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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 9 minutes ago, jxfireruby said:

    How much do you need to move to survive? Cause 50 meters is enough to get away from a crowd. 

    It's not just about that. It's about having fun. Being able to fly is fun. Enveloping Cloud would also have beem far more viable for team play in late game, even more so if they had actually changed it. I still don't see why the duration had to be nerfed even with the heal, like I've said other times, other frames have huge healing abilities that have very little drawbacks.

    Cloud Walker would have been useful for both survival and having general fun with mobility, traversing the open worlds and wider tilesets.

  2. 7 minutes ago, jxfireruby said:

    I don't anything needs to be changed. The stealth shouldn't be a copy of ash's or loki's stealth. Wukong's stealth serves a different purpose: to heal himself. I Buffing the duration would probably mean nerfing the current heal per meter. I rather keep the heal that integrated in his kit.

    It's not just about stealth, it's about mobility and survivability. Cloud Walker functioned perfectly fine in the latter regard before as it already provided the invulnerability. The heal wasn't needed and IMO should have remained part of Defy, so he siphons health as well as armour when he swings his staff. It would make sense as well since the old Defy healed you up. Who actually asked for the heal to be on Cloud Walker anyway? No one. It'd take a nerf to the heal over low duration. Wukong has enough in his kit to survive already.

    The stealth is a side bonus.

    I find it baffling they nerfed an ability that already was in a bad place and that they justified it with a new healing factor that they themselves put on there. Cloud Walker could have been so much fun in this rework. Now it's just another "Spam this" ability.

    • Like 1
  3. Honestly I get there there are certain people defending every aspect of the rework, but IMO it badly needs some tweaks and some of the changes have little to no justification (this is mostly in regards to Cloud Walker). So here's my full review;

    Celestial Twin

    Far better than Iron Jab that's definitely for sure. The clone does a decent job of acting as a distraction and can hit some enemies well enough if you have an AOE type of weapon, like say the Lenz or Arca Plasmor. Reminds me a lot of Equinox's Duality augment only a lot better. The augment for the clone, is kind of meh. It's okay having a mini-Rhino in your pocket, but it does suffer from the fact the augment takes your ability to desummon the clone away.

    Apart from that though I really don't have many complaints.


    1. Decent distraction
    2. Does good damage
    3. Has a good health pool so the clone doesn't go down easy


    1. AI is still a little clunky
    2. Enemies sometimes still register you over the clone despite the clone being closer


    Cloud Walker

    Oh boy this is the big one besides Defy. Before the rework, hardly anyone used this ability. It sucked, plain and simple. But that was down to its incredibly slow speed and the bizarre mixture of having both an energy drain and a timer. Simply buffing the speed and removing the drain would have made the ability perfect as a method of travel and a nice get out of dodge ability when things got rough.

    However, for some reason DE decided that they needed to attach a healing factor to the ability (which honestly should have been part of the new Defy mechanics and knock the duration down incredibly low. So low in fact that it basically didn't move the ability from it's previous state of being virtually useless. I cannot find any real reason for the duration nerf, even from Pablo himself during the pre-release rework stream. I've seen some people use the new heal as justification for the duraton nerf, but honestly that makes no sense either as other frames have very powerful healing and invincible abilities that long duration and in some cases are infinite, like Limbo.

    All Cloud Walker needed was a speed buff and maybe an AOE blind when leaving the cloud, which would allow Wukong a brief moment to activate his new Defy soak, up all the damage and get his health plus some armour in one swing. This would also have still left it viable as a method of travel. Since he is the only frame besides Titania who can actually fly, it would have been a lot of fun to have this ability to have it's original duration, or at the very least be an energy drain ability. Maps are slowly but surely getting more and more open like with the new Gas City tileset. Flying around the open worlds and the more open tilesets would be a lot of fun if this ability allowed you more than five seconds in Cloud Walker and thats with high-end duration mods.

    For those who think they wanted Wukong to be more interactive, they could have done this without hitting Cloud Walker so hard. Just focus on his new Defy and Primal Fury. Not every ability has to be spammed every five seconds and if you do like gameplay, you could have done that with the original duration. Just don't stay in it for forty seconds.

    The augment has also been made less useful overall as now you can no longer build around being a mobile cloaking station for your teammates. The augment needed tweaks on its own in the first place in regards to it breaking stealth when attacking, but now it just feels like its not worth a mod slot at all.

    In my personal opinion, it seems like DE's latest outlook of "if you're not spamming abilities every five seconds then it's not interactive enough" towards Warframe powers, is detrimental to this ability in a big way. Really, really hope DE take a second look at this while the rework is still fresh and feedback is still coming in, because at the moment, the ability just feels like it swapped one extreme for another for no real reason. Cloud Walker doesn't interfere with other players gameplay, it is not a broken ability and there are other frames with similar abilities that do not have such high-drawbacks.

    Give it back it's original duration or make it energy drain based while keeping the speed. That is all it needs to be perfect and actually fun.


    1. Speed increase is very nice.


    1. Duration has been lowered to the barest minimum for no reason at all.
    2. Healing factor was not necessary and should have been part of the new Defy. If anything the heal has been used by some to justify the nerf.



    The thing that everyone was focusing on. Honestly when I first saw how it worked, I just felt more sorry for Nyx players more than anything else. After trying it out, I can definitely say it has the foundation for something great, but perhaps a few more tweaks to get to that level of perfect replacement for old Defy. As mentioned before, I would attach the healing mechanic of Cloud Walker to this ability instead. It makes more sense honestly as well. If you can siphon armour from enemies with it, why not health. It would also still be in keeping with the old Defy in that it heals you in a way.

    Overall, I'm warm towards the new Defy. A few tweaks here and there, like increasing the duration a little (why has duration got the short end of the stick in this rework?) and giving the healing factor could make it a hard hitter in popularity for the tank crowd.


    1. Good synergy with the clone.
    2. Nets you a decent amount of survivability with the extra armour.
    3. Provides a bit of invulnerability on its initial casting.


    1. Damage isn't that great at higher levels.
    2. Healing should be part of this ability in relation to the old Defy.


    Primal Fury

    Honestly I never used Fury that much. I consider it one of the weaker exalted weapons. It's not too bad now, but I'm still not going to trade my Zaw for it. The drain is definitely not as bad as I was expecting, which makes a pleasent change. Don't really have any complaints about this one either, mainly because I still won't be using it and thus don't really have any investment in where the ability goes. Although I curious how exactly a bo staff somehow has slash damage, but I since there is a sword in the game (War) that somehow has impact damage as its main, I'm not really going to question it much.


    1. Increased damage.
    2. Your clone can use it as well which makes for more overall damage output to enemy units.
    3. Still has decent knockdown combos.


    1. Still not as good as modular weapons IMO.
    2. Combos still feel really clunky and swing at odd angels which doesn't really make the most of the reach of the staff IMO.

    Overall, this rework has the potential to be a good one. It just needs some tweaks, some minor, some major. Cloud Walker is a major one and the ability I am most baffled by in terms of changes. Defy should retain it's healing factor. Clone could do with some AI tweaks.

    Right now my rating would be a cautious 4/10 for this rework.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    I do, it's because it now heals you for a percent of health per meter you travel. Considering you can travel 50m really, really quickly, that's a base of 50% health every cast. With your strength even at 150%, let alone the easy 170% that you can pick up with some builds, you can regain 85% health with a single cast.

    And somehow that justifies a huge duration nerf? Other frames have insane healing abilities, yet they haven't been hit this hard. Besides, who actually asked Cloud Walker to heal players? That should have been part of Defy's new mechanics honestly. Honestly, I really don't see this as a justification for the nerf either. Cloud Walker in terms of mechanics, didn't need to be touched apart from the speed. It already made you invulnerable so you can get out of dodge and heal.

  5. 4 minutes ago, ConsumerJTC said:

    That or change the augment to have it truly blind enemies for a bit of duration (e.g pocket sand/radial blind) when it passes through them, rather than just stunning them for a bit and only opening them up for finishers when going out of cloudwalker.

    No just a full on duration buff as well as the augment buff. People never liked how it could break stealth when attacking, since there are other frames that can give you stealth that doesn't break.

    3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I don't know if I'd go that far. 25 base seconds of super flight for a 25 energy cost is quite powerful. I proposed having the ability simply be recastable whilst active so that you aren't forced to drop out of it constantly. A slight duration buff to it would be nice as well.

    Well I mean it's not as if Cloud Walker would break the game if it had its original duration. I said to another user in the Wukong rework thread that there are plenty of far more powerful frames that are essentially invincible, namely Inaros, for a very long time and they can still attack. I've always seen Wukong's Clould Walker as similar to Zephyr's Tail Wind, in that it's basically supposed to be used for travel.

    I suppose I'm just asking why exactly an ability that does no damage, doesn't debuff the enemies in significant ways like some other abilities do and is supposed to be used for travel, needed to be nerfed when it was made faster. It just seems so counterproductive to me to nerf an ability that was in a bad place to begin with and makes it a lot less fun.

  6. Honestly, I have no idea why this ability took such a hard hit in terms of duration. It's a little counterproductive to nerf an ability that was never used to begin with. It's pretty bad that a fully ranked Primed Continuity can't even get you five seconds in Cloud Walker. Can you guys please restore it to its original duration, this would make the ability actually worth using. Right now it's like you've traded one extreme for another. Pablo even said so on the stream; "Long duration, super slow Cloud. Short duration, super fast Cloud." Why does it have to be that way?

    This also affects the augment as well. Enveloping Cloud is now 100% useless thanks to the nerfed duration.

    Please DE give Cloud Walker its original duration back.

  7. The one thing I'm hoping for from the quest is that morality system actually plays a bigger role than just some unique dialogue. In other games like say Mass Effect, moral choices do have consequences.I really hope The Sacrifice doesn't just have a character go "Oh you're a bad/good person" and that's it.

    The one big choice I would like to be presented with is whether or not to have Ballas as our new leader. I quite frankly do not like the Lotus. She's boring and far too secretive for my tastes. We've had her for nearly five years as well. Having a new character for our leader would be a true breath of fresh air.

  8. Status weapons are now so much more fun to use. Not that they were ever bad anyway but it used to feel like critical weapons were the only ones worth investing in. I was starting to feel really bored being limited only to pure crit weapons.

    Condition Overload changed that and now status weapons are king. Thank you DE for giving us this mod.

  9. 15 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    I wasn't saying the stalker wouldn't have a part to play in it. It just seemed like a weird conclusion to draw on what is a simple case of reused assets. After all, Umbra is still just regular old excal's model with extras bits on it.

    Difference is that Umbra is likely the first Warframe. These assets are being used for a reason. Games like Dark Souls reuse assets quite a lot, but they still mean something different than the original use.

    Boiling it down to “Oh it’s just reused assets” is a little silly. People have long speculated that Stalker is a Tenno-less Warframe. Umbra was stated to be a rogue Warframe “untamed by Tenno control”. Coincidence?

  10. On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    The system doesn't punish anyone.


    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    A) dumping time into the game

    So again, it only rewards people who play for a long time.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    B) play their limited time smartly to maximize investments.

    Do that. Still hasn't made a dent in the overall points I need. Please don't try and lecture me on being smart with your time.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    Fact is that it doesn't take "hours on end" to cap focus.

    Fact is, there shouldn't be a cap in the first place with the ridiculous amount needed. 

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    Fact is that it doesn't take "hours on end" to fight a terralyst 3 times in a given day

    Actually it does. Terralysts are annoyingly tedious and can one shot you quite a lot.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    I have a full time job and other responsibilities.

    So do I. I just happen to have less time than you. 

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    So basically "You play in a more efficient way then me!  How dare you, go play another game!"  Sorry, but you're being the spoilt brat with that type of attitude.

    Do not deliberately misunderstand my post. I am saying those who sit around being bored because they've done everything should not hog all the future content and dictate who plays it. I call for a middle ground between hardcore and casual. Nothing about that is spoilt. Trying to make it sound otherwise just makes you look like an elitist. The ones who are spoilt are Hypernaut and quite a few others.

    There needs to be a ground in which the hardcore players get enjoyment and the players who don't have much time are not put off by the insane amount of grind.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    The simple fact of the matter is that DE put in the large grind to keep people busy.

    Yes so what? It'll be completed very quickly by people who play this game 24-7. Eventually all content drys up for hardcores and people play different games while waiting for updates.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    There's nothing to do, I've done it all!"  At least this way keeps those players happy.

    The thing is, they shouldn't have to keep that tiny amount of spoilt's happy. They shouldn't cater to any specific part of the community. They should be focused purely on the middle point, but right now all it seems they are doing is focusing on the hardcore players because they whine the loudest. That shouldn't be how things are done. 

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    Not everything needs to be able to be farmed up by a casual player in a week or two.

    Why not exactly? Why can't it be two weeks instead of two years. Is it because you'll get bored? And you have the nerve to call me a spoilt brat.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    Especially when said system has next to no impact on the vast majority of the game and pretty much no one even notices that the system is there or has any impact on what they are doing outside of 2 farms

    If its in the game, it has an affect on the gameplay. Terralyst hunts and Kuva farms are important, especially the latter as you need it to upgrade endgame mods. This dismissal of "oh the Operator doesn't affect the majority of the game" is a poor one. The Operator is (unfortunately) a central part of the story. They are clearly trying to make it more appealing to use on the battlefield with these new updates. How do you know future Warframe won't rely heavily on the Operator in combat? How do you know there won't be certain enemies in each mission that require an Operator to kill, not just in Kuva missions or the Plains? Answer: You don't.

    I honestly hate this type of dismissal. "Oh it's just cosmetics! Oh it's just the Operator! They don't have much of an impact on the game". If it's in the game, it affects your gameplay, simple as.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    How does having a 100% optional system

    It's not optional. The same way an "optional" boss in Dark Souls is not entirely optional as it does affect your game.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    that has no impact on the majority of the game be more geared towards hardcore players impact you negatively in any way shape or form?

    Because, as I said previously; you do not know what DE will dump on us in the future. Considering they are gearing towards hardcore players, they might assume that you have maxed out your focus and throw a difficult Operator focused quest/activity at you. If you haven't invested time into your focus or amp, then you're pretty screwed aren't you. It might have an impact to you right now, but it very possibly will do soon.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    How does not being able to cap focus in 2 or 3 casual missions per day

    I like how you make it seem so easy.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    I can still cap on focus and farm the Teralyst without much trouble because I enjoy the game and go about how I play smartly instead of just whinging and complaining and demanding that I be able to get everything in a game while putting in zero actual effort to get it.

    "Because I enjoy the game". Implying that I don't? I love Warframe and I genuinely enjoy running and gunning when I get on it and I do play as smartly as I can. Also I never said to get everything with zero effort. Please stop deliberately misunderstanding me in order to try and make me look like a brat. This is exactly what I was talking about when talking about elitist attitude. "Oh you're not playing the game smartly. Oh you're just whining and complaining". No, I'm offering criticism. Try and wave it off as whining all you like, it's not going to change the fact that it's none of that. Asking for reasonable grind/middle ground is not a bad thing, no matter how much you try and make it out to be.

    Instead of misconstruing my comments in order to paint a nice "Lazy vs Effort" picture, why don't you actually come back with some genuine arguments as to why there honestly cannot be a system that doesn't focus entirely on hardcore players and instead focuses on all demographics.  

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    Sorry but I have only noticed one spoilt brat in this thread and that would be you.

    Why? Because I detest people who act like they can dictate what other players can and cannot do because they play the game more often than others and demand DE cater to them and only them? Because I'm asking for a solid middle ground? I was waiting for this post. It's inevitable that when someone asks that DE actually focus on all parties that you eventually get called a spoilt brat. 

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    And again: Please tell me what you are missing out on.

    Possible future quests/activities/content that could be locked behind the Operator. DE are adding these Operator upgrades for the future, not just the Plains. 

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    And honestly I see you being the problem here.

    Of course you can. I'm the one who's asking for DE to pay attention to all people, not just you. I'm obviously a problem.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    You keep on going on about how the game should revolve around the players who can't play it for long and who refuse to put in the effort to maximize the returns on the time that they do spend in it.

    No. Not at all. My posts have never said "Concentrate on us and only us" unlike some. Please stop trying to make me look like the bad guy here because it won't work and it just undermines your position even further.

    You may sit on your high horse and act like I don't put in any effort, but the simple fact of the matter is; you don't know me. I don't know you and I don't proclaim to know how much effort you put into the game. You could be bald-faced lying to me about having a full time job and "other responsibilities", but how should I know. So drop your arrogance and stop pretending like you act how much effort I put into this game. Show some intelligence.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    Games need a system that take time and appeal to the hardcore farmers.

    Why only hardcore?

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    And again, this game does it without locking the more casual players out of anything.

    Again, this is completely untrue. It locks players out of getting the upgrades and affecting the overall gameplay. It might very possibly lock future quests/activities.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    Just because you can't play the game for very long and refuse to do anything to occasionally maximize your return on the time

    Again, you do not know what I do when I'm on the game so please stop acting like you do. 

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

     completely optional system that has absolutely zero effect on the vast majority of gameplay

    If it's in the game, it affects gameplay. And, once again; you do not know what the future holds.

    On 29/10/2017 at 3:05 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    doesn't mean that you have the right to dictate that the game should have literally every single feature cater to your demands

    This is incredibly rich coming from someone who just wants DE to focus entirely on them. I want DE to focus on everyone, you do not. Trying to turn the tables is not going to work here because I'm not demanding that only demands like mine are met.

    Overall your post can be summarised in one simple sentence; "You don't need to do any of it", which I have already explained is completely untrue. Developers put things in the game for a reason. At some point or another, you will need to invest in all parts of the game. This post is a combination of painfully untrue dismissals based on nothing, and a supreme amount of arrogance.

    All throughout your post you make it out like I want DE to focus on my demogrpahic only. Seeing as how that would mean the focus wouldn't be entirely on you like it usually is, it's hardly surprising you'd make me out to the be the spoilt brat when all you are doing is demonstrating just how biased this system truly is and how people who benefit from said bias defend it. You are the ones who are spoilt. All you want is DE to focus on you and to leave new/casual players in the dust. How selfish.


  11. 1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    I like how people with such busy lives and important priorities even find time to argue passionately on forum about videogame experience points

    I take it your brain has never entertained the notion of lunch breaks before.

    1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    If they make it easy to max out with casual "I'm too busy to play" gameplay.... Then those that do actually TRY to be efficient will max all trees even faster and be left with nothing to do.

    So? How does that make you any more important than people who literally cannot play for hours on end. Go play a different game to entertain yourself.

    1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Maxing focus trees is not a system made for casuals.

    So you’re in favour of punishing people who might not have a choice but to be “casual”. You and your elitism repulses me.

    1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    It's entire point is to give vets/hardcore players something to do

    It shouldn’t be only geared to the hardcore otherwise what will other non-hardcore players think. You want something to do? Go play a different game while you wait for the next update.

    Stop acting like spoilt brats simply because you have more time on your hands than others.

    1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    If you're life is so busy that you can't earn tons of focus, then the system isn't for you.

    So because people might have lives that don’t involve playing video games 24-7, that means we should miss out on certain parts of the games we like to play on occasion? 

    You are part of the problem and need to realise the world doesn’t revolve solely around players who are still sitting in their mothers house aged 32 playing video games all day.

    1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    You have tons of OTHER things you can still use your affinity on.

    Like what? Syndicates? Weapons? Warframes? Done those.

    You also have tons of OTHER games you can play if you’re looking for something to do. Just because you sit around for months being bored while waiting for DE to spoon-feed you more content, that doesn’t automatically give you the right to dictate which systems are for which kind of player.

    Honestly the sheer elitism/arrogance in some people....

  12. 19 hours ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

    And as far as future telling goes, I think your point is just as baseless as the one you so kindly put into my mouth.

    My point that DE will mostly likely make sure the Operator is used in more upcoming quests/activities is baseless is it, even though PoE does in fact make it abundantly clear, that they are making the Operator do more stuff so it can be used in future content.

    Also I never put any words in your mouth. I took them out.

    16 hours ago, DxAdder said:

    DE will release Focus Boosters for Plat to fix this

    Or they could just fix the damn placeholders. Don’t give them ideas. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

    I'm still confused as to why "people with irl responsibilities" feel the need to max out a single focus school, not to mention all of them.

    Because you never know when DE will thrust the Operator into a situation in which focus abilities may be needed. Before you come back with "DE would never punish you for not concentrating on focus", you do not know what future activities/quests will involve. If it's in the game, it's going to be needed, especially if it involves the Operator seeing it's a living plot MacGuffin.

  14. 4 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Defense is not the way to farm focus efficiently.

    Then what is?

    4 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Why 600k in 15 waves? 

    Because I have 18,434,081 focus to go an I've got stuff to do.

    4 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Please stop trying to talk down to other people in regards to focus when you still farm it on Hydron.

    Me farming on Hydron doesn't have anything to do with the rubbish some others are talking. I talk down to people who play off others lives and act like they are the only ones who exist. 

    7 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    almost triple the daily cap.

    Exactly. Remove the daily cap DE. No one is going to farm 55 million focus points with this stupid limit in place. Or lower the focus requirement. I don't care either way. I only care that you guys do it.

    Overall it seems like all of you fighting for this ridiculous amount of Focus use a lot of "ifs". If you have this, if you have that.

  15. Just now, KiteoHatto said:

    This ludicrous grind, what is your reason to max it asap ? There very little reason to do it anyway other than self goal of "i want to".

    There it is. The inevitable "It's something to work towards"/"You don't HAVE to do it" post. 

    1. This is not a realistic "self-goal" in the same manner that a man wearing nothing but a towel trying to climb Mount Everest using only a pair of chopsticks is not a realistic "self-goal".

    2. There is quite a big reason to do it in fact. Since Focus now centres on the Operator and not your frame, plus the fact that DE are insistent on taking your frame away in recent activities/quests, that means more future and possibly harder quests will involve the Operator now that it has more combat abilities. So by not making your Operator better, you are risking not being able to do some future ridiculous quest that focuses entirely on the Operators ability to survive. 

    You scoff at people who say farming would take "9 years". The total focus required to max out everything is 55,800,000. To quote you;

    46 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    you get like 30k focus in 10-15 waves EASY.

    You say you can get 30k focus easily on Hydron in fifteen waves. Say each wave takes you three minutes to be generous. So that is 45 minutes to farm 30k focus. 45 minutes. For only 30k focus.  I can only play two hours a day at best. Say I spent that time focusing Hydron I'd get about 82k Focus. So for one year of grinding, every day on Hydron I would get 27,552,000. So it would take me two whole years to max out all the trees.

    I'm not going to be maxing all of them anytime soon. I'm focusing on Zenurik right now. It would take me approximately eight months of grinding to max out that tree. Is that an improvement from two years? Yes. Does that mean it's better? No.

    I do not and will not grind for eight months to max out a single tree.The very max you should be spending on these trees is maybe two weeks. That is reasonable. This is not a "self-goal". This is self-torture.

    23 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Hydron is only the most efficienct XP farm for weapons or pets. 

    Point me towards a node that gives you at least 600k focus per fifteen waves and I will shut up immediately.

  16. 19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    Im 27, I have a 8-5 full time job, which leaves me with like 3-4 hours of playtime in the evening maximum.

    You have a lot more time than me then. Assuming you're not straight up lying.

    19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    If you are going there with "real life responsibilities woe is me i have no time to nolife" then affinity boosters are for you.

    Got those. Doesn't really make a dent on ridiculously stupid amount needed.

    19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    I've been formaing weapons and kavats in the past 2 days on hydron, running with greater lenses and you get like 30k focus in 10-15 waves EASY.

    I use Hydron regularly when levelling frames. It's boring. Very, very boring and it still doesn't make a dent on the amount needed. Grinding for hours, 75 days in a row on Hydron is only enjoyed by the sort of people who's pet tortoises die of boredom. Please don't come back with a "Well deal with it" response, it'll only make you look silly.

    19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

    Don't need to be a tryhard equinox with maiming strike to get anywhere.

    No you just need to be an incredibly boring person who's perfectly happy to farm the same area for weeks. I play games in the spare time that I have to relax and have a bit of fun. There is nothing fun about over the top grind. This ridiculous placeholder fetish DE have needs to be looked at.

  17. 1 minute ago, KiteoHatto said:

    Then you pretty much don't play the game if 10-30k is all you get. Why should no effort be rewarded?

    I.e; Why should the people who have real life responsibilities that might take them away from video games, be rewarded for the occasional amount of time they can spare to play Warframe? Only we jobless/childless/still-living-in-my-parents-house-and-can-play-Warframe-24-7 elitists deserve all the rewards.

  18. 10 hours ago, Orabell said:

    Many do. IgnusDeis Mag Pneuma skin made me play her seriously and will probably be my main frame for a long time. 

    Ditto. Never used to like Mag but that deluxe skin made me get into building her properly. Same with a few other frames he's done skins for like Ash and Rhino. Such a shame they had a falling out over something so utterly meaningless. Who knows, maybe one day DE might actually bury the hatchet and bring Ignus back in. Hope springs eternal.

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