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Posts posted by Kierlak

  1. In the past ~ 2 weeks I have been completely unable to host any mission, either public or manual invite. People are in the group when the mission launches, but once I load into the mission they never fully load in. Sometimes they load in enough for me to see their character and even be affected by things like their sentinal shield charge beam, but then after some few seconds it gives the message that they have left the group. And after the initial 3 people all leave group, it will often try and add more people to the group, and the same thing happens with them. I can join public missions just fine, I can be invited to a group just fine, and I can invite people to the dojo just fine.

    In the options screen the network analyze tool returns with "All systems nominal. UPnP detected." Nothing has changed on my PC in the last 2 weeks, nothing has changed with my ISP as far as I know, and a speedtest returns the same results it always has. I verified the WF cache just to see, and nothing changed.

    What do?

  2. Allow me to go ahead and give you the answer.

    Tempo Royale.

    That's the only fun and effective stance in the game now, that's attached to an effective weapon type. Defiled Snapdragon is ok, but it's weapon type is inferior to heavy blades.

    Final Harbinger and Atlantis Vulcan SHOULD have been able to be on that list, but Final Harbinger's 'mobility' ends up being uncontrollable flailing, and Atlantis Vulcan's weapon class is flat out underperforming.


  3. 4 hours ago, Zarremgregarrok said:

    Tricks always count if you do make a clean landing without bumps to things and drops from ledges. I takes about a second to consider the trick as clean and count the points for you.


    Tell that to my score counter after I watch half a dozen flips and spins not count for the multiplier.

  4. 2 hours ago, JCBeastie said:

    I hope this wasn't intentional,


    It's a pretty safe bet this was an intentional change. I did notice that they didn't jump right on the problem of tricks having something like a 20-30% chance to not count, thus just wasting your time. Something beneficial to players? Cripple it. Something hurting players? Eh, we'll fix that in the next mainline patch. Maybe.

    • Like 1
  5. CP is the best aura to 'set and forget'. Enemy armor causes more problems than anything else an aura can do anything about, and getting a head start on stripping it is purely beneficial.


    Running any aura besides CP, except in extremely specialized circumstances, is just the worst sort of fedora tipping hipsterism imaginable. Why even live?

  6. 3 hours ago, BL4CKN0ISE said:

    Difficulty is an actual problem(for some people). 


    "Leeching" is a fictional problem invented by people who refuse to accept how Warframe works.

    Leeching is not a problem. It is a feature. Everybody does it to some degree. How else would you level anything? Anyways, the one thing I don't understand is why people say they like to play solo to avoid leechers. The exact reason I don't care about leechers is because I often play solo, so I'm used to doing everything myself anyways. 

    The funniest part is how many people talk so negatively about leechers and they probably get carried all the time. It doesn't matter if you're trying or not. Either you're actually helping or you aren't. I was grinding the Index the other day and I just stopped and watched what was happening around me. This is why leechers don't bother me. I just run around doing everything I can do to get the job done. I guess some of you do what I did that day. You stop and watch others. I don't understand why people care so much about what others are doing. I'm only playing with you because of Tenno Affinity. Leeching is an important part of Warframe. Even if I'm carrying, I'm still leeching. Even if my teammates aren't leeching, I'm still carrying. 

    That's Warframe. 😉



    Getting carried is not the leeching we are talking about, and you know it. Leveling a bad weapon on Hydron and killing almost nothing has nothing to do with taking a Limbo on a Fortuna bounty and sitting in the rift at the gate the whole time.

    • Like 2
  7. 47 minutes ago, SirTobe said:

    Lol, are you kidding? The vast majority is not/barely playing at all due to the lack of challenge. This is a constant complain on pretty much every WF related channel. DE relies too much on attracting new players to keep their numbers up, while older players who still very much wants to play but don't have any content that matches their godly gear and skills are forgotten/ignored. I mean, keeping as many players as possible around is a win for everyone, especially in a community and game like this where newbies relies a lot on help from the experienced players to understand and get into the game. 

    And it's not about making a challenging game overall, but offering gameplay for all tiers of players. If you like low or medium difficulty, that's fine, you got plenty of missions to choose from. But what about the people who like high difficulty? Why would DE even offer us so many possibilities to achieve godly builds if there's no content to use it for? It makes no sense, and it's preventing the player base from actually growing with new players instead of just compensating for people leaving.



    Stop dangling off LifeofRio's zenistar and get out of his little echo chamber. Most of the people playing this game are muddling their way through, guessing and wiki diving to figure out whatever little issue has sprung up this week/this day/this hour. They are certainly not going "Boy, I sure do wish everything was harder," as they try and figure out wtf their 80+% status shotgun is underperforming in such an extreme way, or why their molecular prime goes like 10 feet and stops, or why that cool new +120% slash mod doesn't seem to be doing anything to their slash procs.


    This is a farming game. It will never be a skill based, challenge laden extravaganza where only the most elite gamers can survive, and everyone else dies IRL because it's just to extreme for them to handle. It will never even have a satisfactory challenging mode stuck off a corner, and for two main reasons. 1: The foundation of the game was never meant for it, and 2: The developers are simply not good enough to bend this game engine and scripting into a 'challenging' mode that doesn't suck, because the only tools they have are bigger enemy damage die in 1 shot, bullet sponge enemies take forever to kill, or annoying mechanics that make everything tedious and unfun. You would NEVER be satisfied with anything they come up with for 'challenge', because you haven't been satisfied with the things they already HAVE come up with.

  8. 1 minute ago, deothor said:

    If the game gives you tools to handle level 200 mobs, but the biggest level you can find is 80'ish, then there is some problem.


    They go all the way to 9999.


    3 minutes ago, deothor said:

    Everyone threats difficulty differently, but overall you do have to admit that when you can oneshot everything around you with no issues, then game is not really challenging, right?


    The vast majority of the playerbase isn't asking for a challenging game, now are they?

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, Quait said:

    B-but... If the game is not difficult by community standards... Are leeches really a problem? It's not like one guy can't carry the entire team. Unless, the game is difficult? Oh god I'm confused now


    The problem of leeching has nothing to do with difficulty. It's the principle of the matter. If someone asks me to help them with something they are having trouble with, sure. Try to not die and I'll kill it/bring a Nekros so you get more of it/bring an Oberon so you have way less trouble with incoming damage, etc. You just show up in my mission and expect me to do it for you so you can get rewards for nothing without asking me first, and you can burn in hell.

    • Like 3
  10. Ballistica Prime is garbage. It's a silent weapon that does everything it can to make the fact that it's silent meaningless. It's innate multishot means it's damage is split between the bolts, which in turn means it is much more likely to not kill the target in a single instance of damage, which means that you can never count on it to keep a stealth killstreak going. The innate multishot also means it's shackled to shotgun status calculations, making it perform FAR below what the listed status percentage shows. The ghost on charge shot kill also immediately defeats the entire purpose of stealth, as it instantly aggros everything in something like 30 meters, AND doesn't even stick around long enough to mean anything. A large percentage of the time it just spawns, aggros everything, and then takes cover for the rest of it's 7 second lifespan.


    The Rakta Ballistica isn't amazing either, but at least it's charge shot doesn't sabotage you, and the proc gives energy.

  11. On 2018-11-27 at 4:49 PM, Unholy_Ghost said:

    Warframe doesnt need to be nerfed, it needs to be nuked!

    Remove multishoot mods from the game, a cheap mechanic to carry double damage with you at all times no matter the damage output of your weapon.

    All damage mods need to reduced to 50%, including rivens!

    All weak mods need to be brought up to the 50% rank.

    Corrupt mods need to be optimized for 100% gains vs -50% losses not the percentage have today, all gains and no losses...

    Mana rechargables need to be removed from the game.

    And factions need to be better optimized and distinct.


    - Infested should have 3x more hp, no armor & no shields, very fast regen if not firred upon and atack you in horde style. They should also receive full damge from slalsh atacks and the elements they are weak against, all other damage types(physical & elemental) should get a 80% damage reduction.

    - Grineer should have 4x more armor, no shields & low-medium hp, very fast ranged atacks and basic team assaults skills. They should receive full damage only from puncture damage and the elements they are weak against, all other damage types should get a 80% damage reduction.

    - Corpus should have 2x protoshields, nor armor & low-medium hp and shields regen verry fast when not firred upon, fast & hard hitting ranged atacks with basic team assaults skills for the crewmen and horde atack style for the MOAs. They should receive full damage from impact and the elemets they are weak against, all other damage types should get a 80% damage reduction.


    You guys won't agree but this is what warframe should have been, challenging & fun gameplay with a little bit of tactics involved. Not this diablo horde, GodModAlwaysOn, NoDeathPenalty, weapons with 1000% damage mods type of game.


    Go play a different game. Seriously.

  12. 1 hour ago, ArkThanatos said:

    well let me be blunt, you are one of those people who would get stuck in a dark souls tutorial because it presents a slight challenge. and we might not be the majority, but least we arent afraid of a challenge or failure. 
    life is nothing without a challenge, a game without a challenge will die. might not be this yr. night not be for 5 more. but this game will not stand a test of time with out a challenge. unless more and more people become soft and feeble who run from a challenge or anything slightly difficult. 


    When I want challenge, I go play a game designed for it from the start. I don't pretend to want a challenge in space ninja rice harvesting simulator, and then cheese it to death with ancient healers, zenistars, and zarr spam.

  13. 23 hours ago, ArkThanatos said:

    Dear Bitesizers
    your solution of "artificial Difficulty" is NOT only Stupid but adding to the already LARGE amounts of difficulty artificial difficulty that this game is plagues with.
    we are ALREADY gimped in this game because of the Bitesize community, that is overly #*!%ing selfish, consists of casual players who Object to anything that might take some form of skill to do. and ANY #*!%ING TIME! that a mention of something for endgame\endurance community has been brought up, you all push back like a bunch of selfish jerks.
    we look for difficult content and would like a bit of compensation for our time. you piss off as soon as the bell rings. out the door thru the gate and into the sunset. YET you believe we should be only be awarded the same crap as you. this is like being a part time worker wanting only 3 5hr shifts  a week but getting paid the same as a 5 day 39hr week employee. 
    IF you dont want to do the time, then dont, but you lot have been spoon fed and spoilt. yet the endurance community has been given very very few things from the Devs, Nidus being about the best thing we got. 

    telling people who want a challenge and better rewards and actively seeking it out (in a game you have to love a whole lot to do this in) to artificially gimp them selves, do shorter runs and that we should not be given ANYTHING more than you is not only a complete $&*^ move but also divides a already dividing community. how about you lot already have been give the larges portion of the #*!%ing game, you have had every #*!%ing *@##$ an moan tended too... LIKE FORTUNA DIFFICULTY! That was you lot, NOT the endurance community. 

    there are people saying "oh its because certain people bring certain frames to get to max level... " YEAH takes better part of 15 hrs to get there.. these people deserve a #*!%ing medal and a spot on the leader boards. they not only actively went to the extreme and done everything you couldn't, but had the patients to deal with the S#&$ rewards, go the mile and do something many people can't. 

    any time scaling rewards comes up, bitesizers push back, there is always pushback becase a very #*!%ing select few people go to the extreme, and you dont want them to get more than you. 
    if you ran a marathon and finished 50 minutes after 1st place, are you going to demand you get 1st prize ?. are you going to *@##$ moan and pushback because the skilled talented and people who put in the work can do more than you could ??. sit on that an think about it. if you are too ignorant to accept the people who do the long runs deserve more. than hope you watch lazy #*!%s at your work get paid more than you for less hrs. 


    Let me be blunt. We 'bitesizers' outnumber you on a scale your mind cannot comprehend. This is our game. DE knows this is our game because DE made this our game. DE is never going to give you anything, which is very good, because you deserve less than nothing. You and your tiny little band of fake tryhards wander into what is one of the most intentionally easy games on the planet and start wanting the game changed for you so you can cosplay as a big fish in a small pond. Not happening.


    Get frustrated, leave the game, and take LifeofRio with you. None of you will be missed.

  14. On 2018-12-01 at 6:01 PM, Proteo said:

    They spawn at 50 meters from  the call point. And I think that they have 50 meters smell "distance". Also its seems that you scent is a like a wall because if you move perpendicular to the wind direction, they still can sense you. Another thing that I can not understand is the "alarming" nature of the rifle. Sure, we can get the "Good Capture" but is not the same as a complete perfect one.


    Yes, that seems to be a pretty good descriptor of how scent works for them. I have been WAY to the side of the kubrodon, and still had them smell me. The best stopgap I have been able to come up with, and it's nowhere near 100%, is to instantly swap off the lure the moment it stops, drop to operator and hit at least 3 dashes (with increased speed from the unbound) to the side and recall the frame as fast as humanly possible. Slightly more than half the time that will let me get the dog without it smelling me if it spawned downwind of me.

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