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Posts posted by (XBOX)dude1286

  1. 1 hour ago, ljmadruga said:

    Armor scaling is the reason I don’t even bother with half the weapons in the game. Armor is the reason I never bring Mag, Saryn, or Atlas to anything over lv 50

    Mag can remove armor and uses the stripped armor as damage with one her abilities. Saryn's spores proc viral which is great against any enemy type.

    I have a bigger problem with damage scaling than armor scaling. I don't mind fighting bullet sponges as long as they can't one-shot me. Though the logarithmic type of scaling could work if implemented correctly (for both armor and damage).

  2. Give us a T3 Survival in the Void that rewards 50 x rotation number Endo, and Kuva Survival that does the same for Kuva. The rotation at 5 hours would give 3000, not including the lower rotation rewards and what the player gained by drops. Would give a great incentive to stay longer than you would think you could.

  3. Region Chat is the true end game. You have not experienced the true amazingness of what is the almighty dank Region Chat. If you cannot survive in Region Chat for hours while making people cheer at your dankness, you are not a true veteran Tenno.

  4. Companions really need improvements. Have all of the potato'd with 7 forma each and still don't use them over any sentinel. Vacuum is a big reason, while utility is the other. I hope the third room in the orbiter will be a pet Sanctuary so we can have them all out of stasis and quickly switch between them. The DNA Degradation getting an overhaul would be nice as well.

  5. Some of the raid sections are now more elaborate sections of the star map missions.

    LoR 1 - Earth Sabotage + Sabotage 2.0

    LoR 2 - Hijack with pads from area 1. First part should be added to unlock the Lech Kril boss room to introduce players to the mechanic.

    LoR 3 - Use 1 and 2 to start fighting Bay Hek.

    JV 1 - Archwing is entirely new, maybe add an AW Sabotage to Eris to introduce the mechanics. Part 2 was introduced with Nidus.

    JV 2 - Use the mechanic from previous WF section to get through a door and move an elevator up a shaft.

    JV 3 - AW part has similarities with AW in part 1. Add a Sabotage type mission to Eris to introduce the mechanic inside Jordas.

  6. All these people complaining about how using abilities is not playing the game, then why are they in the game. If you are talking about using guns only, take a fully defensively nodded Atlas onto Sedna and only use non-room clearing weapons. Have fun getting killed in 2 seconds by like 2 or 3 lancers.

  7. This sounds more like they need to add a timer to how long a player can hold onto the required item between consoles. I only have a problem with afkers in alert missions with the annoying friendship doors, having a timer on each player when they stop moving would be nice if you are the only one doing the mission and find this roadblock.

  8. I'm one of those people who have a slot for every item in the game (besides founders items, braton and lato vandal and gorgon wraith), with a potato in each of them. I've even started to forma all the things, and while doing so have had time to look at each weapon I have forma'd and said "if this weapon had a little better x, it could be so much better". Broncos with better reload speed, Vasto with more damage and supra with better ammo max and fire rate. Rivens gave me these without having to compromise for the issues I found, and it makes me want to search deeper into the inventory for some more hidden gems. I also like to trade my duplicates instead of sell them. Most of my current rivens have a disposition of 2 or higher, only 1 or 2 of them have a 1.

  9. If they could turn all the attributes of a riven into a hash and index the username and hash of a riven, speed shouldn't be issue. And if they store all the attributes into a string that gets parsed on the client side, it will also make each riven not take up a lot of space. I want more riven slots, only 60 slots with 221 unique weapons is too small for veterans who have poatoed all the things.

  10. I love using Zephyr in non-Infested Defense and Mobile Defense. Turbulence works on the objectives when they are in range and I can use Tornadoes in Mobile Defense as CC. Just have to watch for melee and fire enemies against Grinder and Sapping Ospreys against Corpus.

    I use the Oprah build for Nezha. Everyone gets a Warding Halo. Just wish I could recast when my WH is low because every time I am in the Sortie and I see < 10%, I know I'm going down. Also, companions and hostages can have WH cast on them.

    Oberon's healing ability is good enough now to work with, especially since I give out 370 Armor to everyone as well. Also use the Augment to give everyone 1 Defy every 90 seconds.

    Love using a Stasis Limbo with the Destrezza, makes him look like a true sir.

  11. I have played Warframe on both consoles, and I prefer the Xbox way of handling the abilities. Can cycle through the abilities with left and right on the D-Pad and quickly pressing RB to use the ability, or using RB + A/B/X/Y/LB to use the specified ability. When I played on PS, the second option above and the track pad were the only options, which could be clunky at best.

  12. I use the Max Range + Max Duration Stasis + Cataclysm build mostly for Sortie Defense and when I do, I ensure that everyone is either using a good melee or killing frame. I just wish they would change the way enemies go in and out of the rift on the edges of Cataclysm. Maybe make it so outside of the initial cast, an enemy has to stand within a smaller range than the current range of Cataclysm to become rifted, sowe don't get pockets of enemies stuck on the edges of Cataclysm. Also make it so that enemies that outside the bubble go outside the rift, exactly like players.

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