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Everything posted by (PSN)Moudue

  1. I love all the wing type Ephemeras and Syandanas in the game. However, it is super annoying to have equipped because they take up so much of your screen when you're in the orbiter or in your dojo or in a relay. It is less so a problem when in a mission because it tends to become translucent while running around and the camera is a bit farther back. A good solution in my opinion would to to add a setting in the options tab or add a button in the appearance section while in the arsenal to either set an opacity for the ephemera or to just disable it altogether. That way you can be able to wear it and not have the camera be slapped in the face by your wings every so often. Let me know what y'all think of this idea and if it would be better suited in the options tab or the appearances tab and if you'd prefer an opacity slider like when messing with a sigil or just have a disable button.
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