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Posts posted by (XBOX)dude1286

  1. 1 hour ago, --N-- said:

    Yes, but it's a bit complicated. Please read the FAQ carefully (the section "I DID NOT CREATE A PC ACCOUNT BEFORE THE CUTOFF DATE. CAN I STILL MERGE MULTIPLE CONSOLE ACCOUNTS?").

    You'll want to first link your Xbox account to a new PC account, choosing the Xbox as the primary, then after completing the link, you can merge in the PS account.

    Yeah, they could have done this in a much simpler way, like just having a player sign in to the site with the account they wanted to turn into the primary and have a way on the site to turn that console account into the cross save account directly there. Then merging would just be simply using the site again to say which account to merge with. They made this over complicated, but I think I'll wait on the merge until closer to the deadline that they will set later to build more forma and archon shards. I'm one of those weirdos that try to put everything into EVERY weapon, including the lower variants, so the forma build up will be nice when I do merge the accounts later rather than now.

  2. As someone who has had an 8 year old Xbox account and decently aged but not as well used PS account, is there a way to merge these 2 accounts without ever having a PC account before the cutoff date? I would like to pull the forma and archon shards over from the PS account onto the Xbox account without losing anything from the Xbox account.

  3. I've had an Xbox account for over 8 years and a PS account for about 5-6 that has been used off and on. Never had a PC account. What are the current bugs and limitations when trying to merge the accounts because I mainly just want the Xbox account to stay intact and the PS account to give the Xbox account Forma, Exilus Adapters, Archon Shards and Rivens. I am one of the weirdos that have been trying to put potatoes, exilus adapters, arcane adapters, incarnons and full mod builds on EVERY weapon in the game.

  4. I think what most free speech advocates in private spaces are mostly worried about is the "hate speech" part of these clauses, as there are groups of people online who are trying to get their dopamine fix by one-upping each other on what they are offended by for fake internet points. As long as the companies clearly define their "hate speech" guidelines, it should be fine. It just starts to become an issue when someone is said to be spouting hatred when all they say is something like "America is Awesome". Some people will take offense to that, but it is something commonly said by many people. It feels like that old Looney Tunes cartoon with Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam where Bugs leads Sam to a cliff by daring him to cross a line over and over again. I hope DE doesn't become another Sam amongst the companies that are getting dared to cross these lines of censorship.

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  5. So DE, when is Warframe Classic coming out. You keep adding grind upon grind and are ignoring your veterans. If you told us everything about the Kuva Liches before release like the IPS changes that were supposed to come with Khora, the community would have told you the entire system was terrible before it was released.

    Also, the melee changes have completely turned the rest of my friends away from the game as it was the most satisfying part of the game.

  6. My biggest issue with popularity being used as the main facter in Riven Dispositions is that it doesn't take into consideration that a weapon became more used by people who got a Riven for it. It feels like you are penalized for using them, and part of the reason I don't really care about Rivens anymore.

  7. I don't know if the xbox numbers have been put up for the achievements, but here they are from the xbox phone app.

    No Longer a Rookie - Get a Warframe to rank 2. - 57.95%

    Saviour of Venus - Kill Jackal on his node on Venus. - 16.36%

    Saviour of Mercury - Kill Vor on his node on Mercury. I remember it unlocking during the quest when I started the game close to xbox launch. - 12.50%

    It Keeps Getting Better - Play for 10 hours. - 14.65%

    Looks like player retention is the worst here, at least on xbox.

  8. My clan has only 3 active players, with myself being the most active (although right now it is a dead clan because the content drought us real). I had about 2k mutagen before the Hema was even announced, with the other 2 having about 1.5k between them. We spent about 2 weeks in ODS 1 hr runs a night with only a Nekros. With this type of grind, you just have to find what works for you and your clanmates. It was one of the few times clans actually took a look at their member list and also work together toward a goal that didn't involve an event (and DE is allergic to these since the terrible event that added Deception). If a ghost clan had its roster full with active players, each person would only need to provide 1k, I'm pretty sure that was where DE was looking when they created the research cost.

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  9. The only reason some vets don't want these things reduced is because this game's only challenge is the grind walls or the rng. Nothing in this game is difficult to obtain, even the Eidolons' only difficulty is whether or not you got on after work at the right time to farm them. The way I see these things, it will just speed newer players onto the cliff that veterans are on, deciding whether or not to drop this game due to the content droughts of 2018 and 2019.

    The Hema is actually a great support weapon for Condition Overload builds. Used it and Galatine when I did my John Prodman run in the Index. Hema has a 100% status build with Viral built in, so it can get 2 more combo statuses on it.

    The Riven's disposition being based on popularity should have never used the weapon's usage once it had a Riven on it in part of the calculations. It feels like a user who gets a Riven for an unpopular weapon, gets it perfect, and then their usage at that point is used against the Riven they either worked for or bought. It feels counter-productive to the user.

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  10. If this got implemented, it would probably only apply to gear that the player already has the mastery for. This will mean it will only be usable when formaing gear. Even then, DE will find a way to make it not worthwhile, like make each affinity point worth 10 focus points.

    I wouldn't mind if we could trade some of the spoils from Eidolons to get their arcanes from Onkko. Would help alleviate bad RNG with the stuff that long time hunters won't care about any more. Since you still need to run Eidolons, and if they make the resources to trade at a high enough price, it shouldn't hurt arcane sellers.

  11. The only difficult part of Eidolons was getting on when the Day-Night cycle was favorable to your schedule. Did I get lucky by logging in 15 minutes before Night starts or do I now have to wait for over an hour to even start the hunt. I'd rather play another game than wait that long for the only thing left to do in the game. I got burnt out on Warframe due to the Eidolons way before NW due to the asinine idea of the Day-Night cycle.

  12. Luckily, the current update for Xbox Insiders will alleviate the issue. It will now change the setting for turning off captures to have 3 options: Capture by Me, Captures by Me and Games, and Captures Off. This update is supposed to go public in October, so DE is off the hook on this one thanks to Microsoft.

  13. It records when you level something to level 30, you kill stalker, sometimes when you use your 4 for the first time on login, when you certain Planet bosses. It gets really annoying cleaning up the videos, and I don't want to turn it off system wide because I like the feature itself.

  14. 13 hours ago, sinnae said:

    Forcing player engagement (where the player has to manually interact with the game) is probably important for F2P games. I would love a foundry assembly line but one of the main reasons I don't see it happening soon is because that daily login to grab tribute, start cooking a new forma, etc. is important to DE.

    This would be what I say if they didn't have the app. Don't even log in to the game directly anymore except on Sunday night.

  15. I just solo afk'd it because it got boring after the first hour and they only give pearls as participation rewards. If there were performance rewards, I wouldn't have gone afk. This is part of DE's current content problems. Most rewards nowadays, especially from recent Tactical Alerts have been participation based, not performance based. The last time a TacAl was performance based was for Defection long runs. For that TacAl, its issues were mainly from the mode itself, not the rewards. Now, we have monotanous missions that have to be grinded to get everything and they are participation based, which makes it more likely to have afk playstyles.

  16. I just login daily to the app to claim and start forma. If they really wanted players to log into the game to do this, the app wouldn't have this functionality. Just give us the ability to create a queue of the same item already. They could even make it so we couldn't get any of the items in the queue until they are all done, which could hurt someone if they put 30 forma in the queue, making them think of smaller queues for some items.

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  17. People always tend to forget that warframe market only benefits players on PC. Nobody on the console side uses an outside source for trading. They need to implement something, because right now trading is just watching a wall of text, and you can't do anything else. It feels like watching paint dry.

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  18. I know I'm in the minority, but before this NW challenge popped up, I used to potato and forma everything (including normal variants of primes/vandals etc.), and had done everything done before NW was even a thing. Now I have several weapons that have not been fully forma'd due to this challenge existing, thus making me play the game even less than did before.

  19. The community no longer prioritizes late game systems because the players that about such things are mostly gone playing other games. The current community only wants to nerf equipment and make things easier and quicker to obtain, not have challenging and rewarding content.

    OT, any change to Rivens that give players more control would be welcome, they are the closest thing to end game rewards that we have.

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  20. This will just be the shiny new toy like Plains and Fortuna. It will provide lackluster content that vets don't need as their current gear is overall better and the new players/casuals will play it for a little before going back to playing other games.

    DE keeps giving us milk and cereal on paper plates. It tastes good, but its not as good as a proper bowl and the paper plate falls apart if used too many times.

  21. For looters, you could look at the Diablo series and Path of Exile for endgame concepts. Getting randomized stat loot to make your builds better so you can go to the next difficulty is the endgame for Diablo III. Then you have raids in Destiny and raid bosses in Borderlands that dropped specific gear that was also randomized.

    The only thing Warframe has that is randomized stats are Rivens, but DE refuses to use them how other games would and now we have no reward structure for endgame missions. If we got an endgame that just rewarded players mainly Endo (Arbitrations) or Relics (ESO), most players at endgame level will just ignore them.

    But, before we get some type of Operator endgame, we need proper Warframe endgame.

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