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Posts posted by (XBOX)dude1286

  1. I've had this happen while doing Sorties with a slightly laggy host. Most of the time I can use the same build for multiple missions, but if I go from Spy to Defense, then that is a problem. Invis Loki is not a good build for Defense and I will be useless because the host couldn't stop to look at his team's composition. Also, I'm on Xbox and everyone there has the same hardware.

  2. I actually like the idea of more enemies like the Bursas and Juggernaut. Mini-bosses that the player can see coming and have to change their tactics (depending on setup). Maybe make the armored weak point system on a Grinder mini-boss enemy (Manics and Prosecutors are not mini-bosses imo). Just wish they would fix Juggernaut's projectile hotboxes. They are extremely inconsistent with their animation and can hit the player through the environment.

  3. I decided to finally get Hunhow's Gift after buying Booben Prime. Next time Stalker decides to show up, he dropped the one weapon I needed from before I bought HG. Rngsus is nonexistent, so I started sacrificing to Lootsifer after I got the War bp. Had Banshee Prime access before Zelda came out thanks to him.

  4. If they do add the armor to eximus units, they should give rewards for killing them, while also making it more worthwhile to kill them quickly. It would also be better if they sent out eximus units based on how we are killing the troops. Sending out Arson and Energy Leeches against Ember players and Arctics against mid to long range weapon users. Some ideas for how to reward players for killing eximus units:

    - Arctic: Releases a cold blast that freezes nearby enemies. Killing the unit with the bubble up doubles the range.

    - Arson: Releases an explosive blast that damages and creates an explosive process to nearby enemies. Double the radius if killed before using its flame wall ability.

    - Energy Leech/Parasite: Always drops two energy orbs when killed.

    - Toxin: Always drops a health orb that heals toxin proc when killed. This health orb also adds toxin immunity for 5 seconds.

    Leech: Don't know what to put here.

  5. I might try and compile a list of weapons that are not viable in any way at Sortie 3 level, but it may mostly be beam weapons and weapons that are meant to be thrown away for a better weapon (i.e. Skana and Mk1 weapons). Anything that loses effectiveness after Sortie 3 should not be considered as bad weapons as that is the highest level that DE intends for us to compete against.

  6. I wouldn't mind keeping the current idea of RNG determining the stats from the cycle, but being able to control what gets cycled would be nice. Give us cycle options such as: entire riven (what we have now), cycle one stat for the type and number, and cycle all the numbers. A few of my rivens are almost exactly where I want them to be, but wouldn't mind getting a specific stat to switch out instead of the entire riven. Cernos with extra magazine capacity is one of them. 

  7. It would be pretty cool if an acolyte showed up every Saturday and it would be in a set pattern and when an Acolyte event happens over a weekend, it would involve Misery instead.


    People need to stop praying to RNGesus and start sacrificing to Lootsifer. Got 2 Argon Scopes in a row yesterday and my group only attacked Torment 4 times.

  8. For most of mine, it takes less than 5 rolls. Here are a few of the ones I have:

    Cernos: +130% Impact + 130% Crit Chance + Mag Capacity - Infested Dam. 0 rolls.

    Grakata: + 140% Dam, +150% Crit Chance. 2 rolls.

    Tetra: - recoil, + Dam, - Ammo Capacity. 1 roll.

    Vasto: +450% Dam, +200% Multi, +75% Recoil. 2 rolls.

    Burston: + Toxin, + Stat Chance, + Reload Speed, - Zoom. 1 roll.

    All of these are off the top of my head. The only riven I have rolled more than 10 times is my Vectis riven. Going for the roll with +Dam, +Crit and - Mag size.

  9. I didn't even know boosters were in sorties on PC. I actually enjoy getting endo, forma and lenses from the sortie. Have just about ever weapon and frame with a potato in them as well. The greater lenses go straight onto a frame that is lenseless. Still trying to max out some rank 10 mods, mostly Primed. Never seen a Legendary Core in my year of running sorties.

  10. I have some experience working with bytes in code, so I will explain the differences in memory size, in a speculative way. (All bit calculations are reliant on DE using at least 8 bit integers). I am also not looking at the possibility of broken mods here.

    Old mods: These had current lvl, current mod points into next lvl, amount of exact same mod, and a mod id number. This would be stored on the player's profile. What is in the database has no problem for the devs as it would be the same amount of memory for one player or 1 billion players. The database might have had mod id, max lvl, polarity, initial capacity, effect id, class id, name, description, and each level's effect percent. If this was the case, each slot in the player's memory for each mod would have been: 8 (int8 current lvl) + 16 (int16 mod points as they go over 255 which is the limit of int8) + 16 (int16 mod amount) + 16 (int16 mod id) = 56 bits of data. The database had: 16 (int16 mod id) + 8 (int8 max lvl) + 8 (int8 polarity) + 8 (int8 capacity) + 16 (int16 effect id) + 8 (int8 class id) + x (string name string can be a small or large number depending on amount of characters) + y (string description) + 8*max lvl (int8 effect strength) >= 96 bits per unique mod.

    Current mods: Similar to the old way, except we do not have to worry about the mod points due to the endo update. Player spots take 40 bits of data. Database uses the same amount.


    Riven mods: Riven mods, from what I can see, do not have a database for the mods themselves, just the effects. We have variables for weapon id, 4 effect ids, max lvl, current lvl, polarity, capacity and maybe 4 effect strengths (if not saved on the effects database). This would mean each Riven mod would be worth: 16 (int16 weapon id) + 4*16 (int16 effect ids, 0 in an int16 still takes 16 bits) + 8 (int8 max lvl) + 8 (int8 current lvl) + 8 (int8 polarity) + 8 (int8 capacity) + 4*8*max lvl (int8 effect strength) >= 208 bits! That is not even counting the name and description.

    I am assuming they do mod capacity as initial capacity + current lvl to save space. They may also save space with Riven mods by having all effect strengths in the database, which would make Riven mods worth 112 bits. They could also have capacity, polarity, current lvl and max lvl as int4, as that would save space and all those variables do not go above 15.

    Just thought I would give some insight into how much space these mods take.

    Int4 = number 0-15 that takes 4 bits.

    Int8 = number 0-255 that takes 8 bits.

    Int16 = number 0-65024 that takes 16 bits.

    A bit can only be 0 or 1. 8 bits = 1 byte.

  11. Some people believe FashionFrame is end game, I believe that FormaFrame is. The problem with trying to potato and forma all the things is that all the weapons from the dojo require forma to build. If that is not enough, if a player has not been active since the game came out, it wiil be difficult to keep up with all the additions in the updates. The 24 hr Forma wait is the worst for me, but the fissure system makes it boring to collect bps now. I have no bps, so I tend to spend plat on the packs now. Bought and used 100+ over the weekend.

  12. Specters of the Fail. The relic system makes ducat and forma bps tedious and boring. It also made it so that the prime parts are worthless in platinum, which makes me stay away from trade even more than I used to. Only "reliable" ways to make plat now is either paying for it or doing the Trials. Trials are now difficult for me as all my regular players are now playing other games since the above update came out.

  13. How about making Limbo's abilities to overpower nullifier batteries as the lore can be that they use similar spaces, but Limbo has better control over it. Would make Limbo a great frame in Corpus and Corrupted missions.

  14. 1. Yes

    2. I used to do them regularly with a group, but they have now left Warframe. Would like to go back to doing all 3 every day again.

    3. The initial hurdle of knowledge of the mechanics and most players not having at least one meta build even after MR 12. Before my first attempt at LoR, I made sure I had most of the available Warframes to ensure I could fill a role in the team. I originally played as the blinding Mirage, but have also been EV Trinity, Loki or Volt for bomb carrying, and recently have been NYC and Rhino for their CC abilities. Most players in Warframe refuse to fill a role on a team and prefer to one-man everything, which is the opposite of what needs to happen in Trials. Some people also don't think Arcanes are worth the effort, but on Xbox, it seems to be the only way to get a decent amount of plat since the relic system destroyed the market for prime items. Archwing and the Injector seems to be the main turnoff for JV, but you only need 3 people with an Injector, and Archwing is much more balanced at the higher levels than on foot. Also, having just 1 Amesha can alleviate any problems with unleveled Archwing. My only problem with JV is the hitboxes on Jordas for the spores.

  15. You know what is hilarious, I would love all those rewards right now (besides the Orokin Cells). Right now, I do Fissures just enough to get another Forma BP so I can always have one being built everyday. Never had a time in the old void where I had Formas galore. Most bps I had at one time was 30, but now I never have more than 5. Two nights ago, it took me more than an hour of doing boring Fissures just to get 1 BP, and I was using the relic with 2 chances in it and going pugs to make sure I had four chances at Forma.

    Current system is not fun because when you go for Fissures, you are only going for prime parts and forma. The prime parts don't come in fast enough to be ducat fodder, and endo nor affinity cannot be farmed efficiently with the current Fissure system. Now, none of these can be done efficiently simultaneously, and it makes me feel like I am wasting time with Fissures.

  16. If I was to balance out the Sapping Ospreys, I would change the way their mines work. Instead of a pulse, it would create a beam to the player and slow their movement speed while doing half the level of the Osprey per second as damage. This would make them dangerous at high levels still, but not an instant kill like they are now in Sorties. It would also change them from an Offensive area control type to a Supportive area control type. The actual damage per second could be modified by DE, but it would still be better than the instant kills that happen to Tenno because they turned the corner into one of these mines.

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