined previous threads this way.

    Whether or not Revenant meets the Eidolon theme is completely subjective as there is justification for the things he can do in the lore.

    Those other critiques you have outlined are not his, as yours are reasonable. That guy doesn’t offer genuine critique and instead just calls Revenant garbage in an attempt to just rile people up. You said it yourself; what he posts about Revenant is pure fiction.

    Anywho, while Revenant does have some odd synergy issues, they’re not as bad as some other frames and he still works incredibly well in the game. So I completely disagree with the OP saying he needs a rework, especially the one he outlined. Some QoL changes will help with Revenants issues.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

     You know if Ervin can pull it off and you will all applaud him like seals I’ll do the same. And if you call me out on it you’re all hypocrites.

    That quote is “too vague” to be considered actual evidence. 

    Yes Wukongs survivability was “nerfed”, but he became a far better frame out of it. Until DE nerfed him with the melee rework.

    Nezha also lost his 100% DR in favor of 90% and he gained several new gameplay options that made him a better frame.

    If you’re that bothered by it then DE can give Revenant 91% DR.

    See, this is why your posts get laughed at. You just come crashing in guns-a-blazing and then when people show you actual evidence, you start acting like everyone else is wrong and dismiss/ignore anything that doesn’t fit your view even if its written lore by DE. You just want to fight.

    I’m not getting dragged into one of your pointless eight pages long bile-swapping contests. 

    So long.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Revenant can’t stand there and do nothing and survive, he’ll eventually die. Frames like Inaros and Nidus can tank indefinitely

    Wrong. This “Just standing there” scenario does not ever work as no frame can tank, “indefinitely”. Its impossible. Inaros and Nidus are very tanky, but they will eventually die.

    Also, you sound like you basically want “God-Mode”, which is incredibly boring.

    Not every frame needs to function the same way. Its called diversity and if you don’t like Revenant, simply play Inaros or Nidus. Stop trying to turn frames into other frames.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    The Sentient ARE the Orokin technology that turned on them.

    You completely misunderstand a lore related post again, Gears. I know the Sentients are the product of the Orokin just like everything else. I’m saying the Sentients themselves have the capability to take over technology and turn it against the Orokin as well, as shown in the Excalibur Prime Codex;

    “The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first.”

    Stop jumping to conclusions and maybe ask what people are talking about first. This is why you come across as rude in a lot of threads.

    1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Wukong became a better frame after DE “nerfed” his survivability. You’re acting like anything below 100% DR is useless.

    Its a straight up fact that Wukong’s survivability took a hit in his rework. There is no question in that and you won’t find anyone saying otherwise. In Wukongs case however, it was sacrificed for the sake of being better at everything else and being more fun to play. This does not work for all frames however as Wukong’s old Defy was basically his only useful ability. Revenant has good synergy with all abilites and much more fun survivability than simply pressing a button and not using anything else.

    100% DR will always be more useful than 90%. So while its not useless, its a massive comedown from what Revenant has now and unlike Wukong; there is no need for a it for the reasons stated previously. Also, we have enough tank frames that have 90% reduction abilities and those that don’t always have Adaptation equipped so they get innate 90%. 

    Its become a boring meta and we don’t need every tank frame to either have an ability that gives 90% DR or must have adaptation equipped to achieve that effect. Therefore, Revenant should be left where he is.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2020-02-21 at 3:09 PM, (PS4)reidy35 said:

    Mesmer skin will no longer be recastable, but, you will gain 90% damage reduction to the damage types you were struck by during Mesmer skin.

    This and the fact you want to get rid of Enthrall, sounds like a massive pointless nerf to Revenants survivability.

    Adding a 90% damage reduction to Mesmer Skin is pointless as it provides more than enough survivability anyway. We don’t need even more bog-standard 90% DR abilities in the game.

    Also, taking away the recastability is just....what? The fact you couldn’t recast Mesmer Skin was one of the biggest points of contention when Revenant was originally released, and now you want to reverse the fix?

    Mesmir Skin and Enthrall work incredibly well together. Enthrall takes the heat off of Revenant, thus not allowing his Mesmer charges to be eaten away faster than a fat kid eats McDonalds, and it allows you to get your charges back with Reave with the added bonus of removing nearly all enemy health.

    And you want to take all of this away? 

    Also, mind-control can fall under Sentient/Eidolon theme as the lore states Sentients turned Orokin technology against their creators. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Uthael said:

    A third to a half of a basic 5-rank mod. Take Intensify for example.
    Exilus can have 15%

    But why is that a rule? Exilus mods can only be half the power of normal mods? DPS as anargument can only go so far as not every frame in the game has high DPS abilities.

    Besides, if casting speed increases DPS, why does it even exist at all? If its just pure powercreep then get rid of it.

  8. 18 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    I'm aware of the Cloud Walker Nerf, but the Universal Vacuum distance nerf? Which one was that?

    Back in the day, the vacuum power was exclusive to only one Sentinel; Carrier. In a game like Warframe having the power to collect resources from a distance is valued much higher than anything else and so Carrier was naturally the only sentinel that was ever really used. Universal Vacuum was understandably requested by people who wanted to have more choice with their companions.

    When Vacuum was finally made into a universal utility mod for all Sentinels, DE initially nerfed its range by half for no real reason. It was completely unecessary and people quickly started calling DE out on it. It was then reversed

    18 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    Let's call a spade a spade - A nerf is a change to an intentional behaviour, a fix is one to an unintentional one.

    DE and other developers like to call their nerfs "fixes", so I've just gotten into a habit of calling fixes to good things, nerfs.

    18 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    True, but OP is crusading against all nerfs.

    And the OP is entirely in the wrong on that one, I agree.

    I can just understand why he and other people might be so embittered with nerfs in games like Warframe because you never really know when the rug will be pulled out from underneath you. Like others have mentioned; it can be very annoying when the set-up you've invested time and possibly money in for a good while is suddenly made redundant.

  9. 5 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

    You really don't have enough strawmen yet?

    I'm not sure if you've been had by all the people cropping out context in their quotes, are legitimately incapable of reading comprehension, or you're intentionally being disingenuous because you don't want to admit your precious target of admiration has some actual, major flaws.

    No, DE certainly have flaws and I never said they didn't. So before you continue launching your pre-prepared bile at me, why don't you stop acting like I'm a horse with DE sponsored blinkers.

    There is no such thing as a perfect company. But some are clearly better than others and whatever flaws DE have, Bethesda blows them out of the water with theirs.

    Go ahead and list the flaws that in your opinion make DE worse than one of the most anti-consumer gaming companies today.

  10. 32 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

    You on the other hand, missed the point entirely.

    The point was that you and the OP seem to be pushing this narrative that Warframe and indirectly DE, are worse than Fallout 76 and Bethesda. This is not only blatantly untrue as many users have already stated, but it is also incredibly immature.

    Bethesda and its parent company Zenimax hate their customers and screw them over at every possibility, hand over fist. Fallout 76 has been nothing but a trainwreck fuelled by lies and broken promises from start to finish. In the past two years since its release, the game has attracted nothing but critcism due to both its poor technical performance and Bethesda's continuous anti-consumer behaviour. It still has game breaking bugs to this day which Bethesda cannot be asked to fix due to trademark laziness.

    DE regularly interacts with its community through streams and vlogs. They respect players as people, not cash-cows that need to be milked of money any way possible. I mean they removed a slot-machine type mechanic in the game because they did not want players spending too much money on it. And you sit there with a straight face and say Warframe and DE are worse than 76 and Bethesda, simply because Warframe lacks a certain feature you liked in other games.

    Give me a break.

    Also dismissing critical videos, because they use satire just makes you look bitter.

  11. 1 hour ago, tzadquiel said:

    i dont know what wishy washy brushing off response means, but I did say that NT increases the damage output greatly

    Wishy-Washy brushing off means you avoided answering the question properly.

    The thing about this kind of logic is that where exactly is the line drawn? If increasing DPS is considered overpowered somehow, then why do casting speed mods, or even mods that directly increase damage even exist at all?

    Natural Talent can be used in builds with high DPS regardless of whether its in an exilus mod or not. Its just making it an exilus would be more useful.

  12. 2 minutes ago, tzadquiel said:

    keyword here is greatly. we also have Power Drift along with Speed Drift, but those additives are almost symbolical compared to the other gains you could get. 

    Thats a very wishy-washy brushing off response. You said that Natural Talent increases DPS so it can't be an exilus mod, yet Speed Drift is. This means Natural Talent can be an exilus mod as well.

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    Nerfs are a necessary and health part of game balance, which is a vital part of game design.

    While this is true to some extent, not every nerf is necessary and somtimes in DE's case it is done completely on an arbitrary whim. Cases in point of nerfs in Warframe that were done purely for the sake of it;

    1. The Cloud Walker Speed nerf.
    2. The Universal Vacuum distance nerf.

    Just two completely unecessary nerfs I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.

    Nerfs are needed within the gaming industry it is true, but there are times when provably unecessary nerfs are introduced for things that really were not negatively affecting anything about a game, and ironically end up negatively impacting the game with their removal. So frustration with nerfs is understandable.

    Another example of how nerfing a good thing can negatively impact a game comes from Anthem. As well all know, that game is awful. The loot was horrid and samey and did not drop frequently. But there was a brief loot glitch which made rare items drop more frequently in lower difficulty stronghold missions, whereas normally you would have had to grind for hours upon hours on the highest difficulty just to get one rare item. This actually made people happy and for a brief time it seemed a small spark of life had appeared. But then Bioware "fixed" (nerfed) the bug and people once again had to slog through a massive grind for very little reward. This caused even more people to abandon Anthem, consequently pushing the game down even further into the grave.

    Nerfs are part of game developement, but they are not always necessary and good for the game.

  14. 15 hours ago, tzadquiel said:

    it cannot, because it is offensive and can greatly increase dps on ANY ability that deals damage. think nidus 1 for example. 

    So how come Speed Drift is an exilus mod then?

    Also, NT does is not an offensive mod as it can be used to increase the casting speed of all abilities, not just the damage dealing ones.

  15. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

    In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76.


    I was taking your post seriously up until this point.

    Saying Warframe, and by extension DE, are worse than the complete disaster that is Fallout 76 and the consumer-hating goblin-nest that is Bethesda, is the most untrue and dishonest statement I have heard lately and just makes you look like you're taking immature potshots at a company that, while it is not 100% squeaky-clean perfect, definitely does not deserve that kind of comparison.


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  16. On 2020-02-15 at 5:50 PM, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

    Ummm, you do know that sentients do not use weapons period right? They ARE weapons. The sentient weapons are created from the sentients to be used either against the sentients or other factions. Kind of like Monster Hunter. 

    You've misunderstood my post. I know the Sentients are weapons themselves, which is why I said they do not use conventional weaponry, since they obviously have no need.

  17. 2 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    Apparently someone paid 350,000 plat for Primed Chamber on January 9th

    Proof please?

    If anyone paid that amount of money for a mod that was never really the greatest, then I want to see it because that is just too hard to believe.

  18. 9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    Well we can't be sure, we could also have got the BP of the new Revenant because we scanned it or whatever.

    How is this a valid counter-argument? “We scanned it or whatever”.

    No. It does not make sense for us to scan a Prime warframe and get a regular vanilla blueprint.

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    We will soon have Titania prime and, but the silver grove gave us the normal BP because the data are damaged because its old or something.

    Honestly, you sound like you are literally plucking ideas out of the air. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Silver Grove once again never implied that Titania cannot have a Prime, anywhere at all.

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    The issue with Valkyr isn't the Prime variant itself. its the controversy about whether her skin is canon or not (if her skin isn't canon, valkyr prime variant is fine but if the skin is canon, there is a huge plothole)

    Thats exactly what I was saying...

    Seriously is everyone in this thread just talking at people instead of with them. 

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    So Revenant can as well get a prime variant.

    I never said he couldn’t. I just said lore-wise it would not make sense and no one here has proven otherwise. Gears is just intent on arguing for the sake of it and so provides nothing but half baked “what ifs” and concepts that are not supported in the lore.

    You have just gone “We scanned or whatever” and “because its old or something”. Not compelling arguments.

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:
    9 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:


    I saw the quest and the fragment of Nakak's memory on the codex and nothing states that he was completely different. maybe he didn't look the same, and his powers look different but he could have had the same powers we can't know.

    Yes it does and yes we can.

    Revenants lore specifically implies he only got the power of the Eidolon when he sacrificed himself to stop it from re-emerging.

    From the wiki;

    “Nakak Transmission

    I see… the tendril once again. Instead of striking it… the lost one… he extends a hand to the Eidolon?! Khanung! 

    What was he thinking? He's like Mukha on the tower. Every day, Mukha clamored across the tower ledges and scaffolds - nothing happened, day in and day out… Routine took his fear away. Uhh… 

    Tenno - I see the tendril has him now. The lost one. He's become an anchor for the Eidolon - to pull itself into our world! The lost one struggles, pulling back, but it's too late! The Eidolon begins to emerge. But… the lost one realizes - he stops… he lets go… 

    And so he falls. Falls from this world of the living and down, down, into the next. Mukha, that was so stupid.”

    Ravaged by Sentient energy, wreathed with eldritch Eidolon essence, the blighted sovereign Revenant subjugates foes through his affliction.”

    This lore very clearly implies that the Warden was a completely different frame that was ravaged and transformed by the Eidolon after it sacrificed itself to stop it from re-emerging. The Warden then became Revenant and its essence was under the Eidolon’s control until we freed it.

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    Or the tenno always used the prime model to make the ones we know because they are not orokin craftsmen and can't do exact replicas, we don't know either.

    That also does not make any sense either as the spectre we see during the official quest-line, is the normal Revenant, not a Prime. If he was a Prime, why would he be appearing as the Tenno variant? 

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