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Posts posted by Get_Singed

  1. Outside of Eidolon hunts, the only times I ever really see Volts are in capture missions where the intention of all players is most likely to speed run the mission (void fissures). If you simply backflip you can easily lose the speed buff, if you get the speed buff again because for some reason the Volt has an infinite energy pool and presses that ability every half second, you can very easily simply wait for a second for him to run out of range of you and then go on with playing your mission without having to worry about getting Speed because the Volt will be miles ahead of you forever. This really is not a problem worth looking in to for DE.

  2. Just now, Airwolfen said:

    Have to give it to grimm that it DOES dilute status. Even though the status goes up when ading multishot its just showing the probability of a single proc. however what actually happens is that for example 50% status gets divided over 2 bullets instead of both having 50%. making the ACTUAL status chance still ~50% for 1 proc

    For this it would not even have to be simpler. (though that does have its advantages)

    But for starters bullet count is a stat that NEEDS to be added in and at the same time all effects of multishot on stats needs to be removed. Damage should stay static and status should stay static. (an added stat of chance per bullet would also be a nice addition though that may confuse people)

    If you have any questions on the matter of multishot and how it effects stuff ask and I'll try to answer in a simple manner,

    It doesn't dilute status chance. The status chance of each bullet after adding multishot is identical to the status chance of each bullet before multishot, and that chance is NEVER reduced per bullet due to the addition of multishot.

    For example, if a weapon has 50% status chance and you add 100% multishot, it will show that the weapon now has 75% status chance due to having two bullets with a 50% chance to proc status each. The status chance of each bullet has not been diluted at all. It is exactly the same as it was originally.

  3. 1 hour ago, Xylyssa said:

    I can't be the only one who would like this... Porcupine frame is too much for me.

    You might be the only one. Maybe you'll get that option when Khora gets a skin, but it's part of her theme AND a visual for part of her kit. It's highly unlikely that will be changed.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Grimmstyler said:

    Damn... So multishot not only dilutes your Status Chance.. But it dilutes your Damage too? But it doesnt dilute your critical chance or critical multiplier..

    I cant go thru and read the Wiki.. its too much.. This is why a simple in game UI would be helpful, instead of having to figure out the incognito stats..

    Multishot doesn't actually dilute any stats, you simply need to be aware that the stats of the weapon before adding multishot are what the weapon's actual stats are per basic shot. Multishot simply adds more bullets/pellets to the mix, where all newly created bullets/pellets have identical stats to the bullets/pellets in a basic shot.

  5. 1 hour ago, Lahared said:



    It's possible to make a recommendation without insulting someones hard work.

    It's also possible that I'm giving feedback, which I am.

    1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

    There’s the day of the dead skin for it which makes it look like the original 

    Hmm that may be my only option then if they don't add the ability to use the original skin, but I really don't like the day of the dead aesthetic, especially that giant skull on the shield.

    44 minutes ago, Doomsknight said:

    Buy a skin. Problem solved !

    Problem not solved, as the Danaus skin is the only available sns skin atm. It's not terrible but it's not flaming-sword-and-shield amazing like Silva Aegis base skin is.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

    Most important thing that should be nerfed with Maiming Strike: the way it turns any weapon into a crit machine with Blood Rush. 

    Then nerf range mods. A weapon that can hit through walls in a 10-20m radius in nonsense, and don't tell me it's "air" or something. If it was air, it would work like Seismic Palm. 

    What the OP is saying is that spamming one attack is not what "melee" means. Melee should be close combat weapons, not AoE rooms cleaners. Irl, you don't use a bow if the guy is 2 meters away, nor do you use a knife when the opponent is 80 feet from where you are. Warframe might not be the most realistic game ever (especialy when you look at how peculiars mods ruin all the seriousness of the game), but it's still closer to real life than some anime where people can slash buildings in two. 

    Melee isn't supposed to be the equivalent of guns, but an alternative when enemies are too close for your guns to be effective. Everything has pros and cons, and one of the cons of melees is the range, unless you add 165% or more with mods on weapons with 6-7m base range like whips or Polearms.

    DE worked on blocking/parry mechanics, combos, stances and a LOT of animations. All of this is almost completely unused and unfixed because people aren't using any. They prefer the cheesy/effortless way of "playing" because (most of the time) they want to maximize the time/reward ratio rather than actual fun. 


    And besides, if some frames such as Ember are being nerfed to the underground because they were too cheesy for low/mid level content, why should things that can cheese high level content be left untouched? 

    In Warframe, there is no such thing as a range where enemies are too close for guns to be effective, unless it's a weapon that can inflict self damage. And who are you to say that melee isn't supposed to be the equivalent of guns? Do you really think flipping space ninjas should only be using guns? The game markets itself as space NINJAS not space GUNNERS, of course they want melee to be fun and an equally viable option to using guns. I remember way back when melee was considered entirely unviable and DE had to make changes to make melee weapons viable because they DO want players to have the choice of playing using guns OR melee, not guns being superior to melee hands down. Melee is not meant to be the last resort you use when enemies get close, at least not in this game. It's meant to be another option for a playstyle. While I would love for them to make some changes to melee gameplay to make it more interactive than just button mashing or spinspamming for the most part, nerfing melee weapon range simply isn't the answer.

  7. What the title says. The Silva Aegis itself looks amazing, the prime version looks like garbage. Obviously this is my opinion, many people will disagree. Much like with Primed Warframes, I'd like to be able to use the original Silva Aegis skin on my Silva Aegis Prime.

  8. Sorry, but melee weapons are still melee regardless of your opinion on the matter. Having a relatively long reach does not make them not melee. Rather, melee weapons need to have a long range in this game to be able to kill anything with all the extremely powerful guns in the game that would otherwise simply kill every enemy without a range limit before the melee user can get in range to attack. In reality, whichever player gets out ahead of the others is likely to be the player who kills all the enemies, doesn't matter if he uses melee or ranged damage. Whip spinspam may be a bit excessive but calling for range nerfs which will affect ALL melee weapons is not the answer.

  9. I don't have a Redeemer atm so I can't test it myself, but are you certain that the charged shot of the Redeemer can proc status effects other than Blast? Iirc, the Redeemer firing mechanic deals purely blast damage, whereas the Sarpa firing mechanic does standard IPS damage. It's possible the Redeemer shot is designed not to proc any status effects other than Blast, or possibly that it cannot even deal damage other than Blast, which would explain why Toxic Lash doesn't work on it either. I'm not saying is SHOULD work like that where it can only use Blast damage, but it's possible that's how it was coded.

  10. 1 minute ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

    Well... this is the reason I installed and then didn't start playing Warframe and immediately uninstalled it. As did almost all of my friends. But more importantly this exact sentiment is openly being discussed on just about every single game forum the game comes up and it is one of the very first things you hear when people explain why they are not going to get into warframe or why they dropped the game. 

    Now you can believe in whatever protective bubble you have created. 

    Yet none of the things you said so far are in fact logical (claiming new players magically have information they do not actually have. lol) or evidence that what is being sad is wrong (the fact that warframe is growing does not mean that a whole lot of people are not dropping off...literally a non sequitur). In fact...all the things you have said are a continued proof of your confirmation bias. And of course proof of an extremely overly defensive attitude towards the game that borders on the scary fanatical. 


    I imagine you can't see the irony in the fact that you are literally using anecdotal evidence and confirmation bias as an argument to try to prove that I'm using confirmation bias.

    "I uninstalled and all these people said the same thing so I must be right." That's exactly what confirmation bias is. You go around seeing the comments of players who are displeased because those are the very people likely to say something. No one comes on the forums to say "Wow DE thanks for making such a great f2p model for your game, I just want you to know I love how this game is developed," they come to the forums to complain. Simple. You are only seeing the players who have something to complain about, and NOT seeing ALL the players who don't have a problem with how it is. That's what confirmation bias is.

    The fact that the game is growing means that there are MORE players joining than there are players leaving. I am not trying to pretend that no players stop playing the game at all, simply that this game is ABSOLUTELY NOT pay to win/pay to play, and there are not enough people dropping off of the game because they feel like it is for it to even be a problem. If Warframe is growing, that IS proof that the game is successful.

    Now, would you care to provide even a single shred of evidence that this game is so insanely pay to win/pay to play that players are leaving the game in droves without using anecdotal evidence or confirmation bias, which you so vehemently hate?

  11. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

    The tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.  Often results in ignoring inconsistent information. Literally what you were and doing yet again.

    Your girlfriend...who of course never ever had any help or advice from you...had no problem knowing all the information she needed to know to trade platinum so this is evidence no new player has these problems. Ignoring people who tell you differently. Ignoring the fact that we are talking about people dropping off way before they even get to the point because of how Waframe is structured, presented and priced. Failing to understand that new people do not know this!

    Your response that people should leave the game if they do not like or criticize parts of the game is pathetic. Please go away until you learn how to adult like a decent human being.  


    Provide some proof that players are leaving the game en mass because they feel like it's pay to win and I'll believe you. Until then, I will continue to believe what logic and other evidence suggests. Fair enough?

  12. 54 minutes ago, Darth_Nikon said:

    Opinions aren't facts. And at this point you're quibbling over a slight difference in mechanics that have the same result.

    The difference causes a different result. If your pet has to run around and collect the drops just like you would, that is completely different from a vacuum mod, where you simply get near the drops and they instantly get pulled to you. You'll have to stay in one spot long enough for your pet to run around and pick everything up, and your pet won't be able to engage in combat during that time or won't be able to pick up drops while in combat. There is a very clear difference. One makes sense to give to pets, the other does not.

  13. 1 hour ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

    No, I used it exactly right...and you illustrate that here again. Look up what confirmation bias means because you need a refresher. 

    The premise is that new players are scared off because they have to purchase slots. You reject this notion because the game is growing and you think slots are cheap. That is confirmation bias. Ignoring all but the evidence that substantiates the preconceived notion. This goes so far that you even dismiss the drop off in potentially paying customers as even remotely relevant while defending, what you argue, is a minuscule income stream. Penny wise...pound foolish. 

    Now...of course it is entirely intellectually dishonest to even start to pretend that it is just running the relics...that you do not have when you start...or simply selling the mods IF you are lucky enough to get something that can be sold and you probably will need yourself...or....that it is just 1 slot. Because it isn't. And you know this. 

    Nor is it as simple.

    Because it is the quarter color pallets that remind you they will cost 75 plat if you want a black or white color...or maybe bright pink. It is your warframe and weapon inventory filled with plat prices for hundreds of weapons and dozens of Warframes....making it extremely clear that if you even want to sample a fraction of what is available..2 slots ain't gonna cut it. Literally the first experience you have after the initial mission is a bombardment of plat prices and extremely limited space....and that is even before you get to the trading system or have anything to sell at all...

    And yes...that IS contributing to the wider sentiment out there that Warframe is not really free to play at all...and THAT is why everybody here is so freaking hyper sensitive and overly defensive about the system that they are unwilling to listen to the experience of players who dropped off. Reality is, regardless of how arrogantly you brush it off with platitudal calculations...and that is not really a big secret...people who start this game...generally do not know any of the sh*t you say here. What they know is what they see: everything costs plat. THAT is what  the game makes abundantly clear to new players. THAT is their introduction to the game. And THAT is why the game is still on the fringes of the overall gaming community. 

    Plus of course the fact that the game started out by selling power and by doing S#&$ like charging plat for revives. That certainly did not help the reputation of the game at all.  

    That is not what confirmation bias is, sorry. If I were saying "No one ever leaves Warframe because I've never heard of anyone who left Warframe" and then a bunch of people who still play Warframe agreed with me, that would be confirmation bias, as only the people who continue playing are likely to be on the forums and there is no one to argue against my point or be an example of the contrary.

    There is nothing wrong with saying that warframe and weapon slots are cheap because the plat can be obtained in under half an hour. Yes, a literally BRAND NEW ACCOUNT will not be able to do that, but it will take them how long to get a few relics to run? How many slots will they NEED in their very first day? Because in that day they can earn the plat for slots. My girlfriend just started the game and she's had no trouble getting slots. Your opinions are just your opinion. You can leave the game if you don't like how it is.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Darth_Nikon said:

    And this is an objectively terrible, condescending opinion, which you should feel bad about. It's not lazy to want a hunting dog to do hunting dog things.

    It may be an objectively terrible and condescending opinion, but it's true. And what I'm referring to is specifically giving pets a vacuum, not allowing pets to run around and pick up items and bring them back to the players. That is something that makes sense, and you would be giving up your pet's ability to fight or use other support abilities while it is doing that, which is a fair tradeoff. It would also not be as universally "good" as vacuum because it would require the pet to actually retrieve the item rather than the item being drawn to you or the pet. A vacuum mod and a retrieval mod are two completely different things.

  15. I think the devs don't consider any sort of fictional power tier when they create Warframes and never did, so you probably won't be able to get anywhere trying to consider Warframes from that point of view. All Warframe powers come from the controlling Tenno's ability to channel void energy to cause otherwise impossible effects to become possible. It's entirely possible that Rhino doesn't actually stop time with his stomp, and that rather the Tenno's void energy is simply suspending and immobilizing all enemies in the area. After all, it doesn't stop bullets that are in the area. There are theories in quantum mechanics that state that human observation determines reality, and the Tennos' powers may be an extension of that, where they are able to bend reality to their will whether or not they are conscious that that is what they are doing or not. But again, theorizing about these things likely won't get anyone anywhere unless the devs say "this is what we based Warframe powers on" because you'd be barking up the wrong tree all along.

  16. 11 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    they make sense thematically, but this isn't a movie.

    and why then should some other Passives actually make a difference in Gameplay? they should all fall under 'useful in some ways'. and Warframes definitely shouldn't be skipped over for no reason - Nidus and Chroma are still missing Passives.

    This may not be a movie but it certainly is a game with its own lore, and the devs try their best to stick to the lore as much as possible. Not every passive has to be what you define as "useful." Nidus and Chroma do have passives. Nidus is literally unkillable with more than 15 mutation stacks and has passive health regen that no other Warframe has. Chroma's abilities change their elemental damage and effects based on his energy color. Just because you don't find some passives useful that doesn't mean they don't exist. Take a look at the passives of most Warframes. They're almost all "useless" 90% of the time or so insignificant you won't notice their effects. His passive fits thematically and that's what matters. Ember's passive literally requires her to be effected by a heat proc for it to even be active and it's only active while she's on fire. It's there because it fits her theme, but for her to need to actually be taking burn damage for it to activate is stupid from a gameplay perspective. Passives are there to fit the theme, not to add some amazing bonus ability.

  17. 16 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

    Confirmation bias.

    Warframe is growing but this says absolutely nothing about the amount of people who drop off in the first few hours or who do not even start because they heard about the slot prices. 

    Slots are not cheap. Trade is not that easy. That is just your opinion. And I certainly do not share that opinion. 

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by confirmation bias, as however you intended to use that phrase you used it incorrectly.

    According to google, 1 platinum costs roughly 6.7 cents, meaning 2 weapon slots don't even cost $1 and a Warframe slot is just over $1. 12-20 platinum can be earned easily in less than half an hour, as 25 minutes is enough to obtain 5 prime parts and prime junk sells for about 5 pieces for 10~ plat, and that's assuming every single piece you obtain is sold as junk rather than for its individual value.

    There are more active players now than there were a year ago, that is indicative of the game growing regardless of the number of players that drop off. If the game is growing that means it is successfully attracting and maintaining the interest of new players.

    Slots ARE cheap. I never said trading is easy. You're entitled to your opinion certainly, but if you think $1 or less than half an hour of your time is too much and you can't enjoy the game because of it, you may see yourself out.

  18. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Jaztok said:

    Yes, that is reason enough to hate him. Being forced to go melee is something a lot of players hate because one frame dictating how you should play is annoying. It takes the power away from everyone else. There is no alternative way to play with Limbo's powers. It plays Limbos way or nothing else compared to other frames powers. You can still kill things how you want with Loki's disarm, Mesa's shooting gallery, Nova's m prime, Rhino's stomp, etc. Those powers don't restrict shooting your targets. Frost's Snowglobe can still be shot out of as well.

    Guess you don't know how to walk out of a bubble then? If you're complaining about not being able to shoot things in Limbo's bubble, why not complain about no enemies being alive to shoot if there's a Mesa on your team? Or a Banshee? Or anyone with a Maiming Strike Atterax? Or someone who gets to the Capture target before you and takes them down and captures them and boohoo you didn't get to shoot them.

    How about the players who love playing melee, but can't do it really if there's a Vauban or Frost or Mesa or Banshee on their team, because everything is kept out of your melee range and shot to death before the player can melee them?

    If you're really immature enough to hate an entire frame because very rarely every so often in a mission there's a LIMITED AREA where you can't shoot bullets, YOU are the problem. Not the frame. He's not removing the entire squad's ability to shoot across the entire map. Get over it. Or do you have a problem with Sortie weapon limitations too?

  19. 5 minutes ago, Corvid said:

    Honestly, I agree with the OP. There's enough desirable content in the game now that needs plat to be acquired (cosmetics and such) that I think we can do away with plat-paid slots. Make them a semi-rare blueprint to keep them valuable or something.

    After all, DE removed the cost for self-revives due to it being new-player-unfriendly, so I feel that there's at least some precedent there. For those that are unaware, you used to get only 4 revives per frame per day, and had to pay 3 plat per revive to replenish them. This meant a new player (who would logically be the one burning through them the quickest) would have an extremely limited supply, while a veteran with a large number of frames would generally have more than they knew what to do with, and they'd generally only lose them in the highest-levels of content.

    The problem was that the only people who needed to pay for revives were the players who didn't have the resources to pay for revives, while the players who had tons of plat never needed to pay for revives. Warframe and weapon slots are not the same, everyone needs them. How you obtain the platinum is up to you, the slots, reactors and catalysts are all VERY cheap and the game as a whole is EXTREMELY cheap to play, completely free if you simply choose not to spend money and sell items for plat instead. There is absolutely no reason to take away the already miniscule price of Warframe and weapon slots, and Reactors and Catalysts can be obtained as blueprints from missions.

    And to the OP, Warframe is growing so it certainly is not scaring new players away. Just because a Youtuber made a video about something that doesn't mean it's true.

  20. Limbo is not a problem, everyone who hates him for no reason is a problem though. Name a problem you have with Limbo and I can tell you why it's not a problem. I've never seen a Limbo troll my or my team. The worst I've ever seen was a Limbo enter the rift at the start of Hydron and never moving for the rest of the mission. Caused additional enemies to spawn and contributed nothing but didn't really negatively effect us in any way. I have seen tons of players bring Limbo to sorties for spy or defense or mobile defense and it makes the mission a breeze. They can walk through lasers in spy mission like they aren't even there. Enemies literally cannot damage the defense target. If someone gets downed we have an immortal rezzer at any time. I cannot understand why people hate Limbo so much. Maybe if you joined a public game and decided to run a 2 hour survival in that public squad and the Limbo just froze everything and you got tired of meleeing, I could see that being annoying, but then you shouldn't join a public squad for a 2 hour survival. Any public squad you join you'll be done and out of the mission in 5-10 minutes. What's the worst a Limbo can do? Create a zone where you can't shoot and also can't be damaged at all? For a few minutes of a single mission? And you hate the entire frame for that?

  21. While I do feel some mods should be exilus that aren't and some exilus mods shouldn't be exilus mods, I don't think any augments at all should be exilus mods as the bonus they bring is too great. Drift mods usually bring some bonus other than Power enhancing effects like speed or parkour enhancement, and the bonuses to Power are also usually quite small. Compare the 15% Power Strength or Range to the bonuses you get from Blind Rage or Overextended. Even though they do add Power stats, those mods are definitely "support" type mods and don't add a significant amount of any Power stat, so it's not very strange for them to be exilus mods. But if you were to make some augments exilus mods I would think you need to make every augment an exilus mod, and that simply cannot work.

  22. Vacuum is the only thing that makes sentinels worth bringing over a Smeeta Kavat. Nothing any sentinel can do can possibly match up to constant orange crits on any weapon regardless of its crit chance, or double resources obtained for 2 minutes, or instant reloads, or automatically being given rare resources, or any of the other Smeeta buffs that are constantly activating. The Smeeta Kavat also does a huge amount of damage in an aoe, is tanky, and can cc and/or fully strip armor if you want it to. The only time I ever even touch a sentinel anymore is if I'm using a Djinn with a Gazal Machete. The Smeeta Kavat is just too good to give up, and I don't miss vacuum one bit. It's just for lazy players who don't want to do the simple act of walking over a resource.

  23. Passives are just there to add some extra gameplay mechanics that are related to the Warframe's lore. Most of them are useless or rarely used, but make sense from a lore standpoint. Rhino is the big heavy heavy heavy frame so he makes a shockwave when he hits the ground. Chroma is a dragon and can use different elements based on his energy color because dragons can use different elements I guess. Frost is super cold and freezes melee attackers, Zephyr is made of Oxium so she's light weight. Passives don't need to be game changing or anything like that. It makes sense, leave it as it is.

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