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Posts posted by (XBOX)dude1286

  1. If Elite Onslaught didn't require 5 kills a second at Zone 7 to keep up with efficiency drain, we probably would never have seen the meta start to revolve around Masochist Trinity. It would have stayed with Meme Strike, Saryn, Equinox and Banshee. Masochist Trinity has little use outside of ESO, as carrying levelers in Hydron requires less effort with Banshee, and resource farms in Survival prefer the meta around Atlas, Hydroid and Nekros, with two of those requiring enemies to get hit by their abilities before death. With each AoE nerf, they need to rework ESO's efficiency drain, or no one will get rotation C when there are no options of mass murder.

  2. If they were using a SQL database, all the rivens could be in the same table with user_id and riven_id being numbers, the keys to the table, and have the table be indexed on those two columns. Would be pretty fast for a player to access their rivens from the table and would be easy to move the rivens from player to player.

  3. In all seriousness though, Carrier Prime has better EHP than Wyrm Prime, and comes with with a high status shotgun that can be modded for Blast+Corrosive which will knock down enemies for you. It's attack precept also attacks most enemies close by. And it gives you more ammo.

    There are also Warframe abilities that can help defend your Sentinals from harm, such as: Nezha's Warding Halo, Zephyr's Turbulence, Gara's 2nd ability. Using those abilities on Djinn will make it work much better. Though, I do agree that Djinn should have the highest EHP when it comes to Sentinals due to the design of its precepts.

  4. I've always loved the Tenno Space Program that was involved with ragdolling. Ever since they removed it from Sonicor, I had to look for a new tool to do further research for the TSP, which finally became Wyrm Prime with Crowd Dispersion. Do not take away from the TSP, we don't have much funding.

  5. DE needs to make it so that if a player switches in the last seconds of the countdown, the other players get time added so that they can react. The player who changed in the last seconds will be locked. Would make the interface less trollish in nature.

  6. Maybe a good Rhino passive would be that when he uses an ability, enemies within a certain radius turn their focus on him. Would work well with Iron Skin's initial phase and Charge and Roar can be used to help teammates and the defense target.


    Not every passive needs to be as strong as Nidus's, but it would be nice if they were at least useful to most build options for the frame.

  7. As someone who enjoys using Cataclysm + Stasis and doesn't mind it when another Limbo does, I just wish the edges of Cataclysm worked differently. Enemies shouldn't immediately be entered into the rift when they hit the edge, but when they touch an inner edge that allows them to be inside the bubble longer, and should be removed from the rift when most of their hit box is no longer in the bubble.

  8. The only reason I kept running Plague Star was the Forma, got over 50 from that event. A true veteran player of Warframe could never have enough Forma. Although, it would be nice if silver rewarded Forma bps could be 12 hour builds that can also be built alongside the bronzes. Gold rated Forma should be either fully built or 1 hour builds.

    To the guy who said trading bps would make less people buy the 3 set, the bps still have a non-stackable 24 hour wait timer, the 3 set is only 5 plat more than rushing 3 bps and the set is instant Forma.

  9. Zephyr definitely needs her 1 and 2 reworked while her 3 his her best ability. Her 4 in its current state is great for game modes like mobile defense as I have found that using it when enemies are nearby will spawn them where they are needed. Maybe changing the tornadoes to keep enemies in place would be better than throwing them all over the place.

  10. The biggest issue is that to get everything from Onkko, the player needs to kill 300 Teralysts, which only spawn in for 50 minutes every 2.5 hours. People who can only play for a limited time look for the most efficient method possible to do this grind quicker. 

    With them working on new Eidolons, they should be harder to defeat, but also should reward the player accordingly. The Teralyst was the first Eidolon, so maybe they are fine with it being trivialized like this so they can design better Eidolons for the future.

    Also, my personal 3 man group is Trinity, Harrow and Rhino. We all have well built Lanka's that do 10k damage on crit before any buff, and we don't take much longer to defeat the Teralyst than a 4 man group with a Chroma.

  11. I think from a design standpoint, the Teralyst is a great boss. The only issue I have with it is the amount of grind to get everything form Onkko, and the Teralyst being the only way to get standing and some materials for the items in his inventory (looking at you Eidolon Shards).

  12. As a console tenno, I am seriously tired of Warframe Market being brought up by the PC crowd. Warframe Market is useless to us for reasons that have been mentioned, not counting that that section of the site is empty and out of date.

  13. I just wish I could sell unrolled rivens for 50p or less. I get duplicates for weapons and would like to get rid of them without dissolving them into endo/credits. I have an idea to improve rivens, but would be better off in its own thread and would ruin the current riven marketplace.

  14. The base stats should be around 70% of the base mod, while the set bonus should be better than the mod it replaces. I might try the Gladiator set with Inaros, but the others are entirely lack luster with the numbers in every way.

  15. It has never happened to me, but I have the Xbox One X. But the two people from my clan I play with regularly are constantly crashing, they use OG hardware. Same story as everybody else. I just pick a bounty and go fishing until they join back. No issues after the first 5 seconds that they have loaded in. I can't remember the full gamertag, but clan name is Derp Platoon and my two friend's names start with "Jr" and "Zombie".

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