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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 15 hours ago, tzadquiel said:

    it cannot, because it is offensive and can greatly increase dps on ANY ability that deals damage. think nidus 1 for example. 

    So how come Speed Drift is an exilus mod then?

    Also, NT does is not an offensive mod as it can be used to increase the casting speed of all abilities, not just the damage dealing ones.

  2. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

    In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76.


    I was taking your post seriously up until this point.

    Saying Warframe, and by extension DE, are worse than the complete disaster that is Fallout 76 and the consumer-hating goblin-nest that is Bethesda, is the most untrue and dishonest statement I have heard lately and just makes you look like you're taking immature potshots at a company that, while it is not 100% squeaky-clean perfect, definitely does not deserve that kind of comparison.


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  3. On 2020-02-15 at 5:50 PM, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

    Ummm, you do know that sentients do not use weapons period right? They ARE weapons. The sentient weapons are created from the sentients to be used either against the sentients or other factions. Kind of like Monster Hunter. 

    You've misunderstood my post. I know the Sentients are weapons themselves, which is why I said they do not use conventional weaponry, since they obviously have no need.

  4. 2 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    Apparently someone paid 350,000 plat for Primed Chamber on January 9th

    Proof please?

    If anyone paid that amount of money for a mod that was never really the greatest, then I want to see it because that is just too hard to believe.

  5. 9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    Well we can't be sure, we could also have got the BP of the new Revenant because we scanned it or whatever.

    How is this a valid counter-argument? “We scanned it or whatever”.

    No. It does not make sense for us to scan a Prime warframe and get a regular vanilla blueprint.

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    We will soon have Titania prime and, but the silver grove gave us the normal BP because the data are damaged because its old or something.

    Honestly, you sound like you are literally plucking ideas out of the air. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Silver Grove once again never implied that Titania cannot have a Prime, anywhere at all.

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    The issue with Valkyr isn't the Prime variant itself. its the controversy about whether her skin is canon or not (if her skin isn't canon, valkyr prime variant is fine but if the skin is canon, there is a huge plothole)

    Thats exactly what I was saying...

    Seriously is everyone in this thread just talking at people instead of with them. 

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    So Revenant can as well get a prime variant.

    I never said he couldn’t. I just said lore-wise it would not make sense and no one here has proven otherwise. Gears is just intent on arguing for the sake of it and so provides nothing but half baked “what ifs” and concepts that are not supported in the lore.

    You have just gone “We scanned or whatever” and “because its old or something”. Not compelling arguments.

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:
    9 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:


    I saw the quest and the fragment of Nakak's memory on the codex and nothing states that he was completely different. maybe he didn't look the same, and his powers look different but he could have had the same powers we can't know.

    Yes it does and yes we can.

    Revenants lore specifically implies he only got the power of the Eidolon when he sacrificed himself to stop it from re-emerging.

    From the wiki;

    “Nakak Transmission

    I see… the tendril once again. Instead of striking it… the lost one… he extends a hand to the Eidolon?! Khanung! 

    What was he thinking? He's like Mukha on the tower. Every day, Mukha clamored across the tower ledges and scaffolds - nothing happened, day in and day out… Routine took his fear away. Uhh… 

    Tenno - I see the tendril has him now. The lost one. He's become an anchor for the Eidolon - to pull itself into our world! The lost one struggles, pulling back, but it's too late! The Eidolon begins to emerge. But… the lost one realizes - he stops… he lets go… 

    And so he falls. Falls from this world of the living and down, down, into the next. Mukha, that was so stupid.”

    Ravaged by Sentient energy, wreathed with eldritch Eidolon essence, the blighted sovereign Revenant subjugates foes through his affliction.”

    This lore very clearly implies that the Warden was a completely different frame that was ravaged and transformed by the Eidolon after it sacrificed itself to stop it from re-emerging. The Warden then became Revenant and its essence was under the Eidolon’s control until we freed it.

    9 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

    Or the tenno always used the prime model to make the ones we know because they are not orokin craftsmen and can't do exact replicas, we don't know either.

    That also does not make any sense either as the spectre we see during the official quest-line, is the normal Revenant, not a Prime. If he was a Prime, why would he be appearing as the Tenno variant? 

  6. 2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    How do you know it wasn’t the prime? Do you have a citation?

    You’re clearly just arguing for the damn sake of it at this point.

    I have given you lore from in the game which clearly shows that the Warden frame could not logically have been a Prime as it is both post-war and the very fact that we do not get a Prime warframe from the Revenant quest.

    Revenant was created by accident like Valkyr.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Maybe not on the forums, but it’s been talked a lot about on console.

    How convenient for you. Fortunately I have a few friends who have been on console since 2014. Never heard it mentioned once.

    But by all means, go ahead and take a screenshot to prove me wrong and post on here. It shouldn’t be that hard since its apparently talked about a lot by lots of people according to you.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Do you know for absolutely 100% sure that it could not under and circumstances ever be a prime? No. Because the lore doesn’t specify

    Yes it does. The lore specifically states that Revenant was a completely different frame before the Eidolon captured him. That is a stone cold fact backed up by lore.

    What is also a stone cold fact is that we do not get a Prime Warframe from Revenants quest. Lorewise, Revenant Prime would not have the same powers at all as the vanilla version was the one that fell into the lake with the Eidolon. Fact.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    You don’t need to stack more people saying the same thing against me. That’s just redundant and excessive. And it also doesn’t make you any less wrong.

    What on earth are you talking about? People are calling you out for talking utter nonsense in the face of facts, which is exactly what you have done with me.

    I provided the lore that DE have given us surrounding Revenant and you still continue to act like his Prime having the same powers is lore-backed when it very clearly isn’t, just like Valkyr.

    Revenant’s original form, was not a Prime. Thats a fact. It was a different frame with different powers and his Prime would logically be different as well according to the lore.

    You are completely and utterly incorrect in everything you have written and the saddest thing is, you just started this argument out of nowhere. The other users are right; you are just dragging this out because you like to argue and bare-face refuse the lore thats put in front of you.

    I hope you have a nice day, because I’m not contributing to your pointless diatribe any longer.

  7. 2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Actually there was a lot of people questioning how there could be primes of quest frames.

    Who, where and why?

    I have not seen any posts new or old questioning how quest frames can't have Primes, because there is simply no reason why they cannot.

    Doesn’t matter if their quests do not involve the original Primes, that does not mean they have none. There were Primes which were the very first versions and then there where mass-produced versions of frames, which were used on the front-line during the Old War, which can be seen in the latest CGI trailer for Warframe.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    But I’m saying that if it was a Warden Prime that was corrupted, then Revenant Prime would be more Eidolon-y for his design, because we’re getting Revenant Prime, not Warden Prime.

    Thing is, it was not a Prime that was corrupted as we did not get Revenant Prime during the quest. Like Valkyr, he was a different before he was transformed by an outside force that was not the Orokin.

    Why are we arguing about this? I agree with you that obviously Revenant Prime will have the normal versions powers. All I’m saying is that DE have once again written lore that does not make sense for that to be the case.

    What are you even arguing for?

  8. 45 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    - Fixed Nova's wormhole being so controllable. Due to the unpredictable nature of wormholes stepping into one will now generate a random xyz coordinate and drop you at it, regardless of whether there's actually anything in the vicinity.

    - There is also now a 45% chance that time dilation effects from the wormhole will cause Nova's movement speed and fire-rate to be slowed by 85% for fifty seconds.

    Honestly this sort of thing being implemented would not surprise me anymore after this 100% pointless and unjustifiable nerf.

  9. 7 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

    able to ignore and quickly skip through all the linear sections of a given mission.

    Loki himself can just skip happily through linear levels ignoring everything, but slightly slower than Wukong. This logic can also be applied to Limbo, Nova, Zephyr as they can just skip linear content if they want, ignoring everything on the way.

    It really is just a nerf that was done for the fun of it.

    7 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    Nova nerf when.

    I'm sure they'll get round to her when they arbitrarily decide that "she was never working as intended".

  10. On 2020-02-11 at 4:37 PM, CopperBezel said:

    "Trivializing content" by "skipping the level", apparently.

    Please tell me this is a joke. Because if it isn't then it deserves an entire rant video of its own. Going fast somehow equals "trvialising content" and "skipping the level" as opposed to the hundreds of real ways that content is trivialised by the countless different powerful weapons and frames in the game.

    This is ridiculously arbitrary. DE really are doing this just to spite people.

  11. 17 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    ou realize that the Chroma in his quest isn’t a prime. Harrow in his quest isn’t a prime. 
    For years people were saying DE couldn’t possibly make a prime of the quest frames because the quest didn’t involve their prime version.

    Again, you're not talking any sense. Absolutely no one has said that quest frames cannot have Primes, ever. Chroma and Harrows respective quests did not involve their Primes, but how does that in any way mean they cannot have one? For one thing, Chroma and Harrow do not have lore that says their Primes would logically be completely different frames, unlike Revenant.

    17 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Also, his primes going to have Danse Macabre, and that’s an ability derived from the Eidolons. So it wouldn’t make sense for his prime to not look like an Eidolon just like the normal variant.

    Did you even read what I quoted about Revenant's lore? The game specifically states that Revenant only gained the Eidolon's power after the original Warden version sacrificed itself to stop the Eidolon from re-emerging. Which logically means that the frame had completely different powers beforehand. So no, it actually would not make sense for his Prime to look like an Eidolon for both this reason and the fact that the Eidolon's are post-war creatures according to the timeline.

    You seem to be ignoring what is written in front of you.

    17 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    DE even made Valkyr prime look more like a primed version of standard Valkyr and not Gersemi Valkyr.

    Yes and look at the stink that caused within the community because it went against the Gersemi Valkyr lore. That was my whole point; DE wrote lore for Valkyr and Revenant which meant their Primes should be completely different.

    17 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Revenant is no longer the same frame that the Orokin created. And his prime will naturally reflect that because they’re not going to create a frame with a completely different set of powers for a prime frame.

    Exactly. So why exactly do you act like his Prime having Eidolon powers is lore-backed?

    That was the point I was making in the first place. Like Valkyr Prime, they'll probably just slap some blurb text on him and just not bother fixing the lore. I'm still wondering why they mae the same mistake with Revenant's lore. It would have been much easier to keep the lore consistent if they'd simply said that Revenant was created using data collected during the Sentient's testing phases back when the Orokin still had control of them or something.


  12. 6 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    It only makes sense for his prime to be more Eidolon like with a gold trim

    It really doesn't as the lore directly states Revenant only gained the Eidolon's power after the original version sacrificed itself to stop the Sentient/Eidolon re-emerging.

    6 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    It’s just reverse engineered Orokin Tech.

    Uh no, Primes are pure Orokin tech. The Corpus are the ones who use reverse-enginered Orokin tech in their own technology, but they can't recreate the Primes themselves. That knowledge was lost to everyone after the fall of the empire and the Primes we find are genuine Old War era technology.

    From the wiki;

    "The term Prime refers to any Weapon, Warframe, Sentinel, Archwing, or accessory made with Orokin technology. The non-Prime weapons and Warframes the Tenno use are based on the Orokin's designs, but are not actual pieces of Orokin technology. The Tenno have tried to imitate the success of Orokin technology in the form of the non-Prime items, resulting in slightly weaker variations."

    • Like 1
  13. 13 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    They could make the prime even more Eidolon-y. As it is the original version that was turned, it would logically have a more complete Eidolon look.

    Like I said; this wouldn't make sense thanks to DE's writing. The Warden frame that became Revenant was clearly very different in the lore. It's post Old War time as well, given how its purpose was to watch over the old Sentient pieces (Eidolons) and it got basically hypnotised and transformed by it.

    The original that got turned was not a Prime as it does not match with the existing lore and timeline. Plus the Revenant we see is clearly part of the mass produced Tenno line of frames as opposed to the Orokin ones.

    And even if by some horribly written retcon, the Warden was some random Prime warframe it still would not make any sense for it to be Eidolon themed as the lore still says it only became Revenant once it was transformed by the Eidolon. So like I said; it would be completely different frame.

  14. Honestly, I'm looking forward to seeing how DE explain Revenant Prime.

    It seems to be the same with the Valkyr situation in which they've written lore into the game about these two frames that logically means they cannot have Primes, or at the very least their Primes would be completely different frames from them.

    But they'll probably just slap a short blurb of text like "Command the nightclub with Revenant Prime" then call it a day.

  15. 20 hours ago, ZarTham said:

    You gotta be kidding.

    Edit: Just saw the change log, #*!%ing hell DE. Thanks...

    13 hours ago, (XB1)Togashi said:

    I am convinced there is someone at DE who really hates The Monkey King. 

    It really is one of those nerfs that make you think DE are doing this just to spite people. I mean what physical, demonstrable harm did Cloud Walkers speed do anyone or anything?


  16. 1 hour ago, Kareekoe said:

    Though an unintentional bug that toggle sprint allowed which was the reason Cloud walker gained the effects of sprint stats.

    I refuse to believe that was a bug, it was an intentional feature. DE likes to say its a bug so they technically have an excuse to nerf it. They did the same thing with Chroma's Vex Armour after three years of it being in the game, when the real reason was that they didn't want people one-shotting one enemy in particular.

    Why Cloud Walker was nerfed, who the helheim knows as unlike Vex Armour, it mainly affected nothing but the players mauverability. It wasn't causing anyone grief nor was it breaking anyones individual game exprience. A bug is traditionally defined as something that negatively affects the game and/or its economy. Cloud Walker did neither.

    It was pure fun to learn how to fly using Wukong and to just spend whole sessions zipping around the maps.

    I don't know why DE thinks nerfing things like this is a great idea, as all it does is lower the fun of the game just that little bit more. First his Staff is nerfed indrectly through the death of Condition Overload in melee 3.0, now the only thing besides his staff that really sold people on him has been nerfed as well. It's a damn shame.

  17. 9 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

    There is justification, and it is so that you can choose the damage AND status procs you get!

    Sorry but this sounds like a very bad defence. Not a real justification.

    With the way Serene Storm works, this sort of carefully choosing enemies to go up and hit is just not very good. The waves have always been the main issue with Serene Storm/Desert Wind because they push enemies away and are unaffected by a lot of the mods that would make them useful. This augment being one of them.

    • Like 1
  18. 48 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Loki could definitely stand to get a boost or two, e.g. Decoy needs to be made immortal or something already
    and Switch Teleport is not really all that grand anymore what with the default level of mobility we have nowadays.

    I honestly think Loki's Decoy should be reworked. Looking at Mirage and Wukong's clones, Loki's is just awful. It could be made into something decent like perhaps it could spawn a number of spectre-like clones that run around and taunt enemies absorbing damage while on a duration. They could then explode at the end of the duration, inflicting the damage in an AOE attack. Perhaps that might be overpowered, something like that would be nice.

    Switch Teleport definitely needs a change, but according to some people if you think it isn't useful for mobility anymore thanks to Parkour 2.0, then you must think every other mobility power is useless.

  19. 11 hours ago, gluih said:

    No, I don't think, that you need to touch Loki at all. At least for now, there are other frames and issues to look at.

    I agree. Two of Loki's abilities could do with a looking at, but he still functions really well in the game content thanks to Invisibility and Radial Disarm. Other frames definitely need more attention before he does, such as Hydroid.

  20. 15 hours ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    Are you under the impression that the augment makes Loki invulnerable when teleporting? Incorrect

    My mistake I misremembered the augment. However, my point about how there are better frames for that kind of survivability still stands in the context of making others invulnerable. Limbo for instance can just cast an immortal AOE or single taret immortal. Much better option for getting people out of tight spots. Loki isn't the kind of frame that can really focus on a Safeguard Switch build as a viable endgame build when compared to his other builds. And people generally do not like being teleported either.

    15 hours ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    Let me guess, you also think that every other movement type ability is obsolete now?

    No. Just Loki's and certain others because they aren't useful when compared to other abilties and/or Parkour 2.0. Hasty generalisation is a fallacy you know. Don't use this kind of lazy question in defence of an ability you like, but isn't actually that good.

    15 hours ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    Ash - Teleport
    Atlas - Landslide
    Exclaibur - Slash Dash
    Garuda - Dread Mirror

    Hydroid - Tidal Surge
    Loki - Switch Teleport
    Nezha - Blazing Chakram

    Revenant - Reave
    Rhino - Charge

    Valkyr - Swing Line and Hysterical Assault Hysteria
    Vauban - Bounce 0.5
    Wisp - Will O Wisp and Breach Surge (the teleportation part)

    All of the above are obsolete in terms of using the ability to traverse places because of Parkour 2.0 yes. You know exactly how useless some of these abilities are so you're being dishonest. No one is going to say abilities like Slash Dash or Land Slide are viable methods of general traversal. Difference is that some of them still come with in-built benefits that make them worth using still.

    Things like Mach Rush, Wormhole, Cloud Walker, Razorwing and Tail Wind offer different benefits that give them a massive edge, such as distance, energy cost, mechanically superior in terms of time, versatility and ease of use, and finally distance.

    Comparing something like Loki's teleport to Wukong's Cloud Walker is a completely hollow defence/argument for obvious reasons (Wukong can fly in any direction instantly at the speed of Mach Rush and it does not require a target to work).

    Saying I must think all movement abilities are useless, is far-reaching and doesn't give off the impression of a good counter-argument.

  21. 1 hour ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    Safeguard Switching a Savior Decoy is a thing I do with this frame, because any other playstyle doesn't feel exciting enough.
    Thus, I dissagree, unless you replace it with something more...fun, or at least unique.

    Like I said; it has a very niche use. Savior Decoy is a niche augment that not many people use since it requires both a mod slot and the need to consistently find a hidden place every sixty seconds for your decoy so it does not get targeted by enemies and killed instantly.

    Safeguard Switch also is not used very often as Loki is always invisible anyway and there are better frames out there for that kind of survivability.

    1 hour ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    it isn't made unnecessary by Parkour 2.0

    The best use before Parkour was that it could be used to reach places that you normally would never be able to reach with other frames, or at least were not very easy to reach. Like for example some of the Void secret rooms like the one in that massive hall that previously required you to do backflip wall-runs between two pillars to originally get up there, unless you used Loki. Its usefullness was heavily downgraded when Parkour 2.0 was introduced and the old stamina bar was removed.

    So yea it basically was made obsolete by Parkour 2.0.

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